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cube question cube question

03-11-2013 , 07:22 AM
Again apologizing for my prominence, but i suppose my forum mates are doing a lot of study. I am curious about the following.
We know that the more skillful player is inclined to double and take sooner, because of the implied odds he gains by the mistakes of the opponent.
But in races there is no skill involved, and in matches the skillful player should tend to double and take later to reduce the opportunity for the less skillfulplayer to win double points, so that the number of non-racing games in a match increase. And for the less skillfulplayer it is the other way round.
It seems to me that in moneygames there should be just normal cube action.

I hope i will get some feedback on this train of thought.
cube question Quote
03-11-2013 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by yogiman
Again apologizing for my prominence, but i suppose my forum mates are doing a lot of study. I am curious about the following.
We know that the more skillful player is inclined to double and take sooner, because of the implied odds he gains by the mistakes of the opponent.
But in races there is no skill involved, and in matches the skillful player should tend to double and take later to reduce the opportunity for the less skillfulplayer to win double points, so that the number of non-racing games in a match increase. And for the less skillfulplayer it is the other way round.
It seems to me that in moneygames there should be just normal cube action.

I hope i will get some feedback on this train of thought.
Just doubling at the theoretically correct time is a pretty strong strategy. Look how well the bots do with it.
cube question Quote
03-11-2013 , 11:03 AM
Another thing i forget to mention is that the morale of a lot of "upperdogs" is to a certain degree undermined against an underdog. On the other hand the underdog gets in very good spirits when he wins multiple points. And unlike playing against a bot, psychology is a big factor in games.

Last edited by yogiman; 03-11-2013 at 11:11 AM.
cube question Quote
03-12-2013 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by yogiman
Another thing i forget to mention is that the morale of a lot of "upperdogs" is to a certain degree undermined against an underdog. On the other hand the underdog gets in very good spirits when he wins multiple points. And unlike playing against a bot, psychology is a big factor in games.
It's not at all clear why this matters. Do you think happier players play better? Do you think they play worse? Do you unhappy players do the opposite?

Psychology is not the factor that you seem to think it is. Certainly, you would like your opponent to be in a mental state of mind that would increase his errors, but it's unlikely that you can make the calculated decision to commit an error with the foreknowledge that your error is smaller than the future errors you will induce.
cube question Quote
03-12-2013 , 07:19 AM
You could rightly claim that i reveal something about myself. And honesty should be rewarded. It is a fact that when people are positive and relaxed, their thinking will be clearer than when they are agitated. In some severe form it is called being on tilt, or steaming.
At the same time i am realizing now that this was the strategy i used in my early days against superior players. Most of them were averse from losing against a beginner, so when i doubled with some bravoure, they often passed much to early.
The real reason of this question is that i have a fosterchild named -fresh pipcount- downstairs, and like most parents want their child to stand out (though questionable from an educational perspective ), so do i.
At the end of addendum II i propose to add 1 in order to get a whole number. I was considering to let the choice of +1 or -1 hinge on the circumstances.
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