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Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?)

06-21-2013 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Your protest has no bearing on anything in my post. Other than that, you have now imposed yet another limitation on what constitutes art.

Let's summarize so far:
1.) Art must be made instinctively.
2.) Art can not contain elements of technical analysis or reductionism
3.) An art piece has one correct interpretation, always determined by the author
4.) Art can only come in forms that can not be reproduced by others
5.) Art must be admiring something

Might I suggest that these instructions come with checklist and procedural approval before starting the instinctive process?
You have misunderstood what I have posted and instead of trying to understand it you wilfully misinterpret my views.

"Don't throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you."

Matthew 7:6
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-21-2013 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Might I suggest that these instructions come with checklist and procedural approval before starting the instinctive process?
I imagine some centralised Art Bureau where you fill in a mound of forms in triplicate to be issued your Artistic License.
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06-21-2013 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
I imagine some centralised Art Bureau where you fill in a mound of forms in triplicate to be issued your Artistic License.

You can do a course in Art Appreciation. There's a difference between knowing what you're on about and not knowing what you're on about. It's what people go to college for.
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-21-2013 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
You have misunderstood what I have posted and instead of trying to understand it you wilfully misinterpret my views.

"Don't throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you."

Matthew 7:6
I might be putting it a bit more bluntly, but your general usage of strong language and bombasticism makes that fairly fitting. Your general tone of debate on this is generally that people who differ in opinion must be wrong.

Anyway, here are your relevant quotes on this thus far:

Art is not about craftmanship at all...
The artist determines the vision...
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
Art is not about craftsmanship or draughtsmanship at all. Many modern artists don't physically produce their art they get others to do it for them. Art is about expressing ideas and visions. That's where the value of it lies.

Going back to your earlier post that is why no value Should be attached to random splodges on canvas unless randomness as a concept is part of the intention of the vision being put forward by the artist.
Only the artist or experts can interpret a piece of art
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
The artist generally has something in mind when he's doing it but if he's dead or a bit thick then there are respected experts who explain it to us.

Thinking rigorously and logically can not create art...
Art must be admiring something...
Art must be made instinctively...
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
The scientific mindset militates against the artistic one. The one wants to admire a butterfly the other wants to pull its wings off. It's not impossible to be very creative artistically and very scientific but few possess the flexibility of mind to achieve this. The creative process is about instinct and letting go. The scientific one is about thinking rigorously in a logical manner.
Amateurs can't be artists...
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
That's where you are wrong. That's how I know Feynmann hasn't got it. I just saw his paintings and drawings and they were amateurish.
On reproduction...
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
The art is in the vision not in the craft which can be reproduced by millions of people.

As they say... always take care when debating social scientists, they'll reference anything.
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06-21-2013 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
Are you willing to consider that you find them compelling only because you want to believe in the christian god?

Then you perhaps can appreciate my view that one of the side effects that some religion views can have on some people (have to qualify this all over the place or be accused of hyperbole) is that it stifles wonder, and possibly from that, has a detrimental effect on our progress as a species. The extent to which that exists and is in effect is open to debate. That it exists, isn't IMO.

And of course there are religions that deliberately stifle the wrong kind of wonder by removing influences that might cause it. Brian Cox couldn't exist in cultures that exist on our planet right now, not 2000 years ago when such behaviour could be explained away as justified ignorance.
To your first point:
I am very willing to consider this. Escalation of commitment is something to be wary of. I can only do my best to be objective when vetting my own beliefs. One is always going to be bias I suppose to some degree. I don't think believing in the Christian God is especially convenient though. I think I believe because it makes the most sense to me, not because of convenience or some emotional need for it to be true.

I am not sure if religion is the cause of people losing that sense of wonder. I think you have more of an issue with religion in general (rightly or wrongly). I am not a fan of organized religion myself. Even Christianity gets on my nerves often. Nevertheless, I still think the primary teachings are true
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-21-2013 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
I might be putting it a bit more bluntly, but your general usage of strong language and bombasticism makes that fairly fitting. Your general tone of debate on this is generally that people who differ in opinion must be wrong.

Anyway, here are your relevant quotes on this thus far:

Art is not about craftmanship at all...
The artist determines the vision...

Only the artist or experts can interpret a piece of art

Thinking rigorously and logically can not create art...
Art must be admiring something...
Art must be made instinctively...

Amateurs can't be artists...

On reproduction...

As they say... always take care when debating social scientists, they'll reference anything.
You have thrown out the baby with the bathwater by not reading the posts in the right way (maybe your social science training makes this difficult). Firstly on "bombast" I explained to you earlier that big ideas have to expressed cogently and without caveat otherwise they lose all their effect. I gave something Marx said as an example of this.

A craftsman with no artistic vision is not an artist. What's your problem with that ?

If you don't know anything about art you may not understand it. If it's difficult art then only a few will understand it.

"Thinking rigorously and logically can not create art...
Art must be admiring something...
Art must be made instinctively..."

You have misquoted and/or misapplied what was said out of context. You obviously have difficulty grasping an idea which is quite easy for most people eg people often ask of children "Is he good at science or art ?"

Amateurs by definition cannot get much money/any money for their works. Feynmann falls into this category.
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-21-2013 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
You obviously have difficulty grasping an idea which is quite easy for most people eg people often ask of children "Is he good at science or art ?"
I have never heard anyone ask this.
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-21-2013 , 02:30 PM
*edit* Removed to reduce noise.

Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
Amateurs by definition cannot get much money/any money for their works. Feynmann falls into this category.
So now we have yet another limitation on what constitutes art. It has to be able to make money?

Last edited by tame_deuces; 06-21-2013 at 02:37 PM.
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-21-2013 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
I have never heard anyone ask this.
I forgot to reply to that one. I have to agree, I have never heard anyone pose that question.
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-21-2013 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
I forgot to reply to that one. I have to agree, I have never heard anyone pose that question.
I, as well, have never heard anyone pose that question.
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-21-2013 , 03:21 PM
I guess that's his way of phrasing a common question regarding kids about whether they're academic or creative. I often hear parents boast about how their clearly non-academic kid is 'so creative'.

Just thought I'd throw that in there to help you out.
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-21-2013 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by LEMONZEST
To your first point:
I am very willing to consider this. Escalation of commitment is something to be wary of. I can only do my best to be objective when vetting my own beliefs. One is always going to be bias I suppose to some degree. I don't think believing in the Christian God is especially convenient though. I think I believe because it makes the most sense to me, not because of convenience or some emotional need for it to be true.

I am not sure if religion is the cause of people losing that sense of wonder. I think you have more of an issue with religion in general (rightly or wrongly). I am not a fan of organized religion myself. Even Christianity gets on my nerves often. Nevertheless, I still think the primary teachings are true
I may be have been a little ambiguous in my wording. I take wonder to include curiosity, in fact I think it's a vital component in wonder, and I think religion can stifle that curiosity with goddidit.
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-21-2013 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
I may be have been a little ambiguous in my wording. I take wonder to include curiosity, in fact I think it's a vital component in wonder, and I think religion can stifle that curiosity with goddidit.
I wish it was not that way, but from experience that is often true.
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-21-2013 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
I forgot to reply to that one. I have to agree, I have never heard anyone pose that question.
It gets posed as a choice at school. Kids who want to do science take certain options and those who want to do the arts take others.
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-21-2013 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
It gets posed as a choice at school. Kids who want to do science take certain options and those who want to do the arts take others.
and all those kids who do both? Just ignore them.
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-21-2013 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
and all those kids who do both? Just ignore them.
You can't do both if you want to get to university on a science course unless you do extra subjects (which is very rare).
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-21-2013 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
*edit* Removed to reduce noise.

So now we have yet another limitation on what constitutes art. It has to be able to make money?
Even Feynmann didn't claim to be an artist ! He sold very few of his pictures under a pseudonym.
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-21-2013 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
It gets posed as a choice at school. Kids who want to do science take certain options and those who want to do the arts take others.
Those are really the 2 choices? The UK sounds like a very messed up place if this is true and you're not stretching things a bit.
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-21-2013 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Those are really the 2 choices? The UK sounds like a very messed up place if this is true and you're not stretching things a bit.
How so ? You need quite a lot of Maths to do subjects like Physics or Engineering at university and most students only take three subjects at advanced level.
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-21-2013 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
Even Feynmann didn't claim to be an artist ! He sold very few of his pictures under a pseudonym.
So an artist has to sell his works?
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-21-2013 , 07:01 PM
That was some fast backpedaling, from 'what a child is good at' to what subjects are prerequisites for specific university level studies, restrictions that if they even exist, they come from the university, not the student being incapable.

It wouldn't even happen if there wasn't such specialization at UK's secondary level education.
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-21-2013 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by BeaucoupFish
That was some fast backpedaling, from 'what a child is good at'
Children are chanelled into the areas they are good at. They might not even be able to take some subjects unless they achieve the grades.
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-21-2013 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Those are really the 2 choices? The UK sounds like a very messed up place if this is true and you're not stretching things a bit.
It's not nearly as clear cut as Cwocwoc makes out.

In the UK the first set of qualifications are GCSE's which are taken age 15-16. I can only speak from my own experience, but I took 8-9 of these, with English Lit, English Language, Maths, and 'Double' Science being mandatory, my options were French (think you HAD to pick one language but not 100% sure), German, History and Music. You can then leave school, or take A-Levels.

A-Levels are taken ages 17-18, and you do 3 or 4 subjects of your own choice.

To go on a do a science degree at my university you need 2 'A'-'B' grades at GCSE in English and Maths, one A grade A-Level in either Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science (or Computing), Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology plus 2 other A-Levels at the 'A' grade. So there's nothing to stop someone doing something like Biology + Music + Philosophy and doing a science degree at a good uni in the UK, as long as your grades are good.

tl;dr it's not exactly like you have to pick either science or humanities, but your choice of degree may constrain your choices at A-Level somewhat.
Yawn-Off: Atheism Vs Theism - LC(?) Quote
06-22-2013 , 06:21 AM
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
Children are chanelled into the areas they are good at. They might not even be able to take some subjects unless they achieve the grades.
Pro-parenting tips from Cwocwoc: if your child is bad at math, no worries, if they're good at finger-painting just 'channel' them into that.
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06-23-2013 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by zumby
It's not nearly as clear cut as Cwocwoc makes out.
It is quite clear-cut if you want to do a traditional science subject like Physics. Mathematics is also mandatory for that (two separate Maths "A" levels would be even better). For those who are taking three "A" levels this doesn't leave much choice. Throw in that it is impossible to make some subject choices due to timetable clashes and that makes it pretty clear-cut.
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