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William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo!

12-15-2010 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by la6ki
They had to explicitly disagree with the "two contentions" of Craig in the beginning (if there is no god, there is no purpose, if there is god, there is purpose). While the former may be true, the latter is very far from obvious. What if there is a god who doesn't care about humans and didn't create them with immortal souls and who didn't create any special purpose for them, but rather created a universe and didn't interfere with it from then on? Still everything ends after you die. I think they had to call him out on that immediately (especially given that almost all the arguments Craig gave for the existence of God were deistic, not theistic, let alone Christian).
I watched up to Part 12, so maybe there was more on this later. WLC kept switching back and forth from deistic to the Biblical God as if nobody would notice. There was a portion where he uses the word God, and God only. Then a minute or two later he adds in the phrase Biblical before God.

The whole time I was watching it I was thinking to myself about a God who had "set it and forget it". Then at the end of the arguement he adds in Biblical God. Well that just changed everything.

To be fair though, WLC is a Christian apologist, so maybe he thinks the Biblical part is assumed.
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-15-2010 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
I watched the whole debate and I don't think neither side did a good job in presenting their position. This may be due to the silly format they chose.
Totally agree, the format was painfully bad. Both sides were sub-par.
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-15-2010 , 05:37 PM
Finally finished. I agree that the format was terrible. But I was generally entertained, I just don't think there was too much that anyone will get out of it. I found the debate to be wonderfully ironic though.
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-15-2010 , 06:03 PM
lol This entire debate is so comical... not the arguments or anything, just the entire format of it. The boxing ring, the chairs on different sides, Michio Kaku randomly sitting on some steps above everybody, the mixture of Spanish and English, etc.
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-15-2010 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by la6ki
What he means is that this question phrased like that implies an answer necessarily exists. How would you answer me if I asked you "Why is your pet elf scratching your neck every day?" You say that you don't have a pet elf, but I keep insisting that you should answer me why your pet elf is scratching your neck on a regular basis.

The same thing happens with certain religious questions. "Why are we here?" (meaning something like "why have we been sent to earth?") Well, we weren't sent for a purpose, we "are" here because of evolution through natural selection and we have been born after our parents have engaged in sexual intercourse. This is the "how" and "why" question distinction that Dawkins was talking about. We explain the mechanisms (how), not the "purpose" of things (why). That's the reason "why" question don't make sense, hence they are silly.

The problem is with the phrasing. Religious people ask "why" questions as if it is obvious that everything has a purpose and we should be able to answer what the purpose of something is. But if it doesn't have an objective purpose, the why question is simply not relevant.
I think the why questions are relevant, they're just a different kind of question - one we will rarely (if ever) know the answer to in my view. I don't think the correct scientific response is to declare these questions silly or valueless - I think the correct response is to ensure that the answers to why questions don't transform into the answers to how questions by stealth (God made the world, therefore evolution doesnt happen). One further problem with religious questions is you can't really stipulate what the answer has to look like - by ruling out an error-checking process you lose the ability to declare some particular answer invalid. Science does allow us to evaluate different, competing answers - but also places more constraints on our own answers.

To continue your analogy, I think "I don't have a pet elf" is a fine answer to your why question. If someone insists I do they've now moved from religious claims/questions to scientific ones. (Though I'm sure they'll shift back when I ask them where it is and why I can't see it).
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-15-2010 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
He almost had me on it for a moment.

For those that won't listen, the gist is (assuming I remember correctly from just a couple of hours ago):

1. Evil is acting in a way counter to how things ought to be.
2. If there's a way things ought to be, that implies a purpose to existence.
3. If there's a purpose to the universe, then God exists (he expanded on this point earlier or later or something).

Since evil exists, we have 1, 2, and 3 and so God exists. Of course, 1 and 3 aren't as clear-cut as he'd like (I'll grant him 2), but he did at least make it sound nice.
For arguments sake, let's assume that this is sound logic. How does one make the leap that God = the Christian God? That's what I don't understand about any theists argument for the existence of God. There are sooo many possibilities of what "God" could be if in fact one does indeed exist.
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-15-2010 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Snafu'd
For arguments sake, let's assume that this is sound logic. How does one make the leap that God = the Christian God? That's what I don't understand about any theists argument for the existence of God. There are sooo many possibilities of what "God" could be if in fact one does indeed exist.
the arguments of their god over any others is not all that compelling to anyone who doesn't already follow that god.

This is why we atheists constantly scratch our head with theists propose reasons for their beliefs that just as easily justify the many religions/gods they don't follow.
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-15-2010 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Weatherhead03
I watched up to Part 12, so maybe there was more on this later. WLC kept switching back and forth from deistic to the Biblical God as if nobody would notice. There was a portion where he uses the word God, and God only. Then a minute or two later he adds in the phrase Biblical before God.

The whole time I was watching it I was thinking to myself about a God who had "set it and forget it". Then at the end of the arguement he adds in Biblical God. Well that just changed everything.

To be fair though, WLC is a Christian apologist, so maybe he thinks the Biblical part is assumed.
If he thinks it is assumes, he is wrong because the arguments he was presenting were for god in general, not for the Christian god. But he uses all kinds of fallacies when talking all the time, so it's not surprising at all.
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-15-2010 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Thanks for the links. I will take a look when I get a chance.

Those two debates should be very interesting. I am mostly intrigued by the Krauss debate. I think that debate should be very telling of where both the theist and atheist really stands on the KCA. There will be no hiding for either Craig or Krauss in that debate.
That's what I thought would happen with Ayala but he completely dropped the ball. I think Harris will fixate on the Inquisition and the Crusades and won't respond in any way to Craig's answer to that charge. Krauss is unlikely to understand any of the philosophical arguments and I don't expect him to prepare. Rack up 2 more easy ones for Craig.

Notice that Dawkins didn't respond at all when Craig totally ripped his statement that why questions are silly. That statement by Dawkins is so ridiculous on so many levels it's hard to even express. I've come to view these debates as mostly entertainment.
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-15-2010 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by bunny
I think the why questions are relevant, they're just a different kind of question - one we will rarely (if ever) know the answer to in my view. I don't think the correct scientific response is to declare these questions silly or valueless - I think the correct response is to ensure that the answers to why questions don't transform into the answers to how questions by stealth (God made the world, therefore evolution doesnt happen). One further problem with religious questions is you can't really stipulate what the answer has to look like - by ruling out an error-checking process you lose the ability to declare some particular answer invalid. Science does allow us to evaluate different, competing answers - but also places more constraints on our own answers.

To continue your analogy, I think "I don't have a pet elf" is a fine answer to your why question. If someone insists I do they've now moved from religious claims/questions to scientific ones. (Though I'm sure they'll shift back when I ask them where it is and why I can't see it).
Well, then the exact same answer could be given to the religious "why" questions. "Why are we here?" - "There is no reason why we are here". If the theist keeps insisting, then he is asserting that there is, in fact, a purpose, we just don't know it. Well, by the same token, I can keep insisting that you do actually have a pet elf, you just don't know about it.
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-15-2010 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by la6ki
Well, then the exact same answer could be given to the religious "why" questions. "Why are we here?" - "There is no reason why we are here". If the theist keeps insisting, then he is asserting that there is, in fact, a purpose, we just don't know it. Well, by the same token, I can keep insisting that you do actually have a pet elf, you just don't know about it.
Yeah I know. I think "There is no reason why we are here" is a perfectly fine answer.
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-15-2010 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Snafu'd
For arguments sake, let's assume that this is sound logic. How does one make the leap that God = the Christian God? That's what I don't understand about any theists argument for the existence of God. There are sooo many possibilities of what "God" could be if in fact one does indeed exist.
The topic of the debate was whether or not the universe has a purpose, not the existence of the specifically Christian God. Craig has tons of material of why we go past a bare theistic God to the God of the Bible, he just didn't present it here. Check out his website or his books.
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-15-2010 , 07:18 PM
Off of Craig's recap of the debate, his encounter with Dawkins. I would have loved to have seen this, lol.

We were then taken by bus to a second reception back at the hotel. As I stood there, talking with other conference presenters, I saw Richard Dawkins come in. When he drew near, I extended my hand and introduced myself. I remarked, “I’m surprised to see that you’re on the panel.”

“And why not?” he replied.

“Well,” I said, “You’ve always refused to debate me.”

His tone suddenly became icy cold. “I don’t consider this to be a debate with you. The Mexicans invited me to participate, and I accepted.” At that, he turned away.

“Well, I hope we have a good discussion,” I said.

“I very much doubt it,” he retorted and walked off.
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-15-2010 , 07:25 PM
sounds like a dick...
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-15-2010 , 07:38 PM
From NotReady's link:

Originally Posted by WLC
(2) Scientism. The unspoken assumption throughout the conference was that science, and science alone, is the way to truth and knowledge. It’s not just that religious knowledge was excluded. Rather any and every question, even questions that are properly philosophical, was considered only insofar as it could be addressed scientifically. Apart from our debate, no one even questioned this unspoken scientism. So when Dawkins claimed that we should not believe anything except on the basis of (scientific) evidence, no one seemed to notice that his position was self-defeating, since the claim that we should believe only what can be scientifically proven cannot itself be scientifically proven! At this conference, as in Hawking and Mlodinow’s The Grand Design, scientists were taken to be “the torchbearers of discovery in our quest for knowledge.”
Does anyone else get the feeling he's just going through the motions now? I mean, comparing "religious knowledge" to scientific knowledge? Is there even one uncontentious example of a true fact that humanity has obtained from religion? One example? Anybody?

I'll easily spend most of my life just trying to get a deep grasp on on the facts known about several complex variables. That's one sub-field of a sub-field of a single scientific discipline: plenty of facts to occupy your life.

How can anyone compare these categories with a straight face?
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-15-2010 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Off of Craig's recap of the debate, his encounter with Dawkins. I would have loved to have seen this, lol.
lol, Dawkins is an ass but I really like "his tone suddenly became icy cold." Well yeah, you just kinda called him a pussy, so there's that.
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-15-2010 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Subfallen
From NotReady's link:

Does anyone else get the feeling he's just going through the motions now? I mean, comparing "religious knowledge" to scientific knowledge? Is there even one uncontentious example of a true fact that humanity has obtained from religion? One example? Anybody?

I'll easily spend most of my life just trying to get a deep grasp on on the facts known about several complex variables. That's one sub-field of a sub-field of a single scientific discipline: plenty of facts to occupy your life.

How can anyone compare these categories with a straight face?
When you find all those facts what will you do with them?
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-15-2010 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
lol, Dawkins is an ass but I really like "his tone suddenly became icy cold." Well yeah, you just kinda called him a pussy, so there's that.
lol, yeah Craig was definitely taking a shot at him with that comment.
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-15-2010 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by thirddan
sounds like a dick...
lol, which one?
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-15-2010 , 08:40 PM
dawkins mainly...but WLC definitely has his moments...
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-16-2010 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by thirddan
dawkins mainly...but WLC definitely has his moments...
Yeah totally. You know I love WLC, but he definitely can come off really arrogant. I don't think that he realizes that a lot of what he says is really condescending.

I just think that would have been a really funny encounter to see.
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-16-2010 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Yeah totally. You know I love WLC, but he definitely can come off really arrogant. I don't think that he realizes that a lot of what he says is really condescending.
CAN come off really arrogant? I'd be hard pressed to find someone else so dripping with arrogance and condescension, unless maybe I can dig up William F. Buckley.
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-16-2010 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by NotReady
When you find all those facts what will you do with them?
My main motivation in studying math is to hopefully become sophisticated enough to interest the sort of people I find interesting. (For better or worse, this is a rather small group.)

The point of my post: religion has not provided humanity with even one (1) uncontentious fact, whereas science has generated essentially every known truth. Hence the inanity of Craig's comparison.
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-16-2010 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by gskowal
Same nonsense from Craig... ehhhh... these debates are coming very boring...

Debates are not meant to serve as entertainment. Focus on the arguments made by both sides.
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
12-16-2010 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by NotReady
When you find all those facts what will you do with them?
House, clothe and feed people?
William Craig VS Richard Dawkins Gogogogogogo! Quote
