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Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW?

07-03-2010 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by Hainesy_2KT
I'm gonna step up and give you a raw honest answer, you can take it or leave it, i'm not here to debate with you, cos we'll both agree that's pointless.

God simply doesn't work in the way you are implying in your post. Clearly, those tiny percentage of people who witnessed Jesus' miracles, if you accept any at all did, are not the norm. The rest of us have to work for it. Open our hearts, our minds, humble ourselves, and go searching for whatever the reality represented by the word God may actually be, and still, as some in this forum will attest, you may give up before you get anywhere.

You are basically being a lazy spoilt kid, spitting your dummy out of the pram and waving your arms around saying "WHERE'S GOD? I WANT GOD NOW!!! WHY DOESN'T HE SHOW HIMSELF? WA WA WA." All the while even this pathetic search is in vain because it lacks any sort of genuine belief and openness. It has self-importance written all over it.

The situation in which I believe I first experienced God involved me coming inch-close to physical death, fighting for my life for two weeks, and spending the next three or four years mentally, physically and emotionally recovering from the trauma. That is what it took, a sh*tload of suffering and humility and a life and a young person all but destroyed and being rebuilt from the ashes. I don't think I would have got there with anything less, I honestly don't.

Given your current disposition, I imagine it would take something of this nature for you to have a real honest shot at discovering the spiritual reality that lay behind all the negatives and falsehoods you and most people have come to associate with the word God.

You are treating the most serious and significant subject as if it is something trivial, you are searching without wanting to find, without believing there is a real chance you will find, and whilst ridiculing and probably hating the thing you are apparently looking for.

Even as someone who holds no belief in God, surely you can see how pathetic and pointless and therefore invalid that is?

If you're really searching, you're doing it wrong, and if you're happy being an atheist, then just get on and be one already.
Yes I been there before too. I'm not sure if you were like I was before I dealt with adversity but I was very prideful arrogant and believed in myself more than anyone or anything else. I was not humble and meek. I thought I could do it myself but you can only do it by yourself for so long. You can only live in the sense world for so long before living on flesh only exhausts you. The flesh is surely weak.

But now living in the spirtual world I have more energy and life and stamina. Things dont get to me like they use to. I can overcome anything now. I couldn't do it by myself but with gods help I can do anything.

I came to a point in my life where I had more questions than answers so much fear doubt uncertainty about where my life was going and what I was living for. I just couldn't keep living like that. I was very strong willed but in it was my greatest weakness for the strength of my inner will was used in the wrong ungodly way.

Just like in the military you must be broken down and rebuilt from the ground up, the prideful must be broken down and rebuilt up. There is no other way around it. Until you are broken down Rize you won't have the required openness and humble heart to know god your father.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-05-2010 , 07:25 PM
are ur eyes and ears ruly open though.what if good is in fact deaf and dumb and he is using sign language are u still prepared too listen?
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-05-2010 , 07:29 PM
but he did............................................ live
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-05-2010 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by Hainesy_2KT
Nigredo? Sounds racist to me.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-06-2010 , 09:55 AM
This thread is very similar to the bible in that....
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-06-2010 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Under dog
This thread is very similar to the bible in that....
Woah, do we have an honest atheist on this forum now?
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-06-2010 , 11:33 PM

Because there is no such thing as God outside of peoples faith/beliefs/hopes.

If there was why would he let the atrocities that have taken place in this world to happen?
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-07-2010 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by nuisance

Because there is no such thing as God outside of peoples faith/beliefs/hopes.

If there was why would he let the atrocities that have taken place in this world to happen?
Well, for one, eternal bliss in heaven is much sweeter having tasted pain.

This is only a problem for babies killed before their first breath. I mean, heaven is still cool and all, but they just don't have quite as much fun as the others.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-07-2010 , 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by Butcho22
Well, for one, eternal bliss in heaven is much sweeter having tasted pain.

This is only a problem for babies killed before their first breath. I mean, heaven is still cool and all, but they just don't have quite as much fun as the others.
Amazing quote, so much bull **** in 2 sentences
just amazing stuff that
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-07-2010 , 05:31 AM
Quick question for the bible bashers here...if most of mankind go to Hell, wouldnt we all be doing our children justice by not conceiving anymore?
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-07-2010 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by Under dog
Quick question for the bible bashers here...if most of mankind go to Hell, wouldnt we all be doing our children justice by not conceiving anymore?
yes (well you meant potential children, but still-yes)
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-07-2010 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by Arouet
yes (well you meant potential children, but still-yes)
Thats why i dont take religion serious any more (and i was brought up in ireland in a catholic family- one of the strictest types) its all penance and pain followed up by more of the same crap

All for what to end up in eternal hell.....lifes too short , go suck a lemon religion
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-07-2010 , 12:24 PM
i believe in miracles where ya from u sexy thing you sexy thing. the book of hot choclate the book of love
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-07-2010 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Under dog
Quick question for the bible bashers here...if most of mankind go to Hell, wouldnt we all be doing our children justice by not conceiving anymore?
No. If the biblical God existed and not many get to go to heaven then the most moral and selfless thing would be to have as many babies as you could and kill them as soon as they were born that way their souls would be guaranteed heaven.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-07-2010 , 11:58 PM
Can we honestly say anyone has turned away from the word of god who knew it?

Doesn't happen much if at all.

Can we safely say no atheist on this forum had his doubts and questions answered? Mainly because they didn't understand? It is the lack of understanding that plagues the atheist. For if he knew he would not do what he does.

Once you know god, you will always be put in a position of, even if I don't follow god and walk with him he will always exist. Theres nothing a person can do about gods existence. Only a fool would go against his word when they know what I know.

And if an atheist tries to play dumb and say how do you know something that can't be scientifically proven, I will say how do you scientifically prove what is in the heart? I would ask him if something can't be scientifically proven then does that mean that all things unable to be proven don't exist? If not then why do you choose to say so here?
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-08-2010 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by batair
No. If the biblical God existed and not many get to go to heaven then the most moral and selfless thing would be to have as many babies as you could and kill them as soon as they were born that way their souls would be guaranteed heaven.
And Christians shouldn't be bombing abortion clinics, they should be BUILDING them!
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-08-2010 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by Eman6969
Can we honestly say anyone has turned away from the word of god who knew it?

Doesn't happen much if at all.

Can we safely say no atheist on this forum had his doubts and questions answered? Mainly because they didn't understand? It is the lack of understanding that plagues the atheist. For if he knew he would not do what he does.

Once you know god, you will always be put in a position of, even if I don't follow god and walk with him he will always exist. Theres nothing a person can do about gods existence. Only a fool would go against his word when they know what I know.

And if an atheist tries to play dumb and say how do you know something that can't be scientifically proven, I will say how do you scientifically prove what is in the heart? I would ask him if something can't be scientifically proven then does that mean that all things unable to be proven don't exist? If not then why do you choose to say so here?
An atheist doesnt have doubts and questions...DUCY
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-08-2010 , 05:52 AM
Originally Posted by Under dog
An atheist doesnt have doubts and questions...DUCY
Makes you wonder why they bother turning up to RGT
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-08-2010 , 06:07 AM
Makes me wonder do people here throw around the term atheist too lightly so. Also the phrase "i know" or "heaven is"....all just thrown out there far to easy

personally i dont even call myself an atheist, why do i need a term for something i have no belief in

Everyone is an atheist except to their own religion, i dont have a religion so i dont need a term.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-08-2010 , 06:09 AM
Is anyone here worried about having "his doubts and questions answered" about the existence of the sun god?
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-08-2010 , 06:09 AM
Originally Posted by Under dog
Makes me wonder do people here throw around the term atheist too lightly so. Also the phrase "i know" or "heaven is"....all just thrown out there far to easy

personally i dont even call myself an atheist, why do i need a term for something i have no belief in
To distinguish yourself from people who do believe in it.
Everyone is an atheist except to their own religion, i dont have a religion so i dont need a term.
What if you want to refer to people who don't believe in God?
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-08-2010 , 06:38 AM
I understand the need for the word but personally i never refer to myself as an atheist in the same way i dont think of myself an a "non-jew" etc
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-08-2010 , 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by Under dog
I understand the need for the word but personally i never refer to myself as an atheist in the same way i dont think of myself an a "non-jew" etc
In a forum dedicated to religion, god and theology largely divided into two camps of theists and peoplewhoarenttheists the distinction becomes relevant. Outside of this forum I pretty much never refer to myself as a theist or Christian either - it just doesnt come up.

The latter posts dont really matter much to me - "an atheist doesnt have doubts and questions" is clearly wrong in my opinion. Maybe you can help me CY.
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
07-08-2010 , 07:22 AM
I tackled my doubts and really pushed myself to see did i truely believe everything i was spoon fed growing up.

I attended mass every sunday like all the people where i came from. My father at one stage studied to be a priest but ended up leaving early. My uncle was a priest for many years but packed it in to marry a woman. Religion was a very strong theme in my life growing up and i was educated in a school ran by priests. Fear was always a common theme behind it all, and i was lucky , for my parents generation who were also taught by Nuns and priests their daily school life sounded f****ng horrible

Gettin whipped by sticks, kneel in the corner and pray for gods forgiveness, your going to hell, just awful stuff and my parents never seem to realize the brutalness of it all, they just say Thats how it was

I started thinking why is fear used so often with religion, surely a loving god shouldnt be feared like this, but of course fear has great strength.

None of this really affected my decision making into gods existence, im just showing that it wasnt a easy come easy go decision for me

But yes, when i was a full practising catholic (attending church really was about the height of it) doubts started to sink in , and not only that but a look at religion on a global scale and a worrying concern that had religion actually caused more harm than good...just niggling thoughts but yes they were there

Then i really started reading up about it, and seeing how others felt, coming from ireland honestly i assumed all the world was afraid of their gods and was so relieved to see that its ok to say, somethings not right, its ok to feel like youve been brain washed and it takes courage to question things and then to stand by your own personal judgment

I stared to see how the big names like Dawkins spoke so openly about it (i know how people react to his name even being mentioned but i already had my mind 99% made up and he made it feel ok to feel 100%)

So having come through all of that , this is how i am, a man that feels we are here , with no big brother watchin us but here by chance in the same way i believe that santa clause isnt an alcho who can drink 3.5 billion whiskeys every december. I dont have any doubts, i have plenty of questions but no one to answer them... like how would the world be if religion never existed....
Why won't god do something incredible that will compell non-believers to believe NOW? Quote
