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Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God?

01-25-2012 , 06:41 AM
"Who other than a man ever put voice to the will of God?"

As a gnostic Christian Naturalist (not come across that one before btw) are you of the stance that the above statement supports the non-existence of God?

I would agree with the quoted statement almost entirely yet I believe in God.

Do you use the label gnostic in the loose sense from the perspective of someone who "mystically knows" or from a stricter sense ie. someone who is a fully-fledged gnostic with the belief systems etc. in place. They're an interesting bunch and oft misunderstood (vastly so) by both regular Christians and more mystical folk who enjoy using the word gnostic to seperate their views from the regular bunch.

Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-25-2012 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by Hainesy_2KT
"Who other than a man ever put voice to the will of God?"

As a gnostic Christian Naturalist (not come across that one before btw) are you of the stance that the above statement supports the non-existence of God?
What most define as God, yes.
The miracle working God who makes demands from us, yes.

Gnostic Christian is my tempermant. It basically states that all things must be questioned and judged for veracity. Naturalist is to show that the God I found, a cosmic consciousness, is quite natural. It is our next evolutionary step.

I would agree with the quoted statement almost entirely yet I believe in God.
So do I in the sense stated above. It is real.

To have a hope for a God is good. To have faith without facts is for fools.

If your belief is based on something then well and good. Let's have a look. Part of your duty would be to share your knowledge would it not?

Do you use the label gnostic in the loose sense from the perspective of someone who "mystically knows" or from a stricter sense ie. someone who is a fully-fledged gnostic with the belief systems etc. in place. They're an interesting bunch and oft misunderstood (vastly so) by both regular Christians and more mystical folk who enjoy using the word gnostic to seperate their views from the regular bunch.

Unfortunately, there are near as many Gnostic sects as Christian ones. Each must be judged by what he believes. People should also remember that Gnostics, like the Jews, did not read their scriptures literally. They were tools for discussion and seeking.

Gnostic scriptures, like all before and after, are take offs from older Egyptian and Sumerian myths.

Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-25-2012 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I think you should mind your own business more, aj.
Too close to the truth for you is it.
Nah. Your delusion is not insanity.

Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-28-2012 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
Should we not seek a new modern God who does not have the evil baggage that the current God has?
Evil is the tool used to correct the thinking that such evil actually exists.

Correct the thinking, correct the evil.
Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-29-2012 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by BigErf
Evil is the tool used to correct the thinking that such evil actually exists.
I do not understand this.

Correct the thinking, correct the evil.
This I can agree with.

Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-29-2012 , 04:18 PM
Sneezy Sleepy Doc Dopey Happy Bashful and
Grumpy Frodo Bilbo Gandalf Kermit and Big

What do i win?
Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
02-01-2012 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
God has always been a myth created by man.

This is true whether or not there is a God. If Christians could understand this, they might grow spiritually.
Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
02-02-2012 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by PingClown
This is true whether or not there is a God. If Christians could understand this, they might grow spiritually.
Let us thank God that most Christian believers do not really believe.
I think that applies to all religions.
There cannot possibly be that many stupid people in the world.

This and my personal experience tells me that most are just in it for culture and tradition.

Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
02-02-2012 , 05:52 PM
And then there's me.
Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
