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Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God?

01-21-2012 , 06:03 PM
Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God?

We are told that we will be judged at the end of our lives. Judged by a God who will torture us forever in hell if we happen to not believe properly and follow his rules. This judgement will come even as we never get full disclosure by a God who hides from us. We are as some say, to choose heaven or hell, God or Satan, without having full knowledge of the conditions.

We are to believe that bible God is our real God yet that God is arguably a genocidal son murdering God. He is more akin to Satan than what any moral God would be.

All that we have in the way of information has been written by men.

Who other than a man ever put voice to the will of God?

For peace and stability, within religions, and possibly the world, a new man must be found to represent God within the various religions. Let us thank God that man has forsaken the Christian God as a lawmaker and ignore his barbaric laws.

That being the case as all believers have ignored or scrapped the Abrahamic bible God’s laws, since they do not live by them, should believers not elect a new God as scriptures indicate is supposed to happen at end times?

God was a human invention to begin with.

Should we not seek a new modern God who does not have the evil baggage that the current God has?

Our laws are certainly better than any God’s so it seems to me that we should elect a new God based on current law and not the draconian immoral laws of the old Gods. God has always been represented by a man. We should return to that system while recognizing that God has always been a myth.

Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-22-2012 , 02:40 AM
So is this a quote or something? What is your main point in 10 words or less I am a little unclear.
Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-22-2012 , 07:10 AM
I always get confused if gia is a gnostic or an athesist
Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-22-2012 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by AlligatorBloodFTW
So is this a quote or something? What is your main point in 10 words or less I am a little unclear.
God has always been a myth created by man.

Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-22-2012 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by grumpy64
I always get confused if gia is a gnostic or an athesist
Gnostic Christian naturalist is my closest label.

The Godhead I know in a nutshell.
I was a skeptic till the age of 39.
I then had an apotheosis and later branded myself a Gnostic Christian naturalist.
Gnostic Christian because I exemplify this quote from William Blake.

“Both read the Bible day and night, But thou read'st black where I read white.”

This refers to how Gnostics tend to reverse, for moral reasons, what Christians see in the Bible. We tend to recognize the evil ways of O T God where literal Christians will see God’s killing as good. Christians are sheeple where Gnostic Christians are goats.
This perhaps why we see the use of a Jesus scapegoat as immoral, while theists like to make Jesus their beast of burden. An immoral position.

During my apotheosis, something that only lasted 5 or 6 seconds, the only things of note to happen was that my paradigm of reality was confirmed and I was chastised to think more demographically. What I found was what I call a cosmic consciousness. Not a new term but one that is a close but not exact fit.

I recognize that I have no proof. That is always the way with apotheosis.
This is also why I prefer to stick to issues of morality because no one has yet been able to prove that God is real and I have no more proof than they for the cosmic consciousness.

The cosmic consciousness is not a miracle working God. He does not interfere with us save when one of us finds it. Not a common thing from what I can see. It is a part of nature and our next evolutionary step.

I tend to have more in common with atheists who ignore what they see as my delusion because our morals are basically identical. Theist tend not to like me much as I have no respect for literalists and fundamentals and think that most Christians have tribal mentalities and poor morals.

I am rather between a rock and a hard place but this I cannot help.

I am happy to be questioned on what I believe but whether or not God exists is basically irrelevant to this world for all that he does not do, and I prefer to thrash out moral issues that can actually find an end point. The search for God is never ending when you are of the Gnostic persuasion. My apotheosis basically says that I am to discard whatever God I found, God as a set of rules that is, not idol worship, it but instead, raise my bar and seek further.

My apotheosis also showed me that God has no need for love, adoration or obedience. He has no needs. Man has dominion here on earth and is to be and is the supreme being.

Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-22-2012 , 02:41 PM
God did when he told the Apostles to listen to Jesus at the Transfiguration.
Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-22-2012 , 03:37 PM
Quote: We are told that we will be judged at the end of our lives. Judged by a God who will torture us forever in hell if we happen to not believe properly and follow his rules. This judgement will come even as we never get full disclosure by a God who hides from us. We are as some say, to choose heaven or hell, God or Satan, without having full knowledge of the conditions.-end quote

We are told that?

Do you believe everything you're told?

I don't. My intuition (or was it my spirit?) told me God isn't going to torture anybody. I think I've known it since birth for a long time in an unarticulated way.

Why the heck anyone would choose to drum "eternal torment" themes all the time to keep them separated them from God is what I don't understand.

It seems like an unhealthy fixation to me.

In the Stages of Child Faith Development Professor James W. Fowler, a developmental psychologist at Candler School of Theology, proposed seven specific stages of faith development.

Quote: During the first two years of a child's life, the stimulus and safety of their environment may contribute to an overall sense of trust and safety about the universe. Fowler proposes that these unconscious conclusions can inform their sense of the divine, and affect the transition into the next stage.

Read more: Stages of Child Faith Development |
Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-22-2012 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
God did when he told the Apostles to listen to Jesus at the Transfiguration.
You do not even know who the 12 are.
An important detail that Christianity does not care about.

Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-22-2012 , 04:25 PM
All 12 weren't present at the Transfiguration.
Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-22-2012 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
All 12 weren't present at the Transfiguration.
Name them.

Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-22-2012 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
In the Stages of Child Faith Development Professor James W. Fowler, a developmental psychologist at Candler School of Theology, proposed seven specific stages of faith development.

Quote: During the first two years of a child's life, the stimulus and safety of their environment may contribute to an overall sense of trust and safety about the universe. Fowler proposes that these unconscious conclusions can inform their sense of the divine, and affect the transition into the next stage.

Read more: Stages of Child Faith Development | [url]]
My focus is adults who think like children and like you, believe in fantasy, miracles and magic.

Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-22-2012 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
My focus is adults who think like children and like you, believe in fantasy, miracles and magic.

No, the Gospel is the reality presented by God's word.
Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-22-2012 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
No, the Gospel is the reality presented by God's word.
12 names. Still waiting.

Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-22-2012 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
12 names. Still waiting.

Not interested, thanks.
Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-22-2012 , 08:49 PM
Why do you care if he can name the 12 apostles? I mean even if he couldn't he could just google them
Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-23-2012 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by AlligatorBloodFTW
Why do you care if he can name the 12 apostles? I mean even if he couldn't he could just google them
The names of the twelve are not known.
The religion was founded by----we don't know.

Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-23-2012 , 10:40 AM
GIA Quote: Gnostic Christian naturalist is my closest label.

from Gnosticism: The Church Seduced


"The spirit of Gnosticism was at work here. As usual, it was seeking to cast up a deep impenetrable gulf between heaven and earth and particularly between God and man. This was a grievous travesty against the Word of God. It was a love letter from God held back, hidden, and not delivered. The very ones who had been entrusted to deliver the letter were as trolls at the gate. They would not let the Message through. And the ones who were supposed to receive it came away empty handed. It was a betrayal of the very people to whom the Gospel message had been sent."
Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-23-2012 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
GIA Quote: Gnostic Christian naturalist is my closest label.

from Gnosticism: The Church Seduced


"The spirit of Gnosticism was at work here. As usual, it was seeking to cast up a deep impenetrable gulf between heaven and earth and particularly between God and man. This was a grievous travesty against the Word of God. It was a love letter from God held back, hidden, and not delivered. The very ones who had been entrusted to deliver the letter were as trolls at the gate. They would not let the Message through. And the ones who were supposed to receive it came away empty handed. It was a betrayal of the very people to whom the Gospel message had been sent."
Love letter from God. How droll.

The last that was let through was the genocide of mankind.
Would you like a replay?

Oh wait, literalists and fundamentals do want a replay.

Traitors to humanity those fools.

Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-23-2012 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
Love letter from God. How droll.

The last that was let through was the genocide of mankind.
Would you like a replay?

Oh wait, literalists and fundamentals do want a replay.

Traitors to humanity those fools.

You obviously can't think.

How can a being that can resurrect you at any time be guilty of the crime of genocide?

It's your own stubborn insistence that you and you alone be right that makes you keep indicting God.

Good luck at enforcing your judgment on God. I hope it doesn't rebound on you.

There is a point where stubbornness is insanity, y'know.

A lot of people don't think this world is "all that". If the next world is a better one than death could be a promotion not the loss of everything.
Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-23-2012 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
You obviously can't think.

How can a being that can resurrect you at any time be guilty of the crime of genocide?

Do you know of many that have been resurrected.

Give phone numbers or take your delusion elsewhere.

Belief in fantasy, miracles and magic are not impressive unless you can put up.
If not, shut up.

All you are saying is that you have to believe in one fantasy to believe the next fantasy.

Grow up.

Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-23-2012 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
Do you know of many that have been resurrected.

Give phone numbers or take your delusion elsewhere.

Belief in fantasy, miracles and magic are not impressive unless you can put up.
If not, shut up.

All you are saying is that you have to believe in one fantasy to believe the next fantasy.

Grow up.

The bible names them. Lazarus was one...Jesus was another outstanding example.

But it's mostly a future promise.

You really think people should scrap such a monumental promise to satisfy your ego?

The ego can be gluttonous y'know. And gluttony is a type of mindlessness or lack of self control.

You should be careful about impacting others to satisfy your own appetite.
Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-23-2012 , 11:54 AM
Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt

Imaginary promises are just that.

Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-23-2012 , 11:55 AM
Much of religion cloaks God's truth. It is “cloaked” in a Gnostic fog. It is a party to this rebellion against God. So much of formal religion is compromised. Naturalistic man, in spite of his education, is therefore unable to judge in these matters. He is quite unable to discern the spiritual dimension to the story. - Gavin Finley, MD
Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-23-2012 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
There is a point where stubbornness is insanity, y'know.
Perhaps these are wise words. You, Splendour, give careful attention to them. Use yourself as the guinea pig to examine your stubbornness, lest insanity follows.

Originally Posted by Splendour
You should be careful about impacting others to satisfy your own appetite.
Your statement should give you, Splendour, great insight into the real reasons you post on 2p2 and what you get out of it. Examine yourself.
Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
01-23-2012 , 01:10 PM
I think you should mind your own business more, aj.
Who, other than a man, ever put voice to the will of God? Quote
