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When does Evil become Evil? When does Evil become Evil?

01-26-2009 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
This conversation is about whether or not the God of the Old Testament is morally just in what he did.
I still want to know what the animals did wrong.
When does Evil become Evil? Quote
01-26-2009 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
If I said to you that you were going to meet a mass murder you would default to "evil guy", which would be reasonable. Then I would go on to tell you that he is a mass murder in the sense that he was in an African jungle and 20 men came to rape and murder 80 children in a school and the only way that they could be stopped was for the man to kill all 20 men. And that the man knew 100% that all 20 men would participate in this act. Now where would your position lie with the man? Because this is what I am hearing you and others say,
It's not remotely that clear, it's very much interpretational. Regardless, you could probably make this stand wrt Sodom and Gomorrah alone if that were the whole context. But not for S&G, the people of the flood, the Egyptians, the Midianites and the Amalekites and the Caananites, Elisha's youths, and so on.

If the guy killed 20 people once under extremely unusual circumstances, then I might at least give him an ear. If he killed thousands of people, including babies and infants, on multiple separate occasions, and he was vague about the exact circumstances, and his justifications were often no more elaborate than "he called me bald-head" or "she gave succor to the enemy," and sometimes some of his victims were left alive (women and children) and he went back to make sure he got all of them, and he had a history of unleashing deadly biological agents onto unsuspecting populaces... then it's going to be a hard sell.

"Well you know some of those men were probably really good, but just were put in bad situations and you do not know that some of them didn't have families at home and that the man did not actually know that they were going to do that, even though he knew for a fact. I think that he probably did not know even though I have no reason to say that. So I think the guy is a big jerk, and I cannot believe that you like a guy that killed all of those innocent men. Man, what a terrible guy, just terrible, and anyone that thinks otherwise is also terrible."
Really now.

And then I tell you about another guy in the exact same situation and you say,

"Well I would have done the same thing. Good for him"
Huh? When have I ever supported anyone doing anything like genocide or mass slaughter of women and children or unleashing plagues on nations?

"Stop having a double standard, jerkface!"(*jerkface was added in for effect, may not be actual verbatim conversation)
Yeah, I'm much more likely to say "**********," myself.
When does Evil become Evil? Quote
01-26-2009 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by Justin A
This is the equivalent of shooting a person and saying it was the bullet that did the killing.
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Once again, I was not trying to transfer the accountability, but when free will was brought up I offered this as an explanation on how God could do these things without infringing on free will.

This is a very simple concept. Are you aware that I am able to infringe on others free will? Or do I have to explain that as well?
Uh, that's EXACTLY what you were trying to do.

And re-read what YOU wrote.

"I offered this as an explanation of how God could do these things without infringing on free will."

YOU just said that God did these things in your own defense on how he had angels do it, so it didn't infringe on free will.

This is something a third grader can understand, yet you cannot.

What's even more awesome is that you write condescending posts to posters that somehow can't see your oh-so-obvious, and obviously correct viewpoint.

Let me ask you something. *shudder*

Do you think these angels were able to say no to god when he sent them to kill people?
When does Evil become Evil? Quote
01-26-2009 , 10:07 PM
Do you think these angels were able to say no to god when he sent them to kill people?
It is very clear the answer is yes. DUCY?
When does Evil become Evil? Quote
01-26-2009 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
It is very clear the answer is yes. DUCY?
Originally Posted by RoundGuy
I still want to know what the animals did wrong.
When does Evil become Evil? Quote
01-26-2009 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by RoundGuy
Right, forgot about this.

I have no idea. But you can refer back to my wool/cotton analogy if you like.
When does Evil become Evil? Quote
01-26-2009 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Right, forgot about this.

I have no idea. But you can refer back to my wool/cotton analogy if you like.
Yeah, I could, but I won't. I prefer to assume you have no clue what you're talking about...

Jehovah demanded the slaughter of innocent animals. Please explain.
When does Evil become Evil? Quote
01-26-2009 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by RoundGuy
Yeah, I could, but I won't. I prefer to assume you have no clue what you're talking about...

Jehovah demanded the slaughter of innocent animals. Please explain.
lol. I do not know if you meant this as a joke, but I could not help laughing when I read it.

My point with the wool/cotton thing was that in the OT one of the rules were that the Israelites were not allowed to wear wool/cotton combo's. I found this very silly and arbitrary. I mentioned it to my mother and she explained to me that in that time there was a pagan god that in part of one of the fertility rituals or something the pagan would combine wool and cotton.

So then all of the sudden it became clear and was no longer arbitrary.

So what I am saying is that even though on face value something might seem odd or wrong, without knowing the full history we cannot make such claims.
When does Evil become Evil? Quote
01-27-2009 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
lol. I do not know if you meant this as a joke, but I could not help laughing when I read it.
I'm glad I amused you.

So what I am saying is that even though on face value something might seem odd or wrong, without knowing the full history we cannot make such claims.
So, why do you think the animals were so evil that Jehovah demanded their death?
When does Evil become Evil? Quote
01-27-2009 , 12:17 AM
So, why do you think the animals were so evil that Jehovah demanded their death?
I do not think that they were necessarily evil. But that there was a reason that in that situation it was better to kill the animals then to let them live. There were many times where God said that they could keep all of the animals. Seems on the surface that it is arbitrary, but that is where my previous comments come into play.
When does Evil become Evil? Quote
01-27-2009 , 12:37 AM
roundguy, how do you know that every single one of the animals wasn't diseased and a danger to the entire ecosystem? why would you just assume that at least one of the animals could be allowed to live without threatening life itself?
When does Evil become Evil? Quote
01-27-2009 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
There were many times where God said that they could keep all of the animals. Seems on the surface that it is arbitrary,
Yes, yes it does.

but that is where my previous comments come into play.
Sorry, if it looks like a duck.....
When does Evil become Evil? Quote
