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01-20-2012 , 12:17 PM
What’s with Protestants and Catholics and their hate of knowledge?

In the early years, the Catholics hierarchy was against the reading of scriptures. In that day, to question any dogma was often met with violence. It took Martin Luther to end Catholic monopoly of biblical interpretation yet it can be argued that he did so for political, monetary and not religious reasons. Germany was losing too much wealth to Rome and he used his theses against indulgences to split from the Catholic Church.

Since that day, the Spanish inquisition, and Catholic/Protestant policies have pushes for only the biblical interpretations that have been sanctioned by the various Church hierarchies to be accepted. IOW, they are to control your theosis or apotheosis.

Being a Gnostic Christian, I of course ignore such commands. If you are one of faith then you cannot. You must kowtow to whatever sect you belong to and believe as they believe.

Most Catholics and Protestants I talk to tell me that we are not to judge God. Strange as this condition excludes them of course, as they have judged their God to be good. The rest of us are fine if we agree and since we cannot judge God on our own, we are not allowed to judge anything but good. Judging God as evil is not allowed.

To judge, one needs knowledge first and foremost. Eden shows that God did not want Adam and Eve to have knowledge of good and evil. The early Catholic Church followed suit by burning competing gospels and killing members of other Christian sects that did not convert. Protestant sects and their hierarchies, by insisting that theosis is under their guidance only, also discourage questioning and judging and acquiring knowledge.

“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.
Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”
Martin Luther

What do the churches fear with a more intelligent population?

Are they afraid that with knowledge, people will stop believing in talking animals and other fantasies, miracles and magic and realize that their faith has no clothes?

Are so called religious folk following religions and Gods or are they following tradition and culture as this following indicates?

Is that why the various Abrahamic cults are not reconciling their doctrinal differences and not seeking knowledge and unification?

A & E were punished for seeking knowledge and becoming as Gods.
The Church punishes any that seek knowledge that does not match Church dogma. True or not.

Just how stupid does the Church want their adherents? Do they want slaves the same way their God does?

As a believer, just how big of a blinder are you willing to wear to follow your Church and God?

How much B S are you willing to eat from your Church hierarchy to maintain the delusion that you believe in an invisible miracle working absentee super God?

01-20-2012 , 12:43 PM
I am still confused by all your clone posts about Adam and you think this story actually happened or is just a story?
01-20-2012 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I am still confused by all your clone posts about Adam and you think this story actually happened or is just a story?
It is a myth that has been used for many years to not give women and Gays equality.

If Christianity went back to what the Jews believed and adopted their view, woman and Gays would be exonerated. Christians usurped the Jewish God but not the Jewish view of their own books.
Insanity or a different agenda of female suppression.

I see Eden as the number one flaw with Christian beliefs and that is why I give it importance.

01-20-2012 , 03:28 PM
Adam and Eve is pretty obviously a myth about the development of human consciousness, imo.
01-20-2012 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Hail Eris
Adam and Eve is pretty obviously a myth about the development of human consciousness, imo.
I agree.

Believers will not as then they might have to do something about the inequality of women that they have and continue to promote.

01-21-2012 , 05:32 AM
What's with this OP and his thread title?

Protestants and Catholics=all why separate the two?

Additionally, the Catholic Church has shown a lot of improvement over the years, and you fail to recognize this. For instance, one can be a Catholic and be an evolutionist. I think you will find "hate for knowledge" as you put it largely in the protestant realm, with few exceptions.
01-21-2012 , 05:45 AM
The Catholic Church is not a legitimate Christian organization, so of course they try to tell people what to think and keep knowledge from them in order to keep their (illegitimate) power.

And Catholics do not follow Christ properly. Jesus would be appalled at the Catholic church. The Gnostic Christians are the closest to following his teachings.
01-21-2012 , 05:49 AM
I always find it hilarious when theists argue about whose religion is the "real" one. It's like children fighting about whose imaginary friend is the toughest.
01-21-2012 , 06:58 AM
What's even funnier is that they're not arguing from positions of reason, merely childhood/cultural indoctrination.

Nearly all people raised Catholic stay Catholics, and defend Catholicism. Nearly all people raised Protestant stay Protestant. Similarly for Jews and Muslims. Thus it follows that their disagreements - and their belief in their own religion - have no basis in reality or reason, but come from mindlessly continuing the habits they've been indoctrinated into.
01-21-2012 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
It is a myth that has been used for many years to not give women and Gays equality.

If Christianity went back to what the Jews believed and adopted their view, woman and Gays would be exonerated. Christians usurped the Jewish God but not the Jewish view of their own books.
Insanity or a different agenda of female suppression.

I see Eden as the number one flaw with Christian beliefs and that is why I give it importance.


Do you really believe the garbage that you type? A myth to not give them equality? Oh cry me a river
01-21-2012 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by mSed84
What's with this OP and his thread title?

Protestants and Catholics=all why separate the two?

Additionally, the Catholic Church has shown a lot of improvement over the years, and you fail to recognize this. For instance, one can be a Catholic and be an evolutionist. I think you will find "hate for knowledge" as you put it largely in the protestant realm, with few exceptions.
But, but, but, you said all Christians were the same. Yet you divide the blame.

01-21-2012 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by PingClown
The Catholic Church is not a legitimate Christian organization, so of course they try to tell people what to think and keep knowledge from them in order to keep their (illegitimate) power.

And Catholics do not follow Christ properly. Jesus would be appalled at the Catholic church. The Gnostic Christians are the closest to following his teachings.
Yes. That is why they are still hated by Christians, eh, Catholics eh, Christatholics.

01-21-2012 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by PingClown
What's even funnier is that they're not arguing from positions of reason, merely childhood/cultural indoctrination.

Nearly all people raised Catholic stay Catholics, and defend Catholicism. Nearly all people raised Protestant stay Protestant. Similarly for Jews and Muslims. Thus it follows that their disagreements - and their belief in their own religion - have no basis in reality or reason, but come from mindlessly continuing the habits they've been indoctrinated into.

They follow tradition and culture and most believers do not believe at all.

Any religious map will show this as true.

What we see and talk to here, is the tip of an iceberg that does not really exist.


01-21-2012 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by FiladelfiaFix
Do you really believe the garbage that you type? A myth to not give them equality? Oh cry me a river

01-21-2012 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
But, but, but, you said all Christians were the same. Yet you divide the blame.

I disagree that I said Christians were the same. I merely pointed out that you could have said "Christians" instead of "Protestants and Catholics" since the two mean the same thing and the first, being more succinct, should be preferred. Additionally, can you explain how Gnostic Christians are not Protestants? I find your claims about the Catholic church unfounded for the following reason: The Catholic Church of today is not the Catholic Church of yesteryear and all Christian religions are offshoots of the Christianity responsible for what you describe in the OP. Just because it has dibs on the name "Catholic Church" doesn't really separate it much from the other Christian religions. In fact, I would argue that the current state of the Catholic Church is not anti-knowledge since one can accept everything science has concluded and still be a Catholic. I'm not saying you are making this mistake, but I've seen a lot of people form an opinion about Christianity based on their perception of Protestants and then think something like 'Catholics are just like that only crazier'. I think this is a mistake. Additionally, I think you will have trouble finding a Catholic who believes the earth is only 6000 years old. I'm not saying none exist, but they aren't a dime a dozen like they are in other subsets of Christianity.

P.S. All rectangles are squares but not all squares are rectangles.
P.P.S. I'm not Catholic.
01-21-2012 , 03:46 PM
You might wanna check wikipedia. There are other Christian groups beside Protestants and Catholics.
01-21-2012 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
It is a myth that has been used for many years to not give women and Gays equality.

If Christianity went back to what the Jews believed and adopted their view, woman and Gays would be exonerated. Christians usurped the Jewish God but not the Jewish view of their own books.
Insanity or a different agenda of female suppression.

I see Eden as the number one flaw with Christian beliefs and that is why I give it importance.

The problem is that in thread, after thread, after thread, after thread that you make here - all of which seem to myopically focus on this story - the meaning you take from the story, the symbolism you attach to it, is just fundamentally not the way christians think of the story. If you want to attribute problems with christian thought to what they actually think, then fine. But droning on about something very different then what they think and still blaming them for it is just silly.

And for the love of peat, STOP WITH THE REGARDS DL NONSENSE. Outside of just deliberately trolling there is zero point for it. Just stop it.
01-21-2012 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by mSed84
I disagree that I said Christians were the same. I merely pointed out that you could have said "Christians" instead of "Protestants and Catholics" since the two mean the same thing and the first, being more succinct, should be preferred. Additionally, can you explain how Gnostic Christians are not Protestants? I find your claims about the Catholic church unfounded for the following reason: The Catholic Church of today is not the Catholic Church of yesteryear and all Christian religions are offshoots of the Christianity responsible for what you describe in the OP. Just because it has dibs on the name "Catholic Church" doesn't really separate it much from the other Christian religions. In fact, I would argue that the current state of the Catholic Church is not anti-knowledge since one can accept everything science has concluded and still be a Catholic. I'm not saying you are making this mistake, but I've seen a lot of people form an opinion about Christianity based on their perception of Protestants and then think something like 'Catholics are just like that only crazier'. I think this is a mistake. Additionally, I think you will have trouble finding a Catholic who believes the earth is only 6000 years old. I'm not saying none exist, but they aren't a dime a dozen like they are in other subsets of Christianity.

P.S. All rectangles are squares but not all squares are rectangles.
P.P.S. I'm not Catholic.
I guess I misunderstood your---"Protestants and Catholics=all why separate the two?"

From what I can see, they have little to no respect for each other.
Nor for their brother Abrahamic religions of Islam and the Jews.

I am not going to bother distinguishing the myriad of Christian or Catholic cults. I will continue to paint broadly as they all believe fantasy, m,iracles and magic to be real and all follow a genocidal God who had his own son murdered needlessly.

As to the church and knowledge, this shows how they did not wants their sheeople to read their bible.

01-21-2012 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Aigyptos
You might wanna check wikipedia. There are other Christian groups beside Protestants and Catholics.
Yep. More than you can shake a stick at.

Please see my reply above.

Regardless of the cult or religion, the mentality of their hierarchy’s are the same. Keep adherents stupid of religious matters so that they continue to put their $$$$$$$$$$$ into the kitty and use their form as the adherents external conscience.

01-21-2012 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
so you got your proof from an internet meme? I thought this thread had something to do with knowledge.
01-21-2012 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by FiladelfiaFix
so you got your proof from an internet meme? I thought this thread had something to do with knowledge.
And you have just been given one as to how Christianity treats it's women.

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