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Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM?

03-17-2010 , 12:15 PM
How about Islam vs. Christianity?

The main point in favor of Christianity is that it is older, but since both are offshoots of an even older religion, this does not seem to hold much weight.

As a Christian, you have to accept that the very different accounts of God in the OT and the NT describes the same God, and you have to maintain a belief in absolute morality, despite the very different ways God commands his followers to behave in the two books.
Christianity also has the trinity with all the problems that brings.
Islam only has one book, and its God stays in character the whole time.
There is no equivalent in Islam to the problems posed by the sacrifice of Jesus.

The point here is, that as a Muslim you only have to bite one bullet; if you believe that Muhammad was the true prophet, the rest is accepted without problems; as Christian there are many things that do not make sense even when we accept a supernatural worldview.
Can we agree that this makes Islam the more likely candidate to be true?
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 12:16 PM
This prophecy is false for many reasons.

The primary reason is that Nebuchadnezzar did not destroy Tyre. It exists to this day in modern Lebanon. It has been continuously occupied by people. The claims that it will be “a bare rock” and will “never be rebuilt” is false. Tyre was not brought to a “horrible end.” The claim “You will be sought, but you will never again be found” is nonsense since any person reading this blog could go there today!
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 12:21 PM
Ive sort of skimmed the thread, but am surprised Islam wasnt pulled in.
For a Christian, FSM is alot more comparable to Islam than any other religion. Or maybe the other way around. Islam has sprung from a single person claiming divine knowledge. To the Christian, by definition he was wrong and therefore comparable to the person who thought up FSM.
Does the Christian element have a problem with this logic?
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Tao1
Ive sort of skimmed the thread, but am surprised Islam wasnt pulled in.
For a Christian, FSM is alot more comparable to Islam than any other religion. Or maybe the other way around. Islam has sprung from a single person claiming divine knowledge. To the Christian, by definition he was wrong and therefore comparable to the person who thought up FSM.
Does the Christian element have a problem with this logic?
The problem with judaism/christianity/islam comparisons is that each new religion considers their god to be the same as the one before, just with updates. If you validate the latter one, you by proxy validate the former.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Arouet
The problem with judaism/christianity/islam comparisons is that each new religion considers their god to be the same as the one before, just with updates. If you validate the latter one, you by proxy validate the former.
its a fair point, but i think the purpose of this exercise is to get Christians to consider the possibility that they may be wrong. Not necessarily wrong that a God exists, or that God is the Abrahamic God, but that they are wrong in the details.

I can not think of a good reason why Islam, Mormonism, 7DA, JW, or whatever Abrahamic religion you want to name, is more likely than another.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by Justin A
Are you disputing that that prophecy came true?

Now you're being anal so let's be even more anal.

That Tyre will not be rebuilt is referring to certain sections of the city that now til this day are just places for fishermen to rest their nets:
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
1. The 1500+ year chain of writing of the bible. That chain is coherent and the Dead Sea Scrolls verify the text came down intact to a degree unmatched by any other document of antiquity.

2. The deaths of the Apostles. The Apostles are not suicide bombers they were actual eyewitnesses to Jesus.

3. Simon Greenleaf's (a Harvard Law professor and Legal evidence expert) assessment of the Gospels as testimony.

4. The actions of the Jews in observing the Levitical Laws.

5. The actions of their building of a temple.

6. The prophecies and the probability argument as present by Louis Lapides.

7. The medical corroboration presented in the Case for Christ showing that the weeping of bloodtears is an actual medical condition though unlikely to have been known by the Gospel writers.

8. Mark 3:8 passage which correlates with what modern opthamology knows about recovering from blindness.

9. Modern archaeology which corresponds to biblical accounts.

10. The Babylonian Captivity recounted in the bible which coincides with history.

11. The bible account of Nebuchadnezzar's poryphyria which is corroborated in stone at the British Museum in London.

12. The account in the book of Kings where Jonathan scaled a cliff to defeat a group of Philistines. A modern British Army unit by using the book of Kings account was able to use the same cliff pass to defeat the Turks in a skirmisch in first part of the 20th Century.

13. Tacitus and Josephus and the Talmud mentioning Jesus. None of these were his followers so there is no bias in favor of Jesus to overcome.

14. That of all the claimaints to Messiahship Jesus' claim is the only one extent today with an active following.

15. Many more too numerous to list.
Fixed my post. I left out the word blood.


One eye doctor claims weeping blood tears can be caused by deep emotional trauma and/or a head injury:

Last edited by Splendour; 03-17-2010 at 01:10 PM. Reason: added eye doctor article.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Are you disputing that that prophecy came true?

Now you're being anal so let's be even more anal.

That Tyre will not be rebuilt is referring to certain sections of the city that now til this day are just places for fishermen to rest their nets:

thats not what the prophesy says at all.

btw, did you even read the link you posted? including the comments?
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
Noooo.... you missed my point.... almost clearly stated it though.
I don't expect atheist to say the Christian God is more likely.... not at all.
What I would expect is something along the lines of how you put it.
Well if you dont expect us to say its more likely i take back what i said. But there are a lot of Christians who would jump on a statement form an atheist if they said Christianity and the FSM are equally likely.

If I were an atheist... my stance would be very similar to yours but a bit more harsh. My view would be stated like this:
There is no god...there never was a god... any talk of which came first is simply fodder. One thing that does not exist can not have "not existed" earlier than another thing that does not exist.

I wouldn't personify a god by giving him characteristics to make him appear evil and hateful. He, She, It doesn't exist. End of story.
I don't personify God as evil. I think if there is a God he would most likely be good, but i can't really know for sure.

What i do do is read a book and form that book characterize the God of that book as immoral. I also think the Greek, Mayan, Norse and most other Gods i have read about are immoral in one way or another.

You seem to be saying atheists shouldn't compare and contrasts or think about what Gods characteristics might be based on the kind of atheist you would be. Sorry but thats not the way it works. I think there could be A God. Not only that i like to think about what God would be like and what versions of he/she/it would be more or less likely.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 05:08 PM
I would say the best arguement in support of Christianity is how much more threatened by it the athiests are than they are by all other religions combined. Now I realize illustrations from the New Testament are worthless to this crowd, but note how all the demons know immediately of Jesus' divine nature and freak.

I think this fear/intense hatred of something they mock as meaningless shows just how real God is even to their own subconsious (cant spell obv)
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Texas Chuck
I would say the best arguement in support of Christianity is how much more threatened by it the athiests are than they are by all other religions combined. Now I realize illustrations from the New Testament are worthless to this crowd, but note how all the demons know immediately of Jesus' divine nature and freak.

I think this fear/intense hatred of something they mock as meaningless shows just how real God is even to their own subconsious (cant spell obv)
whatever helps you sleep at night
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Dying Actors
utility > truth

That utility is greater than truth is the greater truth.

Im not a christian and I do not believe in god. I do however believe in the belief of (a) god. Whether that god is you or someone looking out for you is mostly irrelevant.

Last edited by helium tedium; 03-17-2010 at 05:20 PM.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Texas Chuck
I would say the best arguement in support of Christianity is how much more threatened by it the athiests are than they are by all other religions combined. Now I realize illustrations from the New Testament are worthless to this crowd, but note how all the demons know immediately of Jesus' divine nature and freak.

I think this fear/intense hatred of something they mock as meaningless shows just how real God is even to their own subconsious (cant spell obv)
It's not God we fear. It's his followers.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by batair

I don't personify God as evil. I think if there is a God he would most likely be good, but i can't really know for sure.

What i do do is read a book and form that book characterize the God of that book as immoral. I also think the Greek, Mayan, Norse and most other Gods i have read about are immoral in one way or another.

You seem to be saying atheists shouldn't compare and contrasts or think about what Gods characteristics might be based on the kind of atheist you would be. Sorry but thats not the way it works. I think there could be A God. Not only that i like to think about what God would be like and what versions of he/she/it would be more or less likely.
No.... we've covered that area already.
I'm saying "if I were an atheist".... that's how I would tackle that subject.
The only atheist that I know really well takes that stance also... to him... if you believe in God or a god.... great. I've never heard him try to demean any religion or make any statements about how immoral he thinks the God of the Bible is.... just simply "I don't believe any god exists".
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Texas Chuck
I would say the best arguement in support of Christianity is how much more threatened by it the athiests are than they are by all other religions combined.
It might have something to do with Christianity affecting some atheists more then all other religions combined.

Now I realize illustrations from the New Testament are worthless to this crowd, but note how all the demons know immediately of Jesus' divine nature and freak.

I think this fear/intense hatred of something they mock as meaningless shows just how real God is even to their own subconsious (cant spell obv)
Yes i am fearful of God and Jesus because i am a demon.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 05:28 PM
You say you fear His followers, but what you really fear is our inability to follow Christ's example. The man Jesus of Nazareth was someone we all, believers and non, would have liked as a neighbor. Ill be the first to admit that I am a poor reflection of Christ. Its not my following of His example you dont like, its my misapplication of His teachings. The fact that I and others are poor followers does not change the Truth.

Just like people who bomb embassies and fly planes into buildings shouldnt define Muslims neither should abortion clinic bombers or Ralph Reed define Christians.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 05:29 PM

obv not calling anyone a demon and please expound on how Christianity is affecting you more than other religions.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Texas Chuck
You say you fear His followers, but what you really fear is our inability to follow Christ's example. The man Jesus of Nazareth was someone we all, believers and non, would have liked as a neighbor. Ill be the first to admit that I am a poor reflection of Christ. Its not my following of His example you dont like, its my misapplication of His teachings. The fact that I and others are poor followers does not change the Truth.

Just like people who bomb embassies and fly planes into buildings shouldnt define Muslims neither should abortion clinic bombers or Ralph Reed define Christians.
Reasons to fear Christians:

1. The Bible
2. People, on average, are gullible and easily manipulated
3. The Bible
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
No.... we've covered that area already.
I'm saying "if I were an atheist".... that's how I would tackle that subject.
The only atheist that I know really well takes that stance also... to him... if you believe in God or a god.... great.
I dont believe in God. I think there is a possibility for God.

I've never heard him try to demean any religion or make any statements about how immoral he thinks the God of the Bible is.... just simply "I don't believe any god exists".
Thats fine.

But when i read a book i make judgments about the characters. I cant help it.

Originally Posted by Texas Chuck

obv not calling anyone a demon and please expound on how Christianity is affecting you more than other religions.
It wasn't that obvious to me, but its all good.

As far as why Christianity affects me more than other religious. I live in the US.

Last edited by batair; 03-17-2010 at 05:40 PM.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by batair
I dont believe in God. I think there is a possibility for God.

Thats fine.

But when i read a book i make judgments about the characters. I cant help it.
No worries.

Let's you and me make a pact to each other.

I won't try to persuade you to believe and you don't try to dissuade me from believing.

Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 05:40 PM
Therefore I decree that the people of any nation or language who say anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego be cut into pieces and their houses be turned into piles of rubble, for no other god can save in this way."
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
No worries.

Let's you and me make a pact to each other.

I won't try to persuade you to believe and you don't try to dissuade me from believing.

I cant make no promises. Still bff though.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by batair
I cant make no promises. Still bff though.
Damn you heathen !

Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Are you disputing that that prophecy came true?

Now you're being anal so let's be even more anal.
It's anal to point out that Tyre still exists, despite the prophecy that it would be destroyed and never rebuilt?

That Tyre will not be rebuilt is referring to certain sections of the city that now til this day are just places for fishermen to rest their nets:
Certain sections? What are you talking about?
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-17-2010 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by Justin A

It's anal to point out that Tyre still exists, despite the prophecy that it would be destroyed and never rebuilt?

Certain sections? What are you talking about?
It shows that sections of the city will only be fit for fish nets to be spread and that is in accordance with the prophecy.

But then as a skeptic you're most likely determined to dismiss probability.

There is such a thing as hyperbolic excess of language and the probability is astronomical against even 1 or 2 points matching identically on a prophecy to say nothing of as many as the poster above listed.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
