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Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM?

03-16-2010 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
This is no where near the same OP..
In the OP you attempt to compare a religion with science fiction in order to demean it. When the overwhelming response points to the fact these 2 things are in no way comparable.. you totally change the discussion.

To address the entirely different topic... I've never known anyone who arbitrarily decided to follow any religion. Belief doesn't come as easy as deciding on a pair of sneakers.
While I think the answers differ, I don't think the questions are THAT different. What's the difference? To the adherents of one religion, the other god(s) might as well be the FSM right?
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
This is no where near the same OP..
In the OP you attempt to compare a religion with science fiction in order to demean it. When the overwhelming response points to the fact these 2 things are in no way comparable.. you totally change the discussion.

To address the entirely different topic... I've never known anyone who arbitrarily decided to follow any religion. Belief doesn't come as easy as deciding on a pair of sneakers.
Joey stop trolling please.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Arouet
While I think the answers differ, I don't think the questions are THAT different. What's the difference? To the adherents of one religion, the other god(s) might as well be the FSM right?
No way you are serious.

Comparing something with documented events against something totally made up with not ONE witness account?

I understand the view of atheist to not believe in the documented accounts but to say that a science fiction event has the same validity as the accounts of Jesus?
Seriously bro?
you are losing credibility here.

Even Bigfoot has some photos and eye witness accounts.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by efdrummer89
In response to the people who were asking Splendour how the validity of the Bible proves God's existence, here is just one of the MANY examples.

The Bible is the inspired word of God, written by men through God's inspiration/guidance. This can be proven through the numerous prophecies made throughout the entire Bible. (Both Old Testament and New Testament.)

The prophecies that would be impossible for mere men to make ALL came true. Not most of them, ALL of them. And some are yet to be fulfilled. Here is an example of one of those prophecies.

In Ezekiel, a prophecy is made against the city of Tyre.

Ezekiel 26:3-4, 7-8,12, 14, and 21 is where the specific prophecies can be found.

For a basic summary, here is the list of predictions that were included in the prophecy.

1. Nebuchadnezzar will destroy the mainland city of Tyre
2. Many nations will come against Tyre. (26:3)
3. She will be made a bare rock; flat like the top of a rock. (26:4)
4. Fisherman will spread nets over the site. (26:5)
5. The debris will be thrown into the water. (26:12)
6. She will never be rebuilt. (26:14)
7. She will never be found again. (26:21)

I could go into specific detail on how each prediction was fulfilled, but I will just summarize them to keep this post from getting even longer.

1. Three years after this prophecy was made, Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the mainland city of Tyre in 573 B.C.

2. When Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian forces finally broke down the walls of mainland Tyre, the city was nearly empty. This was because the people of (old) Tyre had escaped on boats and built a new Tyre about a mile and half off of the coast. This is important because in order for prediction 2 to remain valid, Tyre would have to come against many nations. Well this prophecy was surely fulfilled when Alexander the Great attacked the new Tyre. His military was composed of forces from many different places in the world. These included: Sidon, Aradus, Byblus, Rhodes, Soli and Mallos, Lycia, Macedon, and Cyprus, thus fulfilling prediction #2.

3. Needless to say, Alexander the Great was victorious in his seige against Tyre. He scraped the old site of Tyre clean and left a "bare rock"

4. Ironically enough, secular historians and theologians alike recognize the prophecy of fishing nets being spread over the island to have come true. Hans-Wolf Rackl writes: "Today hardly a single stone of old Tyre remains intact.... Tyre has become a place 'to dry fish nets' as the prophet predicted." If one was to visit the old location of Tyre, they would see fisherman using it as a place to dry their nets.

5. Now referring back to Alexander the Great's seige against Tyre. When Alexander first attacked the new mainland of Tyre, he did not have a fleet to get his army to the new Tyre. Therefore he used the debris from the old Tyre as a mole (think of it as a bridge) to reach the new Tyre. This obviously required throwing the rock and debris of Tyre into the water to make the mole, thus fulfilling prediction #5.

6. The city has been completely destroyed, and has not been rebuilt for over 25 centuries. The location itself is actually an excellent location for even a modern city to be built, with the springs of Reselain flowing over 10,000,000 gallons of fresh water to the location each day. But the city has still not been rebuilt, just as God said.

7. The city was never to be found again. The best way to interpret that prediction is that men seeking to return the city to its glory and splendor would never happen again, seeing as literally losing the location of where the city was would be impossible considering its size and popularity at the time it was still standing.

To wrap things up, Peter Stoner makes an interesting point about these prophecies. He says that if Ezekiel had made all of those prophecies out of sheer human knowledge, there would have been a 1 in 75,000,000 chance of all the predictions coming true. As you have read, all of what God said through Ezekiel came true down to the smallest detail.

Considering this prophecy made by God through Ezekiel in the Bible. The Bible is a perfectly valid way to prove the existence of God.
But even if one grants you these "predictions" to say

The bible predicted X things and said god was real
X things came true
therefore god is real

is a non sequitor. But this is even when you are granted these "predictions" which no rational person should do.

edit: but as far as the "predicitons" they are general and highly likely. If I make 200 general, highly likely predictions about the future at least 5 will come true. If i then pick these 5 and show them to you and say "see, I can see the future" and then say "and btw, Hinduism is true and Christianity is false" now you know what to tell me, on both assertions.

Last edited by Ryanb9; 03-16-2010 at 10:00 PM.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by Ryanb9
Joey stop trolling please.
Yes...when proven wrong we resort to the "Joey is stupid...isn't he guys? Yea...He's a troll"

Grow up dude... you are just wrong here and you know it.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
No way you are serious.

Comparing something with documented events against something totally made up with not ONE witness account?

I understand the view of atheist to not believe in the documented accounts but to say that a science fiction event has the same validity as the accounts of Jesus?
Seriously bro?
you are losing credibility here.

Even Bigfoot has some photos and eye witness accounts.
You're missing my point: if you are a Christian then you likely believe the Hindu gods are total hogwash. And vice-versa.

Also, I put very little weight to the fact that biblical events may have built on actual historical events. I would be very surprised if they didn't.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
Yes...when proven wrong we resort to the "Joey is stupid...isn't he guys? Yea...He's a troll"

Grow up dude... you are just wrong here and you know it.
Sigh, I am wrong about what Joey. Quote me on whatever you like and I will agree ahead of time that I was wrong. I dont care if you think im wrong or right or if I am "wrong" or "right," I'm trying to ask jib a question.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by Arouet
You're missing my point: if you are a Christian then you likely believe the Hindu gods are total hogwash. And vice-versa.

Also, I put very little weight to the fact that biblical events may have built on actual historical events. I would be very surprised if they didn't.
I don't think I am missing your point at all.... correct me if I am off base but you said that Hinduism may be more of a valid religion than Christianity because it came first?

Did I misread that?

Originally Posted by Arouet
hinduism is much older, which may give it an edge (if only a slight one).

Originally Posted by Arouet
And I didn't say Hinduism was a more valid religion, I said that it had more chance of being a valid religion than Christianity.

I was questioning your validation of hinduism possibly being a more valid religion because it came first.
I'm pretty sure that's what you said. (See above)
My rebuttal dealt with your stance of time over quantity.

It's pretty clear.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
I don't think I am missing your point at all.... correct me if I am off base but you said that Hinduism may be more of a valid religion than Christianity because it came first?

Did I misread that?
Pretty sure I elaborated above. Not sure I have more at this time. I said I was open to competing views. I haven't given this particular question a lot of previous thought.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by Ryanb9
Sigh, I am wrong about what Joey. Quote me on whatever you like and I will agree ahead of time that I was wrong. I dont care if you think im wrong or right or if I am "wrong" or "right," I'm trying to ask jib a question.
This is where you are wrong:
Originally Posted by Ryanb9
No I'm asking the same question as the op just changing it. So basically, someone has decided that the belief he will adopt will be either Christianity or Hinduism and that person is asking you which one is more likely to be true and why.
You have to understand that this is entirely different from the OP.
When you resort to calling in the troops with name calling.... it just makes you look silly.

Here's an idea....just say.. "OK... What about this instead Jib....."

It's 2 totally different things.

Aro and I have already moved on to the new topic but you decided to make personal attacks to send up a smoke screen.... just move on...please.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by Arouet
Pretty sure I elaborated above. Not sure I have more at this time. I said I was open to competing views. I haven't given this particular question a lot of previous thought.

Obvious. elaborated later and I still disagree with your stance. That doesn't make me right...doesn't make you right... but don't try to dodge the discussion with "I elaborated on this already" and act like you didn't make a bold and clear statement that was clearly challenged.

It's OK Aro.... sometimes we say things that others don't agree with.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
This is where you are wrong:

You have to understand that this is entirely different from the OP.
When you resort to calling in the troops with name calling.... it just makes you look silly.

Here's an idea....just say.. "OK... What about this instead Jib....."

It's 2 totally different things.

Aro and I have already moved on to the new topic but you decided to make personal attacks to send up a smoke screen.... just move on...please.

I didn't claim they were the same thing, he started to answer a different question as if I was asking what the differences were. I said "no I'm not questioning the similarities / differences, I'm asking the same question just in regards to Hinduism instead of FSM, as in, whats more likely." I'm not trying to say Hinduism is similar to FSM I think that's where the misunderstanding was.

But the question is still open to Jib or anyone else who would like to contribute, namely, If someone thought Christianity and Hinduism were equally likely to be true, what would you say to them to explain to them that Christianity is more likely to be true than Hinduism.

And Joey, I'm not worried about my online image, if I think you are trolling I'm going to call you out on it.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
Obvious. elaborated later and I still disagree with your stance. That doesn't make me right...doesn't make you right... but don't try to dodge the discussion with "I elaborated on this already" and act like you didn't make a bold and clear statement that was clearly challenged.

It's OK Aro.... sometimes we say things that others don't agree with.
While I may be wrong, I don't think its been shown yet ITT. And if you review my posts you will see that they were specifically not bold. I've said why I think Hinduism has the - ever so slight - edge. I've presented an argument which I'm sure has holes. So go ahead and poke them, don't just keep on asking me if I want to rethink my position. Make a counter-argument. I might end up agreeing with you.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by Ryanb9
I didn't claim they were the same thing,
Originally Posted by Ryanb9
No I'm asking the same question as the op

I'm willing to just move on.... this is getting sad.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by Arouet
While I may be wrong, I don't think its been shown yet ITT. And if you review my posts you will see that they were specifically not bold. I've said why I think Hinduism has the - ever so slight - edge. I've presented an argument which I'm sure has holes. So go ahead and poke them, don't just keep on asking me if I want to rethink my position. Make a counter-argument. I might end up agreeing with you.
I did that?

I don't want you to agree with me Aro.... I was countering you...that's all. I think you immediately regretted your post but decided to rephrase it somehow.

Your post: "Hinduism may be more valid because it came first"

Mt post: "Is age more valid than quantity?"

That's it.

Oh...and I did go on about the fact that you don't even believe in either of these Gods but still decide to validate one over the other.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
I did that?

I don't want you to agree with me Aro.... I was countering you...that's all. I think you immediately regretted your post but decided to rephrase it somehow.

Your post: "Hinduism may be more valid because it came first"

Mt post: "Is age more valid than quantity?"
I think I elaborated in post 47. I also said why I don't think number of adherents is a deciding factor.

That's it.

Oh...and I did go on about the fact that you don't even believe in either of these Gods but still decide to validate one over the other.
I don't think there is any inconsistency here. I believe that it is possible deities exist, I just think it highly unlikely. I made it clear that I thought both possibilities were unlikely. But the OP asks us to try and say which one is more likely, and so I put together an argument. I am not saying that either are likely.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by Arouet
But the OP asks us to try and say which one is more likely, and so I put together an argument.

Do you have any more of an argument than "Hinduism came first...ergo this god (that I don't believe exists) is more likely to exist than the Christian God (that I also don't believe exists)?
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds

Oh...and I did go on about the fact that you don't even believe in either of these Gods but still decide to validate one over the other.
I dont believe in any of the various versions of Yahweh but i would say the Jewish version is most likely out of the three major religious views.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
Do you have any more of an argument than "Hinduism came first...ergo this god (that I don't believe exists) is more likely to exist than the Christian God (that I also don't believe exists)?

That's the first argument that came to mind. Why don't we just go from there. I don't have a thesis here. I happen to believe that if a god exists, he's unlikely to have the nature the Christians or Hindus attribute to him.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
This is very much what I always expect from atheist (on this forum at least).
A) You don't believe in ANY god but you constantly want to find other gods that are more "likely" than the Christian God.
B) You don't believe in ANY god but you want to assign personalities, characteristics and a time line to God or a god...even though you don't believe any god exists.
C) Christianity is less likely to be the true religion because of the violence. (How many Christians died at the hands of the Romans?)
Oh yeah. I just wanted to say its ironic you expect atheists to say Christianity's God that they dont believe in is more likely then the FSM that they dont believe in. Then get pissy when an atheist says the Hindu Gods that they dont believe in are more likely then the Christian God they dont believe in.

So basically not believing in two things and measuring them is fine as long as the outcome is beneficial to Christianity.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by Arouet
That's the first argument that came to mind. Why don't we just go from there. I don't have a thesis here. I happen to believe that if a god exists, he's unlikely to have the nature the Christians or Hindus attribute to him.
As far as your "this religion is older", I have to say that we need to remember that our knowledge of history is by no means complete. Secondly, I would have to say that you because one religion defines God in a certain was and is therefore attributed to that religion, does not mean that said God could not have been revealed by another religion. 5,000 years from now people could very well say that the God of Christianity and the God of Judaism are two different Gods and that because Judaism is older that would make 'their' God more probable, even though we are actually talking about the same God.

So the discussion really needs to be, which religion is more likely to have a closer representation of the true God. And of course you really have to start out with the assumption (or conclusion) that there is a creator God in some form.

As far as if God exists he is unlikely to have the nature of the Christian God, what do you base this on? Or more specifically, what could this be based on. In other words, if God exists how are we to know anything about him.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Ryanb9
No I'm asking the same question as the op just changing it. So basically, someone has decided that the belief he will adopt will be either Christianity or Hinduism and that person is asking you which one is more likely to be true and why.
I would point to the historical person Jesus Christ and the historical evidence surrounding his death and resurrection. But that is just one of many things that would have to be said, it is just the main point that differentiates the two.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
As far as your "this religion is older", I have to say that we need to remember that our knowledge of history is by no means complete. Secondly, I would have to say that you because one religion defines God in a certain was and is therefore attributed to that religion, does not mean that said God could not have been revealed by another religion. 5,000 years from now people could very well say that the God of Christianity and the God of Judaism are two different Gods and that because Judaism is older that would make 'their' God more probable, even though we are actually talking about the same God.

So the discussion really needs to be, which religion is more likely to have a closer representation of the true God. And of course you really have to start out with the assumption (or conclusion) that there is a creator God in some form.

As far as if God exists he is unlikely to have the nature of the Christian God, what do you base this on? Or more specifically, what could this be based on. In other words, if God exists how are we to know anything about him.
My turn now? Plzzzz answer
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I would point to the historical person Jesus Christ and the historical evidence surrounding his death and resurrection. But that is just one of many things that would have to be said, it is just the main point that differentiates the two.
Ahh good one. So you would argue that the evidence for Jesus of Nazareth is > the evidence for Brahman? What if they told you that it could be the case that the latter did have more evidence it was just lost over the years, that it could just be variance? (assuming they accepted your evidence to begin with obv).
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
03-16-2010 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
As far as your "this religion is older", I have to say that we need to remember that our knowledge of history is by no means complete. Secondly, I would have to say that you because one religion defines God in a certain was and is therefore attributed to that religion, does not mean that said God could not have been revealed by another religion. 5,000 years from now people could very well say that the God of Christianity and the God of Judaism are two different Gods and that because Judaism is older that would make 'their' God more probable, even though we are actually talking about the same God.
So the discussion really needs to be, which religion is more likely to have a closer representation of the true God. And of course you really have to start out with the assumption (or conclusion) that there is a creator God in some form.

As far as if God exists he is unlikely to have the nature of the Christian God, what do you base this on? Or more specifically, what could this be based on. In other words, if God exists how are we to know anything about him.[/quote]

I'm going to respond primarily to the last paragraph. I honestly think it highly unlikely that if there is a deity that exists that that deity is necessarily all-powerful, all-loving, and all-knowing. I think the world as we know it completely obliterates the all-loving aspect. The only argument that is even remotely convincing (and I do mean remotely) is the "mysterious plan that we can't understand". Otherwise there is very little of this world that I see as evidence of omni-benevolence. And quite a lot that would suggestion the opposite - or at the very least a morally ambiguous character.

I could make similar arguments of the other two, but I'm getting tired. Going to bed soon.
Whats more likely: Christianity or FSM? Quote
