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What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? What does an omnipotent God need with a hell?

08-13-2010 , 04:57 PM
What does an omnipotent God need with a hell?

Main Entry: 1om·nip·o·tent 
1 often capitalized : almighty 1
2 : having virtually unlimited authority or influence <an omnipotent ruler>

A loving God, with unlimited influence, at judgment time, would have no trouble influencing a soul to believe and repent.
That would make the following quote true.

2 Peter 3:9 KJ
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

If God is somehow not able to change the attitude or ideas of the soul, the reason for punishment, then to sent it to eternal torture would serve no purpose and that would mean that punishment would be immoral and no moral God would ever do so.

For those who believe in everlasting punishment I would ask.

What does an omnipotent God need with a hell?

What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-13-2010 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
What does an omnipotent God need with a hell?
Who says God needs a hell? More bad info from RGT's resident serpent.

God has a heaven. The Bible does not say what God needs, if anything.
What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-13-2010 , 05:36 PM
Because his love isn't powerful enough to overcome and reform evil?
What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-13-2010 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Because his love isn't powerful enough to overcome and reform evil?
It's the unrepentant sinner's love which isn't powerful enough. Each of us has already been offered what we need to gain admission into His heaven, all we have to do is accept it.
What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-13-2010 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Concerto
It's the unrepentant sinner's love which isn't powerful enough. Each of us has already been offered what we need to gain admission into His heaven, all we have to do is accept it.
Ive seen people reformed from love. A God who has a hell has a limit on that ability.
What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-13-2010 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
What does an omnipotent God need with a hell?
He doesn't. Christianity needs a hell.
What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-14-2010 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by brandx
He doesn't. Christianity needs a hell.
You're correct to the extent that Christian churches imported the "eternal barbecue" version of hell (to which the OP refers) from non-Biblical sources, for a reason I suspect was illegitimate.
What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-14-2010 , 02:38 PM
God needs hell to put people like OP in it.

What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-14-2010 , 02:57 PM
Without eternal damnation in the flames of hell what would stop people from abusing their positions of authority, such as molesting children?
What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-14-2010 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Without eternal damnation in the flames of hell what would stop people from abusing their positions of authority, such as molesting children?
What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-14-2010 , 04:06 PM
So, most humans would say a much lesser punishment than eternal damnation would be the appropriate reaction to taunting. In many places the person calling another "fool" would be protected from punishment because of free speech laws.

In fact I'd wager that the majority of humans wouldn't mete out eternal damnation for any crime.
Certainly some would happily impose the sentence, but actually being involved with the process would be beyond the moral compass of even the most depraved soul.
So a truly thoughtless person might pass that sentence and then put it and the perpetrator out of his mind. God is not only omnipotent, he is also all knowing (his eye is on the sparrow). So god cannot be thoughtless and forget the suffering of the damned. He is as aware of their torment as if he were right there. Omnipresent, in fact he is right there.

So imagine a human watching a person being tortured. The best of us would try to stop it immediately and the worst of us would get bored and wander away.

What does that say of god?

Wait before you answer. God is omnipotent, if he chose he could do anything.
So lets say god only accepts believers into the after life, instead of eternal damnation couldn't he just snuff the soul of the unbeliever out, as if it had never been? How about sending that soul back for a second try at the brass ring?
God has unlimited options on what to do with the souls that don't believe. So why did he pick the one which is most horrendous?

My guess is that god is insane.
What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-14-2010 , 04:07 PM
Greatest I am?

Do you play poker?
What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-14-2010 , 04:13 PM
omnipotent is misunderstood. It has nothing to do with desire the definition you give is one which would be applied to man, anything omni is not 'often' or 'virtually' but just is and infinite and always. We are the ones who perceive these things like authority and power but they don't exist as there is nothing for them to be relative to omnipotence w ejust imagine small bits inside of it,

This is why Christianity is bull****

1.God has desires, how were they created,
2.God to them is obviously an imaginative product of the relative comparison within their perception, human perception is literally nothing. They see morality and authority in their society and their imagination leads that past their police or president or alpha male or boss at work or king or emperor or pope or priest or parent to God as some kind of supreme judge.
3. The very act of this separates God and makes him an omnipotent concept no longer.

This is evident in a high proportion of religions. Still the confusion can be solved by everyone by not thinking 'God is omnipotent' but 'omnipotence is God'
What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-14-2010 , 04:27 PM
In fact I'd wager that the majority of humans wouldn't mete out eternal damnation for any crime. Certainly some would happily impose the sentence, but actually being involved with the process would be beyond the moral compass of even the most depraved soul.
Apparently the author does not know how widespread the death penalty was until fairly recently. That is another form of eternal (i.e. of permanent effect) damnation (i.e. judgment).
What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-14-2010 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by Concerto
Who says God needs a hell? More bad info from RGT's resident serpent.

God has a heaven. The Bible does not say what God needs, if anything.
If you do not believe God punishes man then well and good.

Do you believe then that we all get to heaven?

These quotes are meaningless as well are they?

Rev 21:8 But to the fearful and unbelieving, and sinners , and those who make themselves abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, their part is in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone; which is the second death.

Matthew 25:41 (Jesus speaking)epart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.

What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-14-2010 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Because his love isn't powerful enough to overcome and reform evil?
So much for omnipotent then.
I agree that that is a false doctrine.

What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-14-2010 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by brandx
He doesn't. Christianity needs a hell.
Perhaps. They do like their silly tribal mentality even as Christianity is supposed to be a universal religion.

What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-14-2010 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Hardball47
God needs hell to put people like OP in it.

How Christian.
Cannot refute so go for the personal to deflect.
I see stupidity without logic or reason.

What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-14-2010 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Without eternal damnation in the flames of hell what would stop people from abusing their positions of authority, such as molesting children?
If God is somehow not able to change the attitude or ideas of the soul, the reason for punishment, then to sent it to eternal torture would serve no purpose and that would mean that punishment would be immoral and no moral God would ever do so.

Is the above a true statement?

To know if hell is a moral construct, just answer this simple question truthfully.

Is it good justice that a sinner can only sin for 120 years and then must suffer punishment and torture for 1200000000000000000000000+ years?

What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-14-2010 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Concerto
Apparently the author does not know how widespread the death penalty was until fairly recently. That is another form of eternal (i.e. of permanent effect) damnation (i.e. judgment).
I am.
In fact, even for God to kill would be a better moral position than to torture without purpose.

God would rather torture thus making man's morals better than God's.

What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-14-2010 , 04:58 PM
While we are on the subject, how does Jesus spending 36 hours in hell make up for my eternal punishment?
What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-14-2010 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
If you do not believe God punishes man then well and good.

Do you believe then that we all get to heaven?

These quotes are meaningless as well are they?
Of course God punishes man, eternally in fact if they reject Him. This eternal punishment consist of not accepting the unrepentant sinner into His heaven, the consequence of which is death.

Only those who accept the admission price Jesus Christ paid for them will be accepted into God's heaven. You can't afford it on your own.

Those quotes are not meaningless, rather misinterpreted by much of traditional Christianity and contemporary atheism.

Revelation 21:8 is about the second death. Not an eternal barbecue, which would be a second life.

The "eternal fire" in Matthew 25:41 consumes and destroys. It does not torture anyone forever.

Originally Posted by werd2u
While we are on the subject, how does Jesus spending 36 hours in hell make up for my eternal punishment?
You have been misinformed.
What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-14-2010 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Concerto
Of course God punishes man, eternally in fact if they reject Him. This eternal punishment consist of not accepting the unrepentant sinner into His heaven, the consequence of which is death.

Only those who accept the admission price Jesus Christ paid for them will be accepted into God's heaven. You can't afford it on your own.

Those quotes are not meaningless, rather misinterpreted by much of traditional Christianity and contemporary atheism.

Revelation 21:8 is about the second death. Not an eternal barbecue, which would be a second life.

The "eternal fire" in Matthew 25:41 consumes and destroys. It does not torture anyone forever.

You have been misinformed.
A real good Christian way to argue.

say that every quote is misunderstood or that Christianity has corrupted parts of the Bible.

Quite the Christian you are.

As to your theory of death.

What a game for God to play!
Create a place for eternal bliss as well as a place for eternal death.
Then create beings whom you love dearly and watch over.
And in the end, decide which to consider "trash" and "throw away" into the place for eternal death and which to cling to and love in the place for eternal bliss.
Even man, with all his faults, is greater and more responsible.

What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-14-2010 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by Concerto

You have been misinformed.
Please inform me. I was under the impression Jesus died for my sins and then went to hell so I wont have to, assuming I accept him.
What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
08-15-2010 , 04:44 AM
Originally Posted by werd2u
While we are on the subject, how does Jesus spending 36 hours in hell make up for my eternal punishment?
Jesus didn't go to eternal damnation, he wasn't tortured.

He went to the place with Abraham, where all the holy people lived. They couldn't get into heaven until Jesus opened the way.

Jesus opened the way for us by his sacrifice on the cross, not any suffering in Hell.
What does an omnipotent God need with a hell? Quote
