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What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God?

01-07-2018 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
I'm just glad I don't assume everyone who doesn't think exactly like me are just doing it because of inflated egos.

Because that's the kind of thinking that excuses anything.
I don't hold against people something in which I am a repeated offender of.
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-08-2018 , 06:21 AM
Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
Then I don't see how you could ever be sure about what god wants you to do. A non-omniscient, non-omnipotent god would resolve a lot of other problems though.
All he would have to do is talk to me and prove that he is something greater than I am to a degree that I could claim he/it/is god through which I could demonstrate.
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-08-2018 , 06:46 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
I think they are words that are close to meaningless that some people (like you and a bunch of theists) think contain actual descriptions. Consider that for us the difference between a sufficiently high level of power and omnipotent would be impossible to tell.

No, it is the point. If you refuse to acknowledge limitations of knowledge and understanding, then you are redeeming every evidence-lacking belief in existence.
When did I refuse to accept them? I simply working with them and thought I'd made that clear in the post you are replying to here. It's trivially obvious and not useful to point out that we might not truly understand things, we still try right?
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-08-2018 , 03:10 PM
What is life about from God's point of view?
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-08-2018 , 09:42 PM
Because I don't know either. Just looking help.
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-09-2018 , 05:17 AM
Sometimes I break down and pray to god but he never answers. Wondering what to know!
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-09-2018 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by The_Last_Nihilist
Sometimes I break down and pray to god but he never answers. Wondering what to know!
What can prayer achieve? You can't change his mind about anything, he doesn't make mistakes, and you can't make him do something he wasn't already going to do. Aside from the effect it has on you, what is prayer doing?
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-09-2018 , 06:28 AM
I don't know what anything will achieve. Just trying to understand what I ought to do with life better.
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-09-2018 , 06:37 AM
Originally Posted by The_Last_Nihilist
I don't know what anything will achieve. Just trying to understand what I ought to do with life better.
"In philosophy, "the Absurd" refers to the conflict between the human tendency to seek inherent value and meaning in life and the human inability to find any. "
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-09-2018 , 06:39 AM
Yeah I know what it is. Don't see how that helps me.

Last edited by The_Last_Nihilist; 01-09-2018 at 06:39 AM. Reason: Have you seen my name? the clue is Nihilist?!?!"?
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-09-2018 , 07:11 AM
Originally Posted by The_Last_Nihilist
Yeah I know what it is. Don't see how that helps me.
Embrace it. Stop fighting it. Don't waste time seeking meaning when there isn't any.

Is one way of seeing it....
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-09-2018 , 07:25 AM
Then I'm completely lost and aimlessly wandering around. Powerless and at the mercy of my external circumstances and whatever future and unnecessary situations arise. It is absurd but also drives one to madness IMO. I laugh at people getting cancer and the such like because life isn't serious and people don't mean anything. Their so called special life to themselves isn't all that special. They don't mean anything.
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-09-2018 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by The_Last_Nihilist
Then I'm completely lost and aimlessly wandering around. Powerless and at the mercy of my external circumstances and whatever future and unnecessary situations arise. It is absurd but also drives one to madness IMO. I laugh at people getting cancer and the such like because life isn't serious and people don't mean anything. Their so called special life to themselves isn't all that special. They don't mean anything.
You don't know what to do if someone isn't telling you what to do? I just try to enjoy myself. I have the luxury of living in a country where I can spend a lot of my time just doing things I enjoy.
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-09-2018 , 07:48 AM
I know what to do but unable to do it due to external circumstances.
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-09-2018 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by The_Last_Nihilist
I know what to do but unable to do it due to external circumstances.
You sound kinda depressed, to be honest. I'm wary about giving flippant, shallow advice when I don't know you or your circumstances. Talk to a professional maybe.
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-09-2018 , 08:09 AM
yeah already have...they don't offer anything that I classify as support or help.
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-09-2018 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by The_Last_Nihilist
Then I'm completely lost and aimlessly wandering around. Powerless and at the mercy of my external circumstances and whatever future and unnecessary situations arise. It is absurd but also drives one to madness IMO. I laugh at people getting cancer and the such like because life isn't serious and people don't mean anything. Their so called special life to themselves isn't all that special. They don't mean anything.
You laugh at people with cancer?
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-09-2018 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
You laugh at people with cancer?
well yeah...sure life is meaningless. Why get upset over something that isn't serious? How can on the one hand say life is absurd then cry over cancer? Doesn't make any sense. Their life isn't important and neither is mine.

Last edited by The_Last_Nihilist; 01-09-2018 at 08:42 AM. Reason: learn to enjoy losing
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-09-2018 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by The_Last_Nihilist
well yeah...sure life is meaningless. Why get upset over something that isn't serious? How can on the one hand say life is absurd then cry over cancer? Doesn't make any sense. Their life isn't important and neither is mine.
So how would you respond to someone with your issues?
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-09-2018 , 08:22 AM
The way people are currently doing...ignoring it.
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-09-2018 , 08:28 AM
Hence why it is madness. How else to explain it...when I speak I often don't get a response from the other person. I also don't owe anybody anything and they don't owe me anything. Therefore there is no real connection between me and other people. I can't make them do anything I want and vice versa. In my mind we are all aimlessly wandering around in a large open mental asylum. I figure I don't have anything to offer the world either. All my resources are external of which the world already has.
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-09-2018 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by The_Last_Nihilist
The way people are currently doing...ignoring it.
Well, there are two people in this thread that are responding to you, so the first part of your statement is wrong.

Do you think we should ignore you?
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-09-2018 , 08:40 AM
Well I don't think you actually have any good advice about life hence why I mentioned intervention from God. I don't how many times I have been told to go see a professional when I have done so many many many many times before and the same goes with antidepressants. You are totally free to respond however you wish. But in my mind we are just staring at each other because I don't have anything to say or offer and neither do you.
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-09-2018 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by The_Last_Nihilist
Well I don't think you actually have any good advice about life hence why I mentioned intervention from God. I don't how many times I have been told to go see a professional when I have done so many many many many times before and the same goes with antidepressants. You are totally free to respond however you wish. But in my mind we are just staring at each other because I don't have anything to say or offer and neither do you.
Well, if you want advice then the advice is simple enough. Regular sleep, regular meals and at least modicum of physical activity each day. It won't save anyone from clinical depression, but for most people it'll do wonders.

But obviously if you're going to spend your time in some intellectual fortress where no statement could ever be meaningful and nothing matter, then advice is impossible.

But consider that not everyone agrees with you, not all who have cancer think they're special and not everyone ignores you. It doesn't mean everything is fluffy, and you can ignore it all you want with the justification of an absurd universe, but your blanket statements about everyone else are still wrong.
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
01-09-2018 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Well, if you want advice then the advice is simple enough. Regular sleep, regular meals and at least modicum of physical activity each day. It won't save anyone from clinical depression, but for most people it'll do wonders.

This sums up my conclusion that we are staring at each other and hanging around waiting for death. You know? I mean if the best you got right now is something I figured out when I was 4 years old then I simply shrug my shoulders at you.
What does God want me to do and how I can be sure that its coming from God? Quote
