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What do you believe? What do you believe?

08-31-2011 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by Shannon
I believe in the large body of evidence available supporting the afterlife and what “the dead” have to say about the nature of our existence and that of the universe.

The website below contains of wealth of information and links supporting evidence of survival of consciousness. I’ve been studying this evidence for the better part of a year and find it very convincing.

Anyone who doesn’t first study the evidence in support of the afterlife before expressing opinions on things such as the validity of psychic mediums and so on is doing so from an uninformed position. I am not interested in debate or supporting my position. Many people are unaware this evidence exists I am merely passing it on.
I'm pretty sure it's all bs rather then evidence , have you heard about the James Randi challenge. If these people have all this evidence then they should accept the challenge and claim the $1mil.. good luck
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08-31-2011 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by gskowal
I'm pretty sure it's all bs rather then evidence , have you heard about the James Randi challenge. If these people have all this evidence then they should accept the challenge and claim the $1mil.. good luck
You're pretty sure huh? Well I stand corrected and have clearly wasted the better part of a year researching this nonsense, cause well, you're pretty sure.

Everybody has heard of that clown James Randi and his BS challenge. He's made it impossible to collect the money. If you think it's all BS, I don't care, it's not you I'm interested in reaching. What part of my post made it seem like I was intereseted in debate with skeptics that haven't studied the evidence and are just spewing their opinion?
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08-31-2011 , 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by batair
I believe i dont know whats going on in this universe. As far as why idk. Well im just a walking talking ape.
I pretty much believe we're not different. Put a bullet in either of us and I think the result is the same.. dirt nap time. If apes go to heaven, I think I'd like to go, too
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08-31-2011 , 07:54 AM
I believe that people created God and not the other way around.

Also this:
Originally Posted by dietDrThunder
I believe that all forms of religion are based originally on Man's need to explain the unexplainable and can be accurately summed up as superstition.
This means that as science grows stronger, the need for religion decreases.
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08-31-2011 , 09:00 AM
We created God to answer the unaswerable.
Now we have computers.
"Soon" we'll have quantum computing.

Think about it.. mankind created God[s] in our infancy. Now that we're "older", we want different answers. We have different questions now, too. One's we'll input into a computer (instead of praying about them).

Big fairy tale might not have the ending that some people had hoped for (for, umm, thousands of years now).

Computing>God ?
What do you believe? Quote
08-31-2011 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Shannon
You're pretty sure huh? Well I stand corrected and have clearly wasted the better part of a year researching this nonsense, cause well, you're pretty sure.

Everybody has heard of that clown James Randi and his BS challenge. He's made it impossible to collect the money. If you think it's all BS, I don't care, it's not you I'm interested in reaching. What part of my post made it seem like I was intereseted in debate with skeptics that haven't studied the evidence and are just spewing their opinion?
How so? please explain why is it impossible? Is it impossible because NOBODY who makes these supernatural claims can replicate them under scientific scrutiny?
What do you believe? Quote
08-31-2011 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by gskowal
How so? please explain why is it impossible? Is it impossible because NOBODY who makes these supernatural claims can replicate them under scientific scrutiny?

I’ll answer your question regarding Randi as well as elaborate on current scientific methodology relative to the paranormal. But first I want to emphasize that I posted the link for open minded people who are genuinely interested in the culmination of the scientific evidence currently available related to the survival of consciousness.

Victor Zammit, in many ways, is as much of an azz as the likes of James Randi and Richard Dawkins; however his website contains a wealth of information that has been assembled over the last decade. Prior to this century, and the explosion of the internet, that information wasn’t readily available in one place. Most people don’t know this exists.

(I wouldn’t bother with Zammit’s personal videos; I would stick to the excellent links and articles relating to the evidence.)

As far as James Randi is concerned, what in this dimension makes you think that this man who makes his living trying to expose other people as frauds would legitimately put himself and his reputation – not to mention one million dollars - at risk by allowing anyone to successfully complete his challenge? I’m sorry, but it’s simply naïve to believe that his challenges – of which there are many – are legitimate.

Current scientific methodology, with its rinse and repeat method, is severely lacking when it comes to proof of the paranormal. In addition to this, the gatekeepers of the current state of atheistic scientific dogma, similar to the gatekeepers or organized religions, aren’t really interested in evidence that contradicts their life long work in material science - or the bible.

Before you roll your eyes at me again junior, study the evidence so you know what you’re talking about. Think out of the box and look at something other than a scientific journal. You’re as naïve as the religious zealot that believes in a vengeful God and a fiery hell.

I’m done with this thread. I won’t waste anymore of my time. Unless of course you spend a few months evaluating the evidence and can dispute it? Then Victor will pay you one million dollars.
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09-06-2011 , 01:46 PM

im not interested in reading through the archives of that website. the reason i made this thread was to see the opinion of others

it is obvious you have a very strong opinion concerning the information on that website, and if you could give me a summary of the "proof" that lead you to believe what you do, id be more than happy to read all of it. however im not interested in sifting through a website that lists john edward as one of its known psychics
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09-06-2011 , 03:48 PM
I Believe.......

1/3 of the Angels got booted out of heaven for following Lucifer. Instead of destroying us, God decided to give us a chance to repent. His plan was to place us in a hostile envirement and see if we could obey him in the face of adversity, to prove we could be trusted enough to be allowed home....

The Kingdom of Israel was composed of 12 (13 with levites) tribes, each tribe a son of Jacob (name changed to Israel). The people were disobediant (to the Law, Deut) and constantly punished. First the Kingdom was divided into two, the 10 tribed House of Israel, and the two tribed House of Judah. The iniquity and forsakement (word?) of the Law continued, and the House of Israel went into captivety to the Assyrians (modern German peoples). Hundred years later or so, Judah went into captivety to the Babylonians (who would become the Romans).

But lets go back a little further and examine Jacob, the father of Israel. Jacob vs. Esau is a story that many gloss over and have no idea of its implications..... meh this is going to be too much work, hah.

Bottom line, British Crown descends from David, the Celto Anglo Saxon peoples are the Hebrews, and God is pissed that no one cares about his Kingdom. You ask why isn't this widely known? Because this is everything. Just as the Atheist doesn't really care about God, he just wants you to doubt Him, and therefore, accept his secular humanism....the Jew doesn't care about God, isn't an Israelite (nor descendant of Judah), he just wants you to forget about the Kingdom, and accept his secular humanism (?).

Jacob vs. Esau, "white guy vs Jew", is the battle behind the scenes. Just as the Kingdom is not discussed and is suppressed, so is any acknowledgment of this battle.

That being said, we basically are the same people, only difference is Esau hooked up with a caananite (Ishmaelite? dont feel like looking this up atm) and has a little something else in his bloodline. I doubt many Jews even realise whats going on with their leaders, as it is with us. I consider them a worthy opponent, and am just telling it like it is. I understand their pissed and they want their birthright (as world rulers?) back.

I suspect that freemasonry, is the equivalent to white "judaism", and that both these groups collude to defraud the people (all peoples), of land, liberty, and birthright guaranteed in the Law of Moses.
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09-09-2011 , 02:28 PM
1. I believe in withholding belief until there is sufficient evidence.
2. I believe that any belief must always be held accountable to available evidence.
3. I believe anyones belief that is not in accordance with the above two should not be respected and ridiculed whenever possible.
What do you believe? Quote
09-10-2011 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by Roland32
1. I believe in withholding belief until there is sufficient evidence.
2. I believe that any belief must always be held accountable to available evidence.
3. I believe anyones belief that is not in accordance with the above two should not be respected and ridiculed whenever possible.
Do you believe there is an objective standard for what counts as "sufficient evidence"?

If so...
-What reasons do you have for believing one exists? (Arron W. epistemology question FTW)
-And how do you determine what counts as "sufficient evidence" once you establish that there is an objective standard for what counts as "sufficient evidence"?
What do you believe? Quote
09-12-2011 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by always_sunni_
Do you believe there is an objective standard for what counts as "sufficient evidence"?

If so...
-What reasons do you have for believing one exists? (Arron W. epistemology question FTW)
-And how do you determine what counts as "sufficient evidence" once you establish that there is an objective standard for what counts as "sufficient evidence"?
Irrelevant questions.

1. Do you believe there is an objective standard for "communication."
2. What reasons do you have for believing communication standard exists?
3. How do you determine what counts as "communication" once you establish that there is an objective standard for what counts as "communication."

Regardless of how these questions are answered we can still make value judgments as it pertains to communication. Such as stating that the way I am communicating the ideas in this post is superior than randomly banging the keyboard before hitting enter.
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09-12-2011 , 11:39 AM
I believe that whatever is out there (ie. the truth about existence, life, the universe, etc) is beyond our comprehension at least for the moment, it is probably way different than what we as humans expect or can reason.

Pretty boring I know, for lols I also believe than when I die I will be able to choose any universe I want to live in, and I will have my own pokemons and train them to become the best gym master.
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09-12-2011 , 02:52 PM
I believe in a god, but I think any religion is basically bull****. I`m a born muslim tho.
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