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04-29-2010 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Obvious you know nothing about having a personal relationship with God. To the people that do, this comparison isn't that different then believers and nonbelievers of religion.
do you think it's possible that you are just imagining that you have a personal relationship with God? How would you know the difference between actually being contacted by God and just imagining that you have been?
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04-29-2010 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Obvious you know nothing about having a personal relationship with God. To the people that do, this comparison isn't that different then believers and nonbelievers of religion.
you obvously know nothing about having the clarity of vision that is achieved bydropping the crutch of your false belief in invisible friends. To people that do, they realize why your comparison was laughable.

To be honest with you, you make so many logical fallacies, that I suspect most people are amused or exasperated by your examples.

I ask again... high school graduate?
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04-29-2010 , 04:38 PM
The pointlessness of coversation with Gunth is...

He thinks it compelling that 1 billion people believe as he does.

When you point out that MORE people don't believe what he does... nothing.

Its bad enough that he doesn't understand freshman level logical fallacies. He doesn't even get his own logic. (if all the christians believing something is compelling, then the fact that MORE muslims believe something different is even MORE compelling. The fact that the majority of the world does NOT believe Christianity should be slam dunk to him.) But consistancy and logic does not follow.

So what is the point in debating... you can't point out he's illogical because he has no idea what you're talking about.
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04-29-2010 , 04:39 PM
sigh, matter is constantly being broken down and broken down to what makes those parts. go take mt.fishnoobs mirror test.

same with energy.

It's the same concept with understanding the universe, but just reversed.
So back to that question about the human mind. What is it about the human mind that when it discovers something they don't understand, it assumes it follows different laws than the stuff we have come to understand?

do you think it's possible that you are just imagining that you have a personal relationship with God? How would you know the difference between actually being contacted by God and just imagining that you have been?
Do you think its possible that most the world just isn't crazy?

He thinks it compelling that 1 billion people believe as he does.
Now it's gone from me using it as an argument, to me thinking its compelling... I was just using that fact to ask you guys some questions regarding that fact.

By the way, it looks pretty stupid that you're calling atheists gullible for believing that things might be eternal.... then turning around and advocating for an eternal god.
And before i was shown proof, i thought people who believed in religion were gullible too.

I'm having trouble understanding that you can't differentiate the difference in confidence between believing 'I saw someone ate froglegs' and 'I know how the universe was created.'
Your taking what i said out of context. First off it was used to debunk your ridiculous claim that people who say they know something are dumb. 2nd, to believers, it is knowing in the same sense. I know frog legs exist, I know God exists.

Last edited by Gunth0807; 04-29-2010 at 04:46 PM.
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04-29-2010 , 04:40 PM
kurto, i literally pointed out all of that to him via PM like an hour ago and it just went right over his head.
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04-29-2010 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807

Do you think its possible that most the world just isn't crazy?
explain to me how that argument makes sense. most of the world thinks that you are wrong.
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04-29-2010 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
sigh, matter is constantly being broken down and broken down to what makes those parts. go take mt.fishnoobs mirror test.

same with energy.
I'm fairly certain this shows a lack of basic physics education.

And before i was shown proof, i thought people who believed in religion were gullible too.
Considering your lack of education, understanding of science and logic... you'll understand that we don't think much of your standard of evidence or ability to evaluate it.

You still haven't answered - Have you graduated high school? College? Age?

Honestly, you seem to lack knowledge in many areas that most are familiar with. It makes it difficult ot discuss things.
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04-29-2010 , 04:49 PM
kurto, i literally pointed out all of that to him via PM like an hour ago and it just went right over his head.
I'm going to state this one more time, you can continue to ignore or comment otherwise but i will not respond to anymore of these ridiculous accusations.

I used those questions as questions, not as arguments.
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04-29-2010 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by BrokeDonk
kurto, i literally pointed out all of that to him via PM like an hour ago and it just went right over his head.
Oh, I would have predicted that. I'm mostly still engaged because its kind of fascinating. He's shown his ability to misunderstand quite a bit.
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04-29-2010 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by BrokeDonk
explain to me how that argument makes sense. most of the world thinks that you are wrong.
it boggles my mind that this goes over his head. I'm pretty sure most 10 year olds would understand this.
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04-29-2010 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
I'm going to state this one more time, you can continue to ignore or comment otherwise but i will not respond to anymore of these ridiculous accusations.

I used those questions as questions, not as arguments.
ok, you've made a lot of posts in this thread. please tell me what you want me to respond to, and i'll do my best.
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04-29-2010 , 04:55 PM
Kurto, what makes water. Matter. H2O. Well what is hydrogen and oxygen made of? Atoms. What are atoms made of? protons ,neutrons, and electrons. What are those made of? so on so on and so on.

What is kurto made up of? insults. what are those insults made of? words. what are those words made of? letters. what are those letters made of?
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04-29-2010 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Kurto, what makes water. Matter. H2O. Well what is hydrogen and oxygen made of? Atoms. What are atoms made of? protons ,neutrons, and electrons. What are those made of? so on so on and so on.

What is kurto made up of? insults. what are those insults made of? words. what are those words made of? letters. what are those letters made of?
Scientists are working today in a giant underground laboratory to answer many of your questions. How many times do people have to tell you we can't explain everything. We simply believe that saying "God did it" doesn't further our understanding. You keep asking questions which only demonstrate a lack of education. Why don't you answer my questions. Did you go to college? Have you studied science in any depth?

Your questions only show you have a lot of learning to do. Though I suspect a lazy inclination to conclude that if you don't understand it, it must be a supernatural being.

People used to say an eclipse was a demon stealing the sun. This is because they lacked the understanding that it was a planet which was crossing paths with another celestial body. Now we know better. You seem content to stick with "I dunno... must be god/demons/magic"
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04-29-2010 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
Scientists are working today in a giant underground laboratory to answer many of your questions. How many times do people have to tell you we can't explain everything. We simply believe that saying "God did it" doesn't further our understanding. You keep asking questions which only demonstrate a lack of education. Why don't you answer my questions. Did you go to college? Have you studied science in any depth?

Your questions only show you have a lot of learning to do. Though I suspect a lazy inclination to conclude that if you don't understand it, it must be a supernatural being.

People used to say an eclipse was a demon stealing the sun. This is because they lacked the understanding that it was a planet which was crossing paths with another celestial body. Now we know better. You seem content to stick with "I dunno... must be god/demons/magic"
My point is , it doesn't end. And it rarely leads to anything good. Almost always negative. But for some reason because you can't understand something yet, you get this concept that it must just be there, nothing made that. When with everything we understand in this world, it was created by something or made up of something. Now that is not logical one bit. The questions you want me to answer are ridiculously off topic. There have been many many things you don't understand that i have explained to you. But for some reason if i don't understand something, kurto goes wild with the insults. Grow up kid. You have shown way more ignorance in this discussion than i have.

Science is the study of God's Creation. The more i know God, the more i know science.
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04-29-2010 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
What is kurto made up of? insults. what are those insults made of? words. what are those words made of? letters. what are those letters made of?
I want to be clear... I am doing my best not to just sling insults here. When i question your level of education it is simply an honest response to some areas where you've demonstrated a lack of somewhat shared knowledge. You make a number of logical fallacies and make inappopriate conclusions from things posted. This suggests (perhaps incorrectly) to me a lack of formal education, at least in areas of some general sciences and logic. At times its like trying to discuss a subject in english with someone who only took an introductory course in the language.

While it can be seen as insulting, I would come to expect it, for instance, if someone was trying to discuss with me Quantum Physics. If I discussed this with someone they would surely question if I've studied the subject. There's nothing wrong if you haven't studied this stuff, but it does mean you're missing a lot of crucial information that is leading to what we see as mistakes in your posts and an inability to understand our responses.
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04-29-2010 , 05:23 PM
I am beginning to wonder whether or not you know what matter is...

It was once believed that atoms could not be broken down into anything else...

Last edited by Gunth0807; 04-29-2010 at 05:28 PM.
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04-29-2010 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
My point is , it doesn't end.
Perhaps not. That has yet to be determined. But there is certainly so much to understand about our universe that we are unlikely to ever understand it all.

And it rarely leads to anything good. Almost always negative.
I don't know what you mean by this. What rarely leads to anything good?

But for some reason because you can't understand something yet, you get this concept that it must just be there, nothing made that. When with everything we understand in this world, it was created by something or made up of something.
I don't think most people pretend to understand nearly everything in this world, how it came about, etc. You keep saying that everything was created by something but we're not agreeing with you. We don't know that.

Now that is not logical one bit. The questions you want me to answer are ridiculously off topic. There have been many many things you don't understand that i have explained to you. But for some reason if i don't understand something, kurto goes wild with the insults. Grow up kid. You have shown way more ignorance in this discussion than i have.
If you choose to believe this that doesn't bother me one way or another. I'm not really sure what you think you've explained to me. Or what I've been ignorant of. But it doesn't really bother me either way. There is no doubt you lack an understanding of logical fallacies and much about science.


Science is the study of God's Creation. The more i know God, the more i know science.
You can say it and believe it but the first part is an unproveable assertion. And the second part is demonstrable false. The more you study Bible and God is not going to help you understand how, for instance, your nervous system works... how to identify and cure a disease... how physics works so that you can build a rocket. Matter of fact, it is a fact that in the fields of science, you find more atheists then in the general public. Its quite easy to demonstrate a knowledge of science. Science is a testable and observable field. If anything, you've demonstrated the least understanding of science then anyone on this forum with, perhaps, the exception of Splendour.
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04-29-2010 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
I am beginning to wonder whether or not you know what matter is...

It was once believed that atoms could not be broken down into anything else...
I'm sure its godstuff.
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04-29-2010 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
I am beginning to wonder whether or not you know what matter is...

It was once believed that atoms could not be broken down into anything else...
I suspect everyone here knows this. Your point if you have one?
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04-29-2010 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
= Not an atheist.

Time for you to strap that bomb to your chest then?

You guy's have convinced me even more not to rely on science.
Then please be turning all your science off. gl and take care as i wont be able to communicate with you, as computers rely on science, any longer after you stand by your convictions.
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04-29-2010 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Then please be turning all your science off. gl and take care as i wont be able to communicate with you, as computers rely on science, any longer after you stand by your convictions.
I'm not the one saying water is just there. Its not made of anything. It is eternal.

God has allowed man to make computers btw. Thank you for popping itt for another ridiculous hit and run statement.
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04-29-2010 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
I'm not the one saying water is just there. Its not made of anything. It is eternal.

God has allowed man to make computers btw. Thank you for popping itt for another ridiculous hit and run statement.
you can't be serious. there is no way you are not an atheist just pretending to be a ridiculous caricature of a theist
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04-29-2010 , 06:23 PM
dude it was a response to a comment that theists shouldn't use computers. get real.
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04-29-2010 , 06:32 PM
i stand by my statement.
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04-29-2010 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by BrokeDonk
i stand by my statement.
ya you also stand by your statement that questions automatically = arguments.
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