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What am I? What am I?

03-08-2009 , 07:26 PM
I wish there was a no-content chatter thread where I could drop this. Since there isn't, here goes.

-I went to church with my parents from age whatever until I went to college. Now I go on Christmas eve and Easter. It was a United Church of Christ, our services lasted an hour, it was relaxed, laid back, and nothing crazy.

-I was confirmed

-I was baptized

-I say a prayer each night before bed. It's not directed to anyone in particular, just who/whatever is out there. Thanking this thing for the day behind me and the day ahead of me.

-I'm a scientist, believe in evolution, and then most/all things from the bible are FOS.

-I wouldn't say I believe in God. But I also won't say I don't. I believe in something because I like believing there is an explanation for all that goes on in the world, but I don't attribute troubles or problems to this person, nor do I expect prayer to make things better.

-I like laughing at the Atheist picture thread because I think people who are 'serious' about religion are ****ing nuts.

Basically, I doubt Jesus was real. I don't think the bible is accurate. I don't think we should follow what it says. I think we should just be kind to others and all that stuff. I might believe in some sort of judgment at death, but not in a heaven/hell God/Satan type thing, but more 'were you a good person? if so, go here, if not, go there' but more likely than not I think there's just nothing. But I'm not sure. I'm not 100% or even 90% on anything.

Is wanting to believe in something the same as believing in something? What does that make me?
I don't let the bible/God dictate my decisions. I do want I think it right/just/fair.

I'll continue to add things or elaborate if people ask questions.

But WTF am I?
What am I? Quote
03-08-2009 , 07:40 PM
u r a manupod iirc
What am I? Quote
03-08-2009 , 07:42 PM
but for a serious answer - dont feel a need to define yourself. you are a person that has a unique and changeable belief system.
What am I? Quote
03-08-2009 , 07:48 PM
Well, ok, I agree that I am a manupod who can be whatever he decides to be.

But beyond that...I don't think I identify well with Christians, at least serious ones, because they're bat**** insane. Maybe reform/very relaxed, 'make up your own damn minds' type of Christians, if such a thing exists.

And I don't think I'm an atheist since I do pray to something and thing about there being something larger than me/us. Not necessarily that will judge me based on his/her/their teachings, but based on whether I lived live in a way consistent with my morals and values that derive from how I view the world.

I want to believe there's something. In fact, I'm convinced there IS something. Even though I have no proof, and no real reason to think that. I don't believe the bible to be true, and I think people who follow other religions seriously are rather silly.

Like, I'm happy to say I'm a Christian so I can identify with people that way, but as soon as you start preaching your bible says this or that, or I can't have sex or fun, or the earth was created in 6 days and there was an ark and all that BS then I'm getting the f out of there.

Other than I like thinking it. It doesn't even matter what it is. FSM one time.
What am I? Quote
03-08-2009 , 07:50 PM
Basically, I doubt Jesus was real.
Are you saying you do not think that he existed? That would be pretty silly of you.

Or are you saying you do not believe that he was the son of God?
What am I? Quote
03-08-2009 , 07:53 PM
But beyond that...I don't think I identify well with Christians, at least serious ones, because they're bat**** insane. Maybe reform/very relaxed, 'make up your own damn minds' type of Christians, if such a thing exists.
I am pretty serious, and I bet that you would identify with me fine. But you will probably never meet me so I guess that doesn't count.
What am I? Quote
03-08-2009 , 07:54 PM
But I don't think Jesus walked on water or that there was an ark or that there was intelligent design or...
What am I? Quote
03-08-2009 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by manupod
I wish there was a no-content chatter thread where I could drop this. Since there isn't, here goes.

-I went to church with my parents from age whatever until I went to college. Now I go on Christmas eve and Easter. It was a United Church of Christ, our services lasted an hour, it was relaxed, laid back, and nothing crazy.

-I was confirmed

-I was baptized

-I say a prayer each night before bed. It's not directed to anyone in particular, just who/whatever is out there. Thanking this thing for the day behind me and the day ahead of me.

-I'm a scientist, believe in evolution, and then most/all things from the bible are FOS.

-I wouldn't say I believe in God. But I also won't say I don't. I believe in something because I like believing there is an explanation for all that goes on in the world, but I don't attribute troubles or problems to this person, nor do I expect prayer to make things better.

-I like laughing at the Atheist picture thread because I think people who are 'serious' about religion are ****ing nuts.

Basically, I doubt Jesus was real. I don't think the bible is accurate. I don't think we should follow what it says. I think we should just be kind to others and all that stuff. I might believe in some sort of judgment at death, but not in a heaven/hell God/Satan type thing, but more 'were you a good person? if so, go here, if not, go there' but more likely than not I think there's just nothing. But I'm not sure. I'm not 100% or even 90% on anything.

Is wanting to believe in something the same as believing in something? What does that make me?
I don't let the bible/God dictate my decisions. I do want I think it right/just/fair.

I'll continue to add things or elaborate if people ask questions.

But WTF am I?
In a nut shell, an unbeleliever. With potential to be a believer if you actually heard logicall truth that made sense regarding the bible, God, Jesus Christ ect.. You unfortunately were probably ruined in your beliefs by all the BS that you saw in your denominations and the hypocrisy you saw in your familiy and all around you.

This is because you were raised in a false untrue religion that is not true Chrsitianity. It all seems and seemed stupid and not to make any sense. I mean they believe God is God and a Father of Jesus Christ and that Jesus Christ who is the son is God also. Somewhere in there they believe that the holy spirit is God also. LOL I see your reason for unbelief, sounds like Christians are illogical and crazy to believe that. Which they have to be.


Last edited by Pletho; 03-08-2009 at 08:09 PM.
What am I? Quote
03-08-2009 , 08:06 PM
What am I? Quote
03-08-2009 , 08:14 PM
agnostic? or...

a pedo bear?
What am I? Quote
03-09-2009 , 07:10 AM
You are a being playing the role of a human.

You know you exist, and are trying to make sense of it.
The trying though complicates the truth.
The truth is, you simply are. When you realize that fact, then you see that...........
What am I? Quote
03-09-2009 , 09:26 AM
By most definitions, you'd be called agnostic.

Agnostic is commonly defined as believing that some kind of deity is likely to exist, but that it's not really possible to know what they are like/what they want/ etc... basically, saying that God at least has the potential to be real, but religions are false.

Of course there'll be squabbling over precise definitions and semantics, but if you say "agnostic" to your random joe on the street, they're thinking of something similar to what your OP describes.
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03-09-2009 , 03:02 PM
A human being. Enjoy
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03-09-2009 , 03:13 PM
You seem to be an atheist who has an irrational belief in a soul
What am I? Quote
03-09-2009 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Roland32
You seem to be an atheist who has an irrational belief in a soul
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzz
What am I? Quote
03-10-2009 , 11:33 AM
You sound almost exactly like me, I have no idea what I am. I cant say that I'm a theist, an atheist, or an agnostic, I just don't know. Because there might be a God, I do pray now and again and I do sort of believe. I don't at all belong to any religion, they're all absolutely insane to me and I just could not ever follow/believe any of them.

I actually think most people are like this in the UK. If you don't really think about religion that much or take it seriously then you're probably gonna end up being an agnostic. I'm just really laid back and open minded on the topic of God. I don't completely ignore it and I don't waste my life thinking about pointless never ending questions like "does God exist". I don't know why I'm not an atheist, they really do almost always make complete sense to me and it always seems as if atheists just completely destroy theists when it comes to debates. I don't even know if I believe in God. I do hope that God exists, so maybe in a way I believe that he does (hope=faith?).

I you asked me the question "do you believe in God?" I would have to say - I don't know. What does that make me?
What am I? Quote
