In my mind, I divide the journey / story into three chapters.
Each chapter can be thought of as a descension and an ascension. The ascension marks the end of that chapter. Each new chapter is more challenging than the last.
You don’t need to commit to completing all three phases before starting, but IMO everyone should commit to at least completing the first phase at some point in their life.
My first recommendation when starting is hero identification. Watch hero’s journey movies (or read stories) and identify with the hero.
Next, the parable of the lost son:
The older brother represents the firstborn, or chosen son. He is in the place of privilege as the inheritor of the estate.
Nobody wins the game without losing many times, and you can’t win the game until you realize you’re in it and losing.
The younger brother is in the losing position, but as I mention above, this is the position you need to be in.
Study the story to see how the younger brother levels up. Notice how he says, “Father, give me my share of the estate.”
You need to understand that the younger brother has no entitlement to the estate. The reason why he is able to make this move is because he has identified with the older brother. When you identify with someone, their story merges with your story.
There are advantages to each position - younger and older brother. The advantage of the younger brother is that he has nothing to lose. Because of this, he can condemn the father by demanding the inheritance.
Now, translate all of this into the Christian story. The Christians are the older brother. You are the younger brother. This is the Christian story, so Jesus is in the position of the father.
One of the promises Jesus made was “Whatever you ask for in my name will be granted to you.” When you identify with the Christian, then what is true for them becomes true for you.
In summary, in order to progress through chapter one, build your dual identity as both Christian and Non-Christian. This will take some time and effort to enter into the Christian story. At the same time, watch movies for hero identification.
Then, use the parable of the lost son as a guide. Serve Jesus and follow his commands. Pray to him and ask for what you desire. When he doesn’t deliver, make demands and make a stand. This will cause a deconstruction and you will enter the land of freedom, just like in the story.