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The Spiritual Mind The Spiritual Mind

02-07-2012 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Husker
From Amazon....

'McCauley argues that religion has existed for many thousands of years in every society because the kinds of explanations it provides are precisely the kinds that come naturally to human minds. Science, on the other hand, is a much more recent and rare development because it reaches radical conclusions and requires a kind of abstract thinking that only arises consistently under very specific social conditions. Religion makes intuitive sense to us, while science requires a lot of work.'

Cliffs: Religion seems easy so it's correct. Science is hard man so it can't be correct.

Did he say science can't be correct?

I thought the quote was science was "unnatural" not "incorrect". Unnatural and incorrect are very different meanings.

The scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge. Are methods/techniques "natural"? Or are they man made?
The Spiritual Mind Quote
02-08-2012 , 12:28 PM
'Religion makes intuitive sense to us, while science requires a lot of work. McCauley then draws out the larger implications of these findings. The naturalness of religion, he suggests, means that science poses no real threat to it, while the unnaturalness of science puts it in a surprisingly precarious position.
And what precarious position would that be???

And I fail to see how the scientific method, which has give us so much, can be unnatural given that much of it uses our senses to analyse, test and verify.
The Spiritual Mind Quote
