Originally Posted by bunny
What's the reason?
The reason why more entropy is predicted in the past is that there are more ways something can be disordered than ordered. The pages of a book only have one order which is correct but there are many ways the pages could be ordered which would be incorrect. Thats the mathmatical explaination.
The past that we can observe has less entropy simply because the universe started out with very little entropy and we've been going thru a process of increasing entropy ever since. Think about it like this. Suppose Its 10:30 pm and your sitting in a bar and you have a glass in front of you which contains half melted ice cubes. Now our mathmatical models of entropy would predict that at 10:15pm those ice cubes were even more melted. The reason they arn't is the fact that at 10:00pm those ice cubes were fully formed(i.e. not melted at all) when the came out of the freezer. We know for a fact that at 10:00pm those ice cubes where in more ordered state.
Now we can say that about the universe, that its is fact that as we go back in time its in a more ordered/less entropy state. Our observations tell us that. However once we near the time of the big bang, we no longer have observation. All that we have is prediction...and if we rely upon the predicitions logic and reason give us, the conclusion is the creation of the universe involved moving from higher entropy to lower entropy.