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RGT -- The Film RGT -- The Film

02-27-2010 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
Are you drinking?
Well, I am distracted by this rush poker (I kinda like it but I'm sure it won't help my game) but I thought it was a good choice. Bunny is the cerebral type.
RGT -- The Film Quote
02-27-2010 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by bunny
The technical experise required for such an undertaking is beyond me. I'm a rather boring looking guy with glasses.

RGT -- The Film Quote
02-27-2010 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
OK... gesssh... can you at least give us an idea about your personality. We really want you in this film... at least we did when we thought you were a girl.... but hey... that's OK. Lot's of people still think Howard is a girl.
Opinionated, arrogant, quiet, physically unimpressive, awkward around girls. A real standout from the poker forum crowd.
RGT -- The Film Quote
02-27-2010 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I think that Morgan Freedman was perfect, why didn't we do that? And I like the idea of him as a narrator, first Morgan is probably one of the best narrators ever, second it is very fitting given that we do not have a pic of Bunny.
OK.... Morgan Freeman it is

I originally shunned the idea when I still bunny was a middle aged white woman.
RGT -- The Film Quote
02-27-2010 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by bunny
Bridge is very uncool, but it is the best game I have ever played. My failure to master it is also one of the biggest disappointments of my life.
Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand.
RGT -- The Film Quote
02-27-2010 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
20) Zugzwang83 - ED NORTON - but only after he explains what ZUGZWANG83 means

Zugzwang (German for "compulsion to move", pronounced [ˈtsuːktsvaŋ]) is a term originally used in chess which also applies to various other games. The concept finds its formal definition in combinatorial game theory. It describes a situation where one player is put at a disadvantage because he has to make a move – the player would prefer to pass and make no move. The fact that the player must make a move means that his position will be significantly weaker than the hypothetical one in which it were his opponent's turn to move.
RGT -- The Film Quote
02-28-2010 , 09:48 AM

If Howard got banned for cursing.... am I going to get banned for potty language in the movie...even if I block it out like th** ?

This film is rated R but I don't wanna get banned.

Also.... Howard you may have gotten banned...not for the language...but for the bad sense of humor.
RGT -- The Film Quote
02-28-2010 , 03:00 PM
I KNEW IT. this thread was one big level to get another 150 posts.....

JD i give you a little compliment about getting funnier then you go and take it to heart and try to be 'funny' in every thread...
RGT -- The Film Quote
02-28-2010 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by HowardGrind
I KNEW IT. this thread was one big level to get another 150 posts.....

JD i give you a little compliment about getting funnier then you go and take it to heart and try to be 'funny' in every thread...
You knew nothing...the script goes as planned.
I just want to know if i have to use ALL *@*# symbols so I can avoid getting banned.
What did you say to get banned.
RGT -- The Film Quote
02-28-2010 , 06:12 PM
I said 'ef you sea kay' but i put a couple spaces between the letters so you could read it, I just hate seeing f*$k because it takes me so long to read.... F asterix dollar sign k is annoying just like you
RGT -- The Film Quote
02-28-2010 , 06:31 PM
Scene 1 Act 2
Jib gives RIZE a look that says “shut up” and RIZE looks down.
Sorry boss.

ZUGZ and AIF continue their standoff. JIB walks closer….slowly. Takes a piece of toast from ZUGZ plate… takes a bite. The standoff continues. JIB takes the coffee cup from in front of AIF…takes a sip.

You want me to …

JIB raises a finger to interupt.
Do it. Kill him.

AIF and ZUGZ now look confused. (pause)
Which one of us are you talking to?

Either one. I don’t like either one of you. In fact… if I didn’t need you both… I would have already killed you both. Now…. Either you shoot him…or you stab him…. Or both of you stop acting like a couple of bi**ches.
The standoff continues. JIB waits…then takes a water glass and hurls it across the café.
NOW ! ! ! !

AIF and ZUGZ both jump but continue to stare at each other.
You first.
F**k you… you drop yours first.

JIB obviously irritated sits next to AIF and motions for RIZE to sit across the table. Finally the two drop their weapons.
RGT -- The Film Quote
03-01-2010 , 01:07 PM

Now.... are we finished? Can we get to work?

A waitress cautiously approaches

Can I take your order?

(grabs a menu) Yea..... I'll have the ...

JIB kicks RIZE from under the table. He looks at CSMA deep and long...obviously enamored.

No.... we're OK. How are you doin?

*pause* You're paying for that glass.... you know that right?

CSMA walks away and JIB continues to stare...smiles. RIZE rubs his shin. As JIB begins to talk, RIZE eats food from AIF and ZUGS plates.

Listen... no more screwing around. We've gotta move fast now...things are heating up.

I want out.

I knew it....awww geez you are such a pu**y.

There is no .... "out". Not now...not ever.

I'm serious... I want out.

Will you listen a second.... I've already called MAX H. There's no turning back.... you're in so shut your pie hole and do exactly what I tell you.

YOU listen.... I'm not working with this Irish Mick anymore. He's a psycho and he's unsafe!

Who are you calling a German Nazi arrogant bast**d!

Goddam**t !! Both of you shut the f**k up!

CSMA approaches. The table gets silent. She wads the bill up .... lightly tosses it at JIB.

It's time to go boys.

We were just finishing...

CSMA (interrupts)
You go now.

The 4 get up and begin to walk out. JIB tosses a hundred dollar bill on the table and winks at CSMA.
RGT -- The Film Quote
03-01-2010 , 01:13 PM
Man, I am loving this movie! Cannot wait to know what happens next. Well done sir
RGT -- The Film Quote
03-01-2010 , 03:13 PM
Currently working on character development right now as we move to Scene 2.
Bunny can not narrate the film.... but will be actually played by Morgan Freeman

RGT: The Movie

1) Jibninjas -- BRAD PITT The cool hip guy... High up in command

2) Max H - Vincent D'Onofrio Works at the RGT as a pit boss. He wants Pletho (current floor supervisor killed)

3) rizeagainst - CHRIS PENN A hired for JIB


5) All in Flynn - PATRICK STEWART One of the main hit men

6) Splendour - EMILY WATSON

7) always_sunni_ - DAVID SCHWIMMER Owner of the RGT

8) Madnak - BILL MURRAY

9) SABR42 - CHI CHUNG LAM Computer genius... invented the "card stacker"

10) Vantek - GERARD BUTLER

11) Howard Grind - MATT LEBLANC Works in the casino...surfer type

12) Joey Diamonds - VINCE VAUGHN Works in the casino... bruiser type.

13) Pletho - MICHAEL RICHARDS Floor supervisor at RGT

14) Prax - SYLVIA BROWN Pit boss

15) Stu Pidasso - ANTONIO BANDERAS Card player for Team SCAM

16) Autocratic - SAMUEL L JACKSON Head of security at RGT

17) MelchyBeau - SEAN CONNERY Organizes the gang

18) Arouet - SETH ROGAN Dealer that is in on it

19) Batair - WILLIAM SHATNER (skinny version) Tourney MC

20) Zugzwang83 - ED NORTON - One of the main hit men

21) CSMA - Aishwarya Rai - Waitress.. JIBS gal and accomplice
RGT -- The Film Quote
03-02-2010 , 07:51 PM
Danzig - "Thirteen" is the opening song"
RGT -- The Film Quote
03-03-2010 , 08:52 PM
Up to Date CASTING

1) Jibninjas -- BRAD PITT

2) Max H - Vincent D'Onofrio

3) rizeagainst - CHRIS PENN

4) bunny - Morgan Freeman

5) All in Flynn - PATRICK STEWART

6) Splendour - EMILY WATSON

7) always_sunni_ - DAVID SCHWIMMER

8) fired


10) Vantek - GERARD BUTLER

11) Howard Grind - MATT LEBLANC

12) Joey Diamonds - VINCE VAUGHN



15) Stu Pidasso - ANTONIO BANDERAS

16) Autocratic - SAMUEL L JACKSON

17) MelchyBeau - SEAN CONNERY

18) Arouet - SETH ROGAN

19) Batair - WILLIAM SHATNER (skinny version)

20) Zugzwang83 - ED NORTON

21) CSMA -Aishwarya Rai
RGT -- The Film Quote
03-03-2010 , 11:52 PM
RGT -- The Film Quote
03-04-2010 , 12:21 AM
FYI my favorite Connery move is Name of the Rose
RGT -- The Film Quote
03-07-2010 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by MelchyBeau
FYI my favorite Connery move is Name of the Rose
Great movie
RGT -- The Film Quote
03-09-2010 , 12:53 AM
What about me!?! I want to be the sarcastic, major investor in the casino who is always concerned about everything that is going wrong. I could be played by John C. McGinley!
RGT -- The Film Quote
03-10-2010 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Deorum
What about me!?! I want to be the sarcastic, major investor in the casino who is always concerned about everything that is going wrong. I could be played by John C. McGinley!
I'm sorry Deo...although the actual script goes on... I can not post it here anymore. It seems someone got their feeling hurt and cried to daddy so I'm not going to risk offending anyone. Although "personal attacks' go on every day here... when a long timer gets their feeling hurt... well... you know.. squeaky wheel gets the grease".

The script is about 40% complete...when its' done...I'll let you know.
RGT -- The Film Quote
03-10-2010 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
I'm sorry Deo...although the actual script goes on... I can not post it here anymore. It seems someone got their feeling hurt and cried to daddy so I'm not going to risk offending anyone. Although "personal attacks' go on every day here... when a long timer gets their feeling hurt... well... you know.. squeaky wheel gets the grease".

The script is about 40% complete...when its' done...I'll let you know.
Does that mean I do not get to be John C. McGinley?
RGT -- The Film Quote
03-10-2010 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by Deorum
Does that mean I do not get to be John C. McGinley?
Hmmm.. I actually had a part for you as your avatar...but if you would prefer to be portrayed as you...I'm going to need an actual picture in order to cast you. BUT...and listen to my but.... You will be in the film as you or as your avatar.
RGT -- The Film Quote
03-10-2010 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
I'm sorry Deo...although the actual script goes on... I can not post it here anymore. It seems someone got their feeling hurt and cried to daddy so I'm not going to risk offending anyone. Although "personal attacks' go on every day here... when a long timer gets their feeling hurt... well... you know.. squeaky wheel gets the grease".

The script is about 40% complete...when its' done...I'll let you know.
Seriously? The mods canned this? WTF?
RGT -- The Film Quote
03-10-2010 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by Arouet
Seriously? The mods canned this? WTF?
The mods did not can this...however I received a warning for my description of a beloved atheist that hangs out here for what this mod declared a personal attack.

Being called an idiot, moron...etc etc apparently isn't a personal attack but a post about this persons physical appearance IS a personal attack that warrants a mod warning.

The issue has been forwarded to higher powers and I feel certain that this was an isolated event and I will heed such warning.... therefore further script postings will be stopped because I don't want anyone to be offended.

The script goes on, however... names will be changed in some cases.
Amazing how sensitive some people get....yet how personal they can be at other times. "Yo momma" jokes are always funny though....right?
RGT -- The Film Quote
