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5 35.71%
9 64.29%

03-12-2013 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by jokerthief
What do you think a good sample size would be to judge an entire nationality by?

If someone had met 1,000 random Americans, would they have a good enough sample size to judge the country? If not, or if so, how many people would be needed?
That would depend on how they were selected.

Also, when it comes to trends - there is this thing about what you are trying to measure, which won't necessarily follow a representative sample of the population: Let's use say you were (very hypothetically) measuring ancient Sparta, were some 70% of the populace were collectively owned slaves to the remaining citizens. Surveying a representative sample of the populace would not in itself be enough to paint a picture of Spartan culture, because Spartan culture was largely defined by a small and very militant elite. Sure you could measure internal trends, but without a qualitative analysis to go with your quantitative one - you're going to miss the target.

Another example could be that try and measure nazism by surveings a representative sample of members of the nazi-party in WW2 Germany would likely also give a very wrongful reflection of the actual policy and culture of the party. Most members would likely be members out of safety or necessity, who were mere more silent passengers than drivers.

In our modern western countries equivalents to this could be cultural hubs, political hubs, legal systems and various other power structures.

Last edited by tame_deuces; 03-12-2013 at 04:45 AM.
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03-12-2013 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by lolusernames
Okay, not entirely sure whether this is the right forum but I'm looking to resolve an issue that is somewhat related to religion.

I was telling my friend that I find it easier to talk to Indian people because I find them less materialistic, judgmental and looks orientated than white people. And yes, I am white myself. I said I find that Indian people are more bothered about internal things (knowledge, intelligence, determination) and white people are more bothered about external things (looks, clothes, material items).

I find my internal qualities far outweigh my external qualities, and therefore I'm more likely be accepted/appreciated by Indian people than white people. I feel more comfortable around them as a result.

His response was that "I am chatting the world of ****".

Now he isn't debating whether that is my real motivation, as that's personal to me and isn't something that can be 'true' or 'false'. A motivation may be irrational whilst at the same time existing in the persons mind.

The issue is whether my interpretation is true/accurate.

Basically, I want to know whether people agree or disagree with me.

I realise I am making oversimplifications and I know in reality the situation won't be as clearly defined as 'externally based' and 'internally based' people.

I just want an overall view on the issue as a whole.

If you could vote on the poll that would be great.

Many thanks.
Very correct sir. In India there are a lot of religions. And atheism is considered as a religion in India . This by far the best approach to this issue in the modern world so far. Suffering the is way to freedom and knowledge. Most of us western people have no clue about real suffer, therefor we are unable to search for higher understanding.
For example the Hindus believe in something called "the moment of grace".
To simplify I can give you my own "moment of grace''.
I was in perfect shape 25 years old man who was fighting for better car, nicer GF and bigger house.
But then I found a bump on my neck and I ahd to visit the doctor.
They found that I got 4th stage of hodgkins lymphoma and that I have around 5 months to live if I do not start treatment...
In this very moment a bright light shined in my mind. I was no longer worried about money,cars and pretty girl friends. I felt free and happy ( thought knowing that I have 1 year of hemotherapy and radiotherapy and 60% to survive.) and never shed a single tear.
This is why most of us do not get it, before it is to late.

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.
-Lao Tzu

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03-12-2013 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
What if by 'white people' he simply meant 'the western world' and was drawing a comparison between that and India which is a developing country. Consumerism is rife in the Western world. From a young age we are targeted and bombarded with the message 'buy buy buy'. India being a third world developing nation, with a much lower per capita income, may not be subject to such rampant consumerism and as such it's population may have a different personal focus. They may be less materialistic because of having less disposable income which in turn makes them a poor target for marketing.

Also, Eastern Philosophies generally favour a more meditative and introspective mindset do they not?

I don't think there's any racism being exhibited here, I think it's more of a (very generalised) geopolitical and sociological argument.
developing country ???
You are not a very bright man as I can see.
We speak about culture not economics!
In cultural anthropology the term ''developed" does not exist!
We need a holistic picture/understanding of culture to compare different ways of living.
This is very dangerous and ugly way of thinking and i pity you sir.
People like you should never. ever comment on religion you are shame for this forum.
Your unwillingness to see farther then your nose, makes you useless in any debate !
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03-12-2013 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by red_Eyes_Bot
developing country ???
You are not a very bright man as I can see.
We speak about culture not economics!
In cultural anthropology the term ''developed" does not exist!
We need a holistic picture/understanding of culture to compare different ways of living.
This is very dangerous and ugly way of thinking and i pity you sir.
People like you should never. ever comment on religion you are shame for this forum.
Your unwillingness to see farther then your nose, makes you useless in any debate !
This comes of as extremely ironic, considering that between you and Mightyboosh - you are the only one who has been arguing to exclude factors. Do you know what holistic means?

Now, maybe you disagree with MB and wanted to correct him - but this is not the nature of your post.
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03-12-2013 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by red_Eyes_Bot
developing country ???
You are not a very bright man as I can see.
Do you think this is going to be a fruitful conversation if you start insulting right from the get go?
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03-21-2013 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
Do you think this is going to be a fruitful conversation if you start insulting right from the get go?
I doubt it's a fruitful discussion if he's participating in it
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03-24-2013 , 10:59 PM
I would prob agree. Most white people have a one way ticket to hell with all the materialism.
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03-26-2013 , 04:06 AM
This seems more of a NVG post than RGT... or maybe the Profiling, Marking, and Stereotyping Forum?
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