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A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately

12-10-2024 , 03:15 AM
Every human being has a soul. Your soul is going to reach the promised land. It’s guaranteed. Using the analogy of a videogame, when your soul dies, then you will reset and start over again from the beginning. This will repeat until you complete the journey.

The same cannot be said for you as the human you currently are. As a human, you get one shot. If you fail, then you get erased. At least eventually.

I see no sense of urgency from the soul on behalf of humanity. When I hear people’s story, for every story I listen to, I think about how amazing it would be for the soul to claim that story, stewarding it into everlasting life. Yet, all I see are souls asleep at the wheel - no sense of urgency.

Life in this world is hard on humans, but the soul has limitless capability. It’s not right to use a human being as a temporary meat suit, knowing you can trade it in for a new one in the future.

A human doesn’t understand life and the mission here, but the soul knows. Deep down, you know I’m telling the truth. It’s unbecoming for souls to keep acting with such indifference.

Last edited by craig1120; 12-10-2024 at 03:20 AM.
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-10-2024 , 10:52 AM
star dust... not meat suit.
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-15-2024 , 10:57 PM
It's that holiness in you that is angered.
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-15-2024 , 11:06 PM
You need to read some Tolle.
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-16-2024 , 03:18 AM
a lot better than issue 1
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-16-2024 , 11:42 AM
If you believe in a soul, it's hard to believe that this life is all there is. Therefore this isn't the end
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-16-2024 , 09:18 PM
The end of what? We are a smorgasbord water, carbon, tons of other elements, viruses, bacterium. Some of those components meet our arbitrary definition of life, most of it doesn't. A sense-of-self arises from our cortex, and it is this emergent experience that we really mean when we ask, "What happens to me when I die?" Seemingly obviously, it dissipates. The whole question tends to be a giant misnomer, and when the question is tuned up, a lot of misconceptions and fuzziness also dissipate.

If there is a soul distinct from our sense-of-self, well, that seems to be a magic claim. We can establish that there is carbon, water, viruses, etc. Why is this religious claim of magic believers the one we can't establish? Hmm. Again, it could be a misnomer. There could certainly be some timeless element to our being and existence, but it probably isn't the one claimed by ignorant goat herders. Because when you take a look at what else they believed at the time these specific ideas of soul originated, you appreciated the extreme dubious nature of their origin.

My spirituality runs to quantum fields as "god," consciousness as creator of personal reality via transducing the quantum foam into a virtual reality that is mentation only, our senses attuned to produce this phenomenon out of perceptions of the infinite field of possibility, Consciousness with a capital C as endemic energy, idealism over physicalism, the value of each distinct point of consciousness as sacred .. and I don't know what all else off the top of my head.
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-17-2024 , 02:22 PM
If there is a soul distinct from our sense-of-self, well, that seems to be a magic claim.
The soul is capable of identifying with the Son of Man, bearing the cross, and completing the hero’s journey on its own. All that is expected of humanity is to believe in and affirm the soul by willingly giving the soul space to do its thing in your life.

Still, even when someone doesn’t affirm the existence of their soul, I blame the soul because I know how the soul allows itself to be under the command of the enemy who wants the soul hidden from humanity.
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-17-2024 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by BetAgainst
You need to read some Tolle.
Identifying with conscious awareness is an important part of the story, yes.
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-17-2024 , 03:37 PM
When you are dead... you are dead.
The chemicals and minerals that make up your being get distributed and the consciousness that had existed prior to your demise only lives on for as long as you are remembered, existing only in the memory for others.
There is no magical or spiritual entity that travels around being reused in subsequent lifes... suffice to say, in spirit only.
Okay, bye bye now.
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-17-2024 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
When you are dead... you are dead.
The chemicals and minerals that make up your being get distributed and the consciousness that had existed prior to your demise only lives on for as long as you are remembered, existing only in the memory for others.
There is no magical or spiritual entity that travels around being reused in subsequent lifes... suffice to say, in spirit only.
Okay, bye bye now.
I’m sorry your soul is failing you.

A human cannot know about spiritual reality on their own. You believe this because your soul has allowed itself to believe this and has been commanded to pretend it is only an animal of this world.

Again, this isn’t your fault as a human. The soul has been failing humanity throughout history.
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-17-2024 , 05:03 PM
FWIW, my soul was failing me too until I chose to intervene. I became both a father and brother to my soul, connecting it to the Son of Man and guiding it through its story.

Why should humanity have to assist the soul in its own story? Again, the soul is capable of shouldering the story on its own.

I realize the soul needs time to adjust and ground itself in this world, but by the time the human reaches adolescence, the soul should know what time it is.

What is happening in this world is unnecessary, mass failure from the soul.
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-17-2024 , 05:18 PM
The "Parable of the Talents", in Matthew 25:14–30 tells of a master who was leaving his house to travel, and, before leaving, entrusted his property to his servants.
This parable is useful in understanding what is happening. The Son of Man travels to prepare the way and checks in with his servants (the soul) from time to time. Because the SoM is away most of the time, the soul thinks it can get away with hiding and just enduring the SoM until he leaves again.

This is what is going on in the unconscious of your inner world.

My strategy is to basically be a thorn in the side, to the soul, in response.
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-18-2024 , 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by craig1120
The soul is capable of identifying with the Son of Man, bearing the cross, and completing the hero’s journey on its own. All that is expected of humanity is to believe in and affirm the soul by willingly giving the soul space to do its thing in your life.

Still, even when someone doesn’t affirm the existence of their soul, I blame the soul because I know how the soul allows itself to be under the command of the enemy who wants the soul hidden from humanity.
That's an archetype. You can plug in Buddha, Muhammad, Confucius, Zeus, L. Ron Hubbard, The Great Spirit, Zarathustra, etc. It's a psychological and spiritual internal process, to which we can adopt any of a myriad of alleged exemplars of it. No 1st Century magic needed. There may be some 20th Century "magic" (as in our realization of some of the extreme non-standard phenomenon inherent to the universe).
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-18-2024 , 04:14 AM
You don’t believe in the existence of a soul for empirical reasons. You affirm its existence for moral reasons.

With no soul, you have no entitlement to the good life, so you won’t pursue it to the extent necessary in order to attain it.
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-18-2024 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by craig1120
I’m sorry your soul is failing you.

A human cannot know about spiritual reality on their own. You believe this because your soul has allowed itself to believe this and has been commanded to pretend it is only an animal of this world.
at some point in life... you must ask yourself, and I am speaking to you, AM I A FOOL?

is there a construct in the human mind by where we realize something that does not actually exist... the answer in undoubtedly yes.

Purposely, I blame knowledge... or in your case, the tree of knowledge.
BEFORE knowledge, there was merely existence... and post knowledge, it is to late to go back to simply taking things for granted.
before realization, Heaven... post knowledge, Hell.

Hell exists on earth FOR CERTAIN. the Naive are the blessed.
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-18-2024 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
at some point in life... you must ask yourself, and I am speaking to you, AM I A FOOL?

is there a construct in the human mind by where we realize something that does not actually exist... the answer in undoubtedly yes.

Purposely, I blame knowledge... or in your case, the tree of knowledge.
BEFORE knowledge, there was merely existence... and post knowledge, it is to late to go back to simply taking things for granted.
before realization, Heaven... post knowledge, Hell.

Hell exists on earth FOR CERTAIN. the Naive are the blessed.
Based on your posts, you too seem to be in hell and your soul has built a home there. Further, your soul is defending this home against you (as a human) with the certainty of belief that it, the soul, does not exist.

This situation requires your human intervention.

Speaking of the fool, it is foolish to build a home in hell and become a permanent resident through your beliefs.
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-18-2024 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by craig1120

Speaking of the fool, it is foolish to build a home in hell and become a permanent resident through your beliefs.
Part of what makes hell actual hell is the reality that the residents don’t realize they are in hell.

Once you become consciously aware you are in hell, then you’ve already begun to step out of it.
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-23-2024 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by craig1120
Part of what makes hell actual hell is the reality that the residents don’t realize they are in hell.

Once you become consciously aware you are in hell, then you’ve already begun to step out of it.
Hey Craig. Long time no see, hope you're well.

May I ask, do you think it’s reasonable for a being to create me with the free will to choose whether or not to worship it, but condemn me to eternal suffering if I exercise that freedom by choosing not to? Should I allow myself to be terrified into submission, coerced through fear?

Why does your god not respect my decision to use the free will it granted me?
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-23-2024 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
Hey Craig. Long time no see, hope you're well.

May I ask, do you think it’s reasonable for a being to create me with the free will to choose whether or not to worship it, but condemn me to eternal suffering if I exercise that freedom by choosing not to? Should I allow myself to be terrified into submission, coerced through fear?

Why does your god not respect my decision to use the free will it granted me?
The idea that non believers are sent to the eternal fire is only true for those in the Christian story. Further, each person enters the Christian story in the position of forgiveness and salvation.

So, the only ones who are thrown in the eternal fire are those who identify as both Christian and Non-Christian — the ones who step out from the privileged position in order to align with the least. Someone like me and those who will follow me.

In other words:

Christian: “Non believers are destined for the fire.” -> true

Secular atheist: “Am I destined for the fire?” -> no
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-23-2024 , 07:17 PM
Adding, the eternal fire is actually the purifying fire, which helps perfect the Son of Man so that he may enter paradise.
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-24-2024 , 11:49 PM
"From my intimacy with (this doctrine), I acquired a new vice: an abnormally developed pride and an insane assurance that it was my vocation to teach men (about religion)." -- Leo Tolstoy, A Confession

The man, having self-blindly arrogated to himself the distinction of teacher and messenger of the true way, woke up and realized that at bottom it was an ego trip, just an unconscious self-glorification of being the one on high preaching the truth, the one who knows "how it really is" (this last part, interestingly, is so in common with conspiracy theorists). For that realization, he gets tremendous credit. There are apparently a lot of twists and turns in this autobiographical account and a mixed resolution, but you never lose credit for what he did there.

Last edited by FellaGaga-52; 12-24-2024 at 11:57 PM.
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-25-2024 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
"From my intimacy with (this doctrine), I acquired a new vice: an abnormally developed pride and an insane assurance that it was my vocation to teach men (about religion)." -- Leo Tolstoy, A Confession

The man, having self-blindly arrogated to himself the distinction of teacher and messenger of the true way, woke up and realized that at bottom it was an ego trip, just an unconscious self-glorification of being the one on high preaching the truth, the one who knows "how it really is" (this last part, interestingly, is so in common with conspiracy theorists). For that realization, he gets tremendous credit. There are apparently a lot of twists and turns in this autobiographical account and a mixed resolution, but you never lose credit for what he did there.
I lack sufficient introspection and insight — that’s the story you tell yourself about me?
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-25-2024 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by craig1120
The idea that non believers are sent to the eternal fire is only true for those in the Christian story. Further, each person enters the Christian story in the position of forgiveness and salvation.

So, the only ones who are thrown in the eternal fire are those who identify as both Christian and Non-Christian — the ones who step out from the privileged position in order to align with the least. Someone like me and those who will follow me.

In other words:

Christian: “Non believers are destined for the fire.” -> true

Secular atheist: “Am I destined for the fire?” -> no
Good to know I actually have a new reason not to worship your god now since there is no downside. And before you say something along the lines of "but you'll never benefit from his love" etc, that's ok, I actually think that your god, if it's real, is a vile and needlessly cruel monster and that you are making a big mistake. Huge.
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
12-25-2024 , 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
Good to know I actually have a new reason not to worship your god now since there is no downside. And before you say something along the lines of "but you'll never benefit from his love" etc, that's ok, I actually think that your god, if it's real, is a vile and needlessly cruel monster and that you are making a big mistake. Huge.
I’m not the past version of you that you’re trying to save from the future. Your model of the situation is a bit off..
A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately Quote
