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02-24-2009 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
How'd you find it? Amazing find.
Well, the whole Third Reich has always floored me. I kept asking myself things like "How in the hell did that happen?"

In any case, my feeling has always been that Nazi Germany was a warning call about what could happen to an entire society...played right in front of us in the 20th century.

I strongly suspected that there had to be a spiritual element involved. The first real introduction I had to it, believe it or not, was a History Channel documentary that was about occultism in the Nazis. I started stringing together google searches and found a web page with the info.

I then fact-checked it in more authoritative sources and I was absolutely floored by it myself. I had found an unholy grail, of sorts....out in the wide open.

Also, in light of current events, you should keep track of that altar. We know it's in Berlin and difficult to move. I suspect that it will be of importance again at some point in the future.

I, too, find it surprising that it is almost a complete unknown.
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02-26-2009 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Mempho
Well, the whole Third Reich has always floored me. I kept asking myself things like "How in the hell did that happen?"

In any case, my feeling has always been that Nazi Germany was a warning call about what could happen to an entire society...played right in front of us in the 20th century.

I strongly suspected that there had to be a spiritual element involved. The first real introduction I had to it, believe it or not, was a History Channel documentary that was about occultism in the Nazis. I started stringing together google searches and found a web page with the info.

I then fact-checked it in more authoritative sources and I was absolutely floored by it myself. I had found an unholy grail, of sorts....out in the wide open.

Also, in light of current events, you should keep track of that altar. We know it's in Berlin and difficult to move. I suspect that it will be of importance again at some point in the future.

I, too, find it surprising that it is almost a complete unknown.

Mempho here's my latest find which seems in some way seems to relate to your find. I thought the Jews or the Christians were the most persecuted people in the world until I found this group:

(I wonder if in any way they could be related to the Romany people. Hitler tried to exterminate the gypsies in WWII and the Jehovah Witnessess too but that's not very well known. Actually though the Romanies are out of India but I can't help comparing the Yazidi with them). (Surfing around I also came across something that said the Yazidis have been around for 40,000 years...Youtube I think but I don't know if that fact is accurate.)

I don't think I'll be posting on here as prolifically as I used to. Too many trolls, too many snared people refusing to get out of the trap and too many reprobates. Plus I have limited interest in Apologetics and thats what most of the Christians do on here. (Guess there's going to be some gnashing of teeth...but we already knew that.)

I'll probably have most of the forum on ignore since its easier to pick out the path of things without so much hostility but we can swap puzzle pieces.

I do like my puzzles and the outlier conspiracy theories and oddities to study. Where ever there's some kind of a conspiracy but nobody really to be found responsible or where there's no clear cause for the evil you might be able to find the devil's hand in it. Of course, where ever there's overwhelming evil he might be there too.

Just saw the movie Valkyrie last night and the Furher's oath at the beginning is quite mind numbing in its implications. If ever a whole generation was evilly co-opted it had to be the Nazis. Of course, certain individuals like Stauffenberg and Bonhoeffer tried to do their best but the evil was like a freight train. At the end of the movie it said Hitler survived 15 assassination attempts only to commit suicide. Also when assassination becomes permissible or to be sought after you know there's overwhelming evil present.

I had a crazy thought today which really lacks substance and is probably sparked by reading some eerie apocalyptic prophecies by Ellen G. White but just imagine this. As you look out at our solar system and see Jupiter or Mars they appear empty. Now imagine that all these planets in our universe are actually populated by spiritual beings that we can't see and our instruments can't even detect. Kind of a mindblower isn't it? If that were the case then everything on earth could be observed by them and the reversal of human nature where the physical is now vaunted over the spiritual starts to make sense. Just a strange but interesting thought. To think earth is a human drama play being observed by the universe. In living color no less.

Probably got the idea from Chapian's book as well: (Though I find her overwhelming at times. If everything she says is true she's one of the most spiritual people on the planet.)

Another eerie thought. If these free will beings were to populate our whole universe or even the solar system then free will and its implications also affects them and Satan and God aren't just playing for earth but for the whole universe. Its like an unending chain between them and us through free will then. What really confuses people I think is that while we are all living in a Job like world this is a false reality or deadly illusion because Jesus has already bought the world redemption on the cross and now we're waiting for the establishment of the New Jerusalem.

Last edited by Splendour; 02-26-2009 at 12:07 PM.
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02-26-2009 , 07:11 PM
Fascinating people the Yezedi. Very syncretic yet very peaceful.
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02-26-2009 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Oh I thought Buddhist tried to shed all desire guess id have to move him up.
Not desiring to win chips is an asset in poker ducy.
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02-26-2009 , 07:34 PM
The religious mind at work.

he Zeppelinfeld was at Nuremburg was based on the Pergamon Altar!
In a few posts transforms into:

Originally Posted by Splendour
Amazing find Mempho.

The Pergamum altar at the Nazi Zeppelinfield. Wow.
based on to was at.

No harm quickly changing a few facts to match a crazy hypothesis
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02-26-2009 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I do like my puzzles and the outlier conspiracy theories and oddities to study. Where ever there's some kind of a conspiracy but nobody really to be found responsible or where there's no clear cause for the evil you might be able to find the devil's hand in it. Of course, where ever there's overwhelming evil he might be there too.
Im kind of a puzzle, myth, conspiracy theory man myself its why I like the Bible even after I became an atheist(not that I believe in any of it, just interesting). You and Mempho might like this.Dont let the Catholics catch ya.

Last edited by batair; 02-26-2009 at 07:46 PM.
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02-27-2009 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Mempho here's my latest find which seems in some way seems to relate to your find. I thought the Jews or the Christians were the most persecuted people in the world until I found this group:

(I wonder if in any way they could be related to the Romany people. Hitler tried to exterminate the gypsies in WWII and the Jehovah Witnessess too but that's not very well known. Actually though the Romanies are out of India but I can't help comparing the Yazidi with them). (Surfing around I also came across something that said the Yazidis have been around for 40,000 years...Youtube I think but I don't know if that fact is accurate.)
Do you have any more on the actual persecution of these people?

I don't think I'll be posting on here as prolifically as I used to. Too many trolls, too many snared people refusing to get out of the trap and too many reprobates. Plus I have limited interest in Apologetics and thats what most of the Christians do on here. (Guess there's going to be some gnashing of teeth...but we already knew that.)

I'll probably have most of the forum on ignore since its easier to pick out the path of things without so much hostility but we can swap puzzle pieces.
Well, apologetics is not really that interesting to me, either. Most intelligent Christian arguments are based on evidence that comes from years of study and thought. The problem is that most of these arguments are lost on atheists.

I do like my puzzles and the outlier conspiracy theories and oddities to study. Where ever there's some kind of a conspiracy but nobody really to be found responsible or where there's no clear cause for the evil you might be able to find the devil's hand in it. Of course, where ever there's overwhelming evil he might be there too.
It seems much easier to provide proof of the devil. Unfortunately, staring evil in the face is usually too taxing for people without the strength of Christ.

Strangely enough, I got into the prophecy game slowly through economics and politics. I started writing a political book (several years ago) and I found out some terrible things...which was not my intent at all. The only thing I ever accomplished was starting a chapter on the optimum rate of taxation when it finally hit me that the problems we were facing had to do with an overt evil. I distinctly remember wanting to vomit on many occasions.

Just saw the movie Valkyrie last night and the Furher's oath at the beginning is quite mind numbing in its implications. If ever a whole generation was evilly co-opted it had to be the Nazis. Of course, certain individuals like Stauffenberg and Bonhoeffer tried to do their best but the evil was like a freight train. At the end of the movie it said Hitler survived 15 assassination attempts only to commit suicide. Also when assassination becomes permissible or to be sought after you know there's overwhelming evil present.
I can't wait to see Valkyrie!

I had a crazy thought today which really lacks substance and is probably sparked by reading some eerie apocalyptic prophecies by Ellen G. White but just imagine this. As you look out at our solar system and see Jupiter or Mars they appear empty. Now imagine that all these planets in our universe are actually populated by spiritual beings that we can't see and our instruments can't even detect. Kind of a mindblower isn't it? If that were the case then everything on earth could be observed by them and the reversal of human nature where the physical is now vaunted over the spiritual starts to make sense. Just a strange but interesting thought. To think earth is a human drama play being observed by the universe. In living color no less.

Probably got the idea from Chapian's book as well: (Though I find her overwhelming at times. If everything she says is true she's one of the most spiritual people on the planet.)

Another eerie thought. If these free will beings were to populate our whole universe or even the solar system then free will and its implications also affects them and Satan and God aren't just playing for earth but for the whole universe. Its like an unending chain between them and us through free will then. What really confuses people I think is that while we are all living in a Job like world this is a false reality or deadly illusion because Jesus has already bought the world redemption on the cross and now we're waiting for the establishment of the New Jerusalem.
Well, there are a lot of possibilities....remember that you should test everything against the weight of scripture. The planets do seem to have an important role in the demon "mythologies" of the ancient civilizations.
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02-27-2009 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1

No harm quickly changing a few facts to match a crazy hypothesis
Look who's refuting history now.
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02-27-2009 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by batair
Im kind of a puzzle, myth, conspiracy theory man myself its why I like the Bible even after I became an atheist(not that I believe in any of it, just interesting). You and Mempho might like this.Dont let the Catholics catch ya.
I'm taking a look at this...can't comment yet.
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02-27-2009 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by batair
Im kind of a puzzle, myth, conspiracy theory man myself its why I like the Bible even after I became an atheist(not that I believe in any of it, just interesting). You and Mempho might like this.Dont let the Catholics catch ya.
Just make the right choice in the end, OK?
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02-27-2009 , 01:09 AM
LOL "Jesus is a calling station" = hilarious
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02-27-2009 , 06:13 AM
Originally Posted by Mempho
Look who's refuting history now.
Wow keep on digging.

where do I refute history?

You are not even paying attention.
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02-27-2009 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by Mempho
Do you have any more on the actual persecution of these people?

Well, apologetics is not really that interesting to me, either. Most intelligent Christian arguments are based on evidence that comes from years of study and thought. The problem is that most of these arguments are lost on atheists.

It seems much easier to provide proof of the devil. Unfortunately, staring evil in the face is usually too taxing for people without the strength of Christ.

Strangely enough, I got into the prophecy game slowly through economics and politics. I started writing a political book (several years ago) and I found out some terrible things...which was not my intent at all. The only thing I ever accomplished was starting a chapter on the optimum rate of taxation when it finally hit me that the problems we were facing had to do with an overt evil. I distinctly remember wanting to vomit on many occasions.

I can't wait to see Valkyrie!

Well, there are a lot of possibilities....remember that you should test everything against the weight of scripture. The planets do seem to have an important role in the demon "mythologies" of the ancient civilizations.
I'll see if I can find a link on the persecution. I read 3 or 4 links on them and its fascinating. Like I found some kind of missing historical link.

As far as the possibilities: I am only speculating here to some degree. I used to be a lot more dogmatic but I've moved to a more speculative position over the past year. Surfing outliers like Michael Heiser can have that effect.

But I definitely check a lot against scripture and I tend to draw the line when things run towards the occult. Its really easy to get misled in this world and thats why I think most churches end up dogmatic. Walking the road between good and evil as a group tends to make the group cling to dogmatism because its the position of greatest safety when you're faith is in its incipience. The grown up sheep in the flock always have to safeguard the littlest lambs and make a decision for everyone so it sticks diligently to the straight and narrow (that is the reason for dogmatism in a nutshell: natural and spiritual preservation in a fallen world. Also most people don't have time to study all this outlier junk or even have the interest in it.)
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02-27-2009 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Mempho
I'm taking a look at this...can't comment yet.
I gave up after 7 minutes. I've been having a headache the past few days. Not sure if its caffeine or sinus but I just couldn't concentrate on the video with the megaphone affect of his voice, all the background music (was very distracting) plus he kept throwing out dates without any seeming relevance.

The first three minutes of graves was a bit of a waste of time. Couldn't he just say they died and were buried in a Catholic cemetery. As if that proves anything.

Most people of previous generations were almost automatically members of churches. They had a much greater sense of the importance and power of religion then modern generations do.

Besides I've always said wolves hang out in sheep's clothing. The Catholic Church has had a lot of problems. All churches struggle and rise and fall through their leadership and the quality and character of that leadership. Can they rise, fall, rise, fall...I don't know but all it does is mirror the continuous battle between good and evil in this world. Martin Luther broke with the Catholic Church during a period of evil. I don't think he intended the break just to reform the Church but he was branded a heretic. Anyways, Luther was known to acknowledge the devil. He was even known to throw things in his quarters when he sensed the presence of evil/Satan around while he studied and formulated his new interpretations of scripture.
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02-27-2009 , 11:32 AM
(Splendour) I don't think I'll be posting on here as prolifically as I used to.
anyone keeping count?
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02-27-2009 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I don't think I'll be posting on here as prolifically as I used to.
Originally Posted by kurto
anyone keeping count?
It's gotta be in the double digits by now.
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02-27-2009 , 12:11 PM
Sorry but I'm picking and choosing who I respond to more carefully now.

I know you want to throw me off this site but a lot of people besides Hopey and kurto like to hear what I have to say. I even have DS send posts to me sometimes. Its obv he's curious about the other side of things.

If I annoy the two of you so much why not put me on ignore. That'd be the rational thing to do. Instead you're showing you are both irrational men by trolling me.
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02-27-2009 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I know you have never advocated throwing me or anyone off this site anda lot of people INCLUDING Hopey and kurto like to hear what I have to say. JUST NOT FOR THE REASONS I THINK THEY DO.
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02-27-2009 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Mempho
Just make the right choice in the end, OK?
Sometimes the right choice is not to choose.

Originally Posted by Splendour
I gave up after 7 minutes. I've been having a headache the past few days. Not sure if its caffeine or sinus but I just couldn't concentrate on the video with the megaphone affect of his voice, all the background music (was very distracting) plus he kept throwing out dates without any seeming relevance.
Yea its kind of a crappy vid just thought with Mempho stuff on the Third Reich it might be interesting. I saw a better one a while ago but I couldn't find it, the Black Pope and the cia must of gotten to it.
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02-27-2009 , 02:55 PM
Here's a link to a recent persecution Mempho. If you surf you'll find more.
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02-28-2009 , 01:23 AM
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02-28-2009 , 01:24 AM
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02-28-2009 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Here's a link to a recent persecution Mempho. If you surf you'll find more.
I like that the font is gigantic, like in a children's book.
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