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"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" "within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct"

11-06-2010 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Hopey please find one quote in that entire thread where I whine about being exiled. If you can I will donate $50 to the red cross...if you can't how about you donate $50 to the red cross. That thread was a complaint about the blatant bias that goes on that forum not about me being exiled. I never once said my exile was unjust or that it should be lifted.
You were whining about the blatant bias of the Politics forum -- the same blatant bias which resulted in you getting exiled.
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-06-2010 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
I can't read. Somebody help me.
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-06-2010 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Normally I mostly ignore you because you are at least 3/4 troll. However in this instance I will take the time to crush your ascertion that I am backpeddling and at the same time point out your foolishness.

In another thread Maxraker said this:


Would you interpet just what you have here as a factual statement? I wouldn't and neither would any rational person. If you would take that comment from Max as a factual statement(as you presumably would because you did so in my case) you are being a fool.

For the record Max re-iterated that he was not making a factual statement because he also included words like "I'm not sure". Did he need too? Not really but he also makes the foolish error that when people say "I think" they are making factual statements so it is not unexpected.
Anyone who starts out a thread by saying "I think.......", gets asked to provide evidence of why he thinks that, provides absolutely none, and then eventually resorts to "Well, I said 'I THINK' not 'I KNOW'" lost the argument. It's that simple. But of course, as previously established, you have too big of an ego to ever admit that you were wrong or that you made a mistake.
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-06-2010 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
You were whining about the blatant bias of the Politics forum -- the same blatant bias which resulted in you getting exiled.
Whining about blatant bias is not whining about getting exiled. You are being dishonest by trying to say as much.

I did not start that thread when I was exiled. When I was initially exiled I was content just to suck it up which I did for a couple of days. However when the politics cabal began their next witch hunt I decided to point out thier hypocrisy. Their witchhunt came to a screeching halt.
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-06-2010 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Whining about blatant bias is not whining about getting exiled. You are being dishonest by trying to say as much.

I did not start that thread when I was exiled. When I was initially exiled I was content just to suck it up which I did for a couple of days. However when the politics cabal began their next witch hunt I decided to point out thier hypocrisy. Their witchhunt came to a screeching halt.
What was the witchhunt over?
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-06-2010 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
Anyone who starts out a thread by saying "I think.......", gets asked to provide evidence of why he thinks that, provides absolutely none, and then eventually resorts to "Well, I said 'I THINK' not 'I KNOW'" lost the argument. It's that simple. But of course, as previously established, you have too big of an ego to ever admit that you were wrong or that you made a mistake.
Rizeagainst...if you want to believe you won that argument thats fine with me. I think you're being delusional though.
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-06-2010 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
Yeah, I know politics has alot stricter rules. RGT is pretty much the only topic discussion subforum that he could post in without running into Mod problems.
What you said there is factually incorrect. I post in other forums without problems from the mods.
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-06-2010 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by NotReady
LOL yeah, I'm illiterate.*

*Figuratively speaking.
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-06-2010 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I haven't read the whole thread or made any statements about Flew itt either.

I was just pointing out that brilliant scientists have converted.
True, I confused you and Stu.
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-06-2010 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Rizeagainst...if you want to believe you won that argument thats fine with me. I think you're being delusional though.
What post did you make in this thread that adequately supported your original statement of

Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
I think there is a slow movement from atheism toward deism and/or agnosticism amoung people who study cosmology.
You threw out 2 random names from wiki/google who may or may not have changed from atheists to theists, neither of which were actual cosmologists and then ran away. You are a horrible, horrible poster.
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-06-2010 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
Duffe: Hey Rize, here's a dude that likes the idea of god and wrote a supportive review of another dude who wrote a book about how he likes the idea of god...but neither at any point actually explains why god is helpful, needed or required for any part of science. Hopefully this convinced you why recent discoveries have made it very difficult to reject the notion of a creator, Rize!

gg no re
Materialim is predicated on matter. Matter is that which has dimensional properties and resists acceleration. That's it. That's the foundation upon which materialism rests. Considering those properties only seem to exist when we're looking at them and change as we're moving towards or away, that's not a whole lot for the materialist to hang their hat on. And some are taking their hat off Dr. Establishment's hook.

As to how that leads a former atheist to theism, he (Prof. Henry) explained in fairly short order in his review:

But that kind of argument is not the essence of Haisch's case for God. Let me quote a single sentence from his book, which I have chosen because it so perfectly encapsulates my own understanding: "It is not matter that creates an illusion of consciousness, but consciousness that creates an illusion of matter." That is correct physics: it is not controversial in the slightest degree that there is no reality; this has been demonstrated in both theory and experiment (Gröblacher et al., Nature, 446, 871, 2007).

And yet in how many physics classes today are students made aware of this most fundamental discovery? In all of my classes, I assure you; but I am confident that this is not common. The illusion of matter, which is to say the illusion of a really-existing world, is so strong, that I think most scientists are unable to overcome it. It took me decades to finally realize that this is not a joke, and that the universe is purely mental: that mind is fundamental; matter merely an illusion—and that this is physics, not philosophy (or religion).

And how, out of this, does God appear? Well, the only mind I know exists is my own. My choice is solipsism or God. A leap of faith is required, yes — but it is an easy leap indeed!
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-06-2010 , 11:24 PM
is that a serious post
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-06-2010 , 11:27 PM
Prof. Henry is purely mental IMO.
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-06-2010 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
Prof. Henry is purely mental IMO.
At least no one can say he's out there.
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-06-2010 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
Prof. Henry is purely mental IMO.
He may be but afaik he's the only person who's come up with plausible empirical explanations for many bible miracles.

He didn't just reject them out of hand like the typical skeptic.

Anyway he's sane enough to hold down a university position and publish a book.
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-06-2010 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
What post did you make in this thread that adequately supported your original statement of

Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
I think there is a slow movement from atheism toward deism and/or agnosticism amoung people who study cosmology
You threw out 2 random names from wiki/google who may or may not have changed from atheists to theists, neither of which were actual cosmologists and then ran away. You are a horrible, horrible poster.
Stu clearly made it up for no good reason. And I would say it is probably maximally false. The fact that the cosmological constant is non zero makes the universe look very arbitrary and undesigned. Weinberg's ballpark guess of the cosmological constant was based on our universe not being specially designed but picked out randomly (taking into account anthropics) from all possible universes. Just like we learned that the Earth is not special and just one of a huge number of planets in some random place in a large universe, modern cosmological observations seem to hint that the whole observable universe is just some random bubble in a unimaginably large multiverse. If a person was an atheist, it seems ridiculous to change to deism/agnosticism because of recent cosmology. I would bet my entire role that there is no "small movement" among people who study cosmology to deism/agnosticism. Stu continues to be in the running for biggest joke in RGT.
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-07-2010 , 03:46 AM
What's sad is that he's not winning that race by a mile lol
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-07-2010 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
Stu clearly made it up for no good reason. And I would say it is probably maximally false. The fact that the cosmological constant is non zero makes the universe look very arbitrary and undesigned. Weinberg's ballpark guess of the cosmological constant was based on our universe not being specially designed but picked out randomly (taking into account anthropics) from all possible universes. Just like we learned that the Earth is not special and just one of a huge number of planets in some random place in a large universe, modern cosmological observations seem to hint that the whole observable universe is just some random bubble in a unimaginably large multiverse. If a person was an atheist, it seems ridiculous to change to deism/agnosticism because of recent cosmology. I would bet my entire role that there is no "small movement" among people who study cosmology to deism/agnosticism. Stu continues to be in the running for biggest joke in RGT.
That is some of the doltish dribble I have ever seen you write....and you've written a lot of dribble. When you have heavy hitters like Susskind admitting the universe has the appearance of intelligent design its foolish to believe some waterboy like yourself when you come and say "no it doesn't...the appearance of ID is maximally false"

Roger Penrose said "I think I would say that the universe has a purpose, it's not somehow just there by chance ... some people, I think, take the view that the universe is just there and it runs along–it's a bit like it just sort of computes, and we happen somehow by accident to find ourselves in this thing. But I don't think that's a very fruitful or helpful way of looking at the universe, I think that there is something much deeper about it."
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-07-2010 , 05:25 AM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
That is some of the doltish dribble I have ever seen you write....and you've written a lot of dribble. When you have heavy hitters like Susskind admitting the universe has the appearance of intelligent design its foolish to believe some waterboy like yourself when you come and say "no it doesn't...the appearance of ID is maximally false"

Roger Penrose said "I think I would say that the universe has a purpose, it's not somehow just there by chance ... some people, I think, take the view that the universe is just there and it runs along–it's a bit like it just sort of computes, and we happen somehow by accident to find ourselves in this thing. But I don't think that's a very fruitful or helpful way of looking at the universe, I think that there is something much deeper about it."
I know Susskind pretty well. He agrees with what I wrote. He has said that if the universe was designed whoever did it did a terrible job because it looks so arbitrary and inelegant. To see why that is is way way way past your abilities. We might as well just start talking about algebraic geometry. You wouldn't sound any dumber.
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-07-2010 , 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Roger Penrose said "I think I would say that the universe has a purpose, it's not somehow just there by chance ... some people, I think, take the view that the universe is just there and it runs along–it's a bit like it just sort of computes, and we happen somehow by accident to find ourselves in this thing. But I don't think that's a very fruitful or helpful way of looking at the universe, I think that there is something much deeper about it."
Do you have a reference for this? I knew Penrose was a dualist - didn't realise he was a deist/theist/whatever is required for him to have said the above.
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-07-2010 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by bunny
Do you have a reference for this? I knew Penrose was a dualist - didn't realise he was a deist/theist/whatever is required for him to have said the above.
about 45-50 seconds into the video

I remember Max Tegmark making a similar comment but I can't remember where.
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-07-2010 , 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
What post did you make in this thread that adequately supported your original statement of

You threw out 2 random names from wiki/google who may or may not have changed from atheists to theists, neither of which were actual cosmologists and then ran away. You are a horrible, horrible poster.
So you didn't want to reply to this Stu? I wonder why.
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-07-2010 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by bunny
Do you have a reference for this? I knew Penrose was a dualist - didn't realise he was a deist/theist/whatever is required for him to have said the above.

Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
about 45-50 seconds into the video

I remember Max Tegmark making a similar comment but I can't remember where.
Bunny I did find this video of Max Tegmark talking about Penrose. You might find it interesting.

There was one point where Max Tegmark admonishes "physics types" that was slightly comical because he was describing Maxraker to the T.
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-07-2010 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by bunny
Do you have a reference for this? I knew Penrose was a dualist - didn't realise he was a deist/theist/whatever is required for him to have said the above.
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
about 45-50 seconds into the video

I remember Max Tegmark making a similar comment but I can't remember where.
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Bunny I did find this video of Max Tegmark talking about Penrose. You might find it interesting.

Penrose does not hold to any religious doctrine.
And get this - not only does he not hold to any religious doctrine, he actually wrote a supportive blurb for Sam Harris' "Letter to a Christian Nation"!

Sam Harris’s elegant little book is most refreshing and a wonderful source of ammunition for those who, like me, hold to no religious doctrine. Yet I have some sympathy also with those who might be worried by his uncompromising stance. Read it and form your own view, but do not ignore its message.
— Sir Roger Penrose, emeritus professor of mathematics at Oxford, author of The Road to Reality.
So - once again - you have shown yourself to either be a complete intellectual failure, completely dishonest, or some hideous amalgamation of both.
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
11-07-2010 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
I know Susskind pretty well. He agrees with what I wrote. He has said that if the universe was designed whoever did it did a terrible job because it looks so arbitrary and inelegant. To see why that is is way way way past your abilities. We might as well just start talking about algebraic geometry. You wouldn't sound any dumber.
You sound like you're talking out of your ass crack......again.

We argued this before Max and I believe I provided a link of Susskind saying that if the multiverse/landscape models fail for whatever reason science would be hard pressed to continue to say ID'st are wrong. Susskind was essentially admitting that the universe does has the appearance of being fine tuned(of course he doesn't think it is fine-tuned).

Here is a video of Freeman Dyson talking about the universe having a mental component to it.
"within 100 years or so atheism/naturalism/materialism will probably close to extinct" Quote
