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"Maybe God exists, but I KNOW that the Christian God does not" "Maybe God exists, but I KNOW that the Christian God does not"

10-15-2009 , 09:11 AM
You are being intellectually dishonest here and you know it. The first half of this post contains an example of a fallacious argument which has no bearing on the rest of the post.
It does have bearing on the OP. I was preemptively getting these most often used arguments out of the way in hopes that people would come up with some real ones. Obviously that didn't happen.

Then after that it says "I am looking for reasons that people claim the Christian God can be shown to be non existent." This should be the beginning of the post, not an example of a bad argument. It is unneccesary and disrespectful.
How is it disrespectful? And it is very necessary around here.

Why would you dedicate a post to backing up a statement we all know is fallacious as you have stated.
lol, the fallacious arguments that I used are probably the most common around here. That's why I spent the time on them that I did so I did not have to chase down 20 posts going over it.

You then say that in your opinion the bible most accurately reflects reality, and to come up with arguments for atheism... we already have 50 threads about this.

we already have 50 threads about this.
We have 0 threads about this. Do you even understand what the OP is about?

No one who has weeded through all the information on RGT as you have and come to the conclusion that the bible is still right and is going to "convert" through rehashed arguments.
Yes, the convert statement was a little tongue and cheek, sue me.

We already have the opportunity to create new arguments through the new thread button. Give me a reason this thread should exist.
This thread existed to give atheists the opportunity to lay out why the believe the God of the bible must not exist, instead of the blind assertions that are thrown around so often. Of course surprise surprise, no one actually showed up with an argument.

Now why don't you get off your high horse and maybe address the OP.
"Maybe God exists, but I KNOW that the Christian God does not" Quote
10-15-2009 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
This thread existed to give atheists the opportunity to lay out why the believe the God of the bible must not exist, instead of the blind assertions that are thrown around so often. Of course surprise surprise, no one actually showed up with an argument.

Now why don't you get off your high horse and maybe address the OP.
Well, I don't think there are many atheists who believe that the God of the bible must not exist. Now: change the OP to: "Maybe God exists, but the Christian version of god is improbable" and you'll get some better responses.
"Maybe God exists, but I KNOW that the Christian God does not" Quote
10-15-2009 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by Pyromantha
Uh, no, this isn't certain at all.
God being whatever created the Universe and us. Maybe God has no personality and is just pure energy or randomness, but to say there is no God (i.e. answer/explanation for life) is almost exactly like blindly believing religion.

There is a true definition but neither the atheists nor the religious seem to know it. Worse, they mostly think it's impossible.
"Maybe God exists, but I KNOW that the Christian God does not" Quote
10-15-2009 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
It does have bearing on the OP. I was preemptively getting these most often used arguments out of the way in hopes that people would come up with some real ones. Obviously that didn't happen.
OK fair enough but why start a new thread about proving god doesn't exist? That doesn't have any relevence to the atheist position anyway, and even if it did, again why do we need a new generic "lets create athiest arguments" thread?

How is it disrespectful? And it is very necessary around here.

Ok fair enough.

lol, the fallacious arguments that I used are probably the most common around here. That's why I spent the time on them that I did so I did not have to chase down 20 posts going over it.

sadly, there is some truth to this.


Yes, there are no threads about the existence of god.

We have 0 threads about this. Do you even understand what the OP is about?

Yes, the convert statement was a little tongue and cheek, sue me.

Ok seriously i'm sorry. You were being tongue and cheek not intellectually dishonest.
This thread existed to give atheists the opportunity to lay out why the believe the God of the bible must not exist, instead of the blind assertions that are thrown around so are right this opportunity didnt exist before Of course surprise surprise, no one actually showed up with an argument.

Now why don't you get off your high horse and maybe address the OP.
I am unable to prove that God doesn't exist.
Ok dude perhaps I was being a little harsh. This forum encourages anger if you take it too seriously.
"Maybe God exists, but I KNOW that the Christian God does not" Quote
10-15-2009 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by Pyromantha
Uh, no, this isn't certain at all.
To you.
"Maybe God exists, but I KNOW that the Christian God does not" Quote
10-15-2009 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Ok dude perhaps I was being a little harsh. This forum encourages anger if you take it too seriously.
no problem, this forum can get to you if you are not careful.

For the record, this thread is not about whether or not God exists per se, but what is the reasoning or logic behind the claims that the christian God has already been falsified in certain peoples minds. It was a chance for atheists to give there proofs against the God revealed in the bible. (and I use proof in a scientific way, not that I think there is absolute proofs of anything)
"Maybe God exists, but I KNOW that the Christian God does not" Quote
10-16-2009 , 04:16 AM
As I suspect you well know, a negative cannot be proven.

As for the evidence against the Christian bible revealed God. One has to reverse the claim to be able to evaluate.

Is there evidence FOR the Christian bible revealed God. I would contend (and I suspect those not Christian agree with me) that there is not.
1) There is nothing inherent in the bible that is indicative of the supernatural. Stories are just that, stories. There is nothing inherent in the stories of Grimm that is indicative of the supernatural either(even when the stories concern the supernatural!), as a comparison. They are stories of man.
2) There is nothing inherent in the Christian faith that is indicative of the supernatural. All I see is people doing things people do.
3) Prayers to the Christian God do not come true more than prayers to other gods, or not praying at all, afaik this is shown by a number of prayer studies (I may be wrong).
4) There is no indication of the afterlife, as told by the bible, being a real concept.

I would love for your opposition on all points.

"Maybe God exists, but I KNOW that the Christian God does not" Quote
10-17-2009 , 02:06 AM
Obvioulsy, there is no way to PROVE that an all-powerful God exists or not. If he is all-powerful, he could just make it look like he didnt exist if he wanted. This argument is always debated but can never be solved. We are trying to put a square peg in a round hole. You ust believe what u want and ill do the same. we can all try to convince each other and thats entertainig, but why anyone would get so worked up about it mystifies me. I certainly dont need you to validate my beliefs for me, and you shouldnt need me to validate yours. UNLESS one of us really doubts our own beliefs. I tend to give more credit to a reasoned calm post on here tat intelignetly discusses the subject rather than the "you idiot...blah blha blah" posts.

Bottom line, you cant prove or disprove it.
"Maybe God exists, but I KNOW that the Christian God does not" Quote
10-20-2009 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by fearless2k
Bible says world created in 7 days. but Sun was created on 2nd/3rd day? (not 100% but not on first day). since a day requires the sun to be present.. can you see where the problem arises...
I have heard people argue that those "days" aren't 24 hour days, but longer periods of time, and that present time is the 7th day, the day of rest.
"Maybe God exists, but I KNOW that the Christian God does not" Quote
