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Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified?

03-27-2010 , 10:36 PM
Are "Interventions" to rescue men, women, and children Christians from a lifetime of superstition, guilt, fear, financial exploitation, and possible sexual abuse justified?

Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
03-27-2010 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
Are "Interventions" to rescue men, women, and children Christians from a lifetime of superstition, guilt, fear, financial exploitation, and possible sexual abuse justified?


You were asking me what?

Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
03-27-2010 , 10:47 PM
Grape mimes think alike.
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
03-28-2010 , 11:10 PM
Barrett > Intervention.
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
03-28-2010 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
Are "Interventions" to rescue men, women, and children Christians from a lifetime of superstition, guilt, fear, financial exploitation, and possible sexual abuse justified?
Absolutely they are - I agree with helping us get past superstition (CC 2111), undeserved guilt, irrational fear, financial exploitation, and possible sexual abuse.

If you are implying that Christians as opposed to other groups are guilty of these, please show how.

Also, I assume your speaking of Catholics with the sexual abuse... could you provide statistics showing Catholic priests are more likely to abuse than other adult men? Thanks.
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
03-28-2010 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
Are "Interventions" to rescue men, women, and children Christians from a lifetime of superstition, guilt, fear, financial exploitation, and possible sexual abuse justified?

They need to rescue themselves.
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
03-29-2010 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
Are "Interventions" to rescue men, women, and children Christians from a lifetime of superstition, guilt, fear, financial exploitation, and possible sexual abuse justified?
I think it's a stretch to link financial exploitation and sexual abuse directly with Christianity. Maybe the other 3.
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
03-29-2010 , 01:47 AM
Are "Interventions" to rescue men, women, and children Christians from a lifetime of superstition, guilt, fear, financial exploitation, and possible sexual abuse justified?

Originally Posted by always_sunni_
I think it's a stretch to link financial exploitation and sexual abuse directly with Christianity. Maybe the other 3.
I doubt that we could ever get Christians to reveal how much money they have donated, but it adds up quickly. The major chunk of it provides a comfy lifestyle for "clergymen" in their various forms.

Once you realize that "clergymen" have absolutely no special god-given powers or authority, you can begin to recognize the fraud and abuse. But not until then.
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
03-29-2010 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by always_sunni_
Barrett > Intervention.
Rofl, this is one of the biggest disagreements my roommate and I have, and he is a Christian :P (I am in the Barrett camp, though for some reason I can never seem to get 1 shot kills with the intervention and he never seems to get them with the barrett - it is cool how the intervention auto scopes tho).
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
03-29-2010 , 05:12 PM
I don't think its possible to answer your question in the general sense (except with respect to sexual abuse).

What if, believing in SUPERRELIGION cost you x dollars per year and a time commitment of Y dollars. But believing in SUPERRELIGION, despite being wrong, improved believers life in measureable ways (they're happier, feel they have a sense of purpose, do good acts, provides them a framework for living, etc.)

Unless you can answer if the "superstition, guilt, fear, financial exploitation" are more harmful then what believers gain... we have no answer.

Please note- I could replace religion with dating above and practically change nothing else.

Are "Interventions" to rescue men and women in relationships from a lifetime of superstition, guilt, fear, financial exploitation, and possible sexual abuse justified?
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
03-29-2010 , 07:06 PM
That is the last stand of Christians. The argument that Christianity promotes good behavior.
  • Don't kill people.
  • Don't take people's stuff. (Actually don't even think about it)
  • Don't lie about people.
  • Kids honor your parents.
  • Wives submit to your husbands.
  • Give to Caesar what is Caesar's. (currently interpreted as "mucho")

So it comes down to:
Continue to except a collection of ancient superstitions in exchange for social order. Otherwise there will be rampant debauchery, short-stacking, and chip-dumping.

That is their best argument now. The other stuff (72 virgins for Christians) is generally only believed by those who have had it drummed into them from birth.

Last edited by VP$IP; 03-29-2010 at 07:16 PM. Reason: Would we be allowed to pick our own 72 virgins?
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
03-29-2010 , 09:26 PM
If christian beliefs give people a happier and more fulfilled life, then I support it for those people. The present society has been moving away from religious thought for many years now, so it seems the first statement is not true for the majority of people. I believe this is just another step in the evolution of our species, and within 200 years less than 10% of the population will actually believe in god.

Thus I think intervention is pointless, except in the case of children who are being drown with strict and intolerant religious views to the extent that it hinders their education.
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
03-29-2010 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by mekanical
within 200 years less than 10% of the population will actually believe in god.
sad, but probably true.

I expect less than 50% will believe within 50 years. The internet has changed so much, religion stands no chance against it.
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
03-30-2010 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by Douper
sad, but probably true.

I expect less than 50% will believe within 50 years. The internet has changed so much, religion stands no chance against it.
Religion stands no chance against the truth.

It has always relied on forced conscription of children, and colonization for its biggest gains.
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
03-30-2010 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
Religion stands no chance against the truth.

It has always relied on forced conscription of children, and colonization for its biggest gains.
Exactly, the internet only multiplies the propagation of information, thus giving those in religiously isolated communities access to the truth.

My only concern is, if people like those in Texas on the Schoolboard get their way more often, we'll be back in the dark ages, this time with nukes.
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
04-01-2010 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP

It has always relied on forced conscription of children, and colonization for its biggest gains.
Athiesm has always depended on naive college students being maniplulated by the intellectual elite. Scientology by the cult of celebrity and the branch davidians by the lure of a magnetic leader etc etc etc.

not sure how this is relevant to anything.
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
04-01-2010 , 01:12 PM
College is a logical arena for opening someone's mind to reality instead of superstition. Until then they are often under the relentless brainwashing of The Church.

Stand up for Jesus!

Naive is an appropriate term in many cases however.
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
04-01-2010 , 01:22 PM

You are kidding yourself if you think only traditional organized religions brainwash. You think the liberal professors dont have their own agenda to push on kids who have never learned to think for themselves? Give me a break. Then you say even if so this is fine because it is "reality". What makes your reality more real than anyone elses?
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
04-01-2010 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
College is a logical arena for opening someone's mind to reality instead of superstition. Until then they are often under the relentless brainwashing of The Church.

Stand up for Jesus!

Naive is an appropriate term in many cases however.
The first universities were created under the Catholic church, encouraged open debate, logical thinking etc. Why would they do this if it went against their so obv brainwazhingz???
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
04-01-2010 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Jerok
The first universities were created under the Catholic church, encouraged open debate, logical thinking etc. Why would they do this if it went against their so obv brainwazhingz???
Things Have Changed

You can't win with a losing hand.
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
04-01-2010 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Texas Chuck
Then you say even if so this is fine because it is "reality". What makes your reality more real than anyone elses?
We found another Pyrrhonian
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
04-01-2010 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by always_sunni_
Barrett > Intervention.
this man speaks the truth.
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
04-01-2010 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Texas Chuck
Athiesm has always depended on naive college students being maniplulated by the intellectual elite. Scientology by the cult of celebrity and the branch davidians by the lure of a magnetic leader etc etc etc.

not sure how this is relevant to anything.
Originally Posted by VP$IP
College is a logical arena for opening someone's mind to reality instead of superstition. Until then they are often under the relentless brainwashing of The Church.

Stand up for Jesus!

Naive is an appropriate term in many cases however.
Originally Posted by Texas Chuck

You are kidding yourself if you think only traditional organized religions brainwash. You think the liberal professors dont have their own agenda to push on kids who have never learned to think for themselves? Give me a break. Then you say even if so this is fine because it is "reality". What makes your reality more real than anyone elses?
who's more impressionable, in your opinion, a child that easily believes in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and pretty much anything else you tell them, or an 18-25 young adult?
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
04-01-2010 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by Butcho22
this man speaks the truth.
And now I know too.

(new at this)
Are "Interventions" to rescue Christians justified? Quote
