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"Father, forgive them..." "Father, forgive them..."

08-16-2011 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by shahrad
I only use my logic. The word "God" implies "perfectness". Now my logic says: What is perfect, doesn't make mistakes, otherwise we wouldn't call it perfect. With other words: If God wouldn't be a perfect judge, we wouldn't call him God.
The requirement to be a perfect judge is: having absolute (perfect) knowledge. As long as we lack of absolute knowledge, we can not evaluate his judgment.
If my logic fails, you might help me to correct it. If not than you might once agree with me.
Yes, your logic fails, because you assume a god exists, and you assume that god implies perfectness.
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-16-2011 , 08:11 PM
You keep trying to make yourselves equal to God by comparing his judgement to yours. If you reject God's existence then this is crazy. If you accept God's existence then this is sinful pride and idolatry.

I am speaking of the God of the Bible.
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-16-2011 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by Wizard-50
You keep trying to make yourselves equal to God by comparing his judgement to yours. If you reject God's existence then this is crazy. If you accept God's existence then this is sinful pride and idolatry.

I am speaking of the God of the Bible.
Do you reject Zeus and the other deities below?
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-16-2011 , 08:55 PM
all religion is nonsense and dribble, this whole conversation is a waste of everyones time..
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-16-2011 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by gskowal
Do you reject Zeus and the other deities below?
You pose a question from the Bible. Why would Zeus be part of this? I put my last sentence as an after thought, because i was anticipating this. If youre not talking of God of the Bible then your position doesnt follow.
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-16-2011 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by neeeel
Yes, your logic fails, because you assume a god exists, and you assume that god implies perfectness.
Congrats! The power of your logic did overrun me. I take back everything, I said. I guess at some point, I should join your school of powerful minds.
So let me admit my mistakes:
1) It is new to me that the word 'god' doesn't imply perfectness. I still wonder why we call it 'god' when it is not perfect. Maybe we should find a new name for god, something like: needsneelsassistanceinthejudgmentday.
2) I didn't assume god exists. You guys started to talk about God, as if he would exist. I did trust OP: Why should he start talking and discussing about something that does not exist? Another point is: How can someone talk about things which don't exist? I mean, something what doesn't exist, how can someone ever give it a name? Now I feel really confused. I hope tomorrow will be a better day.
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-16-2011 , 10:06 PM
I still don't see any Christian addressing the original post....
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-16-2011 , 11:37 PM
Youve asked this same question in many different ways. "Why did God create people that are unbelievers, and therefore going to Hell?"

My answer remains that upon creation it was 'very good', then man chose sin. Stop blaming God.
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-17-2011 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by shahrad
Congrats! The power of your logic did overrun me. I take back everything, I said. I guess at some point, I should join your school of powerful minds.
So let me admit my mistakes:
1) It is new to me that the word 'god' doesn't imply perfectness. I still wonder why we call it 'god' when it is not perfect. Maybe we should find a new name for god, something like: needsneelsassistanceinthejudgmentday.
Or we could just use one of the hundreds of human Gods who were not perfect as an example.
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-17-2011 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by gskowal
I was wondering, if Jesus pleaded with GOD ( and I know, I know, there will be Christians here who will disagree if Jesus is God or God and Jesus are not the same being, etc, but let's not get into this), to forgive all those who caused the pain and suffering to Jesus and did not believe him , then can a case be done for Jesus/God to forgive all the non believers today and let them enter heaven? I mean if Jesus claims that those people are just unaware of what the truth is then they should be forgiven, then why nonbelievers who supposedly are unaware of the truth of the bible (as Christians claim) should not be forgiven and spared form hell?

Let's make an example..

Billy a 34 year old is an atheist, he thinks bible is a bunch of nonsense. According to Jesus Billy does not know what he is doing. Will his "ignorance"(let's assume that Christians are correct) be forgiven by GOD?

I also have an issue with time and belief. What if Billy is in a period of time when he is confused about his beliefs and decides that he does not believe in GOD. Unfortunately he gets hit by a car and dies , does he go to hell? If not for that accident maybe Billy would have come across of some information that would have changed his mind in 10 years from now and he would have become a believer then he would end up in hell.

So how does GOD deal with this? People change their beliefs many times during their lifetime, what if they are in the wrong time at the wrong place? Are they going to hell because of that? Some of you could say that maybe GOD knew that he wouldn't change his mind so it wouldn't matter, if that's the case and God knows the future decisions of people then why not spare their pain and their existence in the first place, why create them if you know they will end up in hell? Doesn't this type of creation sound evil to you? Creating someone and knowing in advance that they will "fail the test" and endure eternal torment?

Originally Posted by gskowal
I still don't see any Christian addressing the original post....
It's hard to answer. We don't know if God forgave all those for whom Jesus prayed. God didn't answer all of Jesus's prayers. ' Let this cup pass from me...'
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-17-2011 , 05:13 AM
Originally Posted by shahrad
How can someone talk about things which don't exist? I mean, something what doesn't exist, how can someone ever give it a name? Now I feel really confused. I hope tomorrow will be a better day.
I'm guessing you either never ever speak about ghosts, UFOs, unicorns, and Klingons (after all, they have names right?), or you believe they all exist and you speak freely about them.
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-17-2011 , 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by Wizard-50
Youve asked this same question in many different ways. "Why did God create people that are unbelievers, and therefore going to Hell?"

My answer remains that upon creation it was 'very good', then man chose sin. Stop blaming God.
And who gets to declare what a 'sin' is, you? According to nearly every other religion, the Christian God is a HUGE sinner.
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-17-2011 , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by batair
Or we could just use one of the hundreds of human Gods who were not perfect as an example.
Sure, but I thought this thread was about God in the Bible.
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-17-2011 , 07:34 AM
I never got this and no one ever gave me a satisfying answer.
Jesus died for all of our sins. All we need to do to be saved is to ask for forgiveness. Why in the world can't we just repent after we die, when we stand before God and Jesus? Like...'Hey man, you led a sinful life, it was really bad and you've been totally ignorant. But now you're here and this is Jesus, he died for every man's sin, would you like to take this gift and live in eternal bliss?'

But no that would be too easy. It has to be complicated, we need to believe in a pretty outdated book and have to ask our ceiling for forgiveness, too bad it never ****ing answers.
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-17-2011 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by Gordy N. Okam
It's hard to answer. We don't know if God forgave all those for whom Jesus prayed. God didn't answer all of Jesus's prayers. ' Let this cup pass from me...'
If it is unknown then why are many christians claiming otherwise stating that nonbelievers are going to hell?
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-17-2011 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by gskowal
If it is unknown then why are many christians claiming otherwise stating that nonbelievers are going to hell?
They must know something that we don't. It's the only possible explanation.
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-17-2011 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by lastdayever
All we need to do to be saved is to ask for forgiveness.
This isn't exactly true. True salvation involves a pretty rigorous program of repentance and transformation. The idea of instant salvation is a relatively new one.

Someone should start a thread about this.
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-17-2011 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Gordy N. Okam
They must know something that we don't. It's the only possible explanation.
Where do they get this information from?

And if that's the case then why was Jesus asking God to forgive those who didn't know what they were doing? You don't just forgive someone and then throw them in hell do you? So either god forgives and doesn't send you to hell or he doesn't and you go to hell.
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-17-2011 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by gskowal
Where do they get this information from?

And if that's the case then why was Jesus asking God to forgive those who didn't know what they were doing? You don't just forgive someone and then throw them in hell do you? So either god forgives and doesn't send you to hell or he doesn't and you go to hell.
I don't know where they get that information. Maybe they heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from another you were messing around.

The only reason I can think of to explain Jesus's words is that he is extremely loving and compassionate. But we are getting close to that argument about whether God and Jesus are the same, and we are trying to avoid that.

All we know is that Jesus asked the Father to forgive them. We don't know if God forgave them. We don't know if they went to hell. But I agree with your final statement, if we are going on the assumption that the God of the Bible exists.
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-17-2011 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
I'm guessing you either never ever speak about ghosts, UFOs, unicorns, and Klingons (after all, they have names right?), or you believe they all exist and you speak freely about them.
If something does not exist, it is nothing. 'Nothing' does not have any properties. Ghosts, UFOs, unicorns, and Klingons have all properties, therefore they are not nothing. If they are not nothing, than they exist.
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-17-2011 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by shahrad
Sure, but I thought this thread was about God in the Bible.
My point was only that the word God doesn't imply perfection. If you want to say Yahweh is alright.
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-17-2011 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Wizard-50
Youve asked this same question in many different ways. "Why did God create people that are unbelievers, and therefore going to Hell?"

My answer remains that upon creation it was 'very good', then man chose sin. Stop blaming God.
Did God have the omniscience to know they would sin or did it all come as a big shock to him?
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-17-2011 , 02:28 PM
Let's imagine a scenario in which God supernaturally offers you a choice before you are born.

He says: "Look, I will give you eternal existence, and free will. If you seek me, you will find me. I promise that. You can reject me or accept me during the first phase of this existence. You have the option, even, to choose not to believe in me. I will, however, call you, even if you don't seek me. I will be around you, everywhere. My emblems and and message will be everywhere. But if you choose wrong, you will be separated from me forever. If you choose to accept me, you will be as my son, and inherit my kingdom. If you reject me, you will be cast out from my presence, and forever gnashing your teeth."

However, you can go back into eternal nonexistence right now if you wish, ceasing to be."

I think I take the chance, for sure.
And thank God every day for the opportunity.

But it could be that this decision does not need to be made by all.
We are all descendants of Adam.
We all share 99.5% of genes.
We are all clones anyway, biologically.
We all are culpable for adam's transgression.
We all have inherited the curse.
We all take the fruit from the woman and eat it.
Only Christ does not steal from that tree.

But all we can do is seek reconciliation toward a God who is everywhere around us.

Especially you guys here, really will have no excuses on the day of judgment.
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-17-2011 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by lastdayever
I never got this and no one ever gave me a satisfying answer.
Jesus died for all of our sins. All we need to do to be saved is to ask for forgiveness. Why in the world can't we just repent after we die, when we stand before God and Jesus? Like...'Hey man, you led a sinful life, it was really bad and you've been totally ignorant. But now you're here and this is Jesus, he died for every man's sin, would you like to take this gift and live in eternal bliss?'

But no that would be too easy. It has to be complicated, we need to believe in a pretty outdated book and have to ask our ceiling for forgiveness, too bad it never ****ing answers.
First of all, we don't know what Jesus did exactly mean. He might have think of all of those people who did try but did fail to go his (Jesus) way to the end.

Two, God might forgive everyone anyway. Who knows?

Three, hell might be very awful but still better than living on earth, who knows? If someone ends up in hell, he might at least be sure that god exists. So usually hell cannot be that bad.

Four, if god exists, the worst thing that can happen to someone is not believing (I hope, you can follow the logic behind this). Burning till eternity, as we will not have a physical body anymore, probably means that those who are in hell, till eternity will not believe in God.

Five, what do you think about someone who (for example) tortures political prisoners. What would they do when god should forgive them? They will instantly start to torture others again when they will have the possiblity. So even when God forgives them, their hell might be nothing else but not having the possibilty to torture others again.
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
08-17-2011 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Doggg
Let's imagine a scenario in which God supernaturally offers you a choice before you are born.

He says: "Look, I will give you eternal existence, and free will. If you seek me, you will find me. I promise that. You can reject me or accept me during the first phase of this existence. You have the option, even, to choose not to believe in me. I will, however, call you, even if you don't seek me. I will be around you, everywhere. My emblems and and message will be everywhere. But if you choose wrong, you will be separated from me forever. If you choose to accept me, you will be as my son, and inherit my kingdom. If you reject me, you will be cast out from my presence, and forever gnashing your teeth."

However, you can go back into eternal nonexistence right now if you wish, ceasing to be."

I think I take the chance, for sure.
And thank God every day for the opportunity.
I'm imagining a cool story, bro.

But it could be that this decision does not need to be made by all.
We are all descendants of Adam.
We all share 99.5% of genes.
The human genome tells us 'Adam' and 'Eve' lived about 70,000 years apart.

We are all clones anyway, biologically.
You need to look up the definition of clone.

We all are culpable for adam's transgression.
We all have inherited the curse.
We all take the fruit from the woman and eat it.
No, we aren't.
No, we haven't.
No, we don't.

Only Christ does not steal from that tree.
If we're '99.5% clones of Adam', to paraphrase, hasn't Mary also inherited the curse? So even if God did get Mary preggo, isn't Jesus still 49.5% hosed?

But all we can do is seek reconciliation toward a God who is everywhere around us.
Pics or GTFO.

Especially you guys here, really will have no excuses on the day of judgment.
You will face eternal judgement from Zeus, and you will have no excuse.
"Father, forgive them..." Quote
