Originally Posted by sickofants
A bit of a stretch, but ok.
You seem to be overlooking just how incompatible religions are with eachother. Take Christianity, where to get into heaven one must accept Jesus as lord and saviour (or however it is worded). That means that if Christianity is true, then every other religion is for all intents and purposes, false. Likewise, I'm pretty sure that islam teaches that only muslims get to heaven. That's not to mention the different sects within these religions.
I can conceive of a god where various religions are on the right track, but not quite there, but to me that is as outlandish a claim as any of the specific deities proposed by religions old and new.
Religions aren't fully contradictory to one another. Sure there might be some contradictions (Jesus is God versus Jesus is not God), but there are common denominators amongst all the world's religions that, if one of them were indeed absolutely true, others would be not necessarily false, but just less true.
Let's take Christianity versus Islam, for example. Let's also say that it turns out that Jesus is indeed the Son of God. Does that make Islam false, for claiming he is just a prophet of God? With this single tenet, yes, but what about the other dozens of things that Islam and Christianity have in common? It turns out Islam would be correct in many of its perceptions of God (for this hypothetical standard that Christianity is the absolute truth - if it makes you feel better, insert any religion, but you arrive at the same conclusion).
If two people were to take an exam, and all the answers could be determined to be true or false; one of these guys gets all the answers correctly, the other misses two or three. Does this mean that the latter has a false perception of this reality? No, it just means it is slightly flawed, less true, but correct in many of its sights.
On a side note, that is completely false about Islam, but tame_deuces put it nicely.
Also, if you are going to say that its an outlandish claim, why even bother having this discussion? The thread was opened and could only be operated under the assumption, if not the entertainment of the notion, that there is a god. From there, what I say is completely reasonable and logically sound. If you are just going to say that its an outlandish claim that there is a god, well, then we are just back at square 0.
Last edited by alewis21; 10-27-2009 at 05:58 AM.