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Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me

01-28-2009 , 07:35 PM
Today I was at a brief event that included a short Mass and the particular priest starts off his sermon w/ "Christianity is all about expanding our knowledge." [In my head I'm thinking, Galileo and Darwin would disagree]. He continues on an extremely confusing rant that I think he may have been making up as he went along. He numerously stated theories or ideas to be fact, and all in all it was a huge insult to everybody's intelligence in the room. I'm not saying that because I didn't agree w/ them, I'm saying that because they were flat out incorrect statements, or lies. I was considering asking him about these things after mass but he's no where to be found. However I did run into a priest later in the day who I'm pretty good acquaintances w/ that was also attending the mass. I told him "that sermon today was an insult to my intelligence." I had no idea how the priest would respond, but I was pleasantly surprised to hear him agree with me and kind of shake his head in disgust. We chatted about it for a bit but then I had to get going.

I know this was kinda random but I thought it was worth sharing. Basically just goes to show, if two catholic priests can't agree on the same idea, how are a bunch of people from totally different backgrounds and religious views find common ground?
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 07:40 PM
I don't understand. Are you claiming that Christianity states that we are not supposed to learn anything? Or that we are not supposed to investigate anything?
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 07:41 PM
One intersting thing he said, was that God [implying the Christian one] has been proved by the scientific method. He didn't cite a source, or explain what he meant, but i'd love to see what he meant.
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I don't understand. Are you claiming that Christianity states that we are not supposed to learn anything? Or that we are not supposed to investigate anything?
I'm saying that Christianity is not all about expanding knowledge considering they suppressed Darwin's views until long after his death.

They also suppressed the earth being round until it was undeniably proven by science.

That is not expanding our knowledge.
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by BillNye
I'm saying that Christianity is not all about expanding knowledge considering they suppressed Darwin's views until long after his death.

They also suppressed the earth being round until it was undeniably proven by science.

That is not expanding our knowledge.
The bible has suppressed nothing about science. The bible never mentions Darwin. You are confusing people that associate themselves with Christianity, and the actual belief structure. Big difference. As Christians we are supposed to expand our knowledge about things.

I do not know why he would say that God has been proven by the scientific method. That seems a little odd. I am not really sure how one would go about even doing that.
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 07:52 PM
I never said anything about the bible talking about Darwin, nice work trying to imply that I did.
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 07:53 PM
Also you can't make up history. lol @ "people who associate themselves w/ Christianity." These are the people at the top of the church. Have you never heard of the pope? If you haven't, he can say whatever he wants as long as he says it's from God and it will become part of your religion. He's kinda important. So quit acting as if your Christianity is separate from the Church and the pope, and the other leaders of the Church.

Also this is not where this thread is supposed to be going
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by BillNye
I never said anything about the bible talking about Darwin, nice work trying to imply that I did.
I implied no such thing. You said that Christianity(the bible) suppressed Darwin. Well the bible takes no stance on Darwin, so I find that hard to believe. You brought it up, not me.
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I implied no such thing. You said that Christianity(the bible) suppressed Darwin. Well the bible takes no stance on Darwin, so I find that hard to believe. You brought it up, not me.
no I didn't. You added in "(the bible)"

First you say Christianity is not the bible, it's Jesus and his message. Then you say it's the bible.

sorry if it was somebody else who said the Jesus bit, I could have it confused, but none the less the bible being Christianity would be another topic.

The church's interpretation of the Creation story [literal at the time] caused the church leaders to refute Darwin's teachings until long after his death when they apologized for their actions to some distant relative to him [great, great, great, grandson or something]. They actively tried to prevent his findings from becoming well known, and thus keeping many people from learning the truth about his findings, and that is what they apologized for.

Also if you think the bible = Christianity.

Then Christianity also ='s stone gay's, women are lesser then men, stone prostitutes, stone ppl who commit adultery, etc

sweet religion.
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I implied no such thing. You said that Christianity(the bible) suppressed Darwin. Well the bible takes no stance on Darwin, so I find that hard to believe. You brought it up, not me.
He never mentioned the Bible once in his OP. He only mentioned Christianity.
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
He never mentioned the Bible once in his OP. He only mentioned Christianity.
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 08:14 PM
Also you can't make up history. lol @ "people who associate themselves w/ Christianity."
I do not mean to imply that these people were not Christians, although a lot of them should not be called Christians by anyones standards, but that the people do not dictate the religion.

I am someone that associates themselves with Christianity. But if I decide to hate blacks, that does not mean that Christians hate blacks, DUCY?

And the Pope means nothing to me. Because someone is the Pope does not make him any better of a Christian then the guy down the street. Nor does it make him more knowledgeable. (not to say that they are not knowledgeable)

he can say whatever he wants as long as he says it's from God and it will become part of your religion.
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where in the bible does it say that? That is the most absurd thing that I have ever heard. So you are telling me that if the Pope said today that mexicans are no better than apes, it becomes part of Christianity and something that you have to believe as a Christian?

So quit acting as if your Christianity is separate from the Church and the pope, and the other leaders of the Church.
Man this just keeps getting weirder and weirder. So now you are saying that the bible states that if you become a leader of the church you are in charge of the religion and you get to say whatever you want. That does not seem right.

Matt 23: 5"Everything they do is done for men to see: They make their phylacteries[a] wide and the tassels on their garments long; 6they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; 7they love to be greeted in the marketplaces and to have men call them 'Rabbi.'

8"But you are not to be called 'Rabbi,' for you have only one Master and you are all brothers. 9And do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. 10Nor are you to be called 'teacher,' for you have one Teacher, the Christ.[b] 11The greatest among you will be your servant. 12For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
He never mentioned the Bible once in his OP. He only mentioned Christianity.
Sorry. But imo, the bible and Christianity are synonymous.
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Sorry. But imo, the bible and Christianity are synonymous.
k but your not even christian so...
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 08:20 PM
sorry if it was somebody else who said the Jesus bit, I could have it confused, but none the less the bible being Christianity would be another topic.
Not me. I do not see how you could have Christianity without the bible. I agree about Jesus's teachings, but don't we find those in the bible?

The church's interpretation of the Creation story [literal at the time] caused the church leaders to refute Darwin's teachings until long after his death when they apologized for their actions to some distant relative to him [great, great, great, grandson or something]. They actively tried to prevent his findings from becoming well known, and thus keeping many people from learning the truth about his findings, and that is what they apologized for.
Yeah, the church did that. And the Pharisees killed Jesus. So what is your point?

Then Christianity also ='s stone gay's, women are lesser then men, stone prostitutes, stone ppl who commit adultery, etc
Ugh. Do you really not understand why these things do not apply? I am honestly asking if you really think that the bible says that these are the laws that we are still supposed to live by? You see no difference between the old and new testament?
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by BillNye
k but your not even christian so...
Why, did the pope tell you that? Could you ask him if I am white also? As long as we are on the subject of things that neither you or him can dictate.
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Not me. I do not see how you could have Christianity without the bible. I agree about Jesus's teachings, but don't we find those in the bible?

Yeah, the church did that. And the Pharisees killed Jesus. So what is your point?

Ugh. Do you really not understand why these things do not apply? I am honestly asking if you really think that the bible says that these are the laws that we are still supposed to live by? You see no difference between the old and new testament?
I do see the difference. The Old testament was there, then Jesus came in and said hey don't listen to that. Then the new testament was written. However in another thread I said something among the lines of The old testament should be thrown out, and then somebody [who I'm 80% sure was you] said that obviously God thinks it belongs, so it does.

See the contradiction? Again if this isn't you, then sorry.

As far as your theory that Christianity = the bible

In the bible it never says waht happens to Mary. The Pope said that God said that she ascended into heaven. Thus it was made doctrine and is now a celeberated Holy Day in the Catholic Church, the assumption of Mary.

Therefore Christianity does not equal The Bible. The Bible is a part of Christianity, not it's entirety.

Also the reason I don't call you a Christian is because you seem to disagree w/ the great majority of it, and you don't go to church. Really why would you consider yourself a Christian? Just because it's the closest thing to your belief style, or what? I haven't seen you explain that.
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 08:34 PM
How old was the priest?
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
How old was the priest?
The priest w/ the sermon was in his 40's. the priest I spoke w/ afterwords was in his late 60's I'd guess.

fwiw, the one I'm a pretty good acquaintance w/ I really respect, not because of his religious views, but because of what he's done with them. I think he spent like 5 years working in the poverty of Africa. He literally gave up his nice life in America to help others for a really significant period of his life. And I'm sure his religion had a lot to do w/ his motivation for doing it, and for that I'm glad he's a Christian.

Last edited by BillNye; 01-28-2009 at 08:45 PM.
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 08:52 PM
In the bible it never says waht happens to Mary. The Pope said that God said that she ascended into heaven. Thus it was made doctrine and is now a celeberated Holy Day in the Catholic Church, the assumption of Mary.
Right, so why does the Pope get to dictate Christianity? As far as I am concerned he carries about as much weight as who ever is the leader of the Muslims does. I take much issue with Catholicism.

Don't you find it interesting that the leader of the catholic church act remarkably like the Pharisees of the NT?

Therefore Christianity does not equal The Bible. The Bible is a part of Christianity, not it's entirety.
Now we are just getting into word games. That is one of the reasons that I always use the term "mainstream Christianity", to try and differentiate between these things.

I just do not see how you can say that some guy gets to add on whatever he wants.

Also the reason I don't call you a Christian is because you seem to disagree w/ the great majority of it, and you don't go to church. Really why would you consider yourself a Christian? Just because it's the closest thing to your belief style, or what? I haven't seen you explain that.
I guess you can call me whatever you want. And I do not think that going to church is wrong, just that I have major personal issues with it. Just wanted to clarify that.

I guess I call myself a christian because that is what they call followers of Jesus in the bible. That is what I attempt to be. I am not always a great one, but I do attempt to be as good as I can.

I do not associate myself with any "religion". Nor do I let someone dictate to me what God says. If I am wrong, I am the one that is held accountable, and I take that very seriously.

As an atheist, I would think that you could identify with that.
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I guess you can call me whatever you want. And I do not think that going to church is wrong, just that I have major personal issues with it. Just wanted to clarify that.

I guess I call myself a christian because that is what they call followers of Jesus in the bible. That is what I attempt to be. I am not always a great one, but I do attempt to be as good as I can.

I do not associate myself with any "religion". Nor do I let someone dictate to me what God says. If I am wrong, I am the one that is held accountable, and I take that very seriously.

As an atheist, I would think that you could identify with that.
Ya, I didn't know any of this, so it's good you cleared that up. I think that makes a lot of sense as I don't think following Jesus's example is wrong, in fact I think it's really solid, however I think that most of the bible is very lol, mostly the old testament but not solely.

And as far as your thoughts on the Pope, it's all good. The pope being able to make up whatever he wants [and he has, see the assumption of Mary which has no biblical reference what so ever] is one of the countless reasons I am no longer a Christian.
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Not me. I do not see how you could have Christianity without the bible.
So, there were no christians until the bible was assembled?
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by luckyme
So, there were no christians until the bible was assembled?
Everything that was in the bible existed.
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 09:34 PM
Ya, I didn't know any of this, so it's good you cleared that up. I think that makes a lot of sense as I don't think following Jesus's example is wrong, in fact I think it's really solid, however I think that most of the bible is very lol, mostly the old testament but not solely.
I am glad that I mentioned it then. As far as the OT, that is a totally different subject. One that deserves it's own thread.

And as far as your thoughts on the Pope, it's all good. The pope being able to make up whatever he wants [and he has, see the assumption of Mary which has no biblical reference what so ever] is one of the countless reasons I am no longer a Christian.
One of the many reasons I do not go to church or that I do not want my children going to a christian school.

I think that Catholicism has done way more harm then good.
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
01-28-2009 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Everything that was in the bible existed.
Priest was plain wrong today at Mass, other priest agrees w/ me Quote
