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Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution?

03-02-2012 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Deorum
I think you've gotten confused. Definitively, the white ones can't not be created and the black ones can't be created. We don't know which color the ones in the wild are. You're suggesting that they are probably white because the ones we create are white. But the ones we create have to be white. By definition, we can't create black ones. The fact that we can create white ones does not diminish the probability that black ones can exist.
A couple of post back I editted in an example of how we could create black may have missed it. So needless to say I disagree with your statement there. Further if nature can create black ones why don't we observe her doing it? We observe other natural quakes, condensation, dust storms(we've seen these on other planets) happen independently time and again. Evolution is clearly a special case.
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-02-2012 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
No I am not doing that....I am doing something completely different. I am drawing a conclusion about something I can't observe from what I know about similiar things I can observe.
Problem is that you are comparing oranges to apples..

How does evolution of life compare to your passing of information from one being to another in the form of studying/teaching? Please explain.

Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
"For every bird you observe that has wings the probility is increased that the bird who you can't observe also has wings".

Prove that statement is false and you have crushed my argument.
OK, and once again , it's all great but you are comparing apples and oranges when it comes to evolution of life vs "evolutionary system"(which you so called call) of passing information from one being to another with the use of language and other tools.

You want to make the claim that for observing every evolutionary system designed by intelligence the probability is increased that the evolutionary system which gave rise to humans is also designed by intelligent. The problem is that the evolutionary systems you claim to be observed cannot be compared to the evolutionary system we are talking about. The truth is that we have not been able to observe any other evolutionary system of the similarities of the one we are part of. You can generalize evolutionary system as any process of formation or growth; development which becomes more complex, what's the similarity of them all? the name the description of process of formation/growth from simple to complex and adding additional subgroups, but when you go deeper into these evolutionary systems , each of them are differently occurring processes. So your claim that the observed "evolutionary system" of your professors and students in reality does not have anything to do with evolutionary system of life from simple organism to complex ones.

The more honest example of evolutionary system outside of life would be formation of galaxies or solar systems and planets, but you don't like this example because it shows that something can arrise from simplicity to complexity by natural processes. Let me add, that even this I would not consider to be the same type of evolutionary system as evolution of life. I am just stating that at least in this example we see transformation of simplicity to complexity of objects, unlike in your example it's human knowledge.

Last edited by gskowal; 03-02-2012 at 11:26 PM.
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-02-2012 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
So our ability to create automobiles has no bearing on whether or not nature can produce an automobile?

So how I suspect that if you saw an automobile while you are out and about you would conclude it wasn't the product of nature but rather the product of intellect.
The only reason you would conclude it is NOT a natural occurance was if you had known of someone who was intelligent that produced something similar. In other words, without a notion of ID of any sort, neither a watch nor a Buick in nature should be attributed to anything other than nature.

So rather than intelligent design suggesting a designer it is intelligent designers that assume a designer in their own likeness.
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-02-2012 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by Acemanhattan
The only reason you would conclude it is NOT a natural occurance was if you had known of someone who was intelligent that produced something similar. In other words, without a notion of ID of any sort, neither a watch nor a Buick in nature should be attributed to anything other than nature.
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-02-2012 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by gskowal
Not near a computer, whas the link?
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-02-2012 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Acemanhattan
Not near a computer, whas the link?
it's a great video by onespecies talking about the design, something you addressed to Stu..
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-02-2012 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by Acemanhattan
The only reason you would conclude it is NOT a natural occurance was if you had known of someone who was intelligent that produced something similar. In other words, without a notion of ID of any sort, neither a watch nor a Buick in nature should be attributed to anything other than nature.
I disagree with this. I think your average stone age person would reckognize a watch as technology even though they had never seen metal, gears, springs, glass, etc...or anything the watch was composed of.

With enough time to examine it, I think a stone age person could work out its purpose...especially if the watch had an alarm set to noon. Now they might not conclude the watch was the product of human intellect...they might think it a gift from the gods....but they would conclude it was the product of intellect.
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-03-2012 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by gskowal
it's a great video by onespecies talking about the design, something you addressed to Stu..
Whats cool about the video is makes a point that there is no one designer you can point to as the designer of a car....but it also makes the point(perhaps not intentionally) that in every step in the "evolution" of a car an intellect was involved the in the process.

Without would still amount to random rolling logs.

You should watch the video when you get a chance.

I wouldn't say it substantiates my point because like I said in my first post in this thread, I don't believe God is behind some curtain like the wizard of Oz pulling levers and turning dials to control the happenings in the universe. Instead I believe God is more like Richard Dawkins setting his evolution program with a target so that it will eventually write the phrase, "Me thinks it is like a weasel". Then letting it run until it accomplishes that task.

Last edited by Stu Pidasso; 03-03-2012 at 12:10 AM.
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-03-2012 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by gskowal
Problem is that you are comparing oranges to apples..
You can say that, but I can say I'm comparing macintoshes to granny smiths to golden delicious to Fujis' etc. Criticism like this is meaningless and doesn't move the discussion forward.

What you are basically saying is that my comparision is unfair because I am comparing an evolutionary system whose origin is evolutionary systems whose origins are known. Its only unfair because it doesn't support your world veiw right?

The truth is it is perfectly acceptible to make conclusions about evolutionary systems whose origins you don't know from observations of evolutionary systems whose origins are completely known. As long as we are comparing evolutionary systems you can't credibly claim I am comparing apples to oranges can. Such criticism doesn't pass the smell test.
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-03-2012 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by Acemanhattan
You look at the natural world and see precision, I would like to know by what criteria you establish that what you see is a form of precision? What qualities or properties would something posses if it did not belong to the set of objects that had all the properties associated with precision?

How would you differentiate the two sets?

People whose occupation is the study of biology will cite many objects in the world, the most obvious being the eye, which seem to be designed sub-optimally. Whether they are correct or not is one thing, but the fact of the matter is that people who actually study the things that you would view to be evidence of "precision" don't see anything that resembles precision. Only people with a world view that assumes precision see precision.
Go back and read my opening post and see what I said there about the Periodic Table of the Elements. That's an example of precision.
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-03-2012 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by Alter2Ego
Go back and read my opening post and see what I said there about the Periodic Table of the Elements. That's an example of precision.
I asked you to by what criteria you select an object that fits in the set of objects that contain the property of precision. I didn't ask you to reiterate to me an object which is in the set. Do you have an answer?

I also asked you what an object that didn't fit into that set would look like, do you have an answer for that?
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-03-2012 , 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
You can say that, but I can say I'm comparing macintoshes to granny smiths to golden delicious to Fujis' etc. Criticism like this is meaningless and doesn't move the discussion forward.

What you are basically saying is that my comparision is unfair because I am comparing an evolutionary system whose origin is evolutionary systems whose origins are known. Its only unfair because it doesn't support your world veiw right?

The truth is it is perfectly acceptible to make conclusions about evolutionary systems whose origins you don't know from observations of evolutionary systems whose origins are completely known. As long as we are comparing evolutionary systems you can't credibly claim I am comparing apples to oranges can. Such criticism doesn't pass the smell test.
No sir. Why it is unfair is because you are literally making a bad comparison... But you are going to continue to play this game of dishonesty , after all, you can't admit your whole idea is based on fallacious argumentation. You call two different systems similar and argue that one supports the same cause as the other. There are so many wrong things with your example it's hard to even know where to start.

Here's your original premise.

1.If all evolutionary systems whose origins are known required intellect at their inception then it is much more likely that an evolutionary system which you are ignorant of the circumstances of its inception also required an intellect.

a. you can't demonstrate even 1 evolutionary system of living organisms other than the one we don't know the origins of.
b. you proposed the following "evolutionary system"
- The education system. College professors produce college professors(successive generations). College professors pass on knowledge(heritiable characteristics). True knowledge gets passed on while untrue knowledge gets forgotten(natural selection).

This I gotta say is rather a silly example which I have a hard time to even see how this can be called an evolutionary system, better yet have anything to do with evolution occurring in life forms. In this example you have living beings who have ability to control information they pass on using all kinds of tools, to other beings. Why do you assume passed on knowledge in form of written down or remembered information is supposedly a heritable characteristic? True knowledge gets passed on while untrue forgotten? Natural Selection? really? If that was the case we wouldn't be here arguing with creationists and other silly beliefs. Once again, your evolutionary system doesn't even look like an evolutionary system. To add to it, the system you claim to be a system, relies heavily on the original evolutionary system which has created the life able to pass on information.

i'll add more, I have to change the computer...

ok i'm back...

OK let's make a detailed comparison of your evolutionary system to evolutionary system of life as we know it.

Evolution of life - Evolution is any change across successive generations in the heritable characteristics of biological populations. Evolutionary processes give rise to diversity at every level of biological organisation, including species, individual organisms and molecules such as DNA and proteins.

Please explain to me how does this evolutionary system compare to yours..

Last edited by gskowal; 03-03-2012 at 01:26 AM.
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-03-2012 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Deorum's example was easily dismissed because it was shown that it was logically impossible for human intellect to be responsible for the evolutionary system identified by Darwin.

Your example is easily dimissed as well. Brown hair/brown eyed people can write evolution simulators. Green hair/green eyed people can too. Pink hair/pink eyed could probably write them too. It can be shown that hair color/eye color is inconsequential in writing an evolution simulator. But what can't be shown as inconsequential is intellect. Intellect seems to be a necessary property of the evolution simulator writer.
Perfect. So we've established that hair and eye color are not necessary characteristics of a computer evolution simulator designer, but that human intellect is necessary.

We've also established that eye color, hair color, and human intellect are not necessary characteristics of a designer of biologic evolution. We have not established anything about the need for a non-human designer.

Can you give an example of when I restricted a definition and broadened it as it suited me? Be specific please....present the word....present how I defined it broadly one time and then present how I defined it narrowly the next. As it stands right now you have made an accusation so unspecific that I cannot defend it. That is borderline underhanded.
In this thread you defined an evolutionary system as one characterized by, among other things, successive generations. When presented with one potential example, you adopted a narrow definition requiring exact duplication. For your own example, anyone who ended up employed as a college professor was good enough to be a successive generation.
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-03-2012 , 01:21 AM
Stu -

The problem with your argument is that it seems to prove too much. It goes:
[1] X1, X2, ..., Xn-1 are observed evolutionary systems.
[2] Each is known to have been produced/perpetuated by human beings, which have the characteristic property of: possessing intellect.
[3] Xn is an evolutionary system.
[4] By induction, Xn was likely to have been produced/perpetuated by beings which: possess intellect (in some sense).
But we could also re-write as:
[1] X1, X2, ..., Xn-1 are observed evolutionary systems.
[2] Each is known to have been produced/perpetuated by human beings, which have the characteristic property of: being products of an evolutionary system (Darwinian evolution).
[3] Xn is an evolutionary system.
[4] By induction, Xn was likely to have been produced/perpetuated by beings which: were the product of an evolutionary system (in some sense).
Ok. So, in general, the more the inductive step relies on just the fact that Xn can be described in a similar way to X1,...,Xn-1, then the weaker the argument. (And in this way you are using this argument, the inductive step relies ENTIRELY on the descriptive flexibility of evolutionary theory.)

For a very strong inductive argument, we do not just want to see abstract (descriptive) commonality between Xn and X1,...,Xn-1; rather, we want to to see that Xn is "essentially the same" as X1,...,Xn-1. E.g. all the Xi are swans.

Last edited by Subfallen; 03-03-2012 at 01:28 AM. Reason: added parentheticals
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-03-2012 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by Subfallen
For a very strong inductive argument, we do not just want to see abstract (descriptive) commonality between Xn and X1,...,Xn-1; rather, we want to to see that Xn is "essentially the same" as X1,...,Xn-1. E.g. all the Xi are swans.
exactly, and this is why I am arguing that he is comparing apples to oranges..
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-03-2012 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso don't know that. All you can say is that an automobile has never been observed to come into existence via completely natural(i.e. without the participation of humans) circumstances.
Of course we do. We know the origin of all of our automobiles.

Have you ever seen nature produce an evolutionary system? Don't say the system identified by Darwin because I know you weren't around when that came into being(you're only 29 years old).
I don't know. I haven't given it much thought. Mostly because I think it is irrelevant.
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-03-2012 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by Deorum
Of course we do. We know the origin of all of our automobiles.
Unless you are some outlier, I am sure I could produce a make and model of a car of which you are unfamiliar. If you cannot identify such a car how could sure that such a car was the product of human intellect not an artifact of nature?

Originally Posted by Deorum
I don't know. I haven't given it much thought. Mostly because I think it is irrelevant.
I don't think it is irrelavent. If you could demonstrate that evolutionary systems just happen....that would completely destroy my argument.

My argument is strong simply becuase evolutionary systems are highly contrived.
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-03-2012 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Why is it then that intellects are the only ones creating white swans? Why don't we observe non intellect creating white swans?

I'm sure you could program one computer to feed random instructions into another computer. What would your expectation be that the first computer randomly programs an evolution simulator in the second computer? Experiments can be designed which could show intellect isn't necessary for the inception of evolutionary systems. People don't attempt them because the probability of success is essentially 0.
Evolution is not random.

Why has evolution only happened once when other natural phenomena re-occur independently in different places?
Evolution happens all the time. That's what is responsible for the diversity of life.

Let's try this another way. Let's assume there is no God. Life begins. Organisms compete for resources. Random mutations happen such that there is diversity in various organisms. Some randomly are better equipped to gather resources than others. Do you think the organisms less equipped to gather those resources will be equally likely to gather them as the organisms better equipped to do so?
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-03-2012 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Unless you are some outlier, I am sure I could produce a make and model of a car of which you are unfamiliar. If you cannot identify such a car how could sure that such a car was the product of human intellect not an artifact of nature?
Check the VIN?
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-03-2012 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by Acemanhattan
I asked you to by what criteria you select an object that fits in the set of objects that contain the property of precision. I didn't ask you to reiterate to me an object which is in the set. Do you have an answer?

I also asked you what an object that didn't fit into that set would look like, do you have an answer for that?
Below is the definition of "precision" according to Webster's New World College Dictionary, which I already gave in my opening post. That's the only answer you will get from me. If you ask me the same thing again, you will be ignored.


"the quality of being precise; exactness, accuracy"
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-03-2012 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by Alter2Ego
Below is the definition of "precision" according to Webster's New World College Dictionary, which I already gave in my opening post. That's the only answer you will get from me. If you ask me the same thing again, you will be ignored.


"the quality of being precise; exactness, accuracy"

Do you care to respond to any of the other questions I've posted, or do you just want to wag your little wee wee around by simply quoting Webster and not engaging in the discourse you began?

What have you to say about the observations that "exactness, accuracy, and precise" aren't words that biologists would use to describe the eye? Let me guess, would you use some combination of the phrase "non-believers" and the word"opine" to demonstrate why only those that already hold the belief you do have the right to objectively talk about the nature of things?

Forget that 97% of the people on the planet who take this stuff seriously don't see a God in it, they aren't to be taken seriously or anything.
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-03-2012 , 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
I wouldn't use elements on the periodic table as examples of precision when there is a much simplier...easier to digest...example that has nagged at me for a long time.

Why is the charge of the electron precisesly opposite the charge of the proton? As far as I know the electron is fundamental and happens to have a charge of -1. The proton is not is made up of 3 quarks. Two up quarks which happen to have charges of +2/3 and one down quark which happens to have a charge of -1/3....which if you do the math adds to 1.

What would happen if the electron had a charge of -.99323423 and the proton had a charge of 1.3563235?
Since I don't think this was answered, I am reposting your question in SMP
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-03-2012 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Deorum
Evolution happens all the time. That's what is responsible for the diversity of life.

Let's try this another way. Let's assume there is no God. Life begins. Organisms compete for resources. Random mutations happen such that there is diversity in various organisms. Some randomly are better equipped to gather resources than others. Do you think the organisms less equipped to gather those resources will be equally likely to gather them as the organisms better equipped to do so?
There is only one lineage of life evolving. Don't you find this peculiar?
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-03-2012 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Deorum
I don't know. I haven't given it much thought. Mostly because I think it is irrelevant.
In this discussion it isn't irrelevant. If evolutionary systems are something that nature produces why don't we see nature producing them?
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
03-03-2012 , 12:38 PM
There is only one lineage of life that we have observed. Considering our observation is basically limited to our planet (barring SETI and space probes which in the grand scheme of things haven't really made it that far), I don't find this peculiar at all. I find this expected.

I find it peculiar that you find it peculiar tbh.

p.s. what did you think of that video I linked to you?
Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution? Quote
