Originally Posted by Hainesy_2KT
To return to the thread from my crap brag...
The subject often will decide it constitutes "proof" of a creator deity, but obviously not evidence, or proof that can be presented or tested for, only personal proof, for them.
These experiences do not necessarily involve any religion-specific iconography, but are usually universal in their delivering of the subject to a state of consciousness where they "know" and "feel" certain truths, insights and experiences that go beyond the realm of the everyday intellect, senses and mind.
The point is, a hindu is probably not experiencing anything any different than a christian or whatever, it is only their contextualisation and understanding after the event that may differ somewhat.
If the experience is one of intense emotion, love, peacefulness, security, would that happen if the subject isn't in a setting that they've literally been programmed to associate with those things. Even as an Atheist I'm not immune to the feeling of awe and humility that being in a church or a cathedral can cause. Firstly those buildings are designed to inculcate a state of mind receptive to worship, secondly I've grown up in a society continually exposed to the idea that feeling like that is normal and even expected. I'm supposed to feel awed and humble in a house of god.
Remove me from that though, place me in a Hindu temple, surrounded by strange imagery, carvings and statues of gods I'm not familiar with and that have no strong associations, and my question is would it still be easy, or even possible, to cause me to have a 'religious' experience?
Nice card trick btw, I'm a big fan of sleight of hand.