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Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake

02-11-2009 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Forget the technical stuff. The trilemma is flawed because Jesus could be a good man and a good moral teacher even if he mistakingly believed he was God or at least had a direct pipeline to him, especially in those days. It wouldn't mean he was a lunatic.

It is also possible he was a liar simultaneous with being a great moral teacher.
Does his display of morality run congruent with that of a liar?

he was a "good moral teacher" b/c no one in his 33 yrs has witnessed any immorality.
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Forget the technical stuff. The trilemma is flawed because Jesus could be a good man and a good moral teacher even if he mistakingly believed he was God or at least had a direct pipeline to him, especially in those days. It wouldn't mean he was a lunatic.

It is also possible he was a liar simultaneous with being a great moral teacher.
I think this is the most absurd post I've ever seen from you. How can someone believe he is God and be a great moral teacher? If he's mistaken about being God (come on now, we're not talking about missing the solution to a differential equation) how can anyone think he isn't mistaken about almost everything else, or at least potentially so? If that's the case, how could you possibly know which moral statements of his are true and which are mistaken?

That last sentence is a true whopper. A liar may make a statement that contains moral truth but he almost certainly will make it in a way that contains something false, and he almost certainly will lie about moral truth. I don't see how you can justify the two ideas as anything but logically contradictory.

Just think about the known liars in history - Hitler, Stalin, Nixon (not to equate them on other aspects) - or anyone else - who sincerely believes any were GMT? On genuinely insane people - Jim Jones, David Koresh, Richard Dawkins - GMTs?
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Huh? How so? Premises 1 and 3 make no reference to the subject matter of the conclusion (i.e. you) and therefore can't beg the question.
I was being facetious because I thought you were. If you were serious then your argument makes no sense which you basically admit since 1 and 3 are irrelevant.

This strikes me as nitpicking. Definition #1 of "lunatic" on is "an insane person". This surely requires that the person "be completely crazy".

Wow, I didn't realise you were actually arguing that the two were mutually exclusive (as opposed to arguing that Jesus couldn't be considered only a moral teacher. The idea that you can't be both insane and a great moral teacher is completely absurd to me. In fact, a little insanity is virtually a job requirement.
I don't understand what "a little" insanity means when you just said an insane person must be completely crazy.
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 01:09 AM
I don't understand what "a little" insanity means when you just said an insane person must be completely crazy.
Don't play semantic games. Let's make the assumption that Jesus was delusional to believe that he was divine. To assume that this invalidates him from being a great moral teacher, Lewis's argument requires the unstated premise that a single delusional belief renders one incapable of being a great moral teacher. This is absurd. Imagine a devout Christian who lives an exemplary moral life which sets an example to those around her, and also claims to have been in contact with extraterrestrials who have visited her while she was sleeping. Does this belief disqualify her from being a moral teacher?

I suspect that the problem is that you consider a claim to divinity to itself have moral content - i.e. that it is immoral to incorrectly claim divinity. In an atheist worldview, claiming divinity is no more inherently moral or immoral than claiming to have been visited by aliens.

Even if I granted that a claim to divinity is immoral (and statements of Jesus' where he uses claims of divinity to control people - like "None come to the Father but through me" - are certainly heading in that direction) I still don't think it's true that someone who exhibits some immorality can't still be a great moral teacher. One doesn't have to be Tiger Woods to be a great golf teacher.
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by NotReady
I think this is the most absurd post I've ever seen from you. How can someone believe he is God and be a great moral teacher? If he's mistaken about being God (come on now, we're not talking about missing the solution to a differential equation) how can anyone think he isn't mistaken about almost everything else, or at least potentially so? If that's the case, how could you possibly know which moral statements of his are true and which are mistaken?

That last sentence is a true whopper. A liar may make a statement that contains moral truth but he almost certainly will make it in a way that contains something false, and he almost certainly will lie about moral truth. I don't see how you can justify the two ideas as anything but logically contradictory.

Just think about the known liars in history - Hitler, Stalin, Nixon (not to equate them on other aspects) - or anyone else - who sincerely believes any were GMT? On genuinely insane people - Jim Jones, David Koresh, Richard Dawkins - GMTs?
I was talking about logic, not reasonability. A person could be deluded about being God or lie about it, perhaps to get more listeners, while at the same time acting morally and giving good moral advice. Not likely but not impossible.
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Don't play semantic games. Let's make the assumption that Jesus was delusional to believe that he was divine. To assume that this invalidates him from being a great moral teacher, Lewis's argument requires the unstated premise that a single delusional belief renders one incapable of being a great moral teacher. This is absurd. Imagine a devout Christian who lives an exemplary moral life which sets an example to those around her, and also claims to have been in contact with extraterrestrials who have visited her while she was sleeping. Does this belief disqualify her from being a moral teacher?
Lewis isn't talking about being a great moral person, but a great moral teacher. By teacher, he doesn't mean someone who simply repeats what is already believed about morality, but someone who teaches with authority. It's obvious a liar is disqualified. And someone who incorrectly believes he is God can't possibly have the insight or authority required.

Even if I granted that a claim to divinity is immoral (and statements of Jesus' where he uses claims of divinity to control people - like "None come to the Father but through me" - are certainly heading in that direction) I still don't think it's true that someone who exhibits some immorality can't still be a great moral teacher. One doesn't have to be Tiger Woods to be a great golf teacher.
The analogy is completely inapposite. To be qualified to teach golf one must only know the game and be able to teach. To be a GMT, one must have credibility which is obviously missing if one is insane or himself immoral. Again, GMT doesn't mean knowing a moral code already known, but teaching with authority, which is lacking if one is insane or a liar.

Reppert deals with this idea in the link I gave:

Liar, Lunatic, Lord, or just a Colorful Teacher of World Religions
I think it's time to redate this post from a few months back.

I've been reading John Beversluis's analysis of the trilemma, and his treatment of the issue led me to advance this little thought experiment.

Suppose I were to come to my class in, oh, say, world religion, and I were to say. "This course is about religion, and we will be talking about God a lot. And you guys are all in luck. I, your teacher, Dr. Reppert, am God Himself, come to earth in incarnate form." Now my students would probably think this was a big practical joke. But now suppose after a week or two I catch a student cheating and say, "Not only do you flunk this class, but unless you repent you are going to hear from me when I return for the day of judgment." Suppose some people were to go to the dean and ask about what is up with Reppert's class. The teacher were then to say "Yes, I realize this guy thinks he's God, so of course he's delusional about that. But many students have told me that this just makes the class more interesting. He's a good teacher, and a fair grader. There's no reason to drop the course, or ask for a refund for your tuition, still less to contact the men in the white coats. Just stay in there, and you should be happy." Could this reply possibly be taken seriously by the distressed and confused students?

P. S. (4/8) The point here, it seems to me, is that this just sounds like a psychologically implauisble scenario, doesn't it?+
It comes down to this. If you think Jesus COULD be a GMT though either delusional or a liar, then we disagree about the nature of delusion, lying and moral teaching. If that's the case then the trilemma won't be persuasive. All I can do is put you in the position of making a defense that seems ludicrous. Lewis, Reppert and me think the trilemma is obvious. But then, I think the existence of God is obvious.
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 02:14 AM
Jesus could have been tricked, by some being much more powerful than him, into thinking that he (jesus) was god.
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
I was talking about logic, not reasonability. A person could be deluded about being God or lie about it, perhaps to get more listeners, while at the same time acting morally and giving good moral advice. Not likely but not impossible.
The issue isn't just good moral advice, though, nor acting morally. I agree. The Bible agrees (Satan can come as an angel of light). But Jesus wasn't just giving well-known, good moral advice.

Read the Sermon on the Mount. This is a statement of morality that is unique and calls for an extreme position. And He made many statements of this kind. If He was crazy or a liar, all of these radical statements lose credibility.

"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me". Would you even consider this "advice" if He was crazy or a liar?

"Take up your cross daily, and follow Me".

" He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it.

Many, many more like this. If I thought He was crazy or a liar, no thanks, big time.
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
Jesus could have been tricked, by some being much more powerful than him, into thinking that he (jesus) was god.
If He's that easily tricked, how can He be a GMT? He could have been tricked about the morality He taught.
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by NotReady
If He's that easily tricked, how can He be a GMT? He could have been tricked about the morality He taught.
The tricking doesn't have to be easy. The being could be smart enough that any human ever would have been tricked as well. You think the morals are objectively good, so your second sentence doesn't even make sense. Also, Jesus' intelligence wasn't a condition at all. If it can be proven that he thought the Poincare conjecture was false, is he no longer a GMT?
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 02:25 AM
You are wrong. It is perfectly fine to define GMT less rigorously than you because the less rigorous way is how the typical person who claims that Jesus was simply a GMT defines it. It is those people who your trilemma is directed to.

Meanwhile what about those chick tracts over on the other thread?
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
The tricking doesn't have to be easy. The being could be smart enough that any human ever would have been tricked as well. You think the morals are objectively good, so your second sentence doesn't even make sense. Also, Jesus' intelligence wasn't a condition at all. If it can be proven that he thought the Poincare conjecture was false, is he no longer a GMT?
You've lost me about the second sentence. Much of His teaching was based on His authority as God. And I wasn't referring to IQ but gullibility - also, anyone who can be falsely convinced he is God has a fundamental character flaw involving conceit, arrogance and pride(or is totally crazy).
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
You are wrong. It is perfectly fine to define GMT less rigorously than you because the less rigorous way is how the typical person who claims that Jesus was simply a GMT defines it. It is those people who your trilemma is directed to.
This is in the category of my post to Chrisv - we disagree on the nature of morality. Maybe the nature of greatness as well. So the trilemma misses you. Oh well, it's just one argument.
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by NotReady
You've lost me about the second sentence. Much of His teaching was based on His authority as God.
David's most recent post explains this.

And I wasn't referring to IQ but gullibility - also, anyone who can be falsely convinced he is God has a fundamental character flaw involving conceit, arrogance and pride(or is totally crazy).
This is fine, you have to add another condition now. A GMT cannot be tricked into incorrectly thinking he is god.
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
This is fine, you have to add another condition now. A GMT cannot be tricked into incorrectly thinking he is god.
Yeah, we've only covered a few of the 1364 necessary premises.
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by NotReady
Yeah, we've only covered a few of the 1364 necessary premises.
Yeah, thats why most of us think it is a terrible argument that couldn't possibly change the mind of any intelligent person since you almost need to think jesus was god going in.
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 02:55 AM

Jesus' life, teaching, and self-perception as described in the NT are exactly the behavior and disposition of an exceptional Jewish mystic in a first-century religious climate.

Lord, liar, and lunatic are completely beside the point, because the obvious answer starts with 'M'. Really, people. Wow.
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
Yeah, thats why most of us think it is a terrible argument that couldn't possibly change the mind of any intelligent person since you almost need to think jesus was god going in.
What's more, you need to think that Jesus was God in a much different sense than Jesus himself did. For example, there is absolutely no indication that Jesus thought he sustained the existence of the entire universe. (Although NotReady is confident that He still does---right now!)
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by PokerToker
lol, your entire demeanor reminds me of myself, which is a total douche bag. you think i'm trying to con you into something, lol.
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by NotReady
This is in the category of my post to Chrisv - we disagree on the nature of morality. Maybe the nature of greatness as well. So the trilemma misses you.
And probably everyone else who believes that Jesus was a GMT but not divine.
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by Subfallen

Jesus' life, teaching, and self-perception as described in the NT are exactly the behavior and disposition of an exceptional Jewish mystic in a first-century religious climate.

Lord, liar, and lunatic are completely beside the point, because the obvious answer starts with 'M'. Really, people. Wow.
That's clear from reading the Johannine literature, esp. the gospel of John.
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by Subfallen
What's more, you need to think that Jesus was God in a much different sense than Jesus himself did. For example, there is absolutely no indication that Jesus thought he sustained the existence of the entire universe. (Although NotReady is confident that He still does---right now!)
NotReady et al would probably point you to the first chapter of Paul's letter
to the congregation at Colosse/Colossae.
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
02-12-2009 , 11:20 PM
Or I might direct myself there, since I had 1:16-17 in mind while writing that.

St. Paul's vision of the Christ never struck me as entirely symmetrical or limited to that found in the Gospels. But I don't know the details, so I'll defer to you. Maybe Jesus did believe that he had the power to snuff out all n-million galaxies in the cosmos, in the twinkling of an eye.

Either way. In any case, I'm pretty sure that Protestant theology is missing the essential experience of Christ's life, no matter what stylistic similarities it has managed to His language.

Not that I'm a Christian, but I admire certain features of the early tradition.
Paul in the Bible proves Jesus was not a fake Quote
