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Official RGT random **** thread Official RGT random **** thread

07-04-2013 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by Doggg
I'm a big fan of Hudgins, one of the really good contemporary religious poets. Here's another one:

At the Piano

One night two hunters, drunk, came in the tent.
They fired their guns and stood there stupidly
as Daddy left the pulpit, stalked toward them,
and slapped them each across the mouth. He split
one's upper lip.
They beat him like a dog.
They propped their guns against the center pole,
rolled up their sleeves as Daddy stood and preached
about the desecration of God's house.
They punched him down, took turns kicking his ribs,
while thirty old women and sixteen men
sat slack-jawed in their folding chairs and watched.
Just twelve, not knowing what to do, I launched
into "Amazing Grace"--the only hymn
I knew by heart--and everybody sang.
We sang until the hunters grew ashamed
--or maybe tired--and left, taking their guns,
their faces red and gleaming from the work.

They got three years suspended sentence each
and Daddy got another tale of how
Christians are saints and strangers in the world.
I guess he knows. He said that I'd done right
to play the song. God's music saved his life.
But I don't know. I couldn't make a guess.
Can you imagine what it means to be
just barely twelve, a Christian and a girl,
and see your father beaten to a pulp?
Neither can I, God knows, and I was there
in the hot tent, beneath the mildewed cloth,
breathing the August, Alabama air,
and I don't know what happened there, to me.
I told this to my second husband, Jim.
We were just dating then. I cried a lot.
He said, Hush, dear, at least your father got
a chance to turn all four of his cheeks.

I laughed. I knew, right then, I was in love.
But still I see that image of my father,
his weight humped on his shoulders as he tried
to stand, and I kept plunging through the song
so I could watch my hands and not his face,
which was rouged crimson with red clay and blood.

Last edited by Original Position; 07-04-2013 at 04:04 AM. Reason: Can't get the formatting quite right, so added link.
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-04-2013 , 03:33 AM
Oh wow, that is awesome. I'll need to find a book of him.
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-04-2013 , 09:30 AM

The advertising pitch says it all: “Put some Ham in MoHAMed.”

Jihawg Ammunition, based in Dalton Gardens, Idaho, has recently begun selling bullets laced with a pork coating, promising “patriot” gun owners that the bullets “will strike fear into the hearts of those bent upon hate, violence and murder.”

Consumption of pork is forbidden in Islam. The idea behind the bullets is that a Muslim hit by them would be desecrated and unable to go to heaven.
Trolling has reached the arms industry.
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-04-2013 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
It was probably fun in the moment, but wow that's bad PR.

I couldn't really hear what the pro-choice people were chanting, but it didn't sound anything like "Hail Satan", there was more of a structure to it. And then one girl at the end says it to the camera. Was she repeating what the demonstrators had been chanting, or is this just spin, and what one (or perhaps a couple of) demonstrators did was spun into the much more exciting report that the entire crowd was chanting for Satan!

Regardless, how each side reframes the others position can be quite interesting. In this argument, the pro-choice side (which is an accurate term, supporting the right to make a choice) is called pro-abortion, despite many pro-choicers being clear that they themselves would never have an abortion, but support the right to decide for others whether to have one OR NOT. The pro-life side (which is only pro-fetus life) gets called anti-choice. Isn't that still accurate, even for a "pro-lifer"?
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-04-2013 , 04:30 PM
Myself, I prefer anti-choice and anti-life.
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-04-2013 , 05:34 PM
Some brief digging around and it seems that there might have been a small group (5 or less) that chanted Hail Satan, although there is only that one person in the video. There also seems to be reports that this group, or perhaps someone else, was referred to as Satan by some of the Christian group. It's such an out-of-left-field chant to have come up with otherwise, that this sounds quite plausible.

The smoke begins to clear and 'what really happened' is basically what you would have expected to happen when two groups clash (one arguably more religious than the other).
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-05-2013 , 05:42 PM
I don't normally do this but this is just such an awesome smack-down by US students on an NSA recruiting team, its highly gratifying. Must-listen.
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-05-2013 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by BeaucoupFish
Some brief digging around and it seems that there might have been a small group (5 or less) that chanted Hail Satan, although there is only that one person in the video. There also seems to be reports that this group, or perhaps someone else, was referred to as Satan by some of the Christian group. It's such an out-of-left-field chant to have come up with otherwise, that this sounds quite plausible.

The smoke begins to clear and 'what really happened' is basically what you would have expected to happen when two groups clash (one arguably more religious than the other).
New Youtube video up shows that this was not an isolated incident, but the slogan/chant for the day. Why can't they just let the girl speak?

But you are right. It is "in question."

Because you have questioned it.

Last edited by Doggg; 07-05-2013 at 06:00 PM.
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-07-2013 , 09:53 PM
Semi-random idea that I would like feedback on:

My primary forum of residence on 2+2 has been POG for the last 5 years or so. We specialize in a phenomena which is at once mysterious, contentious, and seemingly an enormous waste of time. It's a game called Werewolf. I think the parallels to RGT are immediately obvious.

So I've been kicking around the idea of trying to run an RGT-vs-SMP werewolf game for a while. POG has done "forum crossover" games before, where we recruit players from other 2+2 subforums. It's a mostly self-serving exercise in finding new grist for the werewolf mill, since the player pool turns over from time to time. We're currently consuming the Sporting Events forum.

So the question is: are you interested? I should probably ask in SMP too but zeno intimidates me
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-07-2013 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by well named
So the question is: are you interested?
Yes. Would posters of both RGT and SMP have to choose sides? I've probably made more posts here, but I think they like me there too.
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-07-2013 , 11:01 PM
because of the way the game works, roles have to be assigned randomly, so the "RGT vs SMP" thing would be more for flavor, rather than in actuality the SMP posters taking on the RGT posters
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-08-2013 , 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by BeaucoupFish
Some brief digging around and it seems that there might have been a small group (5 or less) that chanted Hail Satan, although there is only that one person in the video. There also seems to be reports that this group, or perhaps someone else, was referred to as Satan by some of the Christian group. It's such an out-of-left-field chant to have come up with otherwise, that this sounds quite plausible.

The smoke begins to clear and 'what really happened' is basically what you would have expected to happen when two groups clash (one arguably more religious than the other).
If we consider the aftermath rather than the actual event then I, for one, take affront to this blatant discrimination against Satanism displayed by Christians. They should cease their persecution immediately.

It just goes to show how militant they are.
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-08-2013 , 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by well named
Semi-random idea that I would like feedback on:

My primary forum of residence on 2+2 has been POG for the last 5 years or so. We specialize in a phenomena which is at once mysterious, contentious, and seemingly an enormous waste of time. It's a game called Werewolf. I think the parallels to RGT are immediately obvious.

So I've been kicking around the idea of trying to run an RGT-vs-SMP werewolf game for a while. POG has done "forum crossover" games before, where we recruit players from other 2+2 subforums. It's a mostly self-serving exercise in finding new grist for the werewolf mill, since the player pool turns over from time to time. We're currently consuming the Sporting Events forum.

So the question is: are you interested? I should probably ask in SMP too but zeno intimidates me
That's weird, I had just randomly read an article on how the game was played (someone invited me to a game a couple of weeks ago but I had to decline) and then this was the very next post I opened.
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-09-2013 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by fretelöo
I don't normally do this but this is just such an awesome smack-down by US students on an NSA recruiting team, its highly gratifying. Must-listen.
thanks for sharing. This is sweet.
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-09-2013 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by fretelöo
The advertising pitch says it all: “Put some Ham in MoHAMed.”

Jihawg Ammunition, based in Dalton Gardens, Idaho, has recently begun selling bullets laced with a pork coating, promising “patriot” gun owners that the bullets “will strike fear into the hearts of those bent upon hate, violence and murder.”

Consumption of pork is forbidden in Islam. The idea behind the bullets is that a Muslim hit by them would be desecrated and unable to go to heaven...
Though this means absolutely nothing considering the coating will vaporize as soon as the bullet leaves the chamber. I mean, I guess it would keep ammo out of the hands of Muslum Fundies...

ZOMG I just came up with the perfect Arab gun control!
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-09-2013 , 04:09 PM

"So we been going at it all Kopernicus when we need to be Galileo on this bitch, you feel me?"

Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-12-2013 , 11:17 AM

The title of that thread keeps turning into "Design is evident in the universe derail thread" inside my mind. I don't know why. Maybe it was some priming by Original Position:

Originally Posted by Original Position
Again, I'll mod this a bit tighter than is normal, so please don't feed trolls or derail unless it relevant (as judged by moi).
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-12-2013 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
Man, it's gonna be tough not peeping at that rail thread.
Not sure if that makes it easier or harder, though.
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-13-2013 , 02:21 PM
Dat news media.

Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-13-2013 , 06:42 PM
I'm ashamed to say how long it took me to get that
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-13-2013 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by DeuceKicker
I'm ashamed to say how long it took me to get that
Miso Sah Ree
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-18-2013 , 03:00 PM
Why, hello there, future spammer.
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 12:02 AM
This seems like some random **** ...

Until a month ago, 33-year old Wirapol Sukphol was relatively unknown in Thailand. Now he is at the center of the biggest religious scandal the predominantly Buddhist country has seen in years.

Despite the vows he took to lead a life of celibacy and simplicity, Wirapol had a taste for luxury, police say. His excesses first came to light in June with a YouTube video that went viral. It showed the orange-robed monk in aviator sunglasses taking a private jet ride with a Louis Vuitton carry-on.

The video sparked criticism of his un-monkly behavior and a stream of humorous headlines like, "Now boarding, Air Nirvana."


The arrest warrant implicates him on three charges including statutory rape, embezzlement and online fraud to seek donations. He is also under investigation for money laundering, drug trafficking and manslaughter for a hit-and-run accident. Authorities are struggling to figure out how he amassed so much money. [$32 MM]


"His voice was beautiful, it was mesmerizing. He captivated all of us with his words," recalled Onsa Yubram, 42. When he ended his sermon and held out his saffron bag, hundreds of people rushed forward with donations. "His bag was so full of cash, they had to transfer the money into a big fertilizer sack. He told us, 'Don't worry, no need to rush. I'll stay here until the last of you gets to donate.'"

Onsa now feels betrayed but says her belief in Buddhism is too strong to let this scandal shatter her faith.

"As a Buddhist I can understand why this happened. Monks, in a way, are ordinary men who have greed and desire," she said. "Some are bad apples, but that doesn't mean every monk is bad."
Buddhist Monk Thailand hunts for fugitive ‘jet-setting’ monk, wanted for statutory rape, money laundering, drug trafficking

Is he trying to one up the televangelists?

Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 05:24 AM
^Donaters gonna donate.

Last edited by All-In Flynn; 07-19-2013 at 05:24 AM. Reason: wordplay > grammar obv.
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 05:50 AM

btw, let's repeat that figure again: $32 million
Official RGT random **** thread Quote
