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***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** ***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread***

12-24-2009 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Arouet
The funny thing is, any interest I developed in this stuff was way after I was done with school. I think I had read Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time during my university days, but its only been recently that I've awoken to the wonder that is out there.

You are right that it is a process, and we all have a responsability in furthering it. That is Sagan's message.

I don't have a science background, or math, or physics, etc. I wouldn't understand a scientific textbook or journal article. Nor do I intend to start learning how (too much effort, not enough time.) But I will get exposed in other ways, like podcasts, popular science books like Dawkins The Greatest Show on Earth, etc.

Scientists must follow Sagan's and Dawkins example by writing such books if they want this to get out there. So what can someone like me do? I can at least convey to people that there is something interesting out there, that there is wonder in learning about these things. It's a small part, to be sure, but the more of us pushing this aspect (rather than just calling theists stupid) the more people will awaken to this wonder, and want to learn more.

I don't thknk it is a coincidence that the more we have studied reason and science, the further we have gotten away from the more noxious aspects of the bible, such as stoning, and witch burning, etc.

It's all part of the process. But if you are taking away someone's belief, you need to give them something to replace it with! (and no I don't mean need in the actual sense, but in the pragmatic sernse).

I suspect that this is one of the main things Sagan wanted us to take away from reading this book.
agree 100%.

atheism in no way needs to be taught or advocated. nor does theism need to be torn down. all that i needed to shed my superstitions was a few years at university studying logic.

understanding the scientific method, and reason is enough for all but the most stubborn believers.
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-24-2009 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Vael
Are you an anti-realist about science?
I am not exactly sure what you mean by an anti-realist about science, but I am not an anti-realist in general. What I am saying is that while I do believe an objective reality does exist, I do not believe we can currently (and likely never will be able to) know anything with absolute certainty (with the exception of 'I exist'). Science may very well have answers that will never change and that reflect that absolute reality. I do not believe that we will ever change our position on the theory that the Earth revolves around the Sun, for instance. The point is that everything in science has the potential to change upon the arrival of new information; nothing in science is above scrutiny. Quite the contrary, actually. Truth thrives upon scrutiny. That which is true will be able to stand up to scrutiny and that which does not will crumble. The existence of an objective reality and our ability to understand it with 100% confidence are two different things, though. We can be pretty damn close to 100% confident, but can never actually attain it.
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-24-2009 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Arouet
Theme parks are a great way to convey science! Think of Epcott. In Toronto we have the Science Centre, filled with cool stuff like demonstrations of lazers, designed to get kids interested in science. It's very popular!
The first time I went to Cedar Point, I was reeeaaallly hoping those engineers and everyone else involved knew what they were doing when they designed and built those rides...
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-24-2009 , 02:00 PM
I liked this quote from page xii in the preface. (Sagan as a child in 1939):

"There are people fighting out there, killing each other," she [Sagan's mom] said, waving vaguely across the Atlantic. I peered intently.

"I know," I replied. "I can see them."

"No, you can't," she replied, almost severely, before returning to the kitchen. "They're too far away."

How could she know whether I could see them or not? I wondered. Squinting, I had thought I'd made out a thin strip of land at the horizon on which tiny figures were pushing and shoving and dueling with swords as they did in my comic books. But maybe she was right. Maybe it had just been my imagination, a little like the midnight monsters that still, on occasion, awakened me from a deep sleep, my pajamas drenched in sweat, my heart pounding.
Not only is this a salient clue on how our minds work, it's also a clue on how so many myths and religions can begin and flourish with the utmost sincerity.
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-24-2009 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by Vael
Are you an anti-realist about science?
I think instrumentalism is the only tenable position.
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-24-2009 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Arouet
As Sagan highlights with the Atlantis-loving limo driver, pseudo-science is sexy.
I wonder how the advent of things like google, youtube, wikipedia, etc, will impact the future population of this phenotype.
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-24-2009 , 02:18 PM
Every generation worries that educational standards are decaying. One of the oldest short essays in human history, dating from Sumer some 4,000 years ago, laments that the young are disastrously more ignorant than the generation immediately preceding.
Juxtaposed with this:

Makes me lol.
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-24-2009 , 02:27 PM
Has anybody else done this before:

I spent a lot of time at age eight experimenting in this vein, commanding stones to levitate: "esir, enots." It never worked. I blamed my pronunciation.
I remember when I was a kid, I spent what seemed like an eternity focusing on a door knob, trying to make it move with my mind. (It was probably only 5 minutes though but it made my brain hurt)
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-24-2009 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by ILOVEPOKER929
I think instrumentalism is the only tenable position.
This is mostly my position, though I do not fully agree with the link that it necessarily contrasts with scientific realism (assuming I am reading it correctly). I think the reason many scientific concepts and theories are so effective is because they accurately reflect an objective morality. But the evaluation of their effectiveness ought to be on how well they explain and predict phenomena, due to my previously stated belief that absolute certainty of an objective reality is unattainable.
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-24-2009 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by ILOVEPOKER929
Has anybody else done this before:

I remember when I was a kid, I spent what seemed like an eternity focusing on a door knob, trying to make it move with my mind. (It was probably only 5 minutes though but it made my brain hurt)
I've tried levitating, even felt it almost happen once or twice
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-24-2009 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by ILOVEPOKER929
Has anybody else done this before:

I remember when I was a kid, I spent what seemed like an eternity focusing on a door knob, trying to make it move with my mind. (It was probably only 5 minutes though but it made my brain hurt)
Of course I was fascinated with claims of the supernatural when I was a kid: that and board/card game strategy were mostly my two biggest interests (well, conceptual interests that is - Final Fantasy and Warhammer 40,000 were my two biggest hobbies I suppose). Not that I specifically tried using backwards language, but my friends and I would try all kinds of stuff like this, such as thinking of a number and having everyone else try to read our minds.
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-24-2009 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by ILOVEPOKER929
Has anybody else done this before:

I remember when I was a kid, I spent what seemed like an eternity focusing on a door knob, trying to make it move with my mind. (It was probably only 5 minutes though but it made my brain hurt)
many times.

i remember actually praying when i was very young "god, if you are there, put a nickel in my hand. i wont tell anyone where it came from."

amongst other types of silly mental games like trying to make things move with my mind. i think almost everyone does this.

...some people just never grow out of that fanciful phase.
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-24-2009 , 03:20 PM
I did too. Also I used to have dreams when I was a kid that I could fly that were so realistic I sometimes got confused and thought I had really flown in real life.
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-24-2009 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Arouet
I did too. Also I used to have dreams when I was a kid that I could fly that were so realistic I sometimes got confused and thought I had really flown in real life.
I still have those dreams and they are very realistic and indeed confusing, especially right before you fully wake up.
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-25-2009 , 12:36 AM
I never once thought to attempt to move things with my mind. I wonder if this makes me more sane or less creative?
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-25-2009 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by ILOVEPOKER929
Every generation worries that educational standards are decaying. One of the oldest short essays in human history, dating from Sumer some 4,000 years ago, laments that the young are disastrously more ignorant than the generation immediately preceding.
Juxtaposed with this:
We'll probably think the same thing, ...hopefully not.
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-25-2009 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by Arouet
I did too. Also I used to have dreams when I was a kid that I could fly that were so realistic I sometimes got confused and thought I had really flown in real life.
Originally Posted by Eddi
I still have those dreams and they are very realistic and indeed confusing, especially right before you fully wake up.
I recently had a dream that I could fly just by jumping up and willing myself to do so. Inside the dream, I was actually wondering whether I was dreaming or not. After careful thought and observation, I realized I wasn't dreaming and this was really happening. Then I woke up.

PS: Thanx for all the cool telekinesis stories guys.
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-25-2009 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Deorum
This is mostly my position, though I do not fully agree with the link that it necessarily contrasts with scientific realism (assuming I am reading it correctly).
I think this is where we have to be careful with language. For instance, let's take a quote from the philosophical realism wikipage:

"Realists tend to believe that whatever we believe now is only an approximation of reality and that every new observation brings us closer to understanding reality."

In the colloquial sense of "reality" I'm fine with this statement. But in the strict sense this statement becomes nonsense because we have no direct access to reality and thus we can't really speak of it in the Wittgensteinian sense. Speaking of reality for us is akin to colorblind people speaking of the color red. It's outside our realm. This is why any realist conception is ultimately naive and fruitless. The concept of objective reality also gets thrown in the trash bin of ambitious yet nonsensical ideas. At the end of the day, when you cut out all the language bull**** that clutters our thinking, all you have left is an instrumentalist framework to work with.
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-25-2009 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by dragonystic
most atheists voted to read books that were against our "preconceived opinions."

see the voting thread here...
Thanks- i had put in a vote already.

Originally Posted by dragonystic
and i have no doubts that you only read what confirms your own opinions, but kudos to you for being able to admit that.
I'm not that one sided, but I would have read more that do, than that don't. The same is probably true of just about everyone. I always take recommendations though and usually get around to reading them.
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-26-2009 , 12:38 AM
Sagan discusses "four main reasons for a concerted effort to convey science" (p. 45):
1. science can be the golden road out of poverty
2. science teaches us about the deepest issues of origins, natures and fates
3. the values of science and the values of democracy are concordant
Could anybody find the fourth reason? (There were only three bullets.)
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-26-2009 , 12:45 AM
Ch. 1, p. 30:
It is a supreme challenge for the popularizer of science to make
clear the actual, tortuous history of its great discoveries and the misapprehensions
and occasional stubborn refusal by its practitioners to
change course. Many, perhaps most, science textbooks for budding scientists
tread lightly here. It is enormously easier to present in an appealing
way the wisdom distilled from centuries of patient and
collective interrogation of Nature than to detail the messy distillation
apparatus. The method of science, as stodgy and grumpy as it may
seem, is far more important than the findings of science.
Do you guys try to popularize science among your closest friends and family? I wonder if a YouTube link every here and there would stir up interest. You guys wouldn't be here if the big questions didn't interest you, but some people (like my father) interest in these things until I started talking to him about it. The free will topic is currently perplexing us...also, the a/biogenesis thing.
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-26-2009 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by always_sunni_
Sagan discusses "four main reasons for a concerted effort to convey science" (p. 45):
Could anybody find the fourth reason? (There were only three bullets.)
My copy has a fourth bullet between your first and second. It's short, so I've included all of it:

"Science alerts us to the perils introduced by our world-altering technologies, especially to the global environment on which our lives depend. Science provides an essential early warning system."
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-28-2009 , 11:07 AM

i was afraid this would happen. conversation would stagnate because we all basically agree with what Sagan has to say. lets hope the next 3 chapters are better at creating discussion.
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
12-28-2009 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by always_sunni_
Ch. 1, p. 30:

Do you guys try to popularize science among your closest friends and family? I wonder if a YouTube link every here and there would stir up interest.
I have in the past, but it's hard not to come off as annoying cause most people don't care about this stuff. The YouTube approach is my favorite way to try to popularize science since most people aren't willing to make the time to read a book.

Originally Posted by always_sunni_
You guys wouldn't be here if the big questions didn't interest you, but some people (like my father) interest in these things until I started talking to him about it. The free will topic is currently perplexing us...also, the a/biogenesis thing.
My father is my favorite target, but I can tell I exhaust him a lot. When that happens I try to tone things down for awhile.
***Official Demon Haunted World Ch. 1 & 2 Thread*** Quote
