Originally Posted by EvilSteve
Agreed. This is an atheist student group in Texas, and although I've never been to Texas I'm guessing atheists would be especially unpopular there. One way to deal with that would be to play the role of the "heel" and deliberately antagonize people, as in professional wrestling. So that's my impression of what these students are doing. As an aside, a really arrogant, outspoken atheist would make a very good heel in WWE. The redneck fans would love to hate that guy. Especially if he was French.
Not so much... I got one degree from UT Austin and there's a LOT of free thinkers and atheist there. The town motto is "Keep it weird" ... not that atheist are weird...but the entire University is very open to free thinking.
UTSA is pretty close to UT in that area.
Texas isn't as "redneck" as you would think.... not even close. Apparently you need to go to Alabama or Tennessee for a true level of "red neck".
This was obviously a few anarchist that really had no agenda and very little forethought.