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Noah's Ark Found? Noah's Ark Found?

05-03-2010 , 03:51 AM
Noah's Ark Found? Quote
05-03-2010 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I just want to add in that I agree. I do believe that the universe is billions of years old and that the data stands on it's own to show this. I believe that well before I accepted any of evolution.

I do also accept evolution and common decent. I do not however believe that random mutation and natural selection can account for all (or a majority) of biodiversity. So I do not believe that it is the "driving force".

The problem seems to be that too many things are being lumped into one. The age of the universe is different from whether or not evolution happens which is different from the theory of common decent which is different from the mechanisms of evolution. Now there are obviously some connections, but each of these can stand on their own.
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Currently, yes. I have no reason to believe otherwise. With the exception of certain attributes like our level of intelligence and our ability to reason.
Do you think the science behind the suggestion that random mutation and natural selection are responsible for biodiversity is wrong in some specific way, or does it just not seem appealing/convincing to you (in a non-scientifically rigorous way)?

More specifically, if I can take the liberty of bifurcating the answer space, do you think that a.) you aren't convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that random mutation and natural selection must be responsible for biodiversity (and thus, as in a court of law, you have to vote "not guilty"); or b.) you specifically think/feel/know that it is wrong?
Noah's Ark Found? Quote
05-03-2010 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I didn't say "except humans", only that certain attributes I do not believe could arise by purely naturalistic mechanisms, like rationality.

In other words, I do not believe that an unguided purposeless (ie non-rational) process can create rationality.
This idea of non-rational and rational just seem like fluff words to me. I don't see what bearing they can possibly have on the way things work, or the way things happened.

For one thing, it seems arbitrary to believe what you believe. Kind of like, "I do not believe that apples, butter, and flour can create pie." Why not? (Yes, I picked an analogy that favors my view. Pie is delicious!).

But for another, non-rational and rational are philosophy, as far as I can tell, and since when has the inner workings the universe or it's ancient history confined itself to what pleases us philosophically?

If you want to judge the merit of a scientific idea, as far as I'm concerned you've got to provide counter-examples, or refinements which generate more accurate predictions, etc. Namely, math stuff, I would think. That isn't to say you don't have some math stuff in mind with regards to biodiversity... I just don't think what you've actually written is here nor there on the matter of whether or not natural selection and random mutation are sufficient, reasonable, and/or the best hypothesis we have at the moment for the diversity of life.

Noah's Ark Found? Quote
05-04-2010 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Ryanb9
Thread cliff notes:

Some Christians claim they found Noah's Ark and other Christians say "I told you so."

Still to come: Muslims discover Mohammad's "blankey" and say "No, I told YOU so!"

Noah's Ark Found? Quote
05-04-2010 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Loss Tee
I can't help but wonder - in this particular (or any) hoax...

Are the guys thinking "this is going to be great - everyone will believe this - we'll never be found out - millions more people will begin believing in the bible - we'll be famous - we'll be rich - etc - etc"????
They are financially linked to a noah's ark theme park in Hong Kong.
Noah's Ark Found? Quote
05-07-2010 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by Ryanb9
Thread cliff notes:

Some Christians claim they found Noah's Ark and other Christians say "I told you so."

Still to come: Muslims discover Mohammad's "blankey" and say "No, I told YOU so!"
Noah's Ark Found? Quote
