Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I think that what stu is talking about is the universe as we know it now. I am sure that you agree the universe has not always existed in the state that it is at right now.
yes, i agree with that. it certainly seems the universe has been expanding for the past 13 billion years.
Also, modern cosmology appears to lean towards (fairly heavily) a past incomplete Universe. From what I have read the biggest unknown right now is because we do not have a viable model for quantum gravity.
dunno what this means.
in any case, i thought stu's point was that the universe definitely had a beginning. so it cant have always existed like Carl Sagan says. and my point was that the big bang theory only provides an initial starting expansion point, and nothing in the theory states how long this initial starting point existed, and it could be infinite.
i really dont know though, im not a cosmologist, and it looks like cosmology is hard.