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My challenge to all atheists My challenge to all atheists

01-21-2011 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by demoneyez
All scientific evidence points to creatures suddenly appearing on earth, including humans. Look at the Cambrian explosion.
Either this has to be a level, or you really don't understand the Cambrian Explosion.

"Macro" evolution (which is a stupid term, because there really is no distinction as far as natural selection is concerned), the introduction of completely new species diverging from a common ancestor, has in fact been observed in laboratory testing (on fruit flies and plant specimens with no genetic engineering), and in natural settings (on various islands, birds and reptiles have adapted completely new physical structures that were selected for naturally within just a few decades). Cichlid fish have developed completely new strains and as many as half a dozen new and distinct species in the last 4,000 years in a lake where they were known not to have existed before they were introduced. Bacterial and viral "macro" evolution is even more common and more frequently observed.

Of course, this only matters if you shut your eyes to the evidence offered by paleontology (the copious fossil record), biogeography, comparative anatomy (specifically the phenomenon of homologous and vestigial structures), embryology, and especially genetics.
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01-21-2011 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by demoneyez
I don't claim to be an expert, but i also like to keep it real and simple, whereas alot of people in this forum like to play minds games and spin fairy tales as facts.
Instead of asking incredibly vague questions that, like someone has said, need a book to answer (and even then in not much detail) try reading some of the Wikipedia articles on human evolution and human evolutionary genetics and asking specific questions on things that don't make sense or are "wrong" in your opinion.

I studied genetics in graduate school and lecturers would come in and talk about some small process in the body and within minutes I had no idea what was going on.
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01-21-2011 , 10:26 PM
Ok, you are obviously know more than i do on the subject, but what i can't wrap my brain around is, how a human being can evolve from anything. I still say we just showed up on this planet.
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01-21-2011 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Deorum
A dog doesn't just give birth to an elephant. The problem isn't evolution is wrong. The problem is you don't understand it.


/every other thread theists create about evolution in RGT
My challenge to all atheists Quote
01-21-2011 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by demoneyez
Ok, you are obviously know more than i do on the subject, but what i can't wrap my brain around is, how a human being can evolve from anything.

Good ****ing LORD the laziness and ignorance
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01-21-2011 , 11:02 PM
There's nothing to research. Why waste my time researching something that never happened? We all know deep down inside that humans were placed on earth.
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01-21-2011 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst

Good ****ing LORD the laziness and ignorance
Just because you happened to read a bunch of fairy tales written by some guys who decided to put on a white coat doesn't make it true.
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01-21-2011 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by demoneyez
There's nothing to research. Why waste my time researching something that never happened? We all know deep down inside that humans were placed on earth.
There are thousands and thousands of research papers on the subject and I imagine more people believe in evolution compared to others.

If you're gonna troll this thread can you please stop posting or can Jib ban you. Also, if you look back at some threads people who don't agree with evolution often take part in debates and certainly help you look at things from different angles. If you're not going to try and do this then please go away.
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01-21-2011 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by Malcolm X
There are thousands and thousands of research papers on the subject and I imagine more people believe in evolution compared to others.

If you're gonna troll this thread can you please stop posting or can Jib ban you. Also, if you look back at some threads people who don't agree with evolution often take part in debates and certainly help you look at things from different angles. If you're not going to try and do this then please go away.
LOL...I'll take "Things that will never happen" for $100, Alex.
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01-21-2011 , 11:41 PM
I'm not saying evolution didn't occur. Maybe it did maybe it didn't. But I know deep down inside that it didn't occur by chance, and if others could look past their own "fairy tale" of random evolution they would know it too.

If you can't see that the primordial soup organized itself and got right to work to develop a complex, intelligent, conscious, and structured being we call humans then you're just deluding yourself IMO. Its plainly obvious that the soup had a blueprint (otherwise known as DNA) and a plan or it would have never happened, not in 6 billion years or 6 trillion years. Hell, we almighty humans that supposedly have everything figured out can't construct a computer to mimic the human brain. Imagine that.

I find it interesting that a lot of atheists choose to insult the intelligent of believers when they can't provide any concrete proof themselves, one way or the other.
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01-22-2011 , 12:07 AM

why do you think 99.99% of all scientists from china to france to usa to india to england to south africa to....why do you think all those who study evolution agree it is a fact? do you think they're idiots? they have a conspiracy? have you ever read any of the research that has been done by brilliant minds over hundreds of years about evolution?
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01-22-2011 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by pokerjunky
But I know deep down inside that it didn't occur by chance, and if others could look past their own "fairy tale" of random evolution they would know it too.
Whilst you may think this it's unfair to assume that the most knowledgeable people working in the field are deluding themselves.

When it comes to choosing between gut feeling and the body of science I know where I'm getting my answers every time.
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01-22-2011 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by pokerjunky
single celled primordial mush
Once the single celled organisms appeared the 'primordial mush' became the environment so this phrase is, charitably, imprecise. I also think that it's harder to explain the appearance of the single celled organisms than it is to explain how they evolved into human brains. Check the interview w/ Dawkins in my Atheist/Children thread where he states that we don't know how that happened and goes so far as to mention possible seeding by aliens.
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01-22-2011 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by demoneyez
No such thing as macro evolution, only micro. Dogs will always give birth to only other dogs no matter howwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww many times times they have sex, and if dogs are around another billion years, they will look the same as they do today, Same goes for every other spieces on this planet

The dumbest thing i've ever heard, is, if you give it enough time, one spieces will turn into ZOMG another spieces. Talk about a fairy tale.
You're kidding, right?
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01-22-2011 , 12:41 AM
Err, DNA?

All known forms of life are based on the same fundamental biochemical organisation: genetic information encoded in DNA, transcribed into RNA, through the effect of protein- and RNA-enzymes, then translated into proteins by (highly similar) ribosomes, with ATP, NADH and others as energy sources, etc. Furthermore, the genetic code (the "translation table" according to which DNA information is translated into proteins) is nearly identical for all known lifeforms, from bacteria to humans. The universality of this code is generally regarded by biologists as definitive evidence in favor of the theory of universal common descent. Analysis of the small differences in the genetic code has also provided support for universal common descent.[11] A statistical comparison of various alternative hypotheses has shown that universal common ancestry is significantly more probable than models involving multiple origins
My challenge to all atheists Quote
01-22-2011 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by pokerjunky
Please explain how random single celled primordial mush evolved and produced something as complex as a human brain in such a short time span without intelligent direction.
Take a biology class. In the meantime, what has this got to do with religion, god or philosophy?
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01-22-2011 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by pokerjunky
I'm not saying evolution didn't occur. Maybe it did maybe it didn't. But I know deep down inside that it didn't occur by chance, and if others could look past their own "fairy tale" of random evolution they would know it too.

If you can't see that the primordial soup organized itself and got right to work to develop a complex, intelligent, conscious, and structured being we call humans then you're just deluding yourself IMO. Its plainly obvious that the soup had a blueprint (otherwise known as DNA) and a plan or it would have never happened, not in 6 billion years or 6 trillion years. Hell, we almighty humans that supposedly have everything figured out can't construct a computer to mimic the human brain. Imagine that.

I find it interesting that a lot of atheists choose to insult the intelligent of believers when they can't provide any concrete proof themselves, one way or the other.
Have a look at the fossil record.
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01-22-2011 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by pokerjunky
Maybe it did maybe it didn't.
No. It did.

But I know deep down inside that it didn't occur by chance, and if others could look past their own "fairy tale" of random evolution they would know it too.
Like I said after reading the initial OP. Take some classes instead of wearing your ignorance like a badge of honor. Evolution is far from random. Mutations are random. The process of natural selection is the exact opposite of random.

Its plainly obvious that the soup had a blueprint (otherwise known as DNA)...
DNA didn't come until later. Did I mention take some classes if you're truly interested?

I find it interesting that a lot of atheists choose to insult the intelligent of believers when they can't provide any concrete proof themselves, one way or the other.
I don't know how intelligent you are, but it's plainly obvious you are not at all educated in biology or evolution.
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01-22-2011 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by demoneyez
Ok, you are obviously know more than i do on the subject, but what i can't wrap my brain around is, how a human being can evolve from anything. I still say we just showed up on this planet.
Quick, someone alert Mason! 2p2 has just reached a new level of world wide importance! demoneyes can't wrap is brain around evolution so of course this must mean the theory has been wrong all along! Hopefully, this news will reach doctors, pharmaceutical companies, molecular biologists, paleontologists, geologists, before they show up for work Monday morning.
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01-22-2011 , 01:15 AM
Pokerjunky and demoneyez, in addition to what others have said, here's a some info on an evolutionary study to get you started. long-term E. coli study
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01-22-2011 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by pokerjunky
But I know deep down inside that it didn't occur by chance, and if others could look past their own "fairy tale" of random evolution they would know it too.
"Why are you atheist so close minded that the **** I make up and feel deep inside is not treated with equal seriousness as stuff that has been observed and tested?"
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01-22-2011 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by CompleteDegen
Pokerjunky and demoneyez, in addition to what others have said, here's a some info on an evolutionary study to get you started. long-term E. coli study
Don't expect a reply to this. If you do get one, expect it to be along the lines of "I just feel deep inside that study is wrong. bye"
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01-22-2011 , 01:48 AM
demoneyez: so your emotions are telling you "deep down inside" that a commonly accepted scientific theory can't be true. You don't actually have any knowledge of the basic tenets of the theory, and have no desire to learn, yet you will argue vociferously against it.

Not exactly the best way to make progress in a debate, don't you think?
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01-22-2011 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by pokerjunky
Please explain how random single celled primordial mush evolved and produced something as complex as a human brain in such a short time span without intelligent direction.
How many changes/additions are required in order to move from single-celled organism to human?
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01-22-2011 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by demoneyez
Not at all...give me one example of one speices turing into another
To deny evolution of species in the face of the biotechnology industry is akin to joining the flat earth society.

In the wild asexual plants regularly give rise to new species in one generation via polyploidy. Sexual species tend to take longer. Ignoring fossil record and gene analysis. There are many examples of species that appear to be in the process of speciation.

One example of this is ring species, were a chain of populations each interbreed with each other but the two end populations can not interbreed. e.g. Larus gulls and Herring Gull, Ensatina salamanders.
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