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02-10-2011 , 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by madnak
I don't support Jib's behavior in this thread. Do you think that makes yours exemplary?

Jib seems unclear in his position and a bit agitated. His arguments don't seem compelling to me and as far as taking sides, I'm "on bunny's side" if anything. I wouldn't have made his comment about locking the thread, and while he's not abusing mod powers posting about you and KB (he's not talking about banning anybody), I do think the post was in poor taste given he's green.

On the other hand, I'm not sure what I'd do in his place. You've gotten to the point of straight-up harassing him.
This is where it started:

Originally Posted by Jibninjas
shame on you.
At which point yes, I gave it back pretty good. Then he started calling people children and babies. And I gave it back again.
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02-10-2011 , 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
At which point yes, I gave it back pretty good. Then he started calling people children and babies. And I gave it back again.
Sure. Some back and forth is fine. Perserveration isn't.
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02-10-2011 , 07:04 AM
I want to know where in the rules it says I can't post someone else's PM. Can you point me to where in the rules?
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02-10-2011 , 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by madnak
Dear rizeagainst,

You have received an infraction at Two Plus Two Poker Forums.

Reason: harassment
Nobody is obligated to respond to your posts, and needling or personally harassing them for failing to do so is against the rules.

This infraction is worth 20 point(s). Reaching a total of 100 points will result in a ban from the forums. Serious infractions may never expire.

Original Post:
Originally Posted by Justin A
Darwinian evolution obviously doesn't mean anything. As Bunny said, there is just the theory of evolution as currently accepted by the scientific community. Sure we can say stuff like "Darwin's theory of evolution," but that's just to give credit to the first guy.

This whole "Darwinian mechanisms" nonsense doesn't even mean anything. As Bunny has repeatedly stated, he doesn't even know what that's supposed to mean, and neither do I. Stop hiding behind this Darwinian strawman and start actually talking about the scientific theory if you want to challenge the scientific consensus.

Edit: Also, imo, locking this thread would be a major abuse of your mod powers.
Originally Posted by VP$IP
I agree that locking this thread and/or trying to get 2+2 members to stop poasting in RGT is wrong.
Originally Posted by KB24
Wow, you want to lock this thread??

And ask me to stop posting in RGT because of something Hopey said?

I never said you believe in intelligent design. But what I said is indisputable. You are a car salesman who never read a book on evolution. You believe that Jesus Christ raised from the dead 3 days later because some desert dwellers 2000 years ago said he did. These are the facts. You don't ask people to stop posting for pointing out the truth.
Originally Posted by KB24
I didn't make any blind accusations. What I said are facts. Why do you want me to stop posting for something Hopey said?
I am not trolling. Do not lock the thread.

I've already voiced my displeasure with Jibninjas being a moderator to other 2+2 mods, whom also were less than thrilled with his behavior. Please voice your concerns with them. PM Madnak, Zeno, David Sklansky and/or Louis Cyphre.

One had this to say about this thread:

(rize, you can post my PMs here if you like, but do not post those of anybody else unless you have their permission and they tell me so

- madnak)
Two Plus Two Poker Forums
Just so everyone knows.
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02-10-2011 , 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by madnak
Personally, I won't lock the thread. I don't know if it can be saved now, but there is some great content here (some of it by Jibninjas
Where? Where is the "great content" here by Jibninjas? Serious post.
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02-10-2011 , 07:10 AM
Originally Posted by madnak
ajmargarine whom you ran off
And seriously WTF at this claim. I barely engaged whoever that was in any form. What is the evidence/situation that I supposedly "ran off ajmargarine" in?
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02-10-2011 , 07:11 AM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
Where? Where is the "great content" here by Jibninjas? Serious post.
His recent exchange with bunny.
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02-10-2011 , 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
And seriously WTF at this claim. I barely engaged whoever that was in any form. What is the evidence/situation that I supposedly "ran off ajmargarine" in?
Okay, I could be wrong. I don't remember it how you remember it.
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02-10-2011 , 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by madnak
RGT is not a place to campaign for a de-modding, particularly for someone like Jib with a great record. Lay the **** off, or get the **** out.

I hope I've made myself clear.
Take it up with the 3 people I quoted. They brought up the modding problems ITT, not me. I told them what they should do with their concerns.
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02-10-2011 , 07:19 AM
PMs between Madnak and I:

Originally Posted by madnak
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
And what about when Jib called me a child? Or when he told other people that they were babies crying in the corner? I'm sure you're objective enough to have infracted him for those comments, aren't you?

[ ]
The post where you told people to PM David and Zeno and me about having him removed and posted Zeno's PM was what crossed the line.
Originally Posted by rizeagainst

Louis Cyphre actually PM'ed me OUT OF NOWHERE one day telling me that if I had concerns about the modding of RGT that I should make a thread about it in ATF.

If anything what I did was PRODUCTIVE! It keeps concerns about modding where they should be (in PMs) and not in threads about evolution! THE GOAL OF THAT COMMENT WAS TO KEEP THE THREAD CLEAN SO PEOPLE DON'T HAVE EXCUSES TO LOCK IT!
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02-10-2011 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by madnak
Okay, I could be wrong. I don't remember it how you remember it.
WTF? That's so ****ed up you claimed that and don't have anything to post about the situation.
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02-10-2011 , 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
WTF? That's so ****ed up you claimed that and don't have anything to post about the situation.
Okay, I hurl around accusations arbitrarily and will summary flagellate myself.
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02-10-2011 , 07:37 AM

Originally Posted by madnak
Originally Posted by rizeagainst

Louis Cyphre actually PM'ed me OUT OF NOWHERE one day telling me that if I had concerns about the modding of RGT that I should make a thread about it in ATF.

If anything what I did was PRODUCTIVE! It keeps concerns about modding where they should be (in PMs) and not in threads about evolution! THE GOAL OF THAT COMMENT WAS TO KEEP THE THREAD CLEAN SO PEOPLE DON'T HAVE EXCUSES TO LOCK IT!
RGT isn't ATF, and you didn't start a thread. You posted in a thread about evolution attacking Jib as a mod and bringing personal PMs into the thread.
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
So telling people what they should do with their concerns about the moderation of RGT is equivalent to "attacking" people now? Was Louis Cyphre "attacking" Jib when he PM'd me saying I should create a thread in ATF about it?

What about the 3 people who actually voiced their concerns in the thread? Did they get infracted? Or did you just want to shoot the messenger because you didn't like the message?

I think this is really an infraction for previous comments about Jib on page 3 (posts 200-300). But in reality, you realized if you infracted me for one of those posts, you would have to infract Jib too for his personal posts. So instead of doing this, you picked out this innocuous post, where I am actually telling people to do exactly what you want ME to do. (take it to PMs)

I would still like to know if it is actually in the rules or not that I can't post someone else's PM. Is it?
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02-10-2011 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by madnak
His recent exchange with bunny.
The only prism in which that could be considered "great content" by Jibninjas would be in basically the same fashion that a flat-earther would be providing "great content" against a scientist in a debate about the shape of Earth.
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02-10-2011 , 11:21 AM
An entertaining article on the evolution of whales and dolphins:
The cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) are marine mammal descendants of land mammals. Their terrestrial origins are indicated by:

* Their need to breathe air from the surface;
* The bones of their fins, which resemble the limbs of land mammals
* The vertical movement of their spines, characteristic more of a running mammal than of the horizontal movement of fish.

The question of how land animals evolved into ocean-going leviathans was a mystery until recent discoveries in Pakistan revealed several stages in the transition of cetaceans from land to sea.
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02-10-2011 , 11:35 AM
Can't you say they are evolving from sea to land?
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02-10-2011 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by madnak
I wouldn't have made his comment about locking the thread, and while he's not abusing mod powers posting about you and KB (he's not talking about banning anybody), I do think the post was in poor taste given he's green.
He definitely has made at least one not-so-veiled threat to ban me:

Originally Posted by Jibninjas
How about you show me one spot ITT where I support ID. If not how about I ban you for trolling, fair?
For the record, I honestly believe that he's a creationist / ID'er (some would argue that the two are not synonymous, I disagree). I don't know why pointing this out should be considered a bannable offence? Especially when i believe that the majority of the forum would agree with me. And especially considering the fact that ID'ers argue that the "irreducible complexity of the eye" is evidence of a creator? Does Jib consider being called a creationist a slur of some sort?

Last edited by Hopey; 02-10-2011 at 11:52 AM.
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02-10-2011 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Gullanian
Can't you say they are evolving from sea to land?
you could try, although evidence would not be on your side. why would dolphin and whale populations put so much evolutionary "energy" into selecting for an exclusively air-breathing lung system?
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02-10-2011 , 05:44 PM
If it has not already been pointed out, "single celled primordial mush" does not leave a fossil record.

But where are the bones of Adam and Eve?
That would be a separate challenge to theists.
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02-10-2011 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
If it has not already been pointed out, "single celled primordial mush" does not leave a fossil record.
There have been fossilised prokaryotes found haven't there?
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02-10-2011 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by bunny
There have been fossilised prokaryotes found haven't there?
Yes. Some in your general vicinity.
They include some of the most ancient records of life on Earth. Stromatolites are a major constituent of the fossil record for about the first 3.5 billion years of life on earth, with their abundance peaking about 1.25 billion years ago.
Now perhaps, the true believers will show us the bones of Adam and Eve. That should be easier.

Last edited by VP$IP; 02-10-2011 at 07:53 PM. Reason: Adam will be the one with the missing rib.
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02-10-2011 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
Yes. In your general vicinity. They include some of the most ancient records of life on Earth. Stromatolites are a major constituent of the fossil record for about the first 3.5 billion years of life on earth, with their abundance peaking about 1.25 billion years ago.
Maybe I misunderstood. I reckon that's "single celled primordial mush" and I think it's worth pointing out that this (commonly thought of as the likely place to find a 'universal common ancestor') also has direct, physical evidence. Those who point out that nobody can point to a specific blob and declare that bit of sludge the Ultimate Grandfather are once again trying to test a scientific theory by evaluating a claim it doesn't make.
Now perhaps, the true believers will show us the bones of Adam and Eve. That should be easier.
The lack of Adam and Eve's bones will no doubt count as a 'gap' to be filled once anyone gets around to positing that as an alternate hypothesis. So far, nobody's been willing to put forward anything better than the theory of evolution, of course. You don't have to provide evidence for faith based claims of course, which is why they shouldn't be treated as plausible competitors for genuine scientific theories.
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02-10-2011 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Gullanian
Can't you say they are evolving from sea to land?
Evolution doesn't plan anything, it has no current vision let alone future considerations. Evolution results from past events just as water running down a hill. It doesn't make choices, except figuratively. Alternatives are taken but there is no Decider.
We could say elephants are evolving into pterodactyls because of their big Dumbonian ears, but why would we?
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02-10-2011 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
Such as their is no God? Meaning the more you convince yourself that their is not God, the better off you feel correct?

Because WHAT IF, there actually was a God? And all that you have decided to believe as truth is not. Meaning there is eternal life, and you may just miss the boat, if you do not change the way you believe.

The way I look at it, its +EV to believe, because if you are wrong, then you have your bases covered and if your right, you still had your bases covered.

The only thing it hurts is your ego, your lack of humility, to admit that you do not know more than God knows.

Meaning the formed (that which is here because of an act of something higher than it ), cannot surpass the creator or pretend to be smarter than that which created the thing formed .....

Which is where you and all the other God rejectors are at mentally.
LOL. Sorry to break it to you but, if there is a "God", then he knows what is truly in your heart. So there is no such thing as covering your bases. Imo "God" would think more of those who are "good" without being incentivized more than the "o lordie I better be good before the almighty gets me" thinkers.
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02-10-2011 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by pokerjunky
Please explain how random single celled primordial mush evolved and produced something as complex as a human brain in such a short time span without intelligent direction.

do you UNDERSTAND how long a billion years is? no, you don't, because it's beyond our ability to fully comprehend a period of time this long.

consider how frequently cells can reproduce- sometimes hourly. there is a ton of time for species to evolve into humans
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