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02-04-2011 , 02:21 PM
Just watched the second one about the eye. Does not give any actual evidence of what did happen. As laid out in my previous post, a story about what could have happened is not actually evidence of what did happen.

And the above quote of mine is not a statement of what does not exist, but of what is not sufficient. I had said repeatedly ITT that the type of evidence that I feel is sufficient to show what did happen could very well exist out there, just that I had not seen it. This video was no different than anything else that I have seen. Just very poor evidence. shame on you.
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02-04-2011 , 02:23 PM
Dude, you believe in a supernatural being that lives outside the universe and you're talking down to ANYONE ELSES standards of evidence?

Lose your ****ing ego and try to be self aware for a second.
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02-04-2011 , 02:23 PM

I think he's waiting for you to admit that there is evidence that the eye developed through a slow progression over many different organisms, and not just "hand wavy speculation".
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02-04-2011 , 02:25 PM
Oops...too late. Jib has already dismissed the findings of biologists in this area as being insufficient evidence. I guess Jib has been conducting his own research in the evolution of the eye that makes him qualified to dismiss the findings of experts in this field.
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02-04-2011 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
Dude, you believe in a supernatural being that lives outside the universe and you're talking down to ANYONE ELSES standards of evidence?

Lose your ****ing ego and try to be self aware for a second.
lol, it's like talking to a child with you.
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02-04-2011 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
Oops...too late. Jib has already dismissed the findings of biologists in this area as being insufficient evidence. I guess Jib has been conducting his own research in the evolution of the eye that makes him qualified to dismiss the findings of experts in this field.
Can you point to said finding in that video? Did you watch it?
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02-04-2011 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Laughter is human's most common way of dealing with being uncomfortable. Try to comprehend, for a single second, that you are talking down to someone else's standard of evidence - a scientist and biologist that does it for a living - while simultaneously holding a belief that an unseen, unheard, untouched, non-material being who cares about and loves you and lives floating around without form outside of the universe. You require tip top evidence for concepts you dislike, and no evidence required whatsoever for the concepts you like (god). You are biased, the totality of your posts on RGT are nothing more than confirmation biases. And since you're in the business of calling posters names today, I'm going to go ahead and call this spade a spade - you are incredibly weak minded individual who cannot emotionally bear to part with his cherished delusions. You also have an enormous unmitigated ego which prevents you from ever being able to admit error.
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02-04-2011 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Can you point to said finding in that video? Did you watch it?
Yes, I'd seen the video in question in the past, and I re-watched when Rize posted it.
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02-04-2011 , 02:51 PM
Eyes show a wide range of adaptations to meet the requirements of the organisms which bear them. Eyes may vary in their acuity, the range of wavelengths they can detect, their sensitivity in low light levels, their ability to detect motion or resolve objects, and whether they can discriminate colours.
This is compelling massive evidence that eyes evolved. The fact that eyes are specialized to fit many different environments is MASSIVE evidence that they evolved in the similar fashions as other body parts.
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02-04-2011 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
This is compelling massive evidence that eyes evolved. The fact that eyes are specialized to fit many different environments is MASSIVE evidence that they evolved in the similar fashions as other body parts.
What about the competing theory that God made millions of different kinds of eyes, one for each species of animal?

Your theory is just "hand wavy speculation".
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02-04-2011 , 03:05 PM

Good enough for those idiot encyclopedias.

edit: In a shocking turn of events, I cannot find Jib's god in here.
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02-04-2011 , 03:53 PM

How complex and physiologically remarkable structures such as the human eye could evolve has long been a question that has puzzled biologists. But in research reported this week in Current Biology, the evolutionary history of a critical eye protein has revealed a previously unrecognized link between certain components of sophisticated vertebrate eyes - like those found in humans - and those of the primitive light-sensing systems of invertebrates. The findings, from researchers at the University of Oxford, the University of London and Radboud University in The Netherlands, put in place a conceptual framework for understanding how the vertebrate eye, as we know it, has emerged over evolutionary time.
Human sight relies on the ability of our eye to form a clear, focused image on the retina. Critical to this function is the eye lens and the physical properties that underlie the transparency of the lens. The eye's ability to precisely refract light is because of high concentrations of special proteins called crystallins found in lens cells.
Vertebrates such as fish, frogs, birds, humans and other mammals all experience image-forming vision because our eyes express crystallins, which helps form the lens that is needed. But our invertebrate relatives, such as sea squirts, have only simple eyes that detect light but are incapable of forming an image.
This lead to the view that the lens evolved within vertebrates early in vertebrate evolution, raising the question: How could a complex organ with such remarkable physical properties have evolved in the first place?
Researcher Sebastian Shimeld from Oxford approached this question by examining the evolutionary origin of one crystallin protein family, known as the βγ-crystallins. Focusing on sea squirts, the researchers found that these creatures possess a single crystallin gene, which is expressed in its primitive light-sensing system. The identification of this single crystallin gene strongly suggests that it is the gene from which the more complex vertebrate βγ-crystallins evolved.
Perhaps even more remarkable is the finding that expression of the sea squirt crystallin gene is controlled by genetic elements that also respond to the factors that control lens development in vertebrates. This was demonstrated when regulatory regions of the sea squirt gene were transferred to frog embryos where they drove gene expression in the tadpoles' own visual system, including the lens.
The researchers say this suggests that prior to the evolution of the lens, there was a regulatory link between two tiers of genes, those that would later become responsible for controlling lens development, and those that would help give the lens its special physical properties. This combination of genes appears to have then been selected in an early vertebrate during the evolution of its visual system, giving rise to the lens.
The new findings deal a serious blow to the Intelligent Design movement which has long contended that the lack of an apparent evolutionary pathway for complex eye development indicated the presence of a supreme designer.
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02-04-2011 , 03:57 PM

Fossil evidence for the evolution of the eye

The palaeobiologist discovered that unlike all living vertebrate animals - from the jawless lamprey fish to humans - placoderms had a different arrangement of muscles and nerves supporting the eyeball, evidence of an "intermediate stage" between the evolution of jawless and jawed vertebrates.
Proponents of creationism or ‘Intelligent Design’, often cite the vertebrate eye as something so complex and structurally perfect that it could not have evolved.
"The fossil record has something to say about the evolution of the eye, as here we have a superb example showing that the complexity of the eye goes back 400 million years and when we look in detail we find an intermediate stage between the jawed and jawless fish," he said.
I'm waiting.
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02-04-2011 , 04:07 PM
Wrong about what?
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02-04-2011 , 04:17 PM
On science "not having actual evidence for the slow progression of the eye", referring to the idea that the eye evolved as "hand waving", and suggesting that "we don't know" if the eye evolved. If we know that evolution occurred then evolution of all body parts - including the eye - occurred de facto.
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02-04-2011 , 04:24 PM
i find it so irritating that people like jib use the "we dont know" excuse as evidence for god. we dont know how the universe was created so therefore must be a god. we dont know how the eye evolved so therefore must be a god.

are u serious when you post things like this?

and then you decide to post,

As laid out in my previous post, a story about what could have happened is not actually evidence of what did happen.
that is really the last thing any theist could post without anyone calling them out on.

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02-04-2011 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
On science "not having actual evidence for the slow progression of the eye", referring to the idea that the eye evolved as "hand waving", and that "we don't know how the eye evolved." If we know that evolution occurred then evolution of all body parts - including the eye - occurred de facto.
I never made any of those claims.

And maybe you should read up as there still seems to be a lot you need to learn, but the claim that evolution happened and even the claim that the theory of common ancestry is true is NOT the same thing as claiming that the main mechanism of the grand sweep of evolution is that of a darwinian mechanism.

In other words Evolution != Darwinian evolution.
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02-04-2011 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by seefut22
i find it so irritating that people like jib use the "we dont know" excuse as evidence for god. we dont know how the universe was created so therefore must be a god. we dont know how the eye evolved so therefore must be a god.

are u serious when you post things like this?

and then you decide to post,

that is really the last thing any theist could post without anyone calling them out on.

Man do even know what I said, or are you just assuming what I said?

I never once said that "we don't know" is evidence for God, nor did I say if "we don't know" how the eye evolved that God did it.

So why don't you stop crying in the corner and come out and have an adult conversation where you listen to what is being said instead of making things up.
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02-04-2011 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I never made any of those claims.
Yes you did.

Originally Posted by Jibninjas
first, I am not saying that not having actual evidence for the slow progression of the eye refutes evolution. I don't think that it does.
You are clearly exploring the end results of your (demonstrably incorrect) claim of TOE "not having actual evidence for the slow progression of the eye" in this quote.

Stop trying to backpedal. Seriously. Nobody is buying it. Admit you were wrong and move on.
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02-04-2011 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Man do even know what I said, or are you just assuming what I said?

I never once said that "we don't know" is evidence for God, nor did I say if "we don't know" how the eye evolved that God did it.

So why don't you stop crying in the corner and come out and have an adult conversation where you listen to what is being said instead of making things up.
i prefer your style of adult conversation where we start by name calling
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02-04-2011 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
Yes you did.

You are clearly exploring the end results of your (demonstrably incorrect) claim of TOE "not having actual evidence for the slow progression of the eye".

Stop trying to backpedal. Seriously. Nobody is buying it. Admit you were wrong and move on.
lol, you even look at the surrounding sentences when someone says something? Or do you just pick out the parts that coincide with what you already want to believe? You know what, you don't even have to answer, we all know that it is the latter.
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02-04-2011 , 04:41 PM
Stop trying to play games.

Does post #111 say or does it not say "not having actual evidence for the slow progression of the eye"

You are clearly CLEARLY saying here that there is no evidence for eye evolution and again to cement this fact as if there were any shadow of a doubt, you say the following: "Secondly, saying that the eye developed through a slow progression over many different organisms is something that requires evidence, not hand wavy speculation."

My god man, it is beyond obvious that you clearly thought that there was no evidence for eye evolution. Again here we see your petty, petty ego incapable of admitting it was wrong.
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02-04-2011 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
Stop trying to play games.

Does post #111 say or does it not say "not having actual evidence for the slow progression of the eye"

You are clearly CLEARLY saying here that there is no evidence for eye evolution and again to cement this fact as if there were any shadow of a doubt, you say the following: "Secondly, saying that the eye developed through a slow progression over many different organisms is something that requires evidence, not hand wavy speculation."

My god man, it is beyond obvious that you clearly thought that there was no evidence for eye evolution. Again here we see your petty, petty ego incapable of admitting it was wrong.
lol, no post #111 says this,

I don't think that I am falling into that trap. first, I am not saying that not having actual evidence for the slow progression of the eye refutes evolution. I don't think that it does. It could very well be that the eye developed very rapidly through a mechanism that we have yet discovered.

Secondly, saying that the eye developed through a slow progression over many different organisms is something that requires evidence, not hand wavy speculation. To show one or two mismatched examples of "proto-eyes" does not validate the claim being made by some.

What not take the atheist mantra here and say that "we don't know" how the eye developed at this stage. That seems perfectly reasonable a stance barring the type of evidence that I described in the previous post.

I have often said that I do not believe that darwinian mechanisms is powerful enough to be the primary mechanism of the grand sweep of evolution. If this is the case then we don't have to give a "slow one little step at a time over long periods of time and many organisms" explanation for something like the eye.

I wish i could remember the poster and book marked the thread, but there was a poster (atheist if that matters) who worked in the field of evolutionary biology that claimed darwinian mechanisms was not seen as the primary mechanism of evolution within the field.
I am very clearly saying a couple things here, but none of them are what you are so poorly trying to attribute to me. Why do you continue to take out one sentence in a paragraph of mine and post it as if it were made in isolation? It is because you know you are wrong and showing to whole post makes that obvious.
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02-04-2011 , 05:19 PM
Deleting posts is easier than educating yourself on topics u discuss often I guess. I bet wat I said is how many people here feel. Deleting that perception will take lot more work
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