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Muslim Lives Matter Muslim Lives Matter

12-14-2017 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
More typical is that people who are discriminated against or oppressed will do the same thing if they have the ability to do so.
Some say, many spiteful, vindictive & broken minds are working vigorously toward exactly that unfortunately... some would even argue that whole movements are dedicated to the aspiration.

12-17-2017 , 08:15 PM
OP is correct. Muslims so dangerous they might start two world wars that kill 100 million people.
01-02-2018 , 01:15 AM
Jesus said: “My people, now is the time to start putting prayer and My Name back into the public view. Do not let the atheists control you. You have freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Do not let the atheists and Muslims dictate your religious norms. If Muslims can pray anywhere, then Christians can express themselves as well. Stand up for your Constitutional rights, or they will be taken away. Pray for love and unity, but there should be a fair expression for everyone.”
01-02-2018 , 01:15 AM

Ray: “Heavenly Father is Mohammed your Prophet?”

Jehovah: “No! I do not know him! Jesus Christ of Nazareth does not know him! The Holy Spirit does not know him! He is of his own – lost! Like I told you before; the things of God are the things of God. The things of man are the things of man. The things of the devil are the things of the devil. Your Father Jehovah knows all; does all. He allows certain things to happen to fulfill His will. The Alpha, the Omega, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Law of Law, the Supreme God has given you His Word - Straight and to the Point!

Many go by the wide road, many seek, – only a few will find because they are focused on Jehovah, on Jesus Christ of Nazareth, on the Holy Spirit. There will be war, there will be rumors of wars, there will be earthquakes. The Sun will grow dark. The air will get stale. When the ground shakes people get frightened, when the Spirit shakes the World shakes. Things will fall, things will rise.

The things of man are nothing, but the Power of God is the Power of everything. What is Good. What is Righteous. I do not know Mohammed! Mohammed is on his own. The Muslim faith is the faith of Mohammed, not the Faith of Jehovah, not the Faith of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, not the Faith of the Holy Spirit. The two will never mix. What does Light have to do with darkness? This will offend many people, but I am God, and when God speaks, people listen, if they do not listen they are lost for all time that there is time.

Everything I told you about being a thorn in man’s church is true. Everything I told you about the seven churches is true. Everything I told you about the wives is true. People have eyes to see what they want to see and in the manner they want to see. Everything is fine as long as they see what Jehovah sees, what Jesus Christ of Nazareth sees, what the Holy Spirit sees. That is where the Power is. That is where the Love is. The Creator, the Maker, the Breaker of the Universe has spoken!

Relax My son, everything will go well, everything will go according to plan. Be patient. Keep your lips closed. Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will do the talking; will do the correcting. When you see Lighting in the sky you see Power. When you see the Lighting of Jehovah, of Jesus Christ, of the Holy Spirit; people will see the Power of Power. When I say: “I will shake; I will rattle this planet” people have no understanding of My Abilities to do exactly that. I could eliminate this planet in a microsecond if I so choose. People don’t believe that, but it is the truth.

Man’s riches mean nothing to Me. I created the Universe from nothing. To you it took millions of years, to Me it was in an instant. My Voice said it and it became complete to every dust particle, to every gas particle, to every thing it is, to everything it is going to be. I am the Power of Power. My sound of My Voice could create; could kill; could destroy; could Love. People have to re-educate themselves through the Spirit of God. Seek Me as a child.

I could give you Reymundo anything and everything you wanted, but I don’t want to do that. I will give you what I stated. The Manners of God are the Manners of God. No one can shake. No one can manipulate the Manners of God.

Do you understand Reymundo right now this second all these so called televangelist; all these prophets; all these religions are nothing. Only the Spirit of God is what is important and what is in line with the Spirit of God. I could bring a plague on this planet to wipe out everybody, but I Love My People, the ones that are seeking Me with pure hearts; the ones who cry at night seeking Me, My Beloveds. They are few compared to the many that are going to fall. My Remnant. They do not listen to man; they listen to God. They obey God, even if it is against the rules and laws of man, because they love Me. They obey Me and I Love them with the Love of Love, I will protect them and I will save them.

Through the hundreds and hundreds of years many have died for My Names sake. There is no such thing as death when it comes to Jehovah, to Jesus Christ, to the Holy Spirit. I control life. I control death. I control everything. So relax Reymundo. Take a deep breath – relax. I will give you the funds for the ministry with the Love of My Heart, I will give you security, peace. I really enjoyed you questioning Me. When you doubt, down to your spirit, pray to Me Ray. There is nothing wrong with doubt, as long as you seek for answers through Jesus Christ of Nazareth, through the Holy Spirit, through your God Jehovah. I know this path We are going to go; is beyond your ability to understand, but trust Me.

There is going to come a war where many things are going to change; the weather, the formation of countries, the power structures. Trust Me, Ray. The church of man is nothing. Do as I say, take that step. You are doing a good job. I will send you people to help you; whether they are wives, whether they are technicians, whether they are just average people.

This instant, this second in your time, I have the universe in My Hand, if I close My Hand everything will be gone. Universe upon universe, people, everything I ever created will vanish; by the closing of My Hand. Remember that Reymundo; that is POWER! I do not need man to rationalize the things of God.

There will be a day where I will re-make and rebuild My little Family that I began so many years ago. To Me it is no time, to man it has been considerable, but remember I am God; man is nothing. Worry about the One who can kill the flesh and kill the spirit. These are hard Words with very deep meanings.
I Love you Ray. You have come a long ways in the short period of time. We have a ways to go yet. So make yourself strong. Be valiant! I know it is hard. I know you have to go against your value system, but I am bringing this world to an end, and people will never understand the Ways of God. They never seek God as a child. They are controllers; manipulators. Sometimes I laugh at them because they think they are so clever; so wise. Well, Reymundo, did I answer your prayer? If not; We will speak again at another time. My Beloved, peace be with you and your family; for you are in My Hands and I will protect you. So be it! So be it! So be it!” (over)

I know that this so called Allah god is of the devil. It always has been and always will be. People were deceived many hundreds of years ago through this spirit of Allah. This Allah is nothing but a demonic spirit through which Muslims believe they are reaching a god of some sort – and looking for fulfillment in their worldly desires. There is no future – nothing but death, nothing but Hades in this god. But Allah is not the only evil god; there are many, many gods in this world, which creates this dark cloud that surrounds it. And it gets bigger and bigger and bigger as time goes, because evil breeds evil.
01-02-2018 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by Froggle
Jesus said: “My people, now is the time to start putting prayer and My Name back into the public view. Do not let the atheists control you. You have freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Do not let the atheists and Muslims dictate your religious norms. If Muslims can pray anywhere, then Christians can express themselves as well. Stand up for your Constitutional rights, or they will be taken away. Pray for love and unity, but there should be a fair expression for everyone.”
Not sure Jesus said that but good point, in the US it is the atheists and Muslims who are the threat to constitution...
01-02-2018 , 05:06 AM
I think Islam has issues that are meaningful and real. It tends to hold greater influences over law and state where it is the prevalent religion compared to Christianity. Atheists, for example, tend to face far heavier persecution in predominantly Muslim countries compared to countries which are predominantly Christian. 14 such countries still hold potential death penalties for irreligion.

However that things are better in predominantly Christian countries doesn't have to do so much with Christianity as it has to do with the age of enlightenment, democracy, the rise of human rights and the concept of secularism. These trends tempered Christianity's power over law and state. Still it can't be denied that these are now trends that most major Christian denominations now largely respect, while many Islamic communities still has a way to go.

Because if you go by holy works, the laws of Islam and the laws of Christianity are not very different. It's the execution of those laws that largely separate them. Christian judiciaries with actual power are rare in the world today. They do exist, Catholic law is still a big influence in large swats of the Christian world, but its largely voluntary (legally speaking, not always culturally) to respect.

And the concept of Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) doesn't really have a counterpart in Christianity anymore, most Christian countries basing themselves on civil law or common law instead. Perhaps somewhat ironically this is something one in part must thank the Catholic church for, because for all its power meddling throughout history - it did in fact keep the civil law tradition alive.

Still, for all these thoughts and criticisms - there is still a long way to go to the kind of unrefined misgivings towards Islam we often see thrown around, which are often just thinly veiled bigotry and racism. The rise of Islamism and extremism plays right into that playbook and makes it an easy sell - something those extremists know very well too, and which they of course exploit. Nothing is better for their recruitment than unrefined bigotry against Islam. And I guess that is the sad reality of the world today, 90% of us are nice people which have to run an exhausting cultural slalom due to remaining 10% being incompetent and angry idiots.

Last edited by tame_deuces; 01-02-2018 at 05:14 AM.
01-29-2019 , 06:33 AM
if you're a christian, have read the bible and have any understanding of who jesus was, you're still 100% compatible with modern and progressive western views.
same cannot be said about islam.
the only reason you can point to peaceful so-called muslims is because most of the muslim world is illiterate.
christians have many "outs" in terms of bible contradictions as well as their religious figurehead being, even by today's standards, still saintly.
muslims don't. the quran is a lot shorter and more straightforward than the bible, as well as having a figurehead of whom echoes all of the barbarism within the quran, and has killed far more innocents and taken far more slaves than bin laden could ever dream of.
in short, christians can ignore whatever barbaric passages they want, by simply following the example of their own religion's figurehead.
01-29-2019 , 09:57 AM
Black lives matter, including black Muslims.
01-29-2019 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by / / ///AutoZone
if you're a christian, have read the bible and have any understanding of who jesus was, you're still 100% compatible with modern and progressive western views.
same cannot be said about islam.
the only reason you can point to peaceful so-called muslims is because most of the muslim world is illiterate.
christians have many "outs" in terms of bible contradictions as well as their religious figurehead being, even by today's standards, still saintly.
muslims don't. the quran is a lot shorter and more straightforward than the bible, as well as having a figurehead of whom echoes all of the barbarism within the quran, and has killed far more innocents and taken far more slaves than bin laden could ever dream of.
in short, christians can ignore whatever barbaric passages they want, by simply following the example of their own religion's figurehead.
Okay, let's look at American Muslims. According to Pew, there are approximately 3.5 million Muslims in the US. They are slightly less likely to not graduate high school than the average American (8% compared to a 12% average), so your claim about illiteracy doesn't apply. They seem to view themselves as being able to fit in fairly well in American life, with 92% of Muslims saying they are mostly or completely proud to be American and 88% of them saying they have a lot or some in common with most Americans. 80% of them say they are satisfied with the way things are going in their lives.

As for Western values: 65% of US Muslims say that there is no natural conflict between the teachings of Islam and democracy. 52% of Muslims say that homosexuality should be accepted by society. 82% of Muslims say that they are very or somewhat concerned about extremism in the name of Islam around the world and 71% are concerned about it in the US. They are slightly more likely than the general public to say that killing civilians to further a religious, social, or political end is only rarely or never justified (84%).

Finally, contrary to your claim about Muslims not being able or willing to change traditional religious views, 52% of US Muslims say that traditional understandings of Islam need to be reinterpreted.

So the facts about American Muslims seem to contradict your view of Islam. How do you make sense of this?
01-29-2019 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
Okay, let's look at American Muslims. According to Pew, there are approximately 3.5 million Muslims in the US. They are slightly less likely to not graduate high school than the average American (8% compared to a 12% average), so your claim about illiteracy doesn't apply. They seem to view themselves as being able to fit in fairly well in American life, with 92% of Muslims saying they are mostly or completely proud to be American and 88% of them saying they have a lot or some in common with most Americans. 80% of them say they are satisfied with the way things are going in their lives.

As for Western values: 65% of US Muslims say that there is no natural conflict between the teachings of Islam and democracy. 52% of Muslims say that homosexuality should be accepted by society. 82% of Muslims say that they are very or somewhat concerned about extremism in the name of Islam around the world and 71% are concerned about it in the US. They are slightly more likely than the general public to say that killing civilians to further a religious, social, or political end is only rarely or never justified (84%).

Finally, contrary to your claim about Muslims not being able or willing to change traditional religious views, 52% of US Muslims say that traditional understandings of Islam need to be reinterpreted.

So the facts about American Muslims seem to contradict your view of Islam. How do you make sense of this?
When Muslims start renouncing their "holy prophet" and burning Qurans, it will be a step in the right direction.

But Mohammad said it's ok to inbreed, and now we have a world where
50-60% of all Muslims are inbred. Fact.

According to Nicolai Sennels, a Danish psychologist who has done extensive research into Muslim inbreeding, close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred:

70% of Pakistanis are inbred.
67% of Saudi Arabians are inbred.
64% of those living in Jordan and Kuwait are inbred.
63% of Sudanese are inbred.
60% of Iraqis are inbred.
54% of Muslims in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar are inbred.
25-30% of those in Turkey are inbred.
In England, at least 55% of Pakistani immigrants are married to their first cousins.
In Denmark the number of inbred Pakistani immigrants is around 40%.

01-29-2019 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by festeringZit
When Muslims start renouncing their "holy prophet" and burning Qurans, it will be a step in the right direction.

But Mohammad said it's ok to inbreed, and now we have a world where
50-60% of all Muslims are inbred. Fact.

Why did you quote my post? Your unsourced claims says nothing to rebut my argument at all. Unless you are saying that being inbred prevents people from having modern and progressive western values?

Or was this just another excuse for you to display your disdain for Muslims?
01-29-2019 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
Why did you quote my post? Your unsourced claims says nothing to rebut my argument at all. Unless you are saying that being inbred prevents people from having modern and progressive western values?

Or was this just another excuse for you to display your disdain for Muslims?
My point is that they can talk about being "willing to change their
traditional values" as long as they want, but until they are willing to
repudiate Mohammad and the Quran, it's all a bunch of blather.

I don't have a disdain for people, I have a disdain for harmful ideologies.
01-29-2019 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by festeringZit
My point is that they can talk about being "willing to change their
traditional values" as long as they want, but until they are willing to
repudiate Mohammad and the Quran, it's all a bunch of blather.
No it isn't? It is common for religions to drop or vary aspects of their theology or moral claims without repudiating the religion as a whole. For instance, during the Medieval period the Catholic Church banned the lending of money with interest because the Bible said usury was immoral. Today, borrowing or lending money for interest is a commonplace for Christians.

Or look at Reformed Jews - Jews traditionally followed rules around food preparation that are now rejected by most religious American Jews as being obsolete, without repudiating the Torah.

I don't see a good reason to believe that Islam is likely to be different in this way from the other Abrahamic religions, especially given the wide variety of beliefs and practices among Muslims today.

I don't have a disdain for people, I have a disdain for harmful ideologies.
I don't believe you.
02-02-2019 , 08:13 PM
@original position: there's 1,500,000,000 in the world. there's 3,400,000 in the u.s. are you really trying to "disprove" my claim by saying 0.2% (possibly the other 3% in europe) of the muslim population in the first world are a reliable representation of the other 97% of muslims in the 3rd world? dude.....
02-02-2019 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by / / ///AutoZone
@original position: there's 1,500,000,000 in the world. there's 3,400,000 in the u.s. are you really trying to "disprove" my claim by saying 0.2% (possibly the other 3% in europe) of the muslim population in the first world are a reliable representation of the other 97% of muslims in the 3rd world? dude.....
Muslims in the US and in Europe are Muslims by choice, while Muslims in the Middle East are often (usually?) Muslims by force. When Muslims are free to express their true views on things, they apparently choose to accept many "Western" values.
02-02-2019 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Black lives matter, including black Muslims.
02-02-2019 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by / / ///AutoZone
@original position: there's 1,500,000,000 in the world. there's 3,400,000 in the u.s. are you really trying to "disprove" my claim by saying 0.2% (possibly the other 3% in europe) of the muslim population in the first world are a reliable representation of the other 97% of muslims in the 3rd world? dude.....
You made an argument that Islam as a religion is not compatible with Western values. This presumably applies as much to Muslims that live in the US as anywhere else. If you want to control for cultural differences, seems like comparing Americans that are Muslim to Americans who aren't is a good way to test your thesis.
02-02-2019 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
You made an argument that Islam as a religion is not compatible with Western values. This presumably applies as much to Muslims that live in the US as anywhere else. If you want to control for cultural differences, seems like comparing Americans that are Muslim to Americans who aren't is a good way to test your thesis.
This is basically what I was trying to say in my previous post. (But you said it better )
02-03-2019 , 01:12 PM
i'm not even concerned with what the actual truth is within the texts. this is all irrelevant. i'm talking about the effects of these books combined with their respective figureheads. it's easy to see WHY muslims act the way they do in a probability sense. i'm not saying they have to. their book is short and streamlined, with a figurehead that is just as vengeful as god, and promotes man to carry out god's will on earth. do you disagree?
the bible is much more confusing as it's a collection of books from different time periods, with a figurehead who (concerning earth) is the antitheses of vengeful, and instructs his followers not act in a vengeful manner, to embrace your own persecution, for you should not care about rectifying injustice on earth, but to simply bear your earthly misery until the rapture.
again, whether this is true or not, it's easy to see how people come to these conclusions.
muhammad deeply cared about rectifying "injustice" on earth, carrying out god's will, etc. jesus instructed us NOT to carry out god's will. when someone sins against you, "turn the other cheek". if god wills it, he will make it done. even in this case, if god wills it, jesus still requests god to betray his will: "forgive them father, for they know not...." etc.

Last edited by / / ///AutoZone; 02-03-2019 at 01:19 PM.
02-03-2019 , 01:26 PM
in short, the christian god and allah are the same vengeful god. but:
muhammad instructed us to carry our god's will on earth, whereas:
jesus instructed us to NOT carry out god's will, for that would be vengeful.
true? doesn't matter. only the effects.

fact: 1.1% of u.s. population is muslim
fact: >>>>>1.1% of terror and in u.s. is islamic.

Last edited by / / ///AutoZone; 02-03-2019 at 01:34 PM.
02-03-2019 , 01:49 PM
for argument's sake, let's say my assessment is completely wrong, and it's all due to geopolitics:
if you're going to jack land from muslims, to give to their mortal enemies, support the killing of unarmed palestinians (including women and children), it's not good policy to invite those people to live in your country(s).

Last edited by / / ///AutoZone; 02-03-2019 at 01:59 PM.
02-03-2019 , 05:12 PM
We better get rid of the first amendment.
02-05-2019 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by batair
We better get rid of the first amendment.

I don’t know about that, it’s one of my favorite laws to obey. Muslim Lives Matter
02-06-2019 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Pokerlogist
So Christians haven't been killing Christians over the centuries? Ever heard of any European wars or the US Civil war? Basically people of all sorts religious and non-religious backgrounds have been killing each other for centuries.

David Brown PhD the author of that despicable video was a proven psychopathic criminal, btw, and I would not trust his him.

Stop the hate-mongering.
Simply pointing out differences is HATEFUL BIGOTRY

"Look this apple isn't an orange"

"How dare you, you bigot"
02-06-2019 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by / / ///AutoZone
i'm not even concerned with what the actual truth is within the texts. this is all irrelevant. i'm talking about the effects of these books combined with their respective figureheads. it's easy to see WHY muslims act the way they do in a probability sense. i'm not saying they have to. their book is short and streamlined, with a figurehead that is just as vengeful as god, and promotes man to carry out god's will on earth. do you disagree?
the bible is much more confusing as it's a collection of books from different time periods, with a figurehead who (concerning earth) is the antitheses of vengeful, and instructs his followers not act in a vengeful manner, to embrace your own persecution, for you should not care about rectifying injustice on earth, but to simply bear your earthly misery until the rapture.
again, whether this is true or not, it's easy to see how people come to these conclusions.
muhammad deeply cared about rectifying "injustice" on earth, carrying out god's will, etc. jesus instructed us NOT to carry out god's will. when someone sins against you, "turn the other cheek". if god wills it, he will make it done. even in this case, if god wills it, jesus still requests god to betray his will: "forgive them father, for they know not...." etc.
To be honest, I don't really recognize your description of Christian theology here. I don't know of any Christian who would say that Jesus said we are not to carry out god's will on earth. They do typically believe in Providence - the idea that everything that happens is in accordance with God's ultimate plan, but this is something that Muslims also generally believe.

Here's my view. The primary disagreement here is over how much the ideas of Christian or Muslim theology are the relevant causal factors driving social/cultural differences in Muslim-majority vs Christian-majority countries, or in the individual lives of Muslims and Christians. On the one hand, there are people like Sam Harris, many fundamentalist Christians, and others who believe that theological ideas are a primary cause motivating the actions of religious believers or the cultural mores of society. Others believe either that religious ideas function more like rationalizations for actions/beliefs that they accept because of their material conditions, or at more of an extreme, that religious ideas have very little causal impact on our actions, that claiming to believe them functions more as a way to signal group membership than as describing the actual motives for our actions.

The more one accepts the latter attitude towards religious ideas, the more one is inclined to view the actual content of religious doctrine as not very important - thus making the differences in theology or Scripture between Islam and Christianity not very important. You can also see why people who have this view of religion are more likely to understand people who criticize some religions more strongly than others as likely being prejudiced against the people who hold those religions (since here religion is not being treated as a matter of moral or religious belief so much as a reflection of prior material conditions).
