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The Moral Monster ... The Moral Monster ...

06-25-2011 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
I think those people should be put to shame. We're back to square 1.
I think the trouble is that, in terms of setting moderator policy, what you or I want doesn't matter. The owners of the site have made this forum for their own reasons - presumably the mods are responsible for making sure the posting style here is consistent with that. We can tell them what we want, but it isn't some democratic institution - if they want people to be able to come here and post poorly justified pseudoscience then we'll just have to deal with it.

Broadly, of course, I want the same as you do. I don't think there's much we can do about it though unless Matt Sklansky and co also want that.
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-25-2011 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
have felt like they had to police and baby sit Splendours every post

The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-25-2011 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by bunny
I think the trouble is that, in terms of setting moderator policy, what you or I want doesn't matter. The owners of the site have made this forum for their own reasons - presumably the mods are responsible for making sure the posting style here is consistent with that. We can tell them what we want, but it isn't some democratic institution - if they want people to be able to come here and post poorly justified pseudoscience then we'll just have to deal with it.

Broadly, of course, I want the same as you do. I don't think there's much we can do about it though unless Matt Sklansky and co also want that.
Yeah, it's pretty obvious that they do I guess, given the moderating and the fact that World of Warcraft advertises on RGT (brilliant Blizzard, brilliant)
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-25-2011 , 03:08 AM
Is square 1 the square where instead of ignoring her y'all keep calling for her banning in dozens of threads with hundreds of posts. Because that one seems pretty irrational.
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-25-2011 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by madnak

Originally Posted by tpir
I have been flagging them and will continue to do so but Jib seems to think she just has a different "style" and therefore her posts are OK. So brutal. Maybe we can make a rule that anyone who responds to Splendour gets an honor system 48 hour ban for furthering derailing (not counting this obviously )

Oh yeah, and what's the status of those troll posts in my images for atheists thread by Jibninjas still on the first page? I only reported them 500 times. I'm getting my troll posts ready for the prayer thread.
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-25-2011 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
Except if madnak jibninjas and zeno are the security they're way back in tunnel eating hot dogs together while the streaker runs around aimlessly ruining everything

And yeah the report post button doesn't work unless someone in the prayer thread hits it on an atheist post, then it gets canned instantly. And it shouldn't matter if it is a troll since trolling the image and every other thread appears to be fine.

BTW still waiting for theist to respond to OrP.

Last edited by tpir; 06-25-2011 at 03:28 AM.
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-25-2011 , 03:27 AM
Note to nobody in particular - stalking a moderator and reporting his posts over and over again will lose you every ounce of credibility you may have hoped to have.

In the last 5 days, I see 3 post reports for Splendour posts, and I see that those 3 posts have been deleted. What's not working, again?
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-25-2011 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by madnak
Note to nobody in particular - stalking a moderator and reporting his posts over and over again will lose you every ounce of credibility you may have hoped to have.
madnak there is no way in the world those posts are defensible and I think you know that. you also know that calling me using the function you just suggested that I use 5 minutes ago "stalking" is simply ludicrous. I'm not aware of any point where either of you have actually listened to me anyway, I'm not sure what you think I have to lose.
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-25-2011 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by madnak
In the last 5 days, I see 3 post reports for XXXXXXXXX posts, and I see that those 3 posts have been deleted. What's not working, again?
And I seriously seriously honestly want to move on and resurrect this thread if possible. The posts I reported were from a week ago and that is good if some of them eventually got deleted but I had that person on ignore after that and the prayer thread instant cleanup was lol. I realize no one is getting banned and it was probably a dumb suggestion as I put more fuel on the derail.

Theeeeeisssts where areeeee youuuu??

Last edited by tpir; 06-25-2011 at 03:45 AM. Reason: removed part about stalking mods, no one was doing that
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-25-2011 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by madnak
Note to nobody in particular - stalking a moderator and reporting his posts over and over again will lose you every ounce of credibility you may have hoped to have.

In the last 5 days, I see 3 post reports for Splendour posts, and I see that those 3 posts have been deleted. What's not working, again?
Here let's review again. I can report the posts for the 501st time if it will help

Jibninjas trolled my images for atheist thread. I have reported the 4 posts roughly 500 times. They are never deleted. I am never told why they aren't deleted. This forum is supposed to respect the tone of the thread creator. I created the thread. I never intended it to have theist crap intermixed. This has now become a bigger issue because it calls Jibninjas objectivity into question. He gleefully deletes atheist posts from the prayer thread, but can't understand his own transgressions.
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-25-2011 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
Here let's review again. I can report the posts for the 501st time if it will help

Jibninjas trolled my images for atheist thread. I have reported the 4 posts roughly 500 times. They are never deleted. I am never told why they aren't deleted. This forum is supposed to respect the tone of the thread creator. I created the thread. I never intended it to have theist crap intermixed. This has now become a bigger issue because it calls Jibninjas objectivity into question. He gleefully deletes atheist posts from the prayer thread, but can't understand his own transgressions.
Jib's modding style seems to fall into the standard theist trap of "they have to respect my faith but they don't have faith so they get no respect." Therefore, trolling atheist thread = Perfectly fine and expected. Trolling theist thread = "WHOA WHOA you have to be nice and respectful!"

Either delete Jib's posts or let us troll the prayer thread. Period.
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-25-2011 , 03:46 AM
To be honest it smacks of power trip and power wielding, which oddly enough madnak told me through PMs was not part of Jibninjas forte. If I ever do get my way and have those posts deleted, I am sure it will be immediately met with them calling me a baby for making a big deal out of it, when in reality, it was Jibninjas who made a big deal out of it and wouldn't delete them the first time I reported them.
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-25-2011 , 03:51 AM
Originally Posted by tpir
And I seriously seriously honestly want to move on and resurrect this thread if possible. The posts I reported were from a week ago and that is good if some of them eventually got deleted but I had that person on ignore after that and the prayer thread instant cleanup was lol. I realize no one is getting banned and it was probably a dumb suggestion as I put more fuel on the derail.
Unlikely someone will get banned for derailing/ot. Personal attacks, maybe.
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-25-2011 , 03:54 AM
Originally Posted by madnak
Unlikely someone will get banned for derailing/ot. Personal attacks, maybe.
Why? To be nice. Go spam the sporting events or politics forum threads with off-topic questions and links and see how long it takes to get banned.
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-25-2011 , 04:03 AM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
Jibninjas trolled my images for atheist thread.
Jibninjas posted humorous images in the thread for humorous images. Nothing trolling about it. The forum discussed this two years ago, the conclusion was that the thread isn't restricted to atheists, the rules (very first post in the thread, hard to miss) clarify that.

The thread is not yours. Being the OP of a thread doesn't entitle you to special privileges within the thread, and certainly doesn't make a thread "your property." This is true in general. It was more true when ILP became the main poster in the thread, and even more true when the thread was made official and I posted into the front of it. It's not more yours than it is any user's who has posted there, and as for your own posts:

Two Plus Two does not claim ownership of Your Content; however, you hereby grant Two Plus Two a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, and fully sub-licensable right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, and display Your Content and to incorporate Your Content in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed.
They're still yours in a manner of speaking, but once uploaded you have no say in how they're used on the site.
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-25-2011 , 04:04 AM
Originally Posted by tpir
Why? To be nice. Go spam the sporting events or politics forum threads with off-topic questions and links and see how long it takes to get banned.
We're not at the politics or SE level of need, if only because we're a smaller subforum.
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-25-2011 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by madnak
We're not at the politics or SE level of need, if only because we're a smaller subforum.
Why were non-trolling atheist prayers deleted from the prayer forum?

In before atheist prayer is inherent trolling, the main contributor to that thread said it was about connecting to "the Source" so I don't see why pantheist prayer-ish ideas are not OK in there. Also NR slides in a link to theistic evolution when someone asks for guidance about evo. Care to place bets on what would happen if I had posted a counter to NR?

And lol @ humorous making Jib's posts ok. Humorous to Jib who also happens to be a mod but is clearly going against the spirit of the thread. It isn't a funny pictures thread. Seems like a ****ty precedent but whatever the forum is small so that makes it ok or something.

Last edited by tpir; 06-25-2011 at 11:39 AM.
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-25-2011 , 11:40 AM
Also the evolution question thread should have moved to SMP a long time ago.
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-25-2011 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by tpir
Why were non-trolling atheist prayers deleted from the prayer forum?
Because, as stated in the second post of that thread,

Originally Posted by madnak
No atheisting allowed.
If you don't read the thread rules, especially for a sticky thread, it's on you when your posts get deleted (or when you get infracted/banned, but as you've noted we're cuddly here so I don't ban people for minor ****).

And lol @ humorous making Jib's posts ok. Humorous to Jib who also happens to be a mod but is clearly going against the spirit of the thread. It isn't a funny pictures thread. Seems like a ****ty precedent but whatever the forum is small so that makes it ok or something.
It is a funny pictures thread. It can also be a discussion or debate thread, so long as the discussion and debate is relevant to the forum and conducted through pictures. I think the rules post makes that fairly clear.

Anyhow, Jib wasn't a mod when he posted those, he hasn't posted any of them since becoming a mod. There was some discussion at the time about them, the consensus was they were fine, I made it official. And nobody was too butthurt about it at the time. Then Jib became a mod a year later, and rize developed a vendetta against him, harassed him in threads, posted that he should be de-modded, and so on. Part of this campaign involved complaints about Jib's ancient posts in the image thread.
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-25-2011 , 07:30 PM
Five hundred times, holy moley.
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-25-2011 , 08:41 PM
The name of the thread is official images for atheists ffs. Whatever you win. I guess I would have to start a separate "Official thread for cool pantheist prayer-like things that don't get to go in the pray-er's thread even though meditation and the like is clearly mentioned in there."

I didn't know about the backstory between those two and don't want to get involved really. Just found it amusing how fast action was taken on the most worthless thread on all of 2+2 while one of the better discussions we have had as of late is still ****ed.

Man that OrP post was good too, wish I could give it 5-stars but refuse to use the Facebook "like" feature.
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-27-2011 , 12:34 PM
my 2 cents-

I think the forum has shown itself to be better in the past on the few occasions splenda has gone away for a few weeks (self bans I beieve). That being said, I don't like the idea of banning someone simply because of their basic content.

I agree that more people should ignore her if so bothered. I admit that I don't do so because I personally feel its odd to have a bad argument out there not be countered. I also think there's a lot of good silliness to be found.

The difficult part (for me) is to figure out how to respond to the points in her posts without going way off topic which is made difficult by the non-sequitor nature of her replies.
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-27-2011 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
my 2 cents-

I think the forum has shown itself to be better in the past on the few occasions splenda has gone away for a few weeks (self bans I beieve). That being said, I don't like the idea of banning someone simply because of their basic content.

I agree that more people should ignore her if so bothered. I admit that I don't do so because I personally feel its odd to have a bad argument out there not be countered. I also think there's a lot of good silliness to be found.

The difficult part (for me) is to figure out how to respond to the points in her posts without going way off topic which is made difficult by the non-sequitor nature of her replies.
Splendour's posts are so bad, they're good. Read her post where she was trying to string together atheism and Stalin's massacres, something that she surely has done before. And then I realized that her boyfriend Concerto has a neverending argument about atheists being could you possibly ignore such posters?
The Moral Monster ... Quote
06-28-2011 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by kurto
The difficult part (for me) is to figure out how to respond to the points in her posts without going way off topic which is made difficult by the non-sequitor nature of her replies.
Just ride the wave.
The Moral Monster ... Quote
02-08-2012 , 07:21 PM
The Moral Monster ... Quote
