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08-03-2017 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by tikmassy
You see the excuses you bring up, I hinted at those in my previous post. I'll point them out:
We are made for God's pleasure.
The ground is cursed because of us etc.
We were told we would spend our lives in toil.

All excuses, when you ask yourself why the **** you are living in misery, you got the book telling you (Satan's words), well I already told you you'd spend your life in toil, scratching your head why you are living in misery. Again you say he is a good God but would a good God really have you live in toil, trying to just survive, always worrying, knowing you need so so so much more, yet never having enough! Does not sound like a very good god to me, sounds more like Satan to me!

Now I ask you again does this sound like a good God? Logical? Adam and Eve did something wrong, fine but why is everybody else suffering for their mistakes? Logic? If I commit a crime, should you be punished?

Sounds more like Satan talking to us, when you write here what you got from the Bible.

I am 100% certain that God is not a good God and that he does not want me to have what I want. He also can't provide me with what I want, else he would of done already, as the good God you claim him to be, right?
You presume that you know better than God does and that He should give you everything that you want on your terms, and then you miss that He offers a way to everything that would be perfect for you in His Son Jesus. Jesus is the fulfillment of God's promises for you, whatever affliction you're feeling right now He hung on a cross so that in Him you could overcome it.
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08-03-2017 , 04:57 PM
Can you keep it less vague? As in less trying to cover up your actual answer with things that don't mean anything.
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08-03-2017 , 05:07 PM
I have never tried to cover up my answers with things that don't mean anything. If I say something that is meaningless to you the best I can do is answer your questions about it or point you to somewhere else.
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08-03-2017 , 05:12 PM
So then how would you prove that the bible is true to someone else? Note that this someone else would have a higher standard of evidence than the word of some pastor.
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08-03-2017 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by walkby
You presume that you know better than God does and that He should give you everything that you want on your terms, and then you miss that He offers a way to everything that would be perfect for you in His Son Jesus. Jesus is the fulfillment of God's promises for you, whatever affliction you're feeling right now He hung on a cross so that in Him you could overcome it.
Those are the excuses I am talking about! Always an excuse but never actually something concrete.

It reminds me of fraudulent activity to be honest.

Yes I like things on my terms, I'm surprised your God did not know this as he created me! AS for giving me "everything" on my terms? How about he gives me something, he can't even do that can he because we both know he is SATAN himself and why would SATAN give me something positive, something good that would actually help me????
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08-03-2017 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Kelvis
So then how would you prove that the bible is true to someone else? Note that this someone else would have a higher standard of evidence than the word of some pastor.
I don't know if I could prove the Bible is true to anyone else. All I can really do is present my case and try to reason with the person.
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08-03-2017 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by tikmassy
Those are the excuses I am talking about! Always an excuse but never actually something concrete.

It reminds me of fraudulent activity to be honest.

Yes I like things on my terms, I'm surprised your God did not know this as he created me! AS for giving me "everything" on my terms? How about he gives me something, he can't even do that can he because we both know he is SATAN himself and why would SATAN give me something positive, something good that would actually help me????
I mean, he gave you your life and also his own life on the cross. That was pretty painful for him.

Last edited by walkby; 08-03-2017 at 05:46 PM.
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08-03-2017 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by walkby
I mean, he gave you your life and also his own life on the cross. That was pretty painful for him.
You realise that this is not an argument that anyone who doesnt believe the bible is going to take seriously?
A Manual for Creating Atheists Quote
08-03-2017 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by tikmassy
I am not sure your analogy fits with mine. (Could be fundamentally flawed logic on your part) With my analogy God has a choice to hurt you or not to hurt you.
Why do you assume God has a choice, or that he should make the choice that you think he should? That seems a huge assumption on your part. Few parents want their kids hurt, but they also let them learn painful lessons and make mistakes, to grow as people and learn. Are those parents sadist? They could keep their kids locked up safe just like God could keep you locked up safe.

With your's you are getting that splinter removed and having it removed will hurt therefor you will be in pain, it's not the same.

If you have the choice of having the splinter removed another way without pain then we have an analogy that fits with mine.

I hope you see your error now!
The analogy is designed to show you that choices are not binary and it's far more complex than that. It's not "God protects you from hurt or he's a sadist". That's an absurd view on many levels, on the level of philosophical sophistication of believing that Jesus rose from the dead. Possibly worse.

Lets move on to my next point: How do you know that the afterlife is creepy and lifeless? You are in complete contradict btw, anything that is perfect can not ever be creepy/lifeless, unless perfect means something completely different to you??? I hope you see your errors!
This is a joke, right? Are we at the level of sophistication where endless qualifiers are needed to get the point?

If you sit in a perfect eternal bliss then there's no need for anything like suffering, pain and the excuses I already hinted too in my previous posts. Else it would not be perfect!
You can't define your way to a world where things work as you want. Free will implies the ability to make choices that are less than perfect, which implies a less than perfect state. Ergo, free will - if a powerful entity grants it - is necessarily a deviation from what you would call perfection.
A Manual for Creating Atheists Quote
08-03-2017 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by neeeel
You realise that this is not an argument that anyone who doesnt believe the bible is going to take seriously?
My point was that in the biblical context God has given a lot for you.
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08-04-2017 , 05:30 AM
Originally Posted by walkby
I mean, he gave you your life and also his own life on the cross. That was pretty painful for him.
Excuses again!

He gave me my life that is a life of misery and that is pretty painful to me!

I think it's actually the other way round. I gave him his life of a God by suffering all through this life! That makes the most sense as we both know your God is actually Satan!
A Manual for Creating Atheists Quote
08-04-2017 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Why do you assume God has a choice, or that he should make the choice that you think he should? That seems a huge assumption on your part. Few parents want their kids hurt, but they also let them learn painful lessons and make mistakes, to grow as people and learn. Are those parents sadist? They could keep their kids locked up safe just like God could keep you locked up safe.
Woah really?? Of course God has a choice he is mightier than anything and all in this universe, he can do as he pleases! Stop making excuses!!!

Just excuses my friend!

Painful lessons such as? I think there's difference with the point you are trying to make and actually arguing that my my point is invalid!

Your parents don't have a choice and those life lessons you talk about are lessons that will help you as an adult later on in life. But you are just clutching at straws now, you can't compare God to your parents, God has the choice, he is all powerful. You just want to have a different idea of God and throw that into the mix but we are talking about the christian God that can do anything.

As an example if your parents are poor they don't have a choice to give you a proper upbringing. You will be brought up poor. Are they now sadists? No they don't have a choice.

God is all powerful, rich beyond belief, has heaven and paradise but does he share it with you??? Nah the filthy Satanic sadist leaves you (his child) to suffer!!!! Those are just facts, I'm sorry if you can't handle the reality of a christian God.
A Manual for Creating Atheists Quote
08-04-2017 , 06:01 AM
Are you 12? I hope you are. You seem irrationally angry at God.

"God is all powerful and I'm an ugly teenager with acne! God sucks!" is about the level of commentary you're giving right now.

Again, if God gives creatures free will, then that part of the universe and its consequences he does not control.
A Manual for Creating Atheists Quote
08-04-2017 , 08:03 AM
No need to make it complicated. God is either good and real or he fake and not good.
A Manual for Creating Atheists Quote
08-04-2017 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Are you 12? I hope you are. You seem irrationally angry at God.

"God is all powerful and I'm an ugly teenager with acne! God sucks!" is about the level of commentary you're giving right now.

Again, if God gives creatures free will, then that part of the universe and its consequences he does not control.
So what part of free will gives children cancer in the brain again? Since god does not control it, what choices did these children make to deserve that?
A Manual for Creating Atheists Quote
08-04-2017 , 08:29 AM
Explain free will, I'm pretty sure it does not exist!
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08-04-2017 , 08:41 AM
LoL free will. Go tell that to the girl who got forced into prostitution, did she do that out of free will?
A Manual for Creating Atheists Quote
08-04-2017 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by tikmassy
LoL free will. Go tell that to the girl who got forced into prostitution, did she do that out of free will?
No, that's what "forced" means.
A Manual for Creating Atheists Quote
08-04-2017 , 09:30 AM
But if she had free will she wouldn't of gone down that path.
A Manual for Creating Atheists Quote
08-04-2017 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by tikmassy
But if she had free will she wouldn't of gone down that path.
Why not? People do, there can be a lot of money in it and some people don't have a lot of options to make a lot of money. I'm sure there are people that have chosen to go into prostitution.

Or you could you know, pick an example of the millions of people who clearly do have free will.

Also it's "would have".
A Manual for Creating Atheists Quote
08-04-2017 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Are you 12? I hope you are. You seem irrationally angry at God.

"God is all powerful and I'm an ugly teenager with acne! God sucks!" is about the level of commentary you're giving right now.

Again, if God gives creatures free will, then that part of the universe and its consequences he does not control.
If God is the God of the bible he has hardened hearts as a way of controlling free will.
A Manual for Creating Atheists Quote
08-04-2017 , 11:53 AM
Common activities of the atheistic lifestyle seem to be whining, complaining, wallowing in misery, and claiming that life is not worth living. Cynicism and nihilism are embraced. Strangely enough, atheists are perplexed why happy religious people don't want to switch to that miserable belief system.
A Manual for Creating Atheists Quote
08-04-2017 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by tikmassy
Excuses again!

He gave me my life that is a life of misery and that is pretty painful to me!

I think it's actually the other way round. I gave him his life of a God by suffering all through this life! That makes the most sense as we both know your God is actually Satan!
I get that you're of the opinion (right now) that God is evil, but I don't agree with you so it's kind of silly to keep saying that we both know this.
A Manual for Creating Atheists Quote
08-04-2017 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Pokerlogist
Common activities of the atheistic lifestyle seem to be whining, complaining, wallowing in misery, and claiming that life is not worth living. Cynicism and nihilism are embraced. Strangely enough, atheists are perplexed why happy religious people don't want to switch to that miserable belief system.
Ignorance is bliss. I wish I could fall for fairy tails and feel all warm and fuzzy but I'm not ignorant enough.
A Manual for Creating Atheists Quote
08-04-2017 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Pokerlogist
Common activities of the atheistic lifestyle seem to be whining, complaining, wallowing in misery, and claiming that life is not worth living. Cynicism and nihilism are embraced. Strangely enough, atheists are perplexed why happy religious people don't want to switch to that miserable belief system.
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