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Krauss redux Krauss redux

03-29-2012 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by duffe

New York Times Sunday Book Review:
‘A Universe From Nothing,’ by Lawrence M. Krauss

Review by David Albert (David Albert is a professor of philosophy at Columbia and the author of “Quantum Mechanics and Experience.”)
Lawrence M. Krauss, a well-known cosmologist and prolific popular-science writer, apparently means to announce to the world, in this new book, that the laws of quantum mechanics have in them the makings of a thoroughly scientific and adamantly secular explanation of why there is something rather than nothing. Period. Case closed. End of story. I kid you not. Look at the subtitle. Look at how Richard Dawkins sums it up in his afterword: “Even the last remaining trump card of the theologian, ‘Why is there something rather than nothing?,’ shrivels up before your eyes as you read these pages. If ‘On the Origin of Species’ was biology’s deadliest blow to supernaturalism, we may come to see ‘A Universe From Nothing’ as the equivalent from cosmology. The title means exactly what it says. And what it says is *devastating.”

Well, let’s see...
But all there is to say about this, as far as I can see, is that Krauss is dead wrong and his religious and philosophical critics are absolutely right.
Is he trying to tell me Craig actually got something right?
Krauss redux Quote
04-04-2012 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by David Steele
I have read the book.

Krauss is not trying to argue philosophy, he right up front explains how he is going to define "nothing" and continues the rest of the book with explaining the latest cosmological science.

Now, can we all agree that natural science likely will be capable of explaining all phenomena, material and energy from some spaceless/energyless/matterless point?

Oh, this is rich.

"I don't like the philosophical definition of nothing, so I'm going to go ahead and make my own definition, then look for supporting evidence to use for philosophical arguments."
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04-05-2012 , 07:58 PM
Jerry Coyne also doesn't like Krauss's book. Also, I second his endorsement of Adolf Grunbaum's essays on the question.
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