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Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion?

07-06-2012 , 02:42 PM
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-06-2012 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Husker
Yes I've sat on a jury, in fact it was only 4 months ago. Have you, or are you just going by what you've seen on tv? It's not all a happy clappy info sharing and consultation exercise. It involves the sort of dynamics we see whenever you throw a group of strangers together. I could go into more detail but I don't see the relevance of doing a social study here.

As for the trial, if god's defence is the OT then he's in big trouble.
God's not on trial.

It's an analogy.
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-06-2012 , 06:20 PM
God is on trial.
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-06-2012 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Husker
God is on trial.
Yeah, who's going to enforce anything on Him?
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-06-2012 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Yeah, who's going to enforce anything on Him?
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-06-2012 , 06:47 PM
I'm just saying putting Him on trial isn't feasible.
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-06-2012 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Yeah, who's going to enforce anything on Him?
There is no one to enforce anything on. He's just a fictional villain (thankfully) that we can find guilty based on the terrible deeds he has committed in the books that have been written about him.
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-06-2012 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Husker
There is no one to enforce anything on. He's just a fictional villain (thankfully) that we can find guilty based on the terrible deeds he has committed in the books that have been written about him.
Please read Lamentations 3:33 and take it to heart.
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-06-2012 , 06:54 PM
Only reading fact based books at the moment. Will get back to fiction at some point though.
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-06-2012 , 06:56 PM
^ lol
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-14-2012 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Isn't the aim of the bible spiritual growth?
I'm sure it's on of the aims of the Bible.

Maybe some religious leaders outstrip others in spiritual growth.

I think universalism is a doctrine that outstrips eternal hell and torment doctrine by miles and it also reveals the inconsistencies of eternal hell doctrine.
But, you can't "outstrip it" if it indeed exists. Like I said, I lean more towards the annihilation camp than the eternal punishment camp, but because some Biblical scholars have reached a conclusion that's more palatable to your sensibilities doesn't mean it's correct.

Mercy is higher than judgment in God's mind.

When you're talking about theology then you're talking about God's mind. It's a shame so many people want to limit God's mercy off of literal interpretations of the bible.
Sure, it would be a shame if those interpretations were wrong. It would also be a shame if you and other Universalists are wrong and have angered God by spreading false doctrine.

Jesus Christ said:

New International Version (©1984)
But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself."
Do you see the word all believers above or just all men/all people?

Who's word are you going to take on this? Men's interpretations or Jesus Christ's?

You can research more verses on your own. There's no lock on the bible.

Silly, did you really think the good Lord would fail any man? Failing and imperfection is all on men's part.

As for God, He is perfect and always has been.
I could go through and quote mine passages that make it sound like faith is necessary for salvation as well. That won't get us anywhere.

If the Universalists are correct, what incentive is there to be a believer in the first place? If you can subvert everything God desires and has commanded and still be saved, why follow at all?
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-14-2012 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by CompleteDegen
I'm sure it's on of the aims of the Bible.

But, you can't "outstrip it" if it indeed exists. Like I said, I lean more towards the annihilation camp than the eternal punishment camp, but because some Biblical scholars have reached a conclusion that's more palatable to your sensibilities doesn't mean it's correct.

Sure, it would be a shame if those interpretations were wrong. It would also be a shame if you and other Universalists are wrong and have angered God by spreading false doctrine.

I could go through and quote mine passages that make it sound like faith is necessary for salvation as well. That won't get us anywhere.

If the Universalists are correct, what incentive is there to be a believer in the first place? If you can subvert everything God desires and has commanded and still be saved, why follow at all?
I'll let you research these bible topics on your own.

If you're going to accuse people of false teaching, etc. then you need to put the work in to get the necessary expertise to be able to discuss what you're posting about.

And you can reflect on why hell is a better incentive than love. Just don't ask me about it, ok?
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-14-2012 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I'll let you research these bible topics on your own.
I have, and now I'm sharing what I've concluded.

If you're going to accuse people of false teaching, etc. then you need to put the work in to get the necessary expertise to be able to discuss what you're posting about.
I didn't accuse anyone specific of false teaching. Obviously, people are teaching many different interpretations of the Bible, so someone is false. I wonder what God's response to those people is.

And you can reflect on why hell is a better incentive than love. Just don't ask me about it, ok?
I'm not asking you to reflect on which is better. I asked you what's the incentive in the Universalist position to be a believer and follower of God.
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-15-2012 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by CompleteDegen
I have, and now I'm sharing what I've concluded.

I didn't accuse anyone specific of false teaching. Obviously, people are teaching many different interpretations of the Bible, so someone is false. I wonder what God's response to those people is.

I'm not asking you to reflect on which is better. I asked you what's the incentive in the Universalist position to be a believer and follower of God.
My attempts to teach what I know about the bible on here are about over so now I only tell people to seek to know things for themselves and ask God for the wisdom to understand things.

The key to understanding anything (but particularly the bible) is receptiveness and people do a lot on here to destroy that.
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-15-2012 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I don't know
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-15-2012 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
My attempts to teach what I know about the bible on here are about over so now I only tell people to seek to know things for themselves and ask God for the wisdom to understand things.
OK, well I've done that and God is telling me that you are incorrect.
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-15-2012 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by CompleteDegen
OK, well I've done that and God is telling me that you are incorrect.
Your results are controlling?

Other people get different results from you all the time.

Maybe there's something wrong with the methods you're using.
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-15-2012 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Your results are controlling?

Other people get different results from you all the time.
If your god were true, sincere believers wouldn't get different results in their spiritual searches. Eternal hell, universalism and annihilation are incompatible.

Maybe there's something wrong with the methods you're using.
Maybe there's something wrong with the methods you're using.
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-16-2012 , 05:15 AM
Originally Posted by CompleteDegen
If your god were true, sincere believers wouldn't get different results in their spiritual searches. Eternal hell, universalism and annihilation are incompatible.

Maybe there's something wrong with the methods you're using.
You don't find your thinking overly simplistic?

Since when did people in this world all reason to identical conclusions?
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-16-2012 , 05:49 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
It's a shame so many people want to limit God's mercy off of literal interpretations of the bible.
Originally Posted by Splendour
All we know about it is what the bible says.
Haha you can't have it both ways. You can't quote your favourite bits as 'gospel' then dismiss critical analysis of other verses as interpreting the bible too literally. In for a penny, in for a pound honey.
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-16-2012 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by jwa4894
Haha you can't have it both ways. You can't quote your favourite bits as 'gospel' then dismiss critical analysis of other verses as interpreting the bible too literally. In for a penny, in for a pound honey.
You can wiki PaRDeS. People have been interpreting the bible on multiple levels for thousands of years.

You really didn't think God's thoughts were limited by human thinking, did you?
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-16-2012 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
You really didn't think God's thoughts were limited by human thinking, did you?
Lol is this how you defend the contents of the Bible? Here endeth the argument. Thank you and good night. I'm here all week (try the buffet).
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-16-2012 , 06:40 AM
Originally Posted by jwa4894
Lol is this how you defend the contents of the Bible? Here endeth the argument. Thank you and good night. I'm here all week (try the buffet).
Hey you're the one that can't integrate complexity and the problem is mine or God's?

Stop posting on message boards and enroll in a theology school and get enlightened.

You obviously don't know allegorical interpretations have been around with literal ones for a very, very, very long time or you don't want to know.
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-16-2012 , 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Hey you're the one that can't integrate complexity and the problem is mine or God's?

Stop posting on message boards and enroll in a theology school and get enlightened.

You obviously don't know allegorical interpretations have been around with literal ones for a very, very, very long time or you don't want to know.
Firstly, there's no reason to get all cranky and tell me to stop posting.

Secondly, I find the notion of studying religious traditions about as enlightening as studying Dr Seuss. It might be interesting from some historical perspectives but will hardly bring anyone closer to a faith, unless they were particularly vulnerable of mind.

I know you're sitting there all smug in the knowledge that God loves you and you've been saved and you're going to heaven when you die and all that rot, but unfortunately, I'm sorry to say, you're wrong.

Last edited by jwa4894; 07-16-2012 at 07:06 AM. Reason: can't spell Seuss lol
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
07-16-2012 , 07:34 AM
I accept that different believers have different interpretations of the Bible. But I find it difficult to accept that one believer can have contradictory beliefs at the same time. Unless they have a mental disorder such as split personality disorder.
Jesus Christ - Grandiose Religious Delusion? Quote
