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Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end

07-28-2023 , 01:06 PM
This post is about the The Living God and what is happening in the world today. There is no doubt that today's Christians seeth at this information because of the following:
-The KJV is the only bible, all others are fake
-The bible is a spiritual account of things happening in the Spiritual which then get transcribed into this physical reality
-Historical Jesus never existed
-Today's Christians are the Jews of the bible, rejecting Him on preconceived notions and law
-Jesus is in his final year of ministry, the gospel is already completed
-Jesus' name is Tyler Doka and He lives in America

Tyler just recently gave the sign of the prophet Jonas. This is because there is 40 days until Ninevah is to be destroyed. Ninevah spiritual represents the world, and the world is going down. This lines up with Zechariah 7:1, when Jesus wipes out most nonbelievers in September. It fulfills the prophecy of Daniel's 2300 days from when Tyler started his online ministry on March 16th, 2017.

It's probably too late for you but Tyler accepts anyone with faith in Him.
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
07-28-2023 , 01:06 PM
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
07-29-2023 , 09:53 AM
Matthew 24:23-27

Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Behold, I have told you before.

Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
07-29-2023 , 10:31 AM
Ok. At least it’s a testable hypothesis, which is more than what you religious people usually give. On what date did Tyler give the “sign of the prophet Jonah”? Add 40 days to that date. If we are all still around on day 41, then at least we know this hypothesis was wrong and we can move on.
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
07-31-2023 , 08:32 PM
not sure if this is a troll of the historical Jesus not existing, but either way, I'll probably watch that video tonight.
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
08-07-2023 , 04:16 PM
World's either on fire or drowning. Entire supply chain of food about to collapse. No one seems to notice or care other than climate alarmists attributing it to bad humans and businesses. August is going to keep getting worse.

Hebrew 9:26
For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.

Jesus appears just once, and it's right at the end.
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
08-09-2023 , 09:40 PM
Pretty sure Jesus will come back as Jesus and not use some fake name
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
08-12-2023 , 08:20 AM
They always leave out one important part. As in: "Based on magic stories from thousands of years ago, we can expect a miraculous return of a dead person." They don't want to know that they believe in magic, and will come right out and say it. Meanwhile, the doctrine is littered with things that don't happen in real life and happen only in fiction and magic. It really isn't a good look to base your metaphysics on thousands years old magic stories and call it moral. In the religious frame of mind, such simple demand for reality is excused, based, again, on nothing but magic stories from the magic ages.
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
08-14-2023 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by dude45
Pretty sure Jesus will come back as Jesus and not use some fake name
Revelation 3:12
Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
08-14-2023 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
They always leave out one important part. As in: "Based on magic stories from thousands of years ago, we can expect a miraculous return of a dead person." They don't want to know that they believe in magic, and will come right out and say it. Meanwhile, the doctrine is littered with things that don't happen in real life and happen only in fiction and magic. It really isn't a good look to base your metaphysics on thousands years old magic stories and call it moral. In the religious frame of mind, such simple demand for reality is excused, based, again, on nothing but magic stories from the magic ages.
This looks like a chat GPT response a bot would write. What are you trying to say?
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
08-15-2023 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT
This looks like a chat GPT response a bot would write. What are you trying to say?
Well, thanks for the compliment. But what I'm trying to say is: BASED ON MAGIC STORIES FROM THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO ... then add the entirety of the doctrine. If that first part isn't a problem for someone, then such is religion.
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
08-16-2023 , 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
Well, thanks for the compliment. But what I'm trying to say is: BASED ON MAGIC STORIES FROM THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO ... then add the entirety of the doctrine. If that first part isn't a problem for someone, then such is religion.
Ok sure I agree if that was true, however the bible is an account of things happening now not thousands of years ago. History and man's thoughts on the bible are both false, so your argument isn't applicable.
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
08-17-2023 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT
Ok sure I agree if that was true, however the bible is an account of things happening now not thousands of years ago. History and man's thoughts on the bible are both false, so your argument isn't applicable.
Says the true believer. If the Bible was truly prophetic it could have astounding predictions there, such as when DNA will be discovered and by whom, when the first fission and fusion bombs would be invented (along with spelling out the technology used), the date Israel would be reformed and its first Prime Minister, the years the bubonic plague would hit and its cause and cure, the name of the first Pope and his birthplace ... any of countless types of specific predictions of events to come.

But alas the Bible offers earthquakes and rumors of war type "prophecy." Well then everybody and their mother is a prophet. Its an embarrassment to consider that evidence. If the whole doctrine sounds like a magical fairy tale, replete with talking donkeys, it might be because it is exactly that: fiction, fable, myth, just-so fairy tale from a magic believing era. I mean, if you see talking donkey characters anywhere else under the sun, what do you think? "Hmm ... this is real metaphysics?"
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
08-17-2023 , 05:42 AM
Most of the internet is just talking Donkeys.
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
06-14-2024 , 11:22 PM
Just curious with all the predictions Tyler Doka made, are you still with him? Appreciate it.
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
06-15-2024 , 06:44 PM
Hello, can you please answer my question? I would really appreciate it.
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
06-15-2024 , 10:36 PM
Hi, thanks for asking. I am still 'with him' although I havent had direct interaction with him since last Sept. Regarding the lack of noticeable change, personally it hasnt changed my overall outlook. It's not a great look from others who know I believe this, but what can you do? Bible has verses about how it's worse to go from believing to un than never at all. I still think the world's crapping out hard like he says.

There's been somewhat recent important personal growth regarding my understanding of the bible, that situation, and life/reality. I'm kinda just waiting to see how it plays out with both Him and me.
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
Yesterday , 01:21 AM
I agree our world is crapping out. This does not make magic stories from centuries ago true. If you want to make that case of how and why that is true, have at it. No one has ever done that or made any sincere attempt to, instead just believing it based on nothing.
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
Yesterday , 09:14 AM
I dont believe in those stories and am clearly not making that case, so youre missing the idea. The entire point is that these things are 1) spiritual not literal 2) happening NOW not THEN.
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
Yesterday , 12:29 PM
Very well, thank you for taking the time to answer my question. Although i personally believe that Christ in is heaven on the right hand of the Father, i agree on the fact that the world as we created it, is not sustainable and that we will reap the consecquenses of the choices we made, sooner rather than later. You seem like an honest man and i appreciate that. As for the 'quest' your are on, i wish you a all the best and i hope that you find what you are looking for. Thank you again for taking the time. May God bless you and protect you on your journey.
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
Yesterday , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT
I dont believe in those stories and am clearly not making that case, so youre missing the idea. The entire point is that these things are 1) spiritual not literal 2) happening NOW not THEN.
I didn't reply directly to you with that response by design, asking more in general then if somebody wants to make the case, then make it. But presupposing it isn't a case any more than presupposing a turtle supporting the world is a case.
Jesus Christ is on Earth right now, and the worlds about to end Quote
