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I'm pro choice I'm pro choice

05-20-2011 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by RainMan77
Genocide is defined as "the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group"

Today over half of black babies (52%) are murdered in the womb. The African American population is now in decline with birth rates too low to replace themselves. (

The founder of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." (
Lol, that is the most ridiculous thing I've read in a while.
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05-20-2011 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
Okay, my point is that its strange that being pro-life is so common among evangelicals when it doesn't seem to be a view based on Biblical support. You argue that it is based on the Bible, but in doing so you appeal to only one Biblical principle--that murder is wrong. But yet almost everyone that is pro-choice agrees with this principle. So if both evangelicals and non-evangelicals accept this principle, you haven't explained why they disagree about abortion.

Incidentally, (2) is obviously false.
I don't think the moment of conception is identified in the bible as when life begins but it does say God knows people in the womb and/or forms people in the womb. Its most likely those passages are in one of the Psalms and that make people lean towards the moment of conception as the starting point.

Cf. Jer. 1:5
Psa. 139:13
Isa. 44:2

If you read those passages moment of conception argument becomes totally clear for an Evangelical.

Last edited by Splendour; 05-20-2011 at 05:06 PM.
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05-20-2011 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by the_f_was_that
I am simply giving a choice to a human being, i.e., the mother. I really don't like it. In fact, I think that I'll become an emotional trainwreck, if I were the father. But it's not my body. A zygote is not a human being, human life begins at birth. (I think we've already established that we'll not come in terms about this.)
So you say a zygote is not a human being and that makes it okay to kill it. The Nazis said Jews were not human beings and they thought it was okay to kill them too.

The truth is very strong arguments can be made that both zygotes and Jews are human beings. So while you may not agree with the Nazis....did you just figure it was their choice?
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
If you an I have identical cars with the exact same value, is it my responsibility to make sure you change the oil on schedule?

You guys think that just because I value the every human beings humanity equally that it imposes on me a responsibility to provide equal care for every human being.
You are really starting to make no sense. So the value of human being doesn't really mean anything unless you have a direct responsibility? So what imposes the responsibility? Do you have a greater responsibility to oppose abortion than to help ethiopian mothers and children?
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
So you say a zygote is not a human being and that makes it okay to kill it. The Nazis said Jews were not human beings and they thought it was okay to kill them too.

The truth is very strong arguments can be made that both zygotes and Jews are human beings.
Come on, in your quote I said we won't agree upon that, do you want to have the nth go at it with me, just like you do with the rest of people who don't agree with you itt?
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
So you say a zygote is not a human being and that makes it okay to kill it. The Nazis said Jews were not human beings and they thought it was okay to kill them too.

The truth is very strong arguments can be made that both zygotes and Jews are human beings. So while you may not agree with the Nazis....did you just figure it was their choice?
Jews who died suffered, felt pain and sorrow, had friends and loved ones, had hopes and dreams and didn't want to die. Zygotes have none of that, they are single cells.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by FBandit
Jews who died suffered, felt pain and sorrow, had friends and loved ones, had hopes and dreams and didn't want to die. Zygotes have none of that, they are single cells.
This is the second time I read this, chances you said it the first time around? Most likely the first time got ignored though, dunno.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I don't think the moment of conception is identified in the bible as when life begins but it does say God knows people in the womb and/or forms people in the womb. Its most likely those passages are in one of the Psalms and that make people lean towards the moment of conception as the starting point.

Cf. Jer. 1:5
Psa. 139:13
Isa. 44:2

If you read those passages moment of conception argument becomes totally clear for an Evangelical.
None of those passages imply that human beings become morally valuable at conception. They are about God's power and foreknowledge.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by the_f_was_that
This is the second time I read this, chances you said it the first time around? Most likely the first time got ignored though, dunno.
I may have written similiar posts, I don't know.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by FBandit
You are really starting to make no sense. So the value of human being doesn't really mean anything unless you have a direct responsibility? So what imposes the responsibility? Do you have a greater responsibility to oppose abortion than to help ethiopian mothers and children?
Isn't this overbearing?

Why is it that you get in a debate with someone then try to thrust responsibility on them? Lots of people believe things every day yet don't take action. Is everyone morally reprehensible then?

Not everyone in the world is passionate about every cause or an activist in them because they hold a strong opinion. It's not even practical for everyone to be an activist but it does give you a false sense of the moral high ground to be holding someone accountable for things when they aren't accountable. Stu has already assumed responsiblity for multiple children iirc so that means he has already lived up to his own standard whether he takes on more Ethiopian children or not.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Isn't this overbearing?

Why is it that you get in a debate with someone then try to thrust responsibility on them? Lots of people believe things every day yet don't take action. Is everyone morally reprehensible then?

Not everyone in the world is passionate about every cause or an activist in them because they hold a strong opinion. It's not even practical for everyone to be an activist but it does give you a false sense of the moral high ground to be holding someone accountable for things when they aren't accountable. Stu has already assumed responsiblity for multiple children iirc so that means he has already lived up to his own standard whether he takes on more Ethiopian children or not.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by FBandit
I may have written similiar posts, I don't know.
Sadly, I think it will be brushed off yet again.
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05-20-2011 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
None of those passages imply that human beings become morally valuable at conception. They are about God's power and foreknowledge.
Except that you can extrapolate from God's actions that people have value.

I mean if God will take the time out to form you in the womb then you must have value.

I don't know if moral value is the right term. I think of it as life having worth and the recognition of human life as having worth is worth instilling in people. Until you recognize another person as having worth you haven't set proper boundaries and probably won't respect those boundaries as much. I think that religious people just go with God's Word.

Look at that link I linked on the historical viewpoints. Who's opinion are you going to take? Aristotle, Plato, Tertullian, or God's Word as authoritative?
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by FBandit
Lol..sry...It might not be you.

Someone earlier...might've been PingClown told Stu he needed to be paying for Ethiopians or something like that.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Lol..sry...It might not be you.

Someone earlier...might've been PingClown told Stu he needed to be paying for Ethiopians or something like that.
It's not that anyone thinks he should go to Africa and help everyone in the world who is in need. People have trouble seeing the consistency in thinking that people don't have a responsibility to help Ethiopians and at the same time maintain that every human being is equal in value (well there's one way to make this consistent).
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by FBandit
Jews who died suffered, felt pain and sorrow, had friends and loved ones, had hopes and dreams and didn't want to die. Zygotes have none of that, they are single cells.
If the Germans first put the Jews under general anethesia so that they would not suffer, not feel pain, not have hopes or dreams or any desires whatsoever.....would it be okay to gass the Jews in that state?
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by FBandit
It's not that anyone thinks he should go to Africa and help everyone in the world who is in need. People have trouble seeing the consistency in thinking that people don't have a responsibility to help Ethiopians and at the same time maintain that every human being is equal in value (well there's one way to make this consistent).
From a human rights standpoint that all human beings are equal is a beautiful concept. It's when people can start playing Caesar and turning their thumbs up and down on anybody for whatever reason they choose that life gets less stable due to de-valuation. It takes a lot of people together to stand up to the Caesars of the world.

Last edited by Splendour; 05-20-2011 at 05:56 PM. Reason: punctuation.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
If the Germans first put the Jews under general anethesia so that they would not suffer, not feel pain, not have hopes or dreams or any desires whatsoever.....would it be okay to gass the Jews in that state?
Would they want to die? And the counterargument, already mentioned, is that fetuses don't have a developed consciousness to do any of that.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 05:58 PM
Look Stu, it is obviously not a clear cut case from a moral standpoint. A compromise has to be done. I think most prochoicers would admit that it is a vey difficult decision and certainly may have lasting negative effects on the directly involved and make the enablers feel uneasy.

Why don't you concede to the negative side of pro life? We might at least make some progress. You would have a rape victim give birth, an underaged girl living in poverty and not being able to provide for her baby give birth, etc., etc.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by the_f_was_that
Would they want to die? And the counterargument, already mentioned, is that fetuses don't have a developed consciousness to do any of that.
While under GA you don't have any consciousness, you are just a blob of cells.

Go to a hospital operating room and ask the guy under GA if we wants to die....he won't even process the question.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
If the Germans first put the Jews under general anethesia so that they would not suffer, not feel pain, not have hopes or dreams or any desires whatsoever.....would it be okay to gass the Jews in that state?
They had all of those and removing all of them would clearly be something they did not want and clearly a decrease in human well-being. Also the consequences would include grieving friends, people afraid of the same fate and so on. This just doesn't quite work with fetuses unless you ignore all neurobiology and all effect of human experience. I am not against protecting the weak; I simply think that being a person is more than being a living bag of cells. The degree in which a fetus cares or is aware of this world can not possible even be comparable even if there were hidden secrets of the brain/mind/soul we didn't know about.

Comparing the consequences of killing an adult jew and killing a fetus is just ridicilious.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by the_f_was_that
Look Stu, it is obviously not a clear cut case from a moral standpoint. A compromise has to be done. I think most prochoicers would admit that it is a vey difficult decision and certainly may have lasting negative effects on the directly involved and make the enablers feel uneasy.

Why don't you concede to the negative side of pro life? We might at least make some progress. You would have a rape victim give birth, an underaged girl living in poverty and not being able to provide for her baby give birth, etc., etc.
Don't you ever think that the amount of human potential being wasted is scary or a great loss?

Why must every decision be based on the suffering of the live person only?
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Don't you ever think that the amount of human potential being wasted is scary or a great loss?

Why must every decision be based on the suffering of the live person only?
Scary, no. Great loss, yes, to an extent. Sad. definitely.

I like Sam Harris's opinion that science can be a source for morality and that good means reducing suffering.

Don't you ever think that if there weren't so many people around the world, the rest would have more resources and have a better life quality?

The unborn baby could have discovered the cure for AIDS, just like someone who never got a chance to go to medical/pharmaceutical school.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Don't you ever think that the amount of human potential being wasted is scary or a great loss?

Why must every decision be based on the suffering of the live person only?
Human potential is also wasted when a 17-year old can't go to college or when a raped 12-year old girl dies in delivery.
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05-20-2011 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by FBandit
Human potential is also wasted when a 17-year old can't go to college or when a raped 12-year old girl dies in delivery.
I promise we're not the same person, lol.
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