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I'm pro choice I'm pro choice

05-20-2011 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by loK2thabrain
But your actions dont show that you value their humanity the same. On lives like a king (running water, ample food/shelter/clothing, entertainment of various forms) while the other is going to die next week due to lack of nourishment. The fact that you prefer the entertainment of the one who already has more than any one human needs to be happy says alot more than your words itt do. You can't just say, "no, no, no..i do value the soon to die human just as much as my son" and not expect a lot of rolling eyes. You really can't see that?
By buying my son an XBOX I am not diminishing te ethopians humanity any more than Oprah is diminishing mine by have gourmet chefs prepare food for her dog.

Now if I make the ethopian my property I am valueing my own humanity over his.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
By buying my son an XBOX I am not diminishing te ethopians humanity any more than Oprah is diminishing mine by have gourmet chefs prepare food for her dog.

Now if I make the ethopian my property I am valueing my own humanity over his.
The same resources could have been used to save the ethiopian kid. You are happy to force responsibility to a raped ethiopian women by preventing them to have an abortion, but nobody has a responsibility to take care of the ethiopian woman or the kid?
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by bunny
I think the way we treat people is the same - me preferring my wife doesnt mean I value every aspect of her above other people. I recognise she has flaws. I recognise there are certain rights she has which are shared by all people. Nonetheless, in some unspecified 'weighted average' kind of way - she's more important to me than anyone else. Declaring some 'humanity' quality which is shared between all people isnt really a practical concept it seems to me to just be a way of feeling good about the fact that one actually values some people more than others - when push comes to shove and you are forced into making a choice (by saving a life or spending a dollar).

My ultimate position is that who is more important to you and who you treat preferentially and who you value more are all the same.
You admit you prefer your wife over all others. Would you have a random ethopian killed if it meant saving the life, happiness, and well being of your wife? Assume you could not get caught/prosecuted and any other necessities to prevent nit picking.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by FBandit
The same resources could have been used to save the ethiopian kid. You are happy to force responsibility to a raped ethiopian women by preventing them to have an abortion, but nobody has a responsibility to take care of the ethiopian woman or the kid?
Yeah, Stu, that's pretty much what it boils down to. If you defend the unborn, you should also defend them throughout their life as well. Forcing somebody to have a child and not actively helping them after the birth, that's a huge problem with the pro life position.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by FBandit
The same resources could have been used to save the ethiopian kid. You are happy to force responsibility to a raped ethiopian women by preventing them to have an abortion, but nobody has a responsibility to take care of the ethiopian woman or the kid?
The need to take care of the ethopian woman can be elimated the same way the need to care of her unborn child is. Just have the ethopian woman killed. Cluster bombs could solve world hunger.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by Original Position
Without being too coy, I'll beg off on answering this as the notion of the "intrinsic value of human life" is too sophisticated for me to just grant. I'll stick with my original statement: leaving philosophical arguments aside, I don't see a strong Biblical case for condemning abortion. There's a general prohibition against murder (hardly uncommon), but not anything specific about where the boundaries of life are.

If you disagree with this claim, feel free to present such a case.
I don't disagree with you that the bible does not specifically state when life begins. I guess it is implied that life begins at the beginning! For the same reason that I don't see that you could justify killing a 1 year old because the bible is not specific, I don't see that you could justify abortion.

Life begins at conception. Claiming that life starts at any other point is just arbitrary.

My argument would be as follows. Let me know where you disagree.

1. Life begins at conception.
2. Murder is the destruction of life
3. The bible condemns murder
4. Abortion is the destruction of the fetus or embryo after conception.
5. (from 1,2,4) Abortion is the destruction of life, therefore is murder.
6. (from 3,5) The bible condemns abortion.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 11:14 AM
Why didn't God just make it clearer, since he went to such trouble to talk about what bugs are unclean and which are ok, and what should be done to homosexuals? He either

1. Is incompetent
2. Didn't care
3. Wrongly thought it was obvious

Which is it?
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 11:23 AM
Also, I submit that pro lifers in this thread who argue that a fetus is the same as a human being and abortion the same as genocide don't really believe that. There have been 17,000,000 abortions this year already, nearly as many as all deaths including natural ones. Another one is happening every second.

If a genocide on that scale was happening in the US and elsewhere, would you really be sitting at your computer playing poker and discussing religion, or spending most of your time trying to stop it? If your pregnant friend announced she was going to take someone to a murder clinic and have them murdered, would you sit by and let it happen, or would intervene? If thousands of genocide practitioners lived among us, each killing hundreds of humans each year, and receiving public funding for it, would you really not do everything you could to stop it?

I submit that you do not really believe that a fetus is a human being, despite what you claim.

Last edited by PingClown; 05-20-2011 at 11:29 AM.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 11:37 AM
why doesn't life begin when sperm are created? Sperm are alive. It seems like stating life starts at conception is just arbitrary.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by BrokeDonk
why doesn't life begin when sperm are created? Sperm are alive. It seems like stating life starts at conception is just arbitrary.
I don't see how you can say this with a straight face.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I don't see how you can say this with a straight face.
The same applies for the fetus, especially the very early stages.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by BrokeDonk
why doesn't life begin when sperm are created? Sperm are alive. It seems like stating life starts at conception is just arbitrary.
They are discriminating against pre-fertilized people.

Also if life begins at conception, how should we deal with monozygotic twins? Are they one human being that was split into two, so killing one of them is just killing half a human being or what? Did God bring another soul when the embryo split?
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 12:07 PM
I'm sure God can figure out the twins/soul thing. I'm not sure what he does for this situation though:
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I don't disagree with you that the bible does not specifically state when life begins. I guess it is implied that life begins at the beginning! For the same reason that I don't see that you could justify killing a 1 year old because the bible is not specific, I don't see that you could justify abortion.

Life begins at conception. Claiming that life starts at any other point is just arbitrary.
Many people (myself included) believe that "human life" begins once the fetus can survive on its own without being attached to an umbilical cord.

There is nothing "arbitrary" about this belief.

Originally Posted by Jibninjas
My argument would be as follows. Let me know where you disagree.

1. Life begins at conception.
2. Murder is the destruction of life
3. The bible condemns murder
4. Abortion is the destruction of the fetus or embryo after conception.
5. (from 1,2,4) Abortion is the destruction of life, therefore is murder.
6. (from 3,5) The bible condemns abortion.
I disagree with #1.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 12:48 PM
Life began at abiogenesis. Claiming that life starts at any other point is just arbitrary.

I am semi-serious.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by FBandit
Life began at abiogenesis. Claiming that life starts at any other point is just arbitrary.
Life began in the garden of Eden. Everybody who says otherwise should be burned for herecy.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I don't disagree with you that the bible does not specifically state when life begins. I guess it is implied that life begins at the beginning! For the same reason that I don't see that you could justify killing a 1 year old because the bible is not specific, I don't see that you could justify abortion.

Life begins at conception. Claiming that life starts at any other point is just arbitrary.

My argument would be as follows. Let me know where you disagree.

1. Life begins at conception.
2. Murder is the destruction of life
3. The bible condemns murder
4. Abortion is the destruction of the fetus or embryo after conception.
5. (from 1,2,4) Abortion is the destruction of life, therefore is murder.
6. (from 3,5) The bible condemns abortion.
Would you charge women who have abortions with murder? What about women who drink or smoke or harm the fetus with prescription drugs. Would you charge them with assault?

I dont care for abortion. But this is where i get tripped up.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
I disagree with #1.
#2 is also way off. Murder is not "the destruction of life", or I'm doing murder right now by breathing. Murder is the illegitimate taking of human life that has a conscious, self aware entity associated with it [even if temporarily asleep, passed out, etc]. The conscious entity association is required since things like Hela cells are indeed human life.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Would you charge women who have abortions with murder? What about women who drink or smoke or harm the fetus with prescription drugs. Would you charge them with assault?

I dont care for abortion. But this is where i get tripped up.
I don't think that passing laws is going to really help the situation. I have heard that something like 70% of abortions are from poor women. Maybe a more effective strategy would be to help the poor.

Now if you are asking could the government justifiably pass a law that would call abortion murder, yes. But I am not concerned with the law really. My stance has nothing to do with the law, nor do I feel the need for other people to be punished for what I have personally deemed immoral.(baring in mind that there are many situations that I would not want to find myself in)
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I don't disagree with you that the bible does not specifically state when life begins. I guess it is implied that life begins at the beginning! For the same reason that I don't see that you could justify killing a 1 year old because the bible is not specific, I don't see that you could justify abortion.

Life begins at conception. Claiming that life starts at any other point is just arbitrary.

My argument would be as follows. Let me know where you disagree.

1. Life begins at conception.
2. Murder is the destruction of life
3. The bible condemns murder
4. Abortion is the destruction of the fetus or embryo after conception.
5. (from 1,2,4) Abortion is the destruction of life, therefore is murder.
6. (from 3,5) The bible condemns abortion.
Okay, my point is that its strange that being pro-life is so common among evangelicals when it doesn't seem to be a view based on Biblical support. You argue that it is based on the Bible, but in doing so you appeal to only one Biblical principle--that murder is wrong. But yet almost everyone that is pro-choice agrees with this principle. So if both evangelicals and non-evangelicals accept this principle, you haven't explained why they disagree about abortion.

Incidentally, (2) is obviously false.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
Okay, my point is that its strange that being pro-life is so common among evangelicals when it doesn't seem to be a view based on Biblical support. You argue that it is based on the Bible, but in doing so you appeal to only one Biblical principle--that murder is wrong. But yet almost everyone that is pro-choice agrees with this principle. So if both evangelicals and non-evangelicals accept this principle, you haven't explained why they disagree about abortion.

Incidentally, (2) is obviously false.
First, you are right that two is vague. I should have made it a more specific claim (only spent 2 min writing that so that's what I get). We can change it to

2. Murder is the unjustified destruction of a human life.

As far as why they disagree, I am not sure what you are looking for here. The disagreement is on when life starts. I think that it is arbitrary and unjustified to say that life starts anything other than at conception. I cannot give you a reason why people would think differently as I have never heard a justified case for this.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by BrokeDonk
why doesn't life begin when sperm are created? Sperm

are alive. It seems like stating life starts at conception is just arbitrary.
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I don't see how you can say this with a straight face.

He might as well say life begins when a star creates a carbon atom.

Conception and the resulting zygote is the first moment/thing you can point to as a new and distinct organism.
I'm pro choice Quote
05-20-2011 , 02:18 PM
really? spermatazoa aren't new and distinct organisms?
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05-20-2011 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by BrokeDonk
really? spermatazoa aren't a new and distinct organism?
They are gamete cells of an existing organism.
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05-20-2011 , 02:22 PM
they're still alive and swim around
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