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If I invented a religion... (Ideology vrs. No Ideology) If I invented a religion... (Ideology vrs. No Ideology)

05-13-2013 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
I don't see what's huh about that.
Apparently, you don't know where sentences begin and end.
If I invented a religion... (Ideology vrs. No Ideology) Quote
05-13-2013 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Yes, this should be unproblematic. Areligious would mean something ala "a subject who holds no particular religious standard, principle, code, or knowledge".

Since the core aspect of "religion" is that it is organized, so you could essentially even believe in a god and be areligious under this definition.
Under the second sentence, would you say that there's a redundancy if someone says "organized religion"? That seems like an odd way to characterize "the core aspect" of religion.

For example, would someone who believe in karma be areligious? Why or why not? (I'm having trouble understanding how you're separating out religion from non-religion.)
If I invented a religion... (Ideology vrs. No Ideology) Quote
05-13-2013 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
I'm still confused as to why you would want all the hassle of starting your own cult rather than just joining an established church/synagogue/temple?
If I invented a religion... (Ideology vrs. No Ideology) Quote
05-13-2013 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
I'm pretty sure that cults have a bad return--multi-level marketing would be a much better idea.

Anyway, I'm serious here. I suspect that Hector Cerif wants to join a religion, but thinks he can't or shouldn't because he is an atheist. I don't think he should let that stop him.
If I invented a religion... (Ideology vrs. No Ideology) Quote
05-15-2013 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
Apparently, you don't know where sentences begin and end.
Aaron, you could easily respond more charitably, but you frequently resort to these petty lines instead. I'm just curious as to why?

Why should I care? I often value your contributions, when you are not being pointlessly belligerent. But perhaps that's just who you are and I shouldn't expect you to be something that you're not.
If I invented a religion... (Ideology vrs. No Ideology) Quote
05-15-2013 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
Apparently, you don't know where sentences begin and end.
Well, you can be as patronising as you like, but, what I said stands.

Your 'sentence' presented two assertions seperated by a Discounting term (the word 'but'). I read your sentence like this:
Your lack of religious belief is not as equally divisive as religious beliefs,


your other beliefs can be as equally divisive, or even greater than, religious beliefs.
I agree with your first assertion, I think it's funny that you then discounted your own objection since I could have no objection to that and used the word 'but' to emphasize your second assertion and to contrast the two claims, and I do not agree with your second assertion for the reason given.

Now, how would I have read the sentence if you had written it like this:

Your other beliefs can be as equally divisive, or even greater than, religious beliefs,


Your lack of religious belief is not as equally divisive as religious beliefs. [

Yes, quite, doesn't support your position as well written that way does it. So please don't tell me that I don't know where sentences start and finish.
If I invented a religion... (Ideology vrs. No Ideology) Quote
05-15-2013 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by BeaucoupFish
Aaron, you could easily respond more charitably, but you frequently resort to these petty lines instead. I'm just curious as to why?
It mostly depends on who I'm talking to. With MB, I find that he's very often just planting himself deep in the sand trying to affirm the rightness of his position to the point of being utterly illogical. I won't link it, but there was a time that he was basically asserting that his speculations (his word) were just as valid as any other idea that's out there. He has told me several times that I'm committing logical errors, but has never been able to actually identify the error (and I don't mean by naming it, I mean that he can't actually FIND where I've made my error -- but he insists that it's there).

In this case, he has a central belief that religion is the most divisive set of beliefs, which is quite clearly questionable and likely false (see most of the conflicts in the 20th centry, where politics/ethnicity have been at the core). We characterize human conflict as primarily being structured around in-group/out-group, which is a characteristic not limited to religious viewpoints.

Why should I care? I often value your contributions, when you are not being pointlessly belligerent. But perhaps that's just who you are and I shouldn't expect you to be something that you're not.
There is a very real sense in which I ratchet up according to the level of rhetoric or unintelligibility of the individual I'm addressing. If it appears that way to you, feel free to ignore those posts. Nothing of significance is likely to be expressed in those posts, and they are easy to identify.
If I invented a religion... (Ideology vrs. No Ideology) Quote
05-15-2013 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Hector Cerif
Lol, awesome.

Probably not much -- I'm thinking it has more to do with procedure than anything.

I just grew up going to church, and feel like something is missing without it as I begin to raise my family. Going to a ***** humanist "meeting" or whatever seems weak to me. I want the whole church experience. I want to sit and listen to some "preacher" talk about how to live a good life, sing songs with members of my community, and maybe pitch in or do good deeds or whatever when there's a need in the community.

I just don't want this to create divisions in humanity and used as a justification for evil. I don't know if it would or not, though; but it's worth thinking about.
I think if you took a few sundays visiting churches, you might find one that is not so evil. Maybe not at first glance, but there might be a couple good people in one of them.
If I invented a religion... (Ideology vrs. No Ideology) Quote
05-15-2013 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
He has told me several times that I'm committing logical errors, but has never been able to actually identify the error (and I don't mean by naming it, I mean that he can't actually FIND where I've made my error -- but he insists that it's there).

In this case, he has a central belief that religion is the most divisive set of beliefs, which is quite clearly questionable and likely false
This one is not a named fallacy, it's just your standard habit of misrepresenting of someone's position, because what I actually said was "At this point I'm not sure if there is anything more divisive than religion."

Nice dodge on the sentence issue, perhaps you should work on your close analysis.

Classic Aaron. I wonder how close you are to spending ages digging up old quotes to try and prove your point right now. I'd actually like to see where I 'insisted' that you committed a fallacy that I couldn't name, the way you put it it even sounds ridiculous to me that I would do that, but I think all you'll prove is how prone you are to exaggeration and ad hominen attacks when my post says something like 'I think you're committing a fallacy but I don't know what it's called'. Bit of a stretch from that to 'insist'. Hey, maybe I will know now because I'm learning all the time .

Now, no more off topic posts from me.

lol@ the post below this one though.

Last edited by Mightyboosh; 05-15-2013 at 06:10 PM.
If I invented a religion... (Ideology vrs. No Ideology) Quote
05-15-2013 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
I wonder how close you are to spending ages digging up old quotes to try and prove your point right now.
There's this thing called a "Search Function." It took less than a minute.

I'd actually like to see where I 'insisted' that you committed a fallacy that I couldn't name, the way you put it it even sounds ridiculous to me that I would do that, but I think all you'll prove is how prone you are to exaggeration and ad hominen attacks when my post says something like 'I think you're committing a fallacy but I don't know what it's called'. Bit of a stretch from that to 'insist'. Hey, maybe now know I will because I'm learning all the time .
Here's the thread:

The conversation runs from Post #49 to Post #55 (but see also Post #37 for "Fallacy fallacy").

Post #50 is where you make the accusation:

Originally Posted by you
That power struggles occur with significant shifts in knowledge also doesn't refute, or justify, that religious persecution occurred in order to suppress anti-doctrinal thinking. You're probably committing another fallacy there that I don't know the name of.
Post #54, you reiterate the accusation:

Originally Posted by you
No. You asked me to explain what I felt your error was, I'm not proposing that as an argument, I'm refuting your original point by pointing out that it's meaningless (probably some kind of fallacy) and certainly doesn't refute my point.
Post #55, my response:

Originally Posted by me
Huh? Suggesting that I committed "some kind of fallacy" is not the same as actually indicating that I made a mistake. Also, the statement quoted above makes very little sense. You're saying that when I asked you to explain my error, you're not actually pointing out an error in my argumentation?
I'll let anyone who cares to read pass whatever judgment they determine is appropriate.
If I invented a religion... (Ideology vrs. No Ideology) Quote
05-15-2013 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
lol@ the post below this one though.
Ask and ye shall receive.

Originally Posted by you
I'd actually like to see where I 'insisted' that you committed a fallacy...
If I invented a religion... (Ideology vrs. No Ideology) Quote
05-16-2013 , 05:32 PM
I was hoping the Fallacy fallacy would mean "fallacy of arguing from allusion to an unspecified fallacy" and then I was hoping there was some way of massaging that a bit so I could accuse you of the "Fallacy fallacy" fallacy

Where is Lewis Carrol when you need him?
If I invented a religion... (Ideology vrs. No Ideology) Quote
05-16-2013 , 05:35 PM
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
If I invented a religion... (Ideology vrs. No Ideology) Quote
05-16-2013 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by zumby
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
I still haven't figured that one out yet.
If I invented a religion... (Ideology vrs. No Ideology) Quote
05-16-2013 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I was hoping the Fallacy fallacy would mean "fallacy of arguing from allusion to an unspecified fallacy" and then I was hoping there was some way of massaging that a bit so I could accuse you of the "Fallacy fallacy" fallacy
Ah but if an unspecified fallacy was actually being alluded to then you'd be guilty of the fallacy fallacy fallacy fallacy. I think. I'd ask for help but I've made that mistake before. Plus the word fallacy has lost what little meaning it had for me anyway.
If I invented a religion... (Ideology vrs. No Ideology) Quote
