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If a Christian has ever attacked you about poker, I need your story If a Christian has ever attacked you about poker, I need your story

07-04-2013 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Tr1p0nMyBluf
... But here I am playing a game that may as well be called, "prey on the less skilled".
Unless this is a total luck game, like Candy Land or Shoots 'n Ladders, this is what every skill based game has you do. Basketball, Hockey, Spades...

If praying on the less skilled bothers you, then don't be like the bumm-hunting arces and play with good people at the tables. If you see a fish at the table buddy up with him a bit and sandbag a little when you are against each other. There is no rule to say you need to skin every fish.

St. Paul tells us to do everything in regards to our conscience. That we shouldn't do those things that make us feel uncomfortable spiritually. He also says that even though we may feel ok (or as he says "have a stronger faith") in some areas, understand that others don't for whatever reason. He admonishes both parties that you arnt wrong for being ok with it and they arnt wrong for not being ok but that both parties need to respect each other for that.

A Cardinal wouldn't dig out on Black Sabbath not because Black Sabbath is necessarily bad but because he has a greater responsibility to his church who have people in it who do. When you are in a place of leadership as he is, you have a greater duty to them than to yourself.

If you have people in your life who have problems with it, whom you care about, and value their opinion of you then drop poker. Its not worth it because it's just a game. The people you have in your life are much, much more valuable than any BBJ you could ever win.

Last edited by DucoGranger; 07-04-2013 at 09:40 PM.
If a Christian has ever attacked you about poker, I need your story Quote
07-05-2013 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Tr1p0nMyBluf
I'm providing a service to my clients that they need for their well being.

What does "me winning at poker" do for the casual player (the fish)? What do I contribute not only to him but to anyone?
you provide a service to the other players that they need for their well being.

there is no poker game without an opponent. if someone chooses to play poker with you, that's how they choose to spend their money in search of entertainment. they want to play poker. they are choosing to spend their money on entertainment for themself, and you are providing that service.

you playing poker with him is not significantly different in that respect than being a tennis pro that plays with people at the country club that don't bring their own friend to play against.
If a Christian has ever attacked you about poker, I need your story Quote
07-05-2013 , 06:12 PM
These are good points, thank you.

I appreciate all of the insight.

Oh and my apologies to the OP as well, LOL. The thread has nothing to do with the title.

Iv'e never been attacked but I had very "religious" tax clients who were high fiv-ing the failure of some state poker regulation at my desk a few years ago. They were very closed-minded about the subject and were pretty bent on the fact that ALL of their personal beliefs should be hard laws and should be forced on everyone for their own good.
If a Christian has ever attacked you about poker, I need your story Quote
