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How do people STILL believe in a soul? How do people STILL believe in a soul?

06-21-2012 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by zumby
Basically, it's not this:

Neeel is saying that the experience of seeing the car does not involve a second.. er.. experiencer within the mind. Obviously you guys don't literally imagine a little homunculus you call "Self", but hopefully the image demonstrates the concept.
Im also saying that the experience of seeing the car does not involve a first experiencer either. Its an important point
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
This is another assumption that you're putting on the system. In particular, as it applies to mathematics and logic, it's a HUGE assumption. As it applies to "me" it's also less clear. If you claim that "I" am my physical body, you would be right. But that simply begs the question.
It just seems to me that we discover logical absolutes rather than construct them. A formal system of logic that constructs rather than discovers absolutes within reality would be incoherent (what meaning could absolute have in this context?) and useless. Any idea could necessarily be true. We know this isn't the case.

BTW...this is *way* over my pay grade. Hopefully OrP will jump in and help clarify this particular point (on either side).

This is a different topic. As noted above, the claims that I'm making here are merely upon the existence of the soul. I don't claim that Christian theology cascades out from the existence of a soul.
That's fair and it's probably beyond the scope of the thread anyway. As a quick aside, would you ever be willing to do an 'Ask Me' thread? I would be very interested to see how you came to your current state of beliefs (and the methodology you used).
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
It just seems to me that we discover logical absolutes rather than construct them. A formal system of logic that constructs rather than discovers absolutes within reality would be incoherent (what meaning could absolute have in this context?) and useless. Any idea could necessarily be true. We know this isn't the case.

BTW...this is *way* over my pay grade. Hopefully OrP will jump in and help clarify this particular point (on either side).
This is where things get interesting. I'm not saying that we necessarily "construct" the logical system. It can be "out there" for us to discover, but it's "out there" in an immaterial way. The statement "1+1=2" isn't found by looking at rocks and trees, but it's still there in some real way... just not in a physical way.

(Undoubtedly, OrP knows precise search words to try to get a few SEP articles on the matter. You might be able to find something in the physicalism and the dualism articles, but there may also be something else out there that is directed more at this specific question.)

As a quick aside, would you ever be willing to do an 'Ask Me' thread? I would be very interested to see how you came to your current state of beliefs (and the methodology you used).
Not in the near future. Responding to these posts has already put me a little behind in a couple of projects. And these are things where I'm spitting out a couple paragraphs at a time. An "Ask Me" thread will probably require much more time than I have right now.
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Would you quit with the emphasis on the end result.

Scripture outlines the gnosis process.

There are beginning and end points to it.
*nods* So you grasp what my post was saying? You know it, experience it, find it to be truthful, etc? OK.

So.....when you expressed this judgment:

Just nobody bothers to know them any more. They're too busy with science and earning a buck and other things...
You were making an illustrative point? When this thought arose from your conditioned mind, and you chose to attach to it and identify with it, the expression of the judgment of your self/story was so all could see how it works?
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 01:30 PM
Larry is the pilot of a jet, flying from Miami to Seattle. The jet is currently on auto-pilot.
The spirit of man is like the pilot.
The body/soul of man is like the jet, a vehicle for spirit.
And when one believes they are--(attaches to and identifies with)--the jet,
they are (mostly) on auto-pilot, flying by programming and conditioning.
And a whole "story of self" develops from the trips taken on auto-pilot.
Which is also attached to and identified with
And that story of self is what most think they are.
When in truth, they are being of the Being; spirit; Larry the pilot.

Last edited by ajmargarine; 06-21-2012 at 01:38 PM.
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
Larry is the pilot of a jet, flying from Miami to Seattle. The jet is currently on auto-pilot.
The spirit of man is like the pilot.
The body/soul of man is like the jet, a vehicle for spirit.
And when one believes they are--(attaches to and identifies with)--the jet, they are (mostly) on auto-pilot, flying by programming and conditioning.
Confusing metaphor, but nm

Even when one doesnt believe they are the jet, they are still on auto pilot, flying by programming and conditioning. Thats the whole point. Theres no one there, ever.
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 01:42 PM
The one that doesn't believe, is the one that's there.

The jet will fly by it's programming and conditioning; and when Larry hits a button, the jet will fly according to the new input.

Last edited by ajmargarine; 06-21-2012 at 01:53 PM.
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
The one that doesn't believe, is the one that's there.

The jet will fly by it's programming and conditioning. Unless Larry chooses to hit a button and then the jet will fly according to the new input.
If the one that doesnt believe is the one thats there, then that means that there is in fact a self. You cant have it both ways, you cant say, theres not a self, except when there is.

There is no entity, no one, no self, that is doing the believing, or doing the non believing. Im sure you know that by now.

Sorry to disappoint you, but there is no self, anywhere. Ever.
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 02:00 PM
Especially in alzheimer's and amnesiac patients.
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by neeeel
If the one that doesnt believe is the one thats there, then that means that there is in fact a self. You cant have it both ways, you cant say, theres not a self, except when there is.

There is no entity, no one, no self, that is doing the believing, or doing the non believing. Im sure you know that by now.

Sorry to disappoint you, but there is no self, anywhere. Ever.
Any chance you would expound in the thread RLK created? I think I got your position right, but am not sure.
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by neeeel
If the one that doesnt believe is the one thats there, then that means that there is in fact a self.
Examine this. You are equating 'the one that's there' and 'self'. Because you already know the self is illusionary and ultimately not real, you are believing that the 'one that's there' doesn't exist.

You are taking the one thing that everyone can know and denying it.
I exist. I am. There is a 'one that's there' named aj, named neeeeel, named Larry.
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
I'm curious RLK, how would you go about reasoning split brain patients that experience two distinct 'selfs'.
Do you have a reference? I am aware of the phenomenon which occurs when the corpus callosum is severed. That is what I think of as "split brain syndrome". In that case, I have never read that the victim experiences two distinct "selfs". There are problems, such as an inability to verbally express the result of an observation perceived with the wrong side of the brain from the verbal center. But that is the extent of my knowledge, so I would need to see your source to comment.
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by RLK
Do you have a reference? I am aware of the phenomenon which occurs when the corpus callosum is severed. That is what I think of as "split brain syndrome". In that case, I have never read that the victim experiences two distinct "selfs". There are problems, such as an inability to verbally express the result of an observation perceived with the wrong side of the brain from the verbal center. But that is the extent of my knowledge, so I would need to see your source to comment.
After a cursory search it looks like I was mistaken.

I would like to discuss something else related to the idea of self, but will do so in the 'sense of self' thread you created.
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
Examine this. You are equating 'the one that's there' and 'self'. Because you already know the self is illusionary and ultimately not real, you are believing that the 'one that's there' doesn't exist.
again, there is nothing here, no entity, that is doing the believing or non believing.
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
After a cursory search it looks like I was mistaken.

I would like to discuss something else related to the idea of self, but will do so in the 'sense of self' thread you created.
No problem. We all make mistakes.

It obviously occured to me to use this as an argument for my point, but with a little thought I could come up with enough confounding counterarguments to render this inconclusive, so there is no point.
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
Not in any real sense, no.
I think you better re-think that statement.
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I think you better re-think that statement.
I'll not be taking reasoning advice from you. kthxbai
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by neeeel
again, there is nothing here, no entity, that is doing the believing or non believing.
neeeel, love to you.
i am led to get involved.

a piper plays a pipe..
but also plays a role..
how attached to that role are You?

don't answer this.
just contemplate.


do you consider yourself to be 'better' ( in the "deserving to exist" sense ), than say, a big turd in the gutter?
this answer relates to the above question.

what part of you do you believe it is, that has at some point felt the need to stop playing that role?


why is it that our personalities are not a big enough clue as to the existence of a Soul?

it seems to me, that the "evidence" lies in All of Our Soul-Fed Personas..
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
I'll not be taking reasoning advice from you. kthxbai
Ooh...I went to deep for you so you thought you'd act out, huh?

Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.

Under causal chain see:

Sequence of events

Sequence of events is Time.

You don't think having a family isn't do to a sequence of events?

Nm. kthxbai!
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
The most concise way of saying it is that the soul is that which experiences reality.
So, animals have souls? Bugs? Do trees? Do viruses?
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by weaselgirl
So, animals have souls? Bugs? Do trees? Do viruses?
Do they have an experience of reality, or are they merely responding to it mechanistically (ie, pure stimulus/response)?
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
Do they have an experience of reality, or are they merely responding to it mechanistically (ie, pure stimulus/response)?
Do we have an experience of reality, or are we merely responding to it mechanistically? There is no division or separation between the experience, and reality.
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Ooh...I went to deep for you so you thought you'd act out, huh?

Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.

Under causal chain see:

Sequence of events

Sequence of events is Time.

You don't think having a family isn't do to a sequence of events?

Nm. kthxbai!
LOL Unless you want to include a butterfly flapping its wings 30,000 years ago in the causal chain to your coffee choice this morning, you should understand why I'm not necessarily qualifying a family as a causal chain.
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
you should understand why I'm not necessarily qualifying a family as a causal chain.
What was wrong with my white dwarf example?
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
06-21-2012 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by EnlightenedRaise
do you consider yourself to be 'better' ( in the "deserving to exist" sense ), than say, a big turd in the gutter?
this answer relates to the above question.

this question doesnt make much sense. Deserve to exist? Theres no such thing as deserve. And I dont exist. Theres a bunch of atoms and stuff here, theres a bunch of atoms and stuff in the gutter. Actually, theres just a bunch of stuff everywhere, but I havent seen that clearly yet.

Originally Posted by EnlightenedRaise
what part of you do you believe it is, that has at some point felt the need to stop playing that role?
Not sure what you mean here. Realisations can be had, without any "one" to have them.
How do people STILL believe in a soul? Quote
